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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who did you romance?


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Ashara since she is the only romance option for SI which is sad really. Although Ashara may be cute she is annoying. SW can have both LS and DS choices. It makes no sense that SI only get lightside romance. There should be more options for all classes.
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I have only done a romance on my IA and I did Kaliyo. I stuck with her, even through the cheating because it's an ironic pair. I have made my IA very honourable and merciful, killing only to prove a meaningful point or to avenge something, thinking more for the good of the Empire and the galaxy in general. Kaliyo throws that **** out the window and does some crazy *** **** in her story, yet through the cheats, lies, and raw deals she has made, she was loyal and my character's polar opposite, thus, I can't seem to get rid of her :) Ensign Temple is to upbeat anyway, and blindly loyal to the Empire may I mention.
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Right now my male agent and Vector are having a bromance. :D Kaliyo's a little too crazy for his tastes, even though he's getting a lot of "action" on most planets.


Female SW did end up with Quinn, even though... well those who know.. know... *sigh*

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None of the female ones so far, my scoundrel sorta started romancing Corso, then his desire to make love to the republic and brown nose their butt clean made me dump him and Quinn is a backstabbing bastard so he's off the list, I don't like Ireeso and I certainly don't like Theran (but he's more interested in a FREAKING HOLOGRAM so that says wonders about him), Jorgan is....meh, Doc is a womanizing sack of crap, Vector is a BUG MAN, Andronikos was interesting but I played my sorc as someone who never noticed his advances, Torian's seems interesting but my BH I play as someone who doesn't believe in settling down.


I haven't done any male romances yet lol

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Ashara since she is the only romance option for SI which is sad really. Although Ashara may be cute she is annoying. SW can have both LS and DS choices. It makes no sense that SI only get lightside romance. There should be more options for all classes.


I feel your pain and totally agree the dark side SI is one evil mother so why we

Get some alien cheek that thinks she is a Jedi for crying out loud I'm on the the dark counsel

I really want to kill her not marry her if they want to mix thing up we should have got a choice.

Edited by Bigdaddygarlic
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I feel your pain and totally agree the dark side SI is one evil mother so why we

Get some alien cheek that thinks she is a Jedi for crying out loud I'm on the the dark counsel

I really want to kill her not marry her if they want to mix thing up we should have got a choice.


You had a choice to not romance anyone other than flings, if you are so evil you should have better things to do than ogle at virtual a s s all day.

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I feel your pain and totally agree the dark side SI is one evil mother so why we

Get some alien cheek that thinks she is a Jedi for crying out loud I'm on the the dark counsel

I really want to kill her not marry her if they want to mix thing up we should have got a choice.


well, at least you .have. an option. my (female) sith warrior is not interested in men and I've got the feeling my smuggler is gonna break it off with corso eventually because risha is just more interesting, and even that won't happen :(

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Oh man, altoholic here! I love detail and rp stuff! Woo!


My Sith Warrior--Quinn all the way. He's sexy, his voice is drool worthy and even though it felt like forever to romance him, he gets all aggressive when he finally succumbs. (Via the Legacy tree thingie: my Smuggler is their daughter)


My Smuggler---Corso. At first I was like 'eew Country accent!' but he grew on me and his entire romance is so so sweet. Especially the letters he sends you after you marry. And he's one of the spouses that gives you love more than once.


My Bounty Hunter---Torian. He's just so sweet. I love how he marries you using vows in Mandalorian (helps I chose to become a Mandalorian for Madalore) He might be young, but I'm sure he's wild in the sack. haha (My Consular is their daughter, she hasn't met her future spouse yet)


My Imperial Agent---Vector. I never gave a crap that he was a joiner and my Chiss agent sure doesn't care either. With the xenophobia and everything that happened to her in her class story, she felt a HUGE connection with him. Vector is just sweet and I love how he asks my agent to marry him and then says something about knowing they can't make it 'officially recognized' due to her being an agent. I took pictures of their romance. *sigh* (My Chiss Jedi Knight is their daughter, she hasn't met her future spouse yet.)


My Sith Inquisitor---Andronikos. At first I couldn't stand his attitude or voice (not into deep voices like his), but he grew on me and my Inquisitor and the way they 'court' is sweet. I love how he asks her to marry him.


My Trooper hasn't gotten to the part to marry Jorgan, but I am definitely going to do it. (Especially since my real life husband was a military man)

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...i have a sad confession to make... i... rp when i mail my legacy members supplies/credits >.>


Thank god I'm not the only one who's done this. My Agent sends her daughter cybertech items and cash (she's the 'richest' at the moment) and she says how she loves her, how's Jedi training going and that dad says hi (vector)'

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Thank god I'm not the only one who's done this. My Agent sends her daughter cybertech items and cash (she's the 'richest' at the moment) and she says how she loves her, how's Jedi training going and that dad says hi (vector)'


lol, my care package was a bunch of gifts and creds

" Don't know where you are, but it's a tough galaxy out there, and you will need to make good allies to survive. "


lol i always tell people on my smuggler that if they need help on imp grounds, look for her mom ( just please...don;t tell her she managed to get herself stranded in pub territory, and now has to do a bunch of errands for them, i>.> )

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lol, my care package was a bunch of gifts and creds

" Don't know where you are, but it's a tough galaxy out there, and you will need to make good allies to survive. "


lol i always tell people on my smuggler that if they need help on imp grounds, look for her mom ( just please...don;t tell her she managed to get herself stranded in pub territory, and now has to do a bunch of errands for them, i>.> )




You guys are too funny but its freaking ADORABLE that you do this. I'm tempted to start this but probably after my IA is max level since his daughter will be the Knight (Chiss).

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Trooper, Scarlett is married to her Assault Cannon. Catface is not for her. Jonas is a pain She has a thing for Dorne.


Trooper, Phil is on Taris right now, but will be chasing Sgt. Dorne. He digs Blondes.


Jedi Knight, Dewayne is courting Kira as we speak


Bounty Hunter, Ottis just on Drumnond Kaas but has a thing for Mako


Smuggler, Dallas is on Tattooine, and seems to be chasing his own butt:P I mean Risha.


Sith Warrior, Razer, Just Nar Shaddaa, wants badly to dismember Vette. Has fantasies of terrorizing the Galaxy with Jaesa.

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Trooper: Elara.... ONLY choice but sooooo sexy. mmmmmm....


Yeah I gotta agree there. For me it kinda invokes that sexy librarian thing. You see her, shes very prim and proper in the public setting, hair pulled back neatly, etc. But you just get that inkling that when you get her into a private more intimate setting and she lets the hair loose that she's just going to rock your world. And the accent to me is hot. ;)

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