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People who know SWTOR best, Top Guild in SWTOR, Leaves... why?


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LOL If you think Titan will be out in the next three years. They havnt even officially named it yet. Look how long Diablo 3 has taken after it was named. Dont get me wrong... im looking forward to what they do with Titan as well.


I am just of the opinion that I will probably be playing Titan with my grandchildren....


its already been in development for like 3-5 years? i mean we first heard about it about 2 years ago so they were prob working on it before then. and bliz is pretty good about keeping a lid on things. maybe 5 more years but i could see it out in 3.

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I'm going to start by saying I despise BioWare for two reasons: they have very poor communication skills and rapport with their customers, and they play PR marketing games rather than being honest and open with their clients.


That being said, I am not a fanboi type, and I see many flaws and issues with SWTOR, but let's be honest, that's not what this post is about. This post is about people who only play the game one way who are angry and intolerant of a game that does not cater to their play-style: competitive end-game raiding and pvping.




This game, since years before launch, has been marketed as a casual story-driven game. There's famous quotes all over the forums from devs saying things like: if you only want to pvp you're not going to like our game, and that's tough because that's not what we're here for.


SWTOR was purposely set up to appeal to a casual player who takes their time leveling up, exploring the worlds around them to find lore and hidden or hard to get items, and people who want to fully enjoy all the content in a game. And by "content" I don't mean that you finished all the end game ops and "violated" all your opponents on a PvP war-zone.


People who are "the best" players in a game don't enjoy the story. They power-leveled their way through this game, space-barred through a huge amount of it, because they wanted to "beat" the game. They rushed through zones and didn't discover codex entries or items on their own, and why bother looking since they can just look it up on a guide later anyway rather than play the game as intended without outside guides and tutorials to skip through the real issue of playing the game: achieving something yourself, not just following a play-guide.


I'm not sorry to see this guild go. I'm not sorry about ANY PvP/End Game competitive jerk who has literally made my play time in this game miserable. They complain, they whine, they snivel, they harass other players. I have had other players follow me around in the PVE environment as I tootled along taking my time and actually harass me telling me how much I was a terrible loser person because I wasn't level 50 and I was too slow and they were better than me. We weren't grouped or anything, they simply had nothing better to do with their time because those poor widdle babies were bored. Tough bantha poodoo. They can get the heck outta Dodge as far as I'm concerned. Their aggressive nasty attitudes were nothing but negativity and annoyance and they surely won't be missed by a casual player like me.


Well congratulations, they beat the game. Please DO let the door smack them on the behinds nice and hard on way out. I surely don't want them here.




Could not have said it any better myself. And thank you, now I don't have to read the rest of this thread :)

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I like how the OP forgot to mention, they are leaving due to they are first and foremost a PVP guild and plan to do that in Guild Wars... also that the guild, jumps from game to game - with ALL games in mind, not just SWTOR...


The (Website) with that info... well, not only are they nobody but I would not be shocked if it was his own.


None the less, all games when there is 5 other games somewhat like this one can go through this. As for laying off 1000 people? I think we will hear about that if EA does that.


None the less.. the OP is a pot siring type for sure.

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I'd still like to know how they figured out they were "the number 1 ranked guild" when there is no way to track those achievements in SWTOR. I can just as easily say I'm the number 1 ranked Juggernaut in the world, and no one can prove me wrong.
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I'd still like to know how they figured out they were "the number 1 ranked guild" when there is no way to track those achievements in SWTOR. I can just as easily say I'm the number 1 ranked Juggernaut in the world, and no one can prove me wrong.


You can't be, I am.

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Because they dont have jobs or girlfriends and got burnt out on the game too quickly. They need more content and its not coming soon enough.


This will not happen to 99.5% or the players. The carrot will always be dangling just out of reach.


For that other guild, they reached the carrot. And it sucked.


It's a common misconception that the top raiding guilds are full of no-lifers. Probably some jealousy there too, but the top guilds actually play for less hours a week than a normal raiding guild, especially once the content is on farm. They will have periods of intense activity when new content appears on the test realms, but after that they play normal hours. I was in a few hardcore guilds in WoW, and rarely raided more than 5 hours in a night. Yes, I also have a very active social life, my own house, car & business.


As an example - we used to clear ICC back at level 80 in a couple of hours on hard-mode - most people wouldn't get anywhere near that even raiding 12 hours a day for the full week. Some guild members also played Arena heavily, but that was their own choice, and had nothing to do with the raiding schedule.

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It is an interesting question in some ways. I run a casual guild - that still managed to get most of the first kills on our server, and we weren't exactly rushing, we just had the advantage of getting ourselves organised in advance and moving off our allocated server to a newer one when the queues on the one we were assigned reached around 4 hours in length.


We're still playing and raiding regularly, but the guild size in SWTOR has gone down a bit, and quite a few people just log for scheduled events and play other games as a guild as well.


We're cautiously optimistic about the new content, we're taking it nice and slowly so we don't burn right through it.


The way I see it, the main problem is that while the levelling experience is one of the best I've ever had, organised guilds can shoot through endgame content quickly even if they only raid 2 nights a week if a) the end game content is limited and b) the content isn't terrifically challenging. That's the problem with new MMOs - people want them to have as much content as the game they just transferred over from and don't always appreciate that it takes longer than 4 months to add the level of end game content that many longer running games have.


My advice to guilds who are twiddling their thumbs in SWTOR together is stay together but mix it up a bit and try out a few other games at the same time. Keep scheduling events for SW, but maybe work in a few other games that guild members are interested in and already play. That way you don't have to lose a good guild because the game wasn't quite ready to totally occupy them yet. Give it another year and there will be more end game content, that's just the way of it.


As for BioWare laying people off - I would have thought they would have hired short term contractors to cover launch, it's the busiest time for any game. Would you be surprised if a department store no longer needed all the builders, site managers, decorators and planners once the store was finished? Of course not. They would have hired people on shorter contracts to cover the first few months and help the permanent team deal with launch issues.

Edited by Amonette
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Sadly, for those who like to play more hardcore, SWTOR offers nothing. While other games depend on casual players for survival, they try to appeal to as many types of players as possible. SWTOR does not, and instead actively discourages any type of hardcore play. Sadly, even those who are not hardcore but enjoy the content and like to have their skill tested finds that this game offers little for them, and so it does not hold their interest.


Unfortunately, there is a stereotype that more hardcore players aren't really interested in content other than what they like, and that they are elitist, nasty and like to put other players down. And the cries of those who proclaim this have been heard, and so many are finding them with little which holds their interest in the game. But the sad thing is that with SWTOR many players are left feeling ignored/uncatered to. And not just because it's a new game which only just launched.


As you said, these players you've mentioned leaving have played other MMORPG's, and so their feelings about SWTOR aren't just being nasty or trying to sink the game or anything like that - they are simply stating honestly that this game doesn't offer what it is they've experienced and what other games have to offer. And for people considering leaving who come to the forums to make a suggestion about things they've seen or experience are often driven out by the forum community.

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I've heard of Condemned and played with them on the PTS.


I'll just say, in the most polite of ways,...


I won't particularly miss them. ;P


But this game IS super casual. I'm playing GW2 soon too! Oh wells. I'll probably still play SWTOR on the side a little too.

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These "top guys" are typical of those gamers who level in two weeks or less. To really enjoy a MMO level at a slow pace and have some interest in the story. Again, its not a race to finish the instances and operations. I doubt they all were fully equipped. Obviously they are MMO devourers. They play one with a view to jumping to the next.


Ultimately, this game will be for Star Wars fans. The hardcore gamers will be long gone.

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Well congratulations, they beat the game. Please DO let the door smack them on the behinds nice and hard on way out. I surely don't want them here.



Ok, I acutally sniped your very very long post (whch I DID real all of) but I leave the last line. First, let me say I agree with you 100% about most of it (while I see some points about why you hate Bioware, I don't 100% agree) it. I agree that those who barrel-rolled to 50 are gone bcause the game wasn't made for them and they um.. skipped content to find out there was no content... well of course there's not any content after you just SKIPPED IT ALL


Then, as for what I left of your post.. I always say to those posting "OMG IM leaving" to not let the door hit them ont he way out, but you sir have just changed my quote..

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Never heard of them.


if they want to rush to cap by skipping most of the story then blow through the scant remaining content more power to them but please understand there is a much larger number of players simply having fun. Myself I am delighting in some of the twists that i am seeing in the class quests, you know it's great story telling when you get the twist and a tingle runs up your spine!


The loss of a few nomadic elites isn't going to hurt the game at all - nor should it. Those nomadic players are not loyal anyway, they come in, rush to cap, win the raids and put them on farm, get bored and move on until the next major patch where they repeat it again for a week or two.

Edited by Bhaers
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