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People who know SWTOR best, Top Guild in SWTOR, Leaves... why?


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the reasons people leave this game are obvious.

no pvp plan, not been able to play fp=no people or lfg tool, no ranked, horrible gears, low population/no merging etc etc.

Really...do tell.

You DO realize that PvP from the get go was intended as an "extra" add-on feature, and never planned as the core mechanic... If you think PvP is more importaint that PvE, might I suggest CoD or BF might be more your speed?


As for Flashpoints...I see people REGULARILY running FPs successfully, given the "I will" replies on my LIGHT and STANDARD servers I play on.


Admittedly some of the GEAR (not gears) looks ugly, but you can always kit yourself with "pretty" gear if you look hard enough. :rolleyes:


As for "Low Population"... I see 40-60 people at peak on Fleet on the lighter population of my (so far) two servers, and I consider that "comfortable," as I don't have to worry (often) about my framerate dropping throught the floor.


As for server merges, MMOs only do that in extremis. Server merges in the industry are generally considered to be step one to extinction.


For Ranked WZs, that was intended from day #1, but has been delayed due to technical concerns. As far as I'm concerned, Ranked WZ would be nice ... but it's never been something I need, even on BF2142, I was happy sitting in the middle of the pack. I was there to HAVE FUN, not grind someone else's face in the mud over how my KDR is 3.24:1 while you're is still sub-1:1.


i do not wish to pay a game and play 100000 times 4 wz maps just to be on a high elo rank.

i wish to raise elo by killing generally enemies and keep my deaths in low ratio..


Say wha? WTH is an elo other than some half-forgotten 80's band?

That being said...PLAY THE FREAKING GAME.


The game is about the STORY. PvP is just something to do while waiting friends/guildies to come available to play content with. That being said, even on my LIGHT (load) server, I rarely hear of people having too many problems filling out an Ops group.


In any case, unless you're playing Chess, Go or Scrabble competatively, Elo is useless, which is why even WoW dropped it.


as a customer it insults my intelligence. i am not a chimp where they can toss me legacy and expect me to keep paying for useless patches that do not solve serious issues. .


What's wrong with Legacy?

I'm STILL doing content with my level 50 Sage, the LS means that I can earn items that customise my experience of the game makes it more enjoyable. The system (which BW specifically states will continue to evolve and bring-in more features and content) allows you to bring your characters under an umbrella of alliances and family. It gives an interesting bit of extra flavour, especially when you consider that RIVAL is one of the options!


As for "SERIOUS" issues...what issues?

Serious PvP issues? How is an issue that only effects maybe 20% of the under 10% of server population (i.e.: the PvP only players) is serious, when about 98% of the players will NEVER see this "Serious" issue?


Most important they do not have a clear plan for sieges, guilds vs guilds etc..


This is NOT SWG, it never was planned to be such!


If they had we would knew about it. They just launched this game because they were exited with what they have accomplished so far. they wanted to share it but now i feel bad and canceled my account..


I repeat: This is NOT SWG, it never was planned to be such!

SW:TOR is an RPG with PvP elements added, and based on the STORY.

SWG was a tactical game with RPG elements added...this is why each planet was it's own SERVER, not instance! Even then, it still took something like 3-5 YEARS before anyone actually managed to organise and conquer a server in SWG!


But most important i don't think anyone has experienced any SW epic fight yet, like in those trailers we've seen.


Really? I consider the space combat to be pretty "epic" for the "high" level battles.

I also consider some of the Planet Boss fights I've been part of to be pretty epic.

That being said, if I want the kind of "EPIC" you're talking about, I'll go log into my BF3 or 2142 accounts, where I can be one of 64 people battling for a map.


So now the game has become boring, unplayable in some servers and repetitive..


How is it boring? Have you already played all 8 classes through to level 50? Wow...I have one 50, one 42, and one 21st after 4 months, playing about 30-40 hours a week. I'm impressed!


How is it unplayable?


Repetative, I'll give you.


i'm sure my cancellation and all of those who did the same act will shake things and motivate BW to start working on some epic SW features, so we can all come back and enjoy.


Well, since you want Warhammer, but you want it in the SW universe, I don't think we'll be seeing you again...


Wish you well with whatever game you finally settle on.

Edited by Borast
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After 1.1 ( in which we got world first clear for night mare content, see link for proof: http://www.swtor.raidranks.com/#!), we saw a large decline in activity.


To put this in perspective, I am the PVE officer/raid leader for the guild. My job was to research every encounter, determine raid makeup, form strategies. I played SWG, have read a **** ton of SWTOR novels (our group got 2nd in the trivia at the summit grrr...). Essentially, I am a huge Star Wars nerd.


However, officers and myself came to the conclusion this game does not cater to our guild's play style. We are a hardcore guild. That doesn't mean we are basement dwelling leeches, but we go after content hard and want to be the best at everything. This patch just made it clear that this game is catered to a different type of gamer. SWTOR has a ton of potential, but just aimed at different crowd.


Presumption: all of your claims are honest...linking to an external website proves zero, sorry.


(Congrats on the second...)

As for the SW nerd... So's my boss... Playing Taris with him tossing *** bombs every few seconds due to the changes in "history" from his previous experience (following canon and non-canon storylines) in KoTOR. He's also noted several continutiy issues regarding certain aspects of the game (due primarily through timeline where race or world "X" sees mention in the game but shouldn't have, since it hasn't been found yet!). He also has fun poo-pooing some of the suggestions that crop-up occasionally for new worlds and races for the same reason. One of them was a race that was discovered less than a century prior to the battle at Yavin...


Lastly, no offence, but the game was advertised as intending to cater to CASUAL gamers from day one, with PvP and Operations added for additional flavour. If the entire point of the game was PvP and Operations, the storylines would have never been written, or at least not as detailed as it is, let alone the lore, datacrons, etc. It was always planned that the journey was more important than the destination.


Anyway...I do wish you luck in whatever game you settle on.

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Thanks for the kind words.


We tried to give back to the community as much as possible. We have had several members of the SWTOR community thank us for our strategy guides we produced. I will also point out that we provided the devs with a TON of feedback on pve encounters, class mechanics, open world design to name few. We had members spend hundreds of hours testing this game.


We never claimed to be the top SWTOR guild, that is a title bestowed by members of the community. So I am not sure where the vitriol from certain posters is coming from. We have a high standard of conduct for our members and we do not allow the type behavior that typical "elite" guilds exhibit.


We simply left this game because it does not cater to our play style. We hope bioware continues to build on its success and creates an awesome lasting game.


I didn't go to your site, but I hope my post stating that I didn't think a new game or new expansion would ever have enough content to sustain the playstyle of most really good hardcore guilds would be found offensive, as I thought your statements were very thoughtful and courteous and would hate to be taken the wrong way.


My ex was good friends with a hardcore guildmember in EQ1, and he took the time and effort to do things like raid gear a toon of mine and help me with epic quest end mobs, things I truly could not have easily accomplished in EQ1 without a huge amount of organizational headache and pickup raids that he knew I didn't have the schedule to achieve on my own. My own guild in SWTOR has been the recent recipient of some runs through storymode EV, our first Ops, with the help of one of the best guilds on our server, as they have some alts looking for vehicle achievements, and they've been VERY patient and helpful, kudos to Sparkofflaim on Death Wind Corridor of Exile for his assistance :D So thanks to the hardcore gamers who take the time to give back as your guild did, the people who have been helped DO remember after the guild is long gone, and I've always understood the lure of the greener grass, even if I like my own side of the fence perfectly well.

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lol if you eliminate all competition (and i mean all) so no lvls, no skills, no nothing and everyone is in exactly same items from start until game is over, and nothing ever drops and cash is obsolete and everything is pointless and all you do is go through story line like in swtor with voiceover i guarantee you the game wont even have 20.000 players 6 months from release.


and that is ''fact'' (soft one but we all know it is)


Competition and competitive players are all what drives the gaming industry.... and casuals is most what pays for it.


no competitive players = casuals wont stay for long either in the long run(few will but majority will not)


And giving this game for example... for the amount of servers we have anything below 2 million ACTIVE subs is a failure looking from amount of server perception.


If server community does not have 5.000 ACTIVE players, and by active i mean playing 8hours+ a week, then there is barely any server community.


I think you make a pretty big presumption about what competitive means to many "casuals." I've been playing MMO's for 14 years now, starting with EQ1, and you have two distinct groups of people: those who compete against others and those who compete against themselves. I don't really care where I stand in relation to any other person on my server unless we're talking ranking in warzones, which I want mainly so I'm grouped with people of my own skill level and interest in pvp so the battles therefore become fun and interesting again rather than an immediate gear check. What I care about is my ability to do what I want to do effectively, be that soloing, flashpoint, or op.


I measure my success against myself. I want to be personally better, and I like to help the people around me become better as well, so we can achieve as a group. So that's actually a third form of competition, group competition vs the game. In my form vs yours, though, it's still me/us vs the content, PVE not PVP. I'm on a PVP server but I and my guild still find it a more beneficial viewpoint to us to focus on group success rather than individual success rather than constantly measuring our epeens against each other. Us agains the world, man, us against the world!


On that score, we have no problem with the game, it's young, and we're patient. We all of us remember far less smooth game launches with far less content than SWTOR, and we have no problems waiting for more content. Having one or two toons to 50 with nothing to do after less than six months of a game's existence is not precisely a content issue on the developers' part if you're truly talking a game aimed at casuals. If that issue were to continue after the first year and the first true expac, however, I'd be VERY concerned.


On the other hand, I think they need to merge some servers.....they should have allowed the queue times initially and brought servers up if necessary after the first month. Ah well, hindsight is indeed 20/20.

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I don't consider myself someone who reaches for top raiding or pvp or whatever. I have been there and done that on the WOW treadmill for years. Right now im enjoying the class quests and chilling. Im tired of WOW. I play this game for the differences between it and WOW. The top squad can leave, I dont care, I dont consider myself part of that group
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As for server merges, MMOs only do that in extremis. Server merges in the industry are generally considered to be step one to extinction.


Would have to disagree, swtor just opened very optimistically with too many servers, and throttled the populations to be too low. Look at original everquest, just went F2P after more than a decade and they've merged servers several times along the way, yet the player base remained large enough to warrant 18 expansions, with one coming out just last year. I don't need to see 100 servers to choose from to feel like the game I'm playing is populated with other people, I just need to be able to find a group for whatever given thing I want to do in a reasonable time, which sometimes happens in swtor, and sometimes just isn't even close to happening. And honestly you'd think it'd be easy to get 3 other people.

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They powered through the content to be the guys who got the world first and someone reminded them this doesn't matter in TOR like it did in Wow.


So they all went back to facerolling in Wow until GW2 lands and fails to please them. at that point they all are waiting for some game to get made that caters to them and thier desire to hold over a game community how brillant they are at pushing buttons.

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They powered through the content to be the guys who got the world first and someone reminded them this doesn't matter in TOR like it did in Wow.


So they all went back to facerolling in Wow until GW2 lands and fails to please them. at that point they all are waiting for some game to get made that caters to them and thier desire to hold over a game community how brillant they are at pushing buttons.



People trying to play wow on SWTOR. Tor is for people like me who are sick of WoW

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I'm going to start by saying I despise BioWare for two reasons: they have very poor communication skills and rapport with their customers, and they play PR marketing games rather than being honest and open with their clients.


I have to agree with this -- the lack of information, omission of key information, and sometimes blatent misinformation for PR purposes is tactless and shows a lack of vision for the long run. Take for example the softball Q&A sessions that provide no meaningful information to the player base, the lack of meaningful responses to anything other than the color easter eggs and availability of vanity pets and items, or, my personal favorite, the misinformation or omission of sweeping class changes and healing nerfs in 1.2 at the guild summit when BW clearly knew they were on the horizon....

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It appears, The original post was made "about" not "by" the guild leaving. Please direct your thoughtless attacks at the original poster rather than the guild that was leaving, thanks. ( IMHO, ANON and gutless are often the same)


I am a casual gamer, who plays 5-10+ hrs a day, a gamer who has achieved a few server firsts in games over the years but I doubt I could even list them, past history is not important to me at all.


I could tell you that I am currently very much enjoying playing as an Imperial Bounty hunter, I love the storyline and yelling at Mako to #$%^&*( heal me!!!!


Enjoy the gameworlds you choose to play.

Edited by Elkirin
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My question to the SWTOR community, why do you think that the top guild in SWTOR has left the game such a short time after the latest content patch 1.2? What was missing from the patch that would have kept them interested?


I feel like you answered that question with your little introduction. From the initial description, the guild is based off of being world firsts and having that title is what gives them guild pride. Once you have a "world first" you have nowhere to go from there. There's nothing else to do. If they just want to have world firsts, then they'd be better suited playing Guild Wars 2 where they will have a whole new set of objectives to be the first to complete.


What was missing? More challenging content, I suppose. A guild like that would be looking to complete all the Operations on the hardest mode as quickly as possible. If the SW:TOR Operations aren't as difficult as other games, then they would have completed it quicker than expected and left with little to do.


However, for others like me, there's plenty left to do. They may have completed all the Operations on every mode already, but I haven't done a single one. I haven't done either of the two Rakghoul Flashpoints either. To me, BioWare is adding a great deal of content long before I have completed the content that was already there. The same doesn't hold true for this guild.


To each his own. What works for me doesn't work for them. What works for them in Guild Wars 2 or World of Warcraft doesn't work for me. Welcome to life where different people live.

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I'm going to start by saying I despise BioWare for two reasons: they have very poor communication skills and rapport with their customers, and they play PR marketing games rather than being honest and open with their clients.


I don't think that BioWare has poor communication skills. I believe that it just employs a specific communication strategy with which many MMOers don't agree. I think that comes from the fact that virtually all MMOers that I've encountered are very self-centred people. BioWare chooses not to announce things until they're ready to be implemented, which is something that I like. I don't have to sit and wait and wonder when something is coming if BioWare hasn't said it's on the way. I'd say that it's quite similar to Apple's communication strategy.


I haven't felt victim of any "PR marketing games." I feel that BioWare is quite honest about a lot of things. The biggest and most recent SW:TOR debacle would be the rated Warzones situation. Obviously, BioWare's timing was really, really bad, but it was honest. The system isn't ready. It could delay 1.2 or just yank rated Warzones. Things happen.


That being said, I am not a fanboi type, and I see many flaws and issues with SWTOR, but let's be honest, that's not what this post is about. This post is about people who only play the game one way who are angry and intolerant of a game that does not cater to their play-style: competitive end-game raiding and pvping.


Agreed. This is something that I picked up on pre-launch. I noticed that many long-time MMOers were looking for something in this game that isn't there. SW:TOR is a story-driven MMO. The emphasis isn't on Operations or end-game PvP. It's about the journey to max level and the story associated with that journey. It's about character development and that progression.


I also hope that the MMO mentality won't change BioWare's approach to SW:TOR. I adore the current formula for this game. It's what I want and what I expected. I wanted KotOR Online and that's what this game basically is. I appreciate other players' opinions, hopes, and desires, but I think this project isn't meant to be like World of Warcraft. And I hope that never happens or I'll just go back to playing Mass Effect.

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They are MMO hoppers. It's that simple.. just look at the MMO's they've been hop skipping and jumping through since their inception in the past 5 years.


No big deal, nothing to see here. They come in, 'Dominate' the MMO until they get bored then move on, because apparently they love giving their money to big corporations.

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They are MMO hoppers. It's that simple.. just look at the MMO's they've been hop skipping and jumping through since their inception in the past 5 years.


No big deal, nothing to see here. They come in, 'Dominate' the MMO until they get bored then move on, because apparently they love giving their money to big corporations.


This ^ and if they left swtor because of content... then id give GW2 a week for them. At most.

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