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How many people are dropping their subs?


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So we are noobs for moaning about this and yet they are changing it due to our feedback? One would think you are the noob hahahahaha


But lets face it. Those changes are good but still no ttk (time to kill) and expertise changes = gear will still be king. At least we might be able to close the gear gap easier than 5 years now though lmao :D


You're a noob because you are *continuing* to whine about something that has already been addressed.


Wrong, right, in between, it doesn't matter, you're ************ about something that they are already in the process of reversing, and you're doing it not because of it's actual impact on your play, but because it gives you something to rant and rave about.


I like the changes, no problems from me, I am in complete agreement with them.


But I don't like people that whine for the sake of whining.


PS. People that still complain about a gear gap make me lol.

Edited by Celebrus
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You're a noob because you are *continuing* to whine about something that has already been addressed.


Wrong, right, in between, it doesn't matter, you're ************ about something that they are already in the process of reversing, and you're doing it not because of it's actual impact on your play, but because it gives you something to rant and rave about.


I like the changes, no problems from me, I am in complete agreement with them.


But I don't like people that whine for the sake of whining.


You are whining about me whining. If you dont like whining why did you come in this thread? What did you expect to find. Hit that small "X" button on the top right of your explorer I suggest.

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Real constructive. A model debater and paragon of discussion techniques indeed.


*Btw, tab not working that well (duh). Adapt, and spend the .1 seconds it takes to click on your target before blasting him with your hotkey'd abilities of doom. Anyone with even an iota of twitch ability and FPS skill can twitch click onto a target in less time than it takes to press tab twice.

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We made the mistake of getting a 6 mo. sub to EQII after playing for 3 years. They made major changes to healer classes and the game was no longer fun, yet we had already paid.


Fortunately we only pay month to month here so losing 10 days is no big deal. Because I only enjoy playing healer classes, I don't see any point in waiting for changes that may never happen while the dps classes are gearing up on easy mode.


Since everyone is talking about GW2, we'll probably just switch to that and hope for better class balance.

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I unsubbed.


Until they lay out a specific plan for PvP development, I'm not interested in insta-gib PvP.


And the only right way to start a specific plan for PvP development is to give a pink-slip to Gabe and his team.


This pretty much sums up how I feel. I unsubbed, but will continue with the 31 free days they're offering with the hopes that they can rectify things or at least start heading in the right direction. As-is, it seems this PvP development team has no idea what they're doing. World PvP has been a joke since launch, and they constantly make on the fly changes to warzones that don't make much sense.


PvP is a big part of this game because leveling is so fast. I'm hardcore, but never in my 10+ years of gaming have I been able to hit max level and clear the content portion of a game this quickly. Considering this was touted as a story-driven MMO, they fell way short on the story part...which leaves little to do anymore except PvP.


The sad part is, PvP is rapidly dying.

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This pretty much sums up how I feel. I unsubbed, but will continue with the 31 free days they're offering with the hopes that they can rectify things or at least start heading in the right direction. As-is, it seems this PvP development team has no idea what they're doing. World PvP has been a joke since launch, and they constantly make on the fly changes to warzones that don't make much sense.


PvP is a big part of this game because leveling is so fast. I'm hardcore, but never in my 10+ years of gaming have I been able to hit max level and clear the content portion of a game this quickly. Considering this was touted as a story-driven MMO, they fell way short on the story part...which leaves little to do anymore except PvP.


The sad part is, PvP is rapidly dying.


Active sub inorder to redeem that fyi...

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Yeah, rule #1 is don't listen to anything you read on the PVP forums.


The game is fine...healers can still heal, kills aren't instagib, and you have to get utterly destroyed to not be able to get 3 medals. If that's happening every time, you're doing something wrong.


The only time I feel like I get instagibbed is when there are 3+ on me or a marauder and that's after losing 150 expertise due to the mod changes. After running warzones over the weekend I can remember 2 where I got less than 7 medals and in both of those I entered the match with less than 90 seconds to be played. I'm failing to see where all the complaining about the 1.2 changes are coming from.

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Are you dropping your sub due to this new 1.2 fiasco to WZ?


A lot of my guild has rage quit since the first day and I don't think they are coming back.


I don't like the new rewards and I intend to drop my sub as well.


Are you gonna drop your sub too?


Let BioWare know with this thread.


Yes. I unsubbed on patch day after eating the **** sandwich that was PVP post 1.2.

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The people that are saying adapt to the play, really? I play BF3, and not that I am comparing the two, but in that game even if my team loses I get rewarded for my effort.


I loved the pvp prior to 1.2, because I got rewarded for my effort.


On top of that, its a pay to play game. I pay monthly for entertainment not a second job.


The changes are not bad they just cater to a different audience, maybe if it were a FTP MMO I wouldn't mind spending 15 mins in a warzone receiving nothing for my effort.


For me personally its no longer fun, its a game... not real life.


When I played Aion back in its PTP mode, I loved the game because it was fun and was in a great guild, once I started to work towards my end game gear I realized that now I am going to spend 2 -3 months getting a digital item =P and that just killed for me.


Some people enjoy that and thats cool, just not my cup of tea.


To each their own, Peace

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+1 here. I drank the koolaid a year before launch, played beta, got 6 months in sub and STILL cant stomach the pvp. Healers should not out pace a DPS in numbers and they havent addressed how melee is gimped compared to ranged DPS. If u have 30yards to be able to attack targets and you have kiting, etc. you shouldnt be on par with a melee DPSers ability in damage. He should destroy you up close.

Healing in some WZ is usually around 500k a healer(depending on WZ)... per person some more some less but DPS isnt averaging the same amount, so 1 healer is not equal to 1 DPS. They need to move to a slot based system (x amount of DPS/healer/etc) or fix the damage numbers. And you need cross server WZ's, this wait que sucks for most servers bc they wont combine servers. you had a high pop on luanch day, well chances are its not anymore.

I dont believe they will fix it any time soon and with heavy heart I'll move on to GW2 or freemium mechwarrior for my pvp fix.

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Are you dropping your sub due to this new 1.2 fiasco to WZ?


A lot of my guild has rage quit since the first day and I don't think they are coming back.


Let BioWare know with this thread.



I'm the last remaining member of a 22 man (and woman) guild. I was thinking of shopping around for a new one, but since most of the guildy's were IRL friends I'll likely let my sub run out.


For what it's worth I thoroughly enjoyed the leveling process, but endgame pvp killed it for me, and the rest of the guild.

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Wait, what are we unsubbing for today?


I'm sure that, this time, it isn't something utterly trivial...





Obviously by the post from DE earlier today, it appears that not only the vocal people on the forums, but enough subs altogether seems to have been canceled to warrant a fix.


DanielErickson PvP -> On Warzone Scoring and Rewards


Hey folks,


Some follow up news from observations of play and feedback over the weekend. In the next couple of days we will be deploying a small patch that will address the following issues:


As discussed, minimum medals to gain rewards will go from 3 to 1 to better reward those who are backfilled.

Warzones will once again be shutting down when population imbalance is detected. This was an unfortunate bug where a feature of Ranked Warzones (in full team play it is not desirable to let one team end the game prematurely by quitting out) was incorrectly implemented globally.

Completion of Warzones will gain a large increase in the percentage of rewards it represents, so while scoring is still the primary driver, you will cease to see games that give no rewards if players have a minimum of 1 medal earned.

We are extending the time we wait for a full team of eight to better make sure Warzones pop with complete teams.


A huge thank you to everyone who played this weekend and provided valuable feedback and analysis.

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Did the closed beta and all i have to say is prepare for 1990s mechanics and not to impressed by it...


I guess you must be playing some super version of swtor im unaware of. Isnt tab and click targeting 1990s mechanics? Please tell me with the hundreds of millions they had budgeted for this whats new and innovative in it. You didnt like the beta because you realized how skill based the game is and couldnt handle it. Thats why youre back here.

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It's tempting- I like mmos with variety, not pvp that is about nothing but DPSers and more specifically, marauders and sentinels. I think I will until they gave that class the nerf they deserve, and give some of the classes they ***** up the *** some buffs.


Shame, balance felt decent before 1.2- it's gone now entirely.

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