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Bobo Fett Vs Batman


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omg who cares about canon this canon that. what really matters is how badly boba would get destroyed by batman.


well like I said Boba gets killed by a Blind Smuggler. One shotted really. Batman however killed Darksied a guy who is more powerfull then superman.

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Here is the exact quote from the DVD commentary




He still says Boba Fett is dead there. He talks about doing 2 things.


1. having him crawl out which wouldn't fit ( keep in mind George has no problem adding in scenes with Boba Fett to A New Hope and the extra scene during the Musical number in Jabba's Palace..... yeah Lucas thought a song and dance fit more then Boba fett escaping.)


2. Making his DEATH more exciting.


But he still says he dies



here is another quote from George about Boba





and one more quote about it




now find me one quote where George says "Boba Fett doesn't die"



The Bounty Hunter Wars are not canon for several reasons.


1. Boba Fett survives - as we established G-canon states that he is dead


2. The entire Bounty Hunter History. - with the Clone Wars we are seeing an entire retcon of Boba Fetts backstory and how he met the other Bounty hunters and their individual stories.


3. Everything after ROTJ is not canon. - George Lucas said in an interview that everything that happens after ROTJ doesn't happen. Here is the exact quote






As for the Canon levels, yes I am well versed on them and one of the main points of C-canon is that for it to be canon it CAN NOT CONTRADICT G or T canon. Boba Fett surviving does this therefore it is not canon.



The only reason Boba Fett books are still being written is because they discovered any book that has Boba Fett on the cover sells far more then any other star wars book. So they keep making them but that doesn 't make it canon.


Just because it has the Lucas Films logo on it doesn't make it canon.


Is Star Tours in Disney World Canon???? No of course not.


And of course you missed the point. He says INSTEAD OF, but you don't get it. The Original Screenplay is still G-Canon. Also, if he really wanted Fett to be dead, he would have retconned all Boba Fett books and comics that portray him as alive after RotJ. He hasn't. It's still C-Canon at the very least, and thanks to that little loophole, it's most likely also G-Canon. Just because it didn't fit into RotJ, doesn't make it less true. It did NOT contradict the rest of the movie. There would have been no repercussion if he HAD climbed out at the end, other than there would have been no doubt. You also missed the part where he DID say it was "possible" when asked in that same USA Today interview if Fett could possibly make it out. I mean, he DID originally write it that way. George only "declared" him "dead" since it was convenient, and he honestly doesn't care what the fans think.


But whatever. You'll probably tell us all that "Han shot last" next, right?


But seriously, Batman has come back from the "dead". So has Boba Fett. Just another thing they have in common.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Batman beats Boba Fett without any issues .


Batman is just too bad*** plan and simple . There is 1billion reasons he would win and why Boba would lose . I like Boba Fett but Batman is able to beat Godlike beings , as he has done to Superman .

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that doesn't matter. Like I said before the EU has to fit in with G-canon to be considered canon.


The only way that Boba Fett living could be canon would be if George added a new scene in ROTJ where he lives OR if george lucas comes out and says Boba Fett did not die in the Sarlac pit.


Boba fett was also in Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi



That game was 100% made by Lucas Arts.


Jedi Acadamy wasn't made by Lucasarts AT ALL.


StarWars EU does not fit in Lucas Canon , its really a bunch of bull and a way to sell movies and make sure EU never causes issues with Movies .

When people talk of canon ("Not Directed just to poster but all Canon Posters") it reminds me of "My daddy said this is that and that is this" , really the whole Canon thing is kinda wacky and self defeating .

DC never pulls canon card with Movies , Books , Comics, and Games

Marvel..............same as above

People just always seem to move past canon issues and enjoy stories whatnot . Maybe this is why StarWars fans seem emo .

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And of course you missed the point. He says INSTEAD OF, but you don't get it. The Original Screenplay is still G-Canon. Also, if he really wanted Fett to be dead, he would have retconned all Boba Fett books and comics that portray him as alive after RotJ. He hasn't. It's still C-Canon at the very least, and thanks to that little loophole, it's most likely also G-Canon. Just because it didn't fit into RotJ, doesn't make it less true. It did NOT contradict the rest of the movie. There would have been no repercussion if he HAD climbed out at the end, other than there would have been no doubt. You also missed the part where he DID say it was "possible" when asked in that same USA Today interview if Fett could possibly make it out. I mean, he DID originally write it that way. George only "declared" him "dead" since it was convenient, and he honestly doesn't care what the fans think.


But whatever. You'll probably tell us all that "Han shot last" next, right?


But seriously, Batman has come back from the "dead". So has Boba Fett. Just another thing they have in common.


holy crap i'm really suprised you are this dense.


1. He did retcon it when he created the new canon system in 2004. The books that had Boba crawl out where originally written back in the 1990s. He continues retconing it with the clone wars tvs series Every episode with Boba ends up changing his story thus invalditing the original stories about him such as the Bounty Hunter wars.


2. The original scripts are NOT g-canon. I have no idea where you get this idea.




read up on G-canon.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


No where does it say the original drafts are g-canon. If that where true then it's g-canon that Ewoks are actually Wookies and its G-canon that Lando is dead.


But hey the balls in your court SHOW ME 1 draft of ROTJ where it says Boba Fett lives. The truth is that was NEVER in any version of the script. Its just something fanboys made up. But prove me wrong show me this mythical first draft that says that.


3. ROFL now you say there is a quote where George says Boba Fett could make it out??? Ok show me that quote.


4. Having Boba Fett live does change the story. Because now it completely changes Han Solo's ending. Before all reminents of his former life as a smugler where destroyed (Jaba the Hutt and Boba Fett) But if Boba Fett survives then his new life with Leia is not safe. So i'm sorry but it is important that he stays dead.



It doesn't matter what you think George lucas thinks. The canon rules which you yourself have tried using state that Boba Fett is dead..



For the last time George Lucas NEVER wrote a version of ROTJ where Boba Fett lives. If you really believe that then show me that script.

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And of course you missed the point. He says INSTEAD OF, but you don't get it. The Original Screenplay is still G-Canon. Also, if he really wanted Fett to be dead, he would have retconned all Boba Fett books and comics that portray him as alive after RotJ. He hasn't. It's still C-Canon at the very least, and thanks to that little loophole, it's most likely also G-Canon.


Actually, you are the one that doesn't get it.

Lucas (and people that work for him) has explicitly stated that Fett died in RotJ. His word is absolute canon whether you like it or not. The reason Lucas hasn't retconned Fett out of the EU is because Fett brings in tons of profit. It would be a stupid financial decision to delete Fett from all the EU stuff.


Fett died in RotJ. That's an indisputable fact of the SW universe that Lucas created. What happened in the separate EU does not change that fact.



But whatever. You'll probably tell us all that "Han shot last" next


Han did shoot last. Watch the latest version of the film.

Lucas owns Star Wars. It's canon. Deal with it.

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Whaaat the heck is with you people? Why do you even care what Lucas has to say? According to him, the EU doesn't exist, and you may as well have stopped paying attention to anything Star Wars related the second you finished watching the six movies.
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not at all "mandalorian armor" is a lucas art production. fett lives. the whole of the events in "mandalorian armor" "slave ship" and "hard merchandise" (the bounty hunter trilogy) happen in parallel to the events of episode 4, 5, and 6. and not once do they contradict it Edited by grandmthethird
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Also for the Discussion, Jar Jar is right. G-Canon says Post-ROTJ EU doesn't exist, its all C-Canon according to Chee.


And they haven't retconned the Mando's in TCW TV Show. Filino stated himself that their going to show how Mandalore goes back to its old self in the next season.

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Yeah yeah. In his universe. Whatever. Han shot. End of story. Fett is alive thanks to that loophole. End of story. Deal with it. ---- George Lucas. He's washed up. No control anymore. He's done. The Expanded Universe and Star Wars in general have outgrown him, and he would have to somehow shut the whole thing down to end it. He won't though. Why? Because it makes him too much money.


He brought this on himself by rewriting history in the first place. Only a hack goes back and rewrites his own stories, There, I said it. Good luck, Lucas fanboys. Have fun with your loony toon god going apenuts and rewriting everything every chance he gets. :p


It's not his universe anymore, other than being his cash cow.


That's my new philosophy. George Lucas isn't God here anymore. lol

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Yeah yeah. In his universe. Whatever. Han shot. End of story. Fett is alive thanks to that loophole. End of story. Deal with it. ---- George Lucas. He's washed up. No control anymore. He's done. The Expanded Universe and Star Wars in general have outgrown him, and he would have to somehow shut the whole thing down to end it. He won't though. Why? Because it makes him too much money.


He brought this on himself by rewriting history in the first place. Only a hack goes back and rewrites his own stories, There, I said it. Good luck, Lucas fanboys. Have fun with your loony toon god going apenuts and rewriting everything every chance he gets. :p


It's not his universe anymore, other than being his cash cow.


That's my new philosophy. George Lucas isn't God here anymore. lol


What loop hole? there is no loop hole the canon system is very clear about this.

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Actually, you are the one that doesn't get it.

Lucas (and people that work for him) has explicitly stated that Fett died in RotJ. His word is absolute canon whether you like it or not. The reason Lucas hasn't retconned Fett out of the EU is because Fett brings in tons of profit. It would be a stupid financial decision to delete Fett from all the EU stuff.


Fett died in RotJ. That's an indisputable fact of the SW universe that Lucas created. What happened in the separate EU does not change that fact.





Han did shoot last. Watch the latest version of the film.

Lucas owns Star Wars. It's canon. Deal with it.


LOL Haha!!! Wow. Don't be a blind George follower. Try thinking for yourself. G-Canon is outdated now. He isn't even in control anymore.

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What loop hole? there is no loop hole the canon system is very clear about this.


Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. G-Canon does include unpublished and unused scripts and screenplays, unless they directly contradict the movies. But to me, G-Canon is now dead. To hell with his Canon that has restricted everything. George can take his rewrites and other nonsense and shove it up the chimney for all I care. Star Wars is bigger than he is. It's grown into a huge fan fuelled universe that has a life of its own. I'm done with his garbage, and those who defend it.

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LOL Haha!!! Wow. Don't be a blind George follower. Try thinking for yourself. G-Canon is outdated now. He isn't even in control anymore.


*** it doesnt work that way Just a few posts back you were qouting the canon system.



So tell me what loop hole?


Btw did you find that script yet?

Edited by jarjarloves
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*** it dthat way Just a few posts back you were qouting the canon system.



So tell me what loop hole?


Btw did you find that script yet?


You obviously didn't see my new philosophy. There is no more G-Canon to me. He wants to continue to rewrite history, then that's on him. I'm not buying it anymore. He's a hack, and always will be. Tim Zahn is a better writer. Hell, Kevin J. Anderson is a better writer. Karen Traviss even... ok, not her.


But to answer your question, UNPUBLISHED scripts are still G-Canon, as are original screenplays. But that's all a moot point now. You go find it. I said I'm done arguing with the Lucas Faithful. Your Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. Wonder why you would believe anything on there after someone goes in and edits it.... lol

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You obviously didn't see my new philosophy. There is no more G-Canon to me. He wants to continue to rewrite history, then that's on him. I'm not buying it anymore. He's a hack, and always will be. Tim Zahn is a better writer. Hell, Kevin J. Anderson is a better writer. Karen Traviss even... ok, not her.


But to answer your question, UNPUBLISHED scripts are still G-Canon, as are original screenplays. But that's all a moot point now. You go find it. I said I'm done arguing with the Lucas Faithful. Your Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. Wonder why you would believe anything on there after someone goes in and edits it.... lol


It doesn't matter if you acknowledge G-Canon or not. All that does is make you wrong in Star Wars debates.


On Topic: Aren't they basically the same damn person?

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It doesn't matter if you acknowledge G-Canon or not. All that does is make you wrong in Star Wars debates.


If it's wrong, then I don't want to be right. :D


On Topic: Except for some minor philosophical differences, yep.

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You obviously didn't see my new philosophy. There is no more G-Canon to me. He wants to continue to rewrite history, then that's on him. I'm not buying it anymore. He's a hack, and always will be. Tim Zahn is a better writer. Hell, Kevin J. Anderson is a better writer. Karen Traviss even... ok, not her.


But to answer your question, UNPUBLISHED scripts are still G-Canon, as are original screenplays. But that's all a moot point now. You go find it. I said I'm done arguing with the Lucas Faithful. Your Wiki got that quote wrong, btw. Wonder why you would believe anything on there after someone goes in and edits it.... lol

Rofl so now you undestand that you were wrong and so you now say "i dont like the truth so im going to ignore it and believe whatever I want" ok thats fine you can like the books and eu more then the movies but you cant say thats what really happens.

No wiki didnt get the qoute wrong and the g canon statement is the same on wookiepedia.


The original scripts are not canon that,has never beentrue . Also there is no script where boba esscapes.

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Boba, he can see in the dark, has 360 vision in his helmet, you can't sneak up behind him. Hasn't anyone read "tales of the empire"? He sets traps within traps, and would just blindside batman, while he was at home paying bruce wayne. Thats the way he'd roll.


Considering the "inglorious" way Fett died in ROTJ, I doubt his 360 vision helmet is really all that helpfull ;)

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Rofl so now you undestand that you were wrong and so you now say "i dont like the truth so im going to ignore it and believe whatever I want" ok thats fine you can like the books and eu more then the movies but you cant say thats what really happens.

No wiki didnt get the qoute wrong and the g canon statement is the same on wookiepedia.


The original scripts are not canon that,has never beentrue . Also there is no script where boba esscapes.


This is the last I'm going to say on this subject: If an original screenplay/script didn't exist where Fett climbs out of the Sarlacc, George Lucas never would have mentioned it. He's a hack. Deal with it. He wrote himself into a corner with the Episode III to VI tie-ins about Leia's mother, for Force's sake! LOL


Han Shot.

Han Shot First.

Han Shot Last.

Ugh.... Enough already, George!


ExU has better continuity. I can't believe you're still defending him. I defended him before. I'm done defending him. He doesn't deserve it anymore.

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