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Does anyone truly think marauders/sentinels are balanced?


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Ok. So they have burst dps up to the roof. And maybe one crowd control spell? Force stasis or whatever. Though I could be wrong. But Im sure they have some sort of CC.



Now. The problem I have with them is the amount of interrupts they can deal out. Pretty much the only thing that can outheal the insane burst are spells that take a long time to cast. And I've seen some interrupt every single heal and by the time you can actually cast something



your at like 10% health...



Obviously I'm going to see hundreds of posts saying


We aren't bad. You are. Now let me faceroll everything..



There is a reason why Marauders/Sentinels are a highly played class.

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They have all the tools necessary to snare and completely shut down any casting class.


That being said, they need to be taunted immediately, snared themselves, and peeled by your groups guardian / jugg. Kite master strike and stun during invincibility. They are so easy to shut down but so deadly if left unchecked.

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Ok. So they have burst dps up to the roof. And maybe one crowd control spell? Force stasis or whatever. Though I could be wrong. But Im sure they have some sort of CC.



Now. The problem I have with them is the amount of interrupts they can deal out. Pretty much the only thing that can outheal the insane burst are spells that take a long time to cast. And I've seen some interrupt every single heal and by the time you can actually cast something



your at like 10% health...



Obviously I'm going to see hundreds of posts saying


We aren't bad. You are. Now let me faceroll everything..



There is a reason why Marauders/Sentinels are a highly played class.



I've had one out heal my healer. Go figure.

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Anyone with half a brain in their head looked at the 1.2 patch notes from test server and knew that mara/send would be overpowered in 1.2 crazily so. I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks they are balanced. I know all the maras/sents are having a ball with their toons (I sure am, I'm consistently getting top medals or tied with a level 19 Marauder!!) so they are trying to keep from being nerfed.


Balanced? Not a snowballs shot in a blast furnace.


Bioware doesn't care. Why do you think they went ahead with the patch despite all the uproar on the forum?

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I'm finding Maras/Sents easier to kill since patch tbh =/


They do more damage but they feel like they blow up quicker. (Although I'm still jealous of all their defensive cooldowns)


the class needs to be looked at. too much burst, group buffs and the survivability has won so many matches. some tweaking certainly required.

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Ok. So they have burst dps up to the roof. And maybe one crowd control spell? Force stasis or whatever. Though I could be wrong. But Im sure they have some sort of CC.



Now. The problem I have with them is the amount of interrupts they can deal out. Pretty much the only thing that can outheal the insane burst are spells that take a long time to cast. And I've seen some interrupt every single heal and by the time you can actually cast something



your at like 10% health...



Obviously I'm going to see hundreds of posts saying


We aren't bad. You are. Now let me faceroll everything..



There is a reason why Marauders/Sentinels are a highly played class.


they are fun to play, dual sabers is cool

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the class needs to be looked at. too much burst, group buffs and the survivability has won so many matches. some tweaking certainly required.


their main advantage is the combo of their gap closers, roots, and interrupts against hard casting classes


i think this is a case of rock beats scisors


as for paper


scoundrel/op can take them down relatively quickly from stealth - because they won't have their defensive cd's on yet - it can be difficult to come back from - especially if they have their restealth ans use it appropriately


also tank classes can do fairly well against them - correctly used defensive cd's to counter our burst


if they are really a problem try to ff them before the burst phase of their rotation


the main advantage to their class is the ability to fight at 20% health for a longer amount of time... people see them and just stand there trying to finish them off - to succeed continue to root/kite them as much as you can - and save the cc for finishing them off


agreed their damage burst damage can be high in pvp, but it has a long ramp up time - if you are going to reduce it, you need to reduce the ramp up time

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I'm finding Maras/Sents easier to kill since patch tbh =/


They do more damage but they feel like they blow up quicker. (Although I'm still jealous of all their defensive cooldowns)


I agree, I laugh when ever one tries to kill me 1v1

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I do.


They finally gave a little more damage, which is what we needed to compete with other classes that are hybrids and still out dps'd us and we are specialized in damage.


I see a lot of FOTM rerolls and guess what? They are terrible, any class that has learned to play from a deficit from the beginning that gets a nice set of buffs of course will seem OP to others. Because we had to deal with a harder hill to climb, they just lowered the tilt of the terrain.


Fighting a Sent/Mara is hard when they know how to properly use their CDs. Sadly a lot of Sents/Maras don't.


Not a lot has changed for us. All our changes are slight.

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I play on a very low pop server, it's really pathetic to see the same individuals playing their maras who were utter **** pre-1.2 now magically wrecking everything. If you think that maras are not overtuned you need to get a *********** grip, especially combined with the massive healing nerf.
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I imagine most of the people playing them (well) think they're amazingly balanced and they're just super skilled to be able to do as well as they do.


That's the common defense of an OP class: L2P because I'm just that damn good.

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I play on a very low pop server, it's really pathetic to see the same individuals playing their maras who were utter **** pre-1.2 now magically wrecking everything. If you think that maras are not overtuned you need to get a *********** grip, especially combined with the massive healing nerf.


Healing wasn't really nerfed, are you kidding me? I have noticed no difference, it really hasn't changed.


Get BM armor and you are fine, it is really easy to get now. The only major change to damage is a full BM going from 12% up to 22% and everyone gets that, not just Sents/Maras. Healing buff is still the same for BM, it wasn't reduced.


The patch brought the average Sents/Maras up the appropriate level, instead of tickling healers when we attack them. This patch also shows the bads for the bads they are.


So to me, sounds like you have L2P issue.

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the class needs to be looked at. too much burst, group buffs and the survivability has won so many matches. some tweaking certainly required.


Oh, this is gold coming from an Assassin. This is truly a L2P issue, sorry. Spend less time posting, more time figuring out how to approach different classes.


As for the rest of this thread, it can be summed up as follows:


ITT: A bunch of bad players choosing to congregate and continuously whine to each other about 1 class. As their whines are continually confirmed by other bad players, they feel like their inability to play well is justified.


Lol@Marauders winning matches. Of course it's not the healers, or the tanks protecting the healers. :rolleyes:


Oh, you didn't realize, this is more of a team-oriented game, and you can't just blindly CC and approach Marauders, but have to actually strategically go about fighting them? How absurd!


If you're not saving your CC as a reaction to a Marauder's cooldowns, you deserve to get owned for your stupidity. If the Marauder is already whitebarred before he uses his cooldowns, blame your teammates for their stupidity. The problem is the players, not the class. Learn to play.

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I've had one out heal my healer. Go figure.


an annihilation spec mara would have to do something like 400k damage to get over 100k healing.


If you are a healer spec and arent doing more than 100k healing in a WZ idk what to tell you.



That said. Yea i think mara/sents are pretty balanced. They have their counters ppl just don't want to take the time to figure it out.


I certainly wouldnt say they are one of the most played classes- maybe considering the whole game population and those who have made a marauder - but at lvl 50 no.


I was the only marauder in my guild until about 3 weeks ago. and I still have a few games a night were there are only 1-3 warriors/kinghts in a wz and i might be the only marauder. - this is possibly just a server specific thing?

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I certainly wouldnt say they are one of the most played classes- maybe considering the whole game population and those who have made a marauder - but at lvl 50 no.



This. They're more heavily played in the lowbie bracket, but as for the 50s bracket, there's still not that many, probably because they're not as faceroll as all the other classes.

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I do.


They finally gave a little more damage, which is what we needed to compete with other classes that are hybrids and still out dps'd us and we are specialized in damage.


I see a lot of FOTM rerolls and guess what? They are terrible, any class that has learned to play from a deficit from the beginning that gets a nice set of buffs of course will seem OP to others. Because we had to deal with a harder hill to climb, they just lowered the tilt of the terrain.


Fighting a Sent/Mara is hard when they know how to properly use their CDs. Sadly a lot of Sents/Maras don't.


Not a lot has changed for us. All our changes are slight.


Perfect way of putting it. +1 to you, sir

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I imagine most of the people playing them (well) think they're amazingly balanced and they're just super skilled to be able to do as well as they do.


That's the common defense of an OP class: L2P because I'm just that damn good.


Well, on my server pre patch I usually pulled 300-350K on average in WZ. I went up to 350-400K average now, it really isn't that much of a buff.


I will say L2P, because that is what we had to do when we clearly weren't balanced in DPS before. You didn't hear me whining about other classes OPness. I instead L2P and still beat the snot out of all you Tracer Missile, Lightening Spamming and Operative pre nerf openers.


This patch shows the bad players for who they are, because you relied on a crutch. Now you don't have it, so learn to walk on your own.

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