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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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GW2 and Secret World will take half of the WoWTOR subscribers, pretty sure about that.


Tera won't have an impact, too asian style - ArcheAge could be tougher competition.


Don't think so. Those for whom the game hasn't panned out have pretty much already left (well, aside from the "I paid and am gonna grouse 'til my sub is up" types). So, I don't see the remainders doing any great exodus. Sure, there will be folks like myself that check out one or the other (Secret World sounds like, well, not my thing, GW2 I'll give a look because I respect the company).


So, I am pretty sure you are just indulging in what you'd like to see. :)

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Yes, I think swtor can be saved. I was actually one of thouse that canceled and froze my account for like 2 weeks, before returning to 1.2, and I can tell you this much that low lvl life has gotten alot better with the legacy system and early sprint.


-Increase character slots to 16.

-Add a LFG-system (Pref. cross server)


-Increase mount speed by 50% on some planets. (Hoth and Tatooine is a pain, we all know it.)


The way it is now:

I reach 50 --> I buy epics at AH --> I start new character.

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I'm going to agree with this too. It adds a dimension that was missing in the click/read/click-again/go-forth questing in other games. It makes the world seem more rich to me.


I have to say I am honestly surprised by the number of people who do not like the VO parts. So many people complained in other games about having to read too much stuff.


We just can't be pleased, can we. Heh.


Everything a question of personal taste.

Full VO in a MMO? Great idea.

But! It is only a fancy feature, which entertaines for a short while and gets even annoying in the endgame. After that every gamer looks on the core features.

And these have to work flawlessly, if a developer want his MMO to be successful.

In this question SWTOR failed hard as AOC / WAR and many other did.


Core mechanics in MMOs have to evolve, to keep the playerbase entertained.

The quicker the lethargic developers and publishers learn that, the better.

(At least some of the smaller developer companies realized it)


WoW was new (for most of the people, who made their first step into the MMO genre with WoW) and was released at the right moment with the right idea / franchise / developer.

They took the ideas from previous MMOs + the ideas of the current competition + added a little fluff and the people (me included) liked it.

But back then the MMO genre was new to most of the players. Even the already used mechanics appeared new and fresh.

Now its 2012 and there are voices everywhere, that the playerbase wants something new / fresh / innovative and they voice their critisism mostly as "another WoW-clone".



For SWTOR it is not too late to fix the problems with the core mechanics / up a little bit the server hardware and do some healthy sever merges to retain a playerbase around 1-1,5 m. subscribers.

At the moment they have to work hard to be at least remembered as a mediocre MMO.

Edited by Oldgrimm
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For SWTOR it is not too late to fix the problems with the core mechanics / up a little bit the server hardware and do some healthy sever merges to retain a playerbase around 1-1,5 m. subscribers.

At the moment they have to work hard to be at least remembered as a mediocre MMO.


That might be a little harsh, but not too far off the mark. If SW wasn't marketing like crazy right now, would it be growing through word of mouth? Unknown. For me, my friends from other games that initially came over, have since left and no one I know is picking the game up.


And, my sub expired yesterday... so I don't know why I am still here (other than I like a good discussion) and why I can still post... GM?

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I feel sorry for the devs under EA`s thumb. The reason they are losing subscriptions, is cause EA pushed release for christmas, when it was clear that 1.2 was the state it was supposed to be released in. When devs dont get the freedom to finish their product,of course its lackluster. EA does this with almost every game they release. To them its just a cow waiting to be milked, wich ironically is their "downfall" (the reason they can keep doing this is cause they do earn a lot of money this way). Edited by Dasgruberg
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I feel sorry for the devs under EA`s thumb. The reason they are losing subscriptions, is cause EA pushed release for christmas, when it was clear that 1.2 was the state it was supposed to be released in. When devs dont get the freedom to finish their product,of course its lackluster. EA does this with almost every game they release. To them its just a cow waiting to be milked, wich ironically is their "downfall" (the reason they can keep doing this is cause they do earn a lot of money this way).


Since 1.2 i have seen about 30-40 more ppl back on during peak hours on my standard server, games going up/down and up again, no need to save a game thats improving with each month, kinda save's itself...

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The reason they are losing subscriptions, is cause EA pushed release for christmas, when it was clear that 1.2 was the state it was supposed to be released in.


Sorry, but where does it say there is a net loss in subscriptions? I'd just like you to back up your statement somehow.

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Sorry, but where does it say there is a net loss in subscriptions? I'd just like you to back up your statement somehow.


I'm yet to find anything about the few that cry SUBS DOWN SO MUCH OMG! Going to go with mad kids making assumptions like always...

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I'm not worried. All SWTOR needs is a server consolidation so that the fleet and planets aren't so vacant all the time. After that, grouping will be easier, socializing will be more fun, and the universe will feel like a universe instead of an instance due to seeing nobody around.


That's my suggestion. And here's my praise: I LOVE SWTOR. The patches just make it better every time, I love the world event, the class stories are great, companion interaction is fun, and conversation is sweet.

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Since 1.2 I've seen the population during peak times on my server almost double :o


But guess what, wow is "dying" too and has been since about a month after cataclysm was released. Also a lot of people just don't have the spare cash to pay for expensive subscription based MMOs any more, not when there are "free" ones around. I bet if TOR lowered it's subscription they would attract a lot more people.

Edited by NasherUK
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The "SWEATOR" will have a pretty hard time when Gw2 and TSW are out. Not much time left to catch up with these titles, polishing won't be enough, they need to introduce whole new feature sets like Minigames, Puzzle Quests, Space Exploration to make this game unique. Right now it feels like an expansion pack for WoW with a Star Wars skin.
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Everyone thinking this game is in good shape, go there: http://www.swtor.com/server-status


and remember that there are 5 types of server population:




-Very Heavy



Proves nothing, Do you know how many Concurrent players cause the server to tick for each population type? Players are spread out across a dozen planets and dozens of servers. Maybe they will condense them down at some point (thus reduce server running costs)

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I feel sorry for the devs under EA`s thumb. The reason they are losing subscriptions, is cause EA pushed release for christmas, when it was clear that 1.2 was the state it was supposed to be released in. When devs dont get the freedom to finish their product,of course its lackluster. EA does this with almost every game they release. To them its just a cow waiting to be milked, wich ironically is their "downfall" (the reason they can keep doing this is cause they do earn a lot of money this way).


Don't assume Bioware is innocent in all of this. They have changed over the years. There was a lot of criticism with Mass Effect 3 being on Origin on the Bioware Social Network. Bioware moderators constantly edited down criticism filled posts down to 1 line, removing all of the criticism from them, and banned people for posting criticism of the requirement. If people posted that they weren't buying ME3 on PC because of Origin, the gist of the attitude you got from Bioware was "Go ahead and don't buy it, we don't need you. We don't care if you have been fans of ours for several years, we're a household name now, you will be replaced, we want the Call of Duty audience."


Definitely lowered my respect of them as a company.


It's not just EA "forcing" Bioware to do terrible things, Bioware is doing some of them on their own.

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Everyone thinking this game is in good shape, go there: http://www.swtor.com/server-status


and remember that there are 5 types of server population:




-Very Heavy



Actually moved to grand master zym server and the population there was healthier. 30 people on balmorra last night didn't have ant problems finding a group for the 4 man heroics. Transfer are on there way.

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Since 1.2 I've seen the population during peak times on my server almost double :o


But guess what, wow is "dying" too and has been since about a month after cataclysm was released. Also a lot of people just don't have the spare cash to pay for expensive subscription based MMOs any more, not when there are "free" ones around. I bet if TOR lowered it's subscription they would attract a lot more people.


Pffft. WoW has been "dying" since directly after the initial release if you buy into ForumPundits. It was hysterical watching them claim WoW was dying whilst the sub. numbers skyrocketed. Was always going to happy by "x date" or when "that other MMO came out".

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Ah americans... besides you, there is also the thing called Rest of the World.


Why are you ridiculing him? If anything, he's trying to agree with basically what you're giving him crap about.


>80% of the servers are Light, regardless of timezone..

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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A game is going to need considerable marketing to really be any competition as a modern MMO.


If only to get awareness of the game's existence so that people go check it out.



Archage is what SWTOR should have been, a sandbox with a dynamic world players can impact. The reason you havent heard much about it is because it is still in CBT for Korea. How well it does there will determine wether we get it.

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Archage is what SWTOR should have been, a sandbox with a dynamic world players can impact. The reason you havent heard much about it is because it is still in CBT for Korea. How well it does there will determine wether we get it.


Why should SWTOR have been a sandbox game? BW pretty clearly wanted a story-driven MMO and not a sandbox game.


I looked into Archage and thought "yeah, this could be the game some folks have been looking for". I hope it is and I hope those who are looking forward to it finally find their "home" like so many of us have here.

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I feel sorry for the devs under EA`s thumb. The reason they are losing subscriptions, is cause EA pushed release for christmas, when it was clear that 1.2 was the state it was supposed to be released in. When devs dont get the freedom to finish their product,of course its lackluster. EA does this with almost every game they release. To them its just a cow waiting to be milked, wich ironically is their "downfall" (the reason they can keep doing this is cause they do earn a lot of money this way).


They're not losing subs. You're confusing the decrease in concurrent playing with loss of subs (which happens in EVERY MMO, the "launch surge/dropoff" of concurrent playtime). Subs are actually still on the increase.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Of course it is declining, if you don't see it, you are straight up ignorant. If anyone was here at release, the servers were all at FULL capacity, now they have trouble breaking LIGHT capacity. Just remember, you'll always have the Star Wars movies, it'll help ease the pain of losing this from your life.




Hate to burst your bubble, but both of the servers I play have had "standard" loads from the time I started playing until now. Yes, it dips to light on weekdays, when most everyone is at work, but evenings, all weekend, etc., is standard. My only issue is that there are fewer republic characters than empire, but frankly, empire is more fun.

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Hate to burst your bubble, but both of the servers I play have had "standard" loads from the time I started playing until now. Yes, it dips to light on weekdays, when most everyone is at work, but evenings, all weekend, etc., is standard. My only issue is that there are fewer republic characters than empire, but frankly, empire is more fun.


Indeed. The server load indication does not indicate how many people are subbed to that server. It indicates, rather, how many on that server are playing concurrently.


It's not like this is rocket science, yet sooo many have a hard time wrapping their thick skulls around this concept...

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