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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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What I find remarkably interesting is we went from a point where people were saying they cannot see other players in this game no matter were they go, to people saying they can't get away from other players no matter where they go in the matter of 2 hours.
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Yeah, like people were saying earlier:


The only thing I don't really like about the plague is how the news correspondant says "kill anyone with the rakghoul plague or it's treason" but you can't actually attack them. Then people would REALLY have a motivation to buy the vaccine.


Oh well, baby steps.


And I am glad at least it is implemented as is and not as the news correspondandt opines or the griefing would be 1000 times worse:


1. Get infected.

2. Infect others (before you get killed)

3. Flag people for pvp that don't want to pvp

4. watch now flagged people ( to anyone ) get killed and laugh

5. go back to step 1.


Oh yeah that is a WHOLE bunch of fun right there.



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The whining would be 1000x worse then, because THEN, the plague would be a real "griefing" tool. Remember you can spread the plague by hitting people too.

For now, you can't infect people on your side without their consent - unless they are really stupid and stand near green glowing characters for ages until they explode. If the plague was also starting a FFA PvP flag, not only the griefing would be awful, but nobody would do the event anymore after being killed a few times, since you basically can't do the events related quests on Tatooine without being infected.

The whining on PvE servers would be deafening... as if millions of carebears suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly canceling their subscription ;)


What we need are more containment officers out there.


Cause those droids in the hangars will scan you for infection and spawn hostiles to gun feverish targets down, down, down.


Put one of those near the Fleet spawn-in point. Problem solved the RIGHT way, as angry NPC's turn them into infected Swiss(Chiss?) Cheese.

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


Another cry baby post do you people every stop complaining

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you sir are the most honest person i have met, i am glad you realize that you are not smart.


Thank you. If I only had one choice between the two good points you mentioned...I would pick the honest part every time. Atleast you know where I stand in reference to one who is smart and lies all the time. :)

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That is just it. We are not advocating they take the event away...but alter the ways it affects us who donot want to do it.


Why should Bioware have to alter the event, for the minority?


If the majority is participating, or enjoying the event, then I see no reason that the minority's desire not to participate should trump the majority.


Yes, it's annoying and an inconvience at times. I died during a space mission and had to do it over, because I was infected.


But, that's the gist of "world events." They take place in the world, and the encourage interaction and participation.


I simply will not advocate for changes to it. I deal with it, and thank my lucky stars when it is over.



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The whining would be 1000x worse then, because THEN, the plague would be a real "griefing" tool. Remember you can spread the plague by hitting people too.

For now, you can't infect people on your side without their consent - unless they are really stupid and stand near green glowing characters for ages until they explode. If the plague was also starting a FFA PvP flag, not only the griefing would be awful, but nobody would do the event anymore after being killed a few times, since you basically can't do the events related quests on Tatooine without being infected.

The whining on PvE servers would be deafening... as if millions of carebears suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly canceling their subscription ;)


Funny that. I did not stand anywhere for that long; simply had some thoughtless Player time their deteonation in the Cargo/ Med/ Rest Zone as I turned to leave.


As for whining and QQ; shall leave that to others with more expertise.

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Why should Bioware have to alter the event, for the minority?


If the majority is participating, or enjoying the event, then I see no reason that the minority's desire not to participate should trump the majority.


Yes, it's annoying and an inconvience at times. I died during a space mission and had to do it over, because I was infected.


But, that's the gist of "world events." They take place in the world, and the encourage interaction and participation.


I simply will not advocate for changes to it. I deal with it, and thank my lucky stars when it is over.




So the minority who pay the same sub price are not important? Esp when the change would not keep those who enjoy the event from not doing it?

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Funny that. I did not stand anywhere for that long; simply had some thoughtless Player time their deteonation in the Cargo/ Med/ Rest Zone as I turned to leave.
Except you can't do that. There's no visible timer for the "explosion", it's totally random. You were just very unlucky to be nearby, nothing more. Nobody can INTENTIONALLY (caps here to insist on that, since some missed it in my previous post) infect someone as the explosion timer is totally random. If the person stands nearby while you are smoking green stuff with glowing eyes, well... it's like standing near a bomb and listening to the ticking without knowing when it will explode: it's stupid.

Here's a quote from Top Gun (the movie) for you:

"The defense department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid."

Edited by Korrigan
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That is just it. We are not advocating they take the event away...but alter the ways it affects us who donot want to do it.


Agreed. Optional. Not remove for those that enjoy.


If this plague is supposed to be such a "big thing" then why oh why is it so easy for people to get off of tatooine?


Why not make it so they are attacked by powerful NPCs at the Space ports so it is at least really hard to get to their starship to get off planet.


Why not also make fleet passes not work while infected.


We are scanned at every spaceport. Why not have the scan detect the infection and trigger an event to stop the infected.


Lots of things could have been done to curb the behavior of players that just want to spread the plague and grief.


Oh I fogot ... then those people that just want to grief would be here QQing on how they can't grief others. :rolleyes:

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No, that pile of people does not in any way negate the facts that

  • Skolops HATEs this event.
  • there are people who HATE this event and hope bioware will design something in the future that those people can enjoy



so "beg to differ with you" doesn't make any sense as a response to the post you quoted.


Last night Tatooine was the place to be.


There was still a huge pile of people participating in this event on the fleet when I logged in briefly this morning.


Skolops is the minority, there is nothing wrong with the mechanics of this event. The majority of the people love it!


While Sko can be vocal about disliking it on the forums here, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people doing this event in-game right at this moment. They're diggin it and wouldn't want anything to be changed about it.

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Look, myself and others are the ones who don't really want to play right now. It makes sense for us to be on the forums venting our disappointment. It's in many ways a coping mechanism. Yet for those of you who do want to play this event... why are you on here, throwing names and negativity towards us? Why not go enjoy it, and allow us to "mourn" here in peace until the game is back to our liking?


The reason people like us are here, is because if we let the Mourners be the only voices in the forums, then thats all Bioware would get to see and the 22 or whatever amount of people you say are upset with the event would represent all of us and we certainly do not want that.


Your right not every event is going to be good, but at least Bioware is making a living universe, and thats what makes it fun.

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Anyone remember that Hakkar plague that hit WoW? Unintentional, spread all over, killed lowbies, npcs, all sorts of stuff. Had to be patched. I still talk about that, it was kind of annoying, but it was fun because it was out of the ordinary, a unique experience. Me and my friends still reference it.


This is the same thing. Its a little out of the ordinary, interrupts your gaming schedule. And a year from now when someone says "Man I wish theyd do something like the Rakghoul infection again", we'll all tell stories. Or we'll say we went on the forums and whined about it.

Nobody looks back and goes "Hey man, remember when we did our regularly scheduled Thursday Ops one? The one we did every week?"

"Oh yeah man, loot dropped! Good times...good times"

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I'm not sure I want the event done away with. It's very interesting, and a bit of fun.




I think what it lacks is a 'lead in' quest. We have the news announcements, but I thought that I had to actively avoid Tatooine and the infected or face charges of treason against the empire.


Hell I thought Tatooine was off-limits. I had to ask around a pry some info out of folks, to get the gist of what was actually going on and that I ought to get infected and go to the planet to take part in the event.


Like I said a lead in quest would be good, perhaps after watching the news on fleet. It's just a little obtuse on where to go, and what to do.

Edited by JediElf
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I don't particularly understand why anyone would be upset about becoming infected. If you understand how it works AT ALL, you want to be constantly infected!


In my opinion, the only reason the vaccine is even there is so groups working together can quickly become uninfected and then help their friends score their daily infection quotas faster. You realize you become uninfected as soon as you blow up right?


Ahem, nevermind, carry-on with you're uninformed-ness. No cool stuffs fa you!

Edited by XLJedi
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The reason people like us are here, is because if we let the Mourners be the only voices in the forums, then thats all Bioware would get to see and the 22 or whatever amount of people you say are upset with the event would represent all of us and we certainly do not want that.


Your right not every event is going to be good, but at least Bioware is making a living universe, and thats what makes it fun.


This right here

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The reason people like us are here, is because if we let the Mourners be the only voices in the forums, then thats all Bioware would get to see and the 22 or whatever amount of people you say are upset with the event would represent all of us and we certainly do not want that.


Your right not every event is going to be good, but at least Bioware is making a living universe, and thats what makes it fun.

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