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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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Of course it is declining, if you don't see it, you are straight up ignorant. If anyone was here at release, the servers were all at FULL capacity, now they have trouble breaking LIGHT capacity. Just remember, you'll always have the Star Wars movies, it'll help ease the pain of losing this from your life.




I just want to point out that they have raised the server cap alot since launch. Trust me I've been here from day one.

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lol right, i love bf3 and dont see that as a failing game. it blows MW3 badness out of the water and servers are always full in that game.





SWTOR i love this game but yes numbers do rise and drops. thats mmos people. i quit for 2 months now i am back. i do it alot in mmos.

Edited by Mrpoodles
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The only thing mmo players love more than WoW is complaining about things that aren't WoW. This game just simply isn't WoW enough for a lot of people on these forums.


This just in:


'World Of Warcraft' Maker Blizzard Entertainment Lays Off 600 People


IRVINE, Calif. -- Blizzard Entertainment says it's cutting about 600 jobs.


The Irvine, Calif., company, which makes the popular "World of Warcraft" games, says that only about 10 percent of the cuts will involve jobs related to game development.


The "World of Warcraft" development team will not be affected.


Blizzard, which is part of Activision Blizzard Inc., says the decision to cut jobs was made after a review of business needs.


Blizzard's development and publishing schedules will not be affected and the company says it's still looking to hire game developers for certain positions.


Blizzard added that expenses related to the job cuts aren't expected to significantly reduce Activision Blizzard's financial results for 2012.


Can wow be saved?

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That piece of junk Galaxies lasted 10 years and for several years after the game-ending NGE patch. This game will be around for years easily...


its not that the game will last years


its will it last years and not be another junk free mmo.my guess is? free to play in 6 months,but hey.im stickin with it and havent quit yet

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Some of you people are being irrational. SURPRISE. :rolleyes:


Server populations have most certainly declined. If they haven't declined on your server then it's because you're on something like The Fatman where all the the refugees from the dwindling severs have decided to go.


Dying doesn't mean dead. It means on the path to death.


Rift, Aion, Warhammer, LotRO, etc are in FACT all dying. They are bleeding subscriptions or have been bleeding subscriptions for sometime at an alarming rate.


Server mergers mean the game is dying. Does that mean it will die anytime soon? Not necessarily.


Games like EQ and DAoC and WoW all INCREASED subscriber numbers even months to years after their release. They didn't sell massive amounts of copies at the start and then start squirting subscribers as the months passed.


DAoC added 3 new servers including an RP server after it's release. When's the last time an MMO actually added servers after release or increased it's subscription base any futher out than the intial first month or two? DAoC hit it's all time high nearly 2 years after release date.

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You remember the Andred/Mordred merge?


You remember the dwindling Nimue pop?


You remember when ToA hit and the exodus began?


They all die...


Except Everquest.


It. Will. Not. Die.

Edited by Blistrich
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Agreed with this guy. Our server was a Heavy population server, with a very big PvP population. Since PvP has steadily gotten worse and worse, the server is dwindling. Guilds went from 50-100 people to 10ish in about one month. It was really noticeable at the beginning of February, but now it just seems empty.


If people were buying this game thinking it was going to kill the gaming world with it's pvp, then I just don't know what to say about that.


real pvp'ers don't play WoW, SWTOR, Lotro, etc etc. They either play Warhammer, DF or MO or they're waiting for SBEMU.

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They either play Warhammer, DF or MO or they're waiting for SBEMU.

Ah... a man who understands.


Hello, sir. You're a rare breed, you know that right?


Anyway, this statement is correct. If your gaming life is focused around Player vs Player, the "Mickey Mouse" mmos are not your stomping grounds.


Mortal. Darkfall. Warhammer. EVE Online.


Those are your PvP titles in the mmo world. Other than that, it's grab your sack and pray for dear life as you eject from your jet over some Battlefield 3 conquest map.

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My favorite part is how this comes from "multiple sources", but they still use the word "supposedly already seen subscription numbers decline..."


If it's known, why is it "supposed"?


The other article is just as vague.


What this seems to be is a couple of bloggers writing about what they THINK are the reasons behind the layoffs at EA.


Until anything is known FOR CERTAIN as to where the layoffs have come from, this is all just bogus speculation, IMHO. They're fishing for answers as to "why", quoting "sources" that aren't certain.


. <--- This is a grain of salt. You may take it if you wish.

Edited by Kubernetic
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All numbers and articles aside. I know what it is that I see IN-GAME, and that's nobody. The other day I logged in at peak and I was the only Imp on Tatooine. How is that possible??? The best part of the game are the flashpoints and group content not that you would know it because you can never get groups in this game. In any case, the funniest part of the article is how much everyone hates EA. All that nickle and diming their customer base finally caught up with them.


Last night I was in a 10 minute queue to log into one of my servers (that is NOT Fatman)' there were 79 people on Tattoine and over 200 in Fleet - Republic side. Are you going to tell me my anecdotal (but real) evidence is not as valid as yours?

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Last night I was in a 10 minute queue to log into one of my servers (that is NOT Fatman)' there were 79 people on Tattoine and over 200 in Fleet - Republic side. Are you going to tell me my anecdotal (but real) evidence is not as valid as yours?


79 People on Tattooine.... Hmmm Maybe that had something to do with the world event.



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I just want to point out that they have raised the server cap alot since launch. Trust me I've been here from day one.


I assume they've also adjusted the number of players who can appear on the Fleet at one time too because those numbers are halved or less.

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I just canceled this weekend. The game has problems, but I was willing to give them a chance until I was excluded from the 30 day reward.


I actually will put up with bad customer service for a great game. I will not, however, put up with bad customer service for this game.


mmm you do realize that they changed the requirements for the free 30 days and all you need now is a level 6 legacy right...

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Some of you people are being irrational. SURPRISE. :rolleyes:


Server populations have most certainly declined. If they haven't declined on your server then it's because you're on something like The Fatman where all the the refugees from the dwindling severs have decided to go.


Dying doesn't mean dead. It means on the path to death.


Rift, Aion, Warhammer, LotRO, etc are in FACT all dying. They are bleeding subscriptions or have been bleeding subscriptions for sometime at an alarming rate.


Server mergers mean the game is dying. Does that mean it will die anytime soon? Not necessarily.


Games like EQ and DAoC and WoW all INCREASED subscriber numbers even months to years after their release. They didn't sell massive amounts of copies at the start and then start squirting subscribers as the months passed.


DAoC added 3 new servers including an RP server after it's release. When's the last time an MMO actually added servers after release or increased it's subscription base any futher out than the intial first month or two? DAoC hit it's all time high nearly 2 years after release date.



That's not true at all. Some MMOs bleed players until they hit a point where the server mergers and player base stabilises and the game continues to be profitable. Not dying, stabilising.

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That's not true at all. Some MMOs bleed players until they hit a point where the server mergers and player base stabilises and the game continues to be profitable. Not dying, stabilising.


This is very true. I see SWTOR settling into a 300k +/- game that is constantly churning new players. It will likely plateau there.

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