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Does anyone truly think marauders/sentinels are balanced?


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Healing wasn't really nerfed, are you kidding me? I have noticed no difference, it really hasn't changed.


Get BM armor and you are fine, it is really easy to get now. The only major change to damage is a full BM going from 12% up to 22% and everyone gets that, not just Sents/Maras. Healing buff is still the same for BM, it wasn't reduced.


The patch brought the average Sents/Maras up the appropriate level, instead of tickling healers when we attack them. This patch also shows the bads for the bads they are.


So to me, sounds like you have L2P issue.



I'm gonna be REAL NICE TO YOU son.


PREPATCH EXPERTISE STATS: 11% more dmg, 11% damage reduced 11% more healing


POSTPATCH EXPERTISE STATS: 21% more dmg 17% damage reduced 11% more healing



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Very, very, very tough to kill and impossible to survive them.


As a sorc I stand no chance. As an assassin they're tough, but it's almost even.


In the lower bracket on my lvl45 pyro PT, very well geared, I'm getting smoked by sentinels 20 levels below me and 2-3k below my health -- so I know they're not 'awesomely' geared or the bolster system would show it.


These guys hit like a truck!


Mara/sents are now where Operatives were at launch - godmode. Just wish I had one at 50 without having to level another toon, hehe.

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I'm gonna be REAL NICE TO YOU son.


PREPATCH EXPERTISE STATS: 11% more dmg, 11% damage reduced 11% more healing


POSTPATCH EXPERTISE STATS: 21% more dmg 17% damage reduced 11% more healing




That is what I said, son.


You do realize that everyone is getting this bonus, not just Sents/Maras. Healing in PvP didn't get nerfed, also it didn't get buffed.


What math is there to do? Other than math isn't the subject that you should start studying, reading comp would help you more.

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this is possibly just a server specific thing?


I think so. I wouldn't say it's the most played class on IC (I think Assassin/Shadow is--at least in WZs) but it's close and it's been going up since release.


On topic, I think they're fairly balanced right now. If there's any imbalance in the game, I think it would be due to weaknesses of other classes more so than overpowered-ness of Sents/Maras.


They're definitely strong, but they're crippled by CC. And as someone said above, you need to communicate with/rely on your team to use their CC correctly or you're in trouble.


It's like saying "Snipers are OP because I can't just stand in their LOS and heal through their damage." You can't just sit there and let a Mara/Sent beat on you or you WILL go down.


They're finally in line with where they should be. In beta and shortly after release, everyone still had all their tools to keep Maras away, but didn't really suffer too much when a Mara managed to get in range. Now, if you screw up and let one have too much melee time on you, you get punished for it. And that's how it should be. It's a DPS-only AC. They should be really good at dealing damage.

Edited by dougan
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I simply don't understand how an MMO developer can make one class so overpowered. Bioware's incompetence has reached new heights with this patch.


I think you need to relax a little :p If you want to see an OP PvP class, go check out the minstrel class in LOTRO right now (Turbine blatantly ignoring their pvp crowd and making some of these classes so ridiculously powerful is why I left).

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Oh, this is gold coming from an Assassin. This is truly a L2P issue, sorry. Spend less time posting, more time figuring out how to approach different classes.


As for the rest of this thread, it can be summed up as follows:


ITT: A bunch of bad players choosing to congregate and continuously whine to each other about 1 class. As their whines are continually confirmed by other bad players, they feel like their inability to play well is justified.


Lol@Marauders winning matches. Of course it's not the healers, or the tanks protecting the healers. :rolleyes:


Oh, you didn't realize, this is more of a team-oriented game, and you can't just blindly CC and approach Marauders, but have to actually strategically go about fighting them? How absurd!


If you're not saving your CC as a reaction to a Marauder's cooldowns, you deserve to get owned for your stupidity. If the Marauder is already whitebarred before he uses his cooldowns, blame your teammates for their stupidity. The problem is the players, not the class. Learn to play.


This ^


Also yeah Maras/sents CAN and will lock down a casting class IF you stand there and let them stay in melee range.

A lot of people really need to learn about positioning (e.g.a well positioned Sniper/gunslinger should not lose to a Mara/sent 1v1), kiting and saving CC's/knockbacks for key moments instead of just keeping them on CD.

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I think you need to relax a little :p If you want to see an OP PvP class, go check out the minstrel class in LOTRO right now (Turbine blatantly ignoring their pvp crowd and making some of these classes so ridiculously powerful is why I left).


The PvP in that game has always been broken. They don't balance for PvP and they never will. So sad because that game could be such a good PvP game if they cared.

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OP or not...the fact is there were always 5-6 sorc/sage in WZs, pre 1.2. Now there are always 5-6 marauder/sent in WZs.




Don't see how this shows anything. Just shows that bad players have a tendency to reroll the perceived FoTM so they can get a possible taste of what it's like to be competent.


Also, Sorcs/Sages were never OP, so just because there's a lot of them, it doesn't mean anything.

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Very, very, very tough to kill and impossible to survive them.


:rolleyes: I like how they're very, very, very tough to kill. Not just very, or very very, but very, very, very. Also lol'd@impossible to survive them. Come on now. This is exactly why BW should just ignore this forum section, it's a cesspool of ignorance.


As a sorc I stand no chance.


You should be playing as a part of your team, not trying to solo Marauders.


As an assassin they're tough, but it's almost even.


Tanksins should win.


In the lower bracket on my lvl45 pyro PT, very well geared, I'm getting smoked by sentinels 20 levels below me and 2-3k below my health -- so I know they're not 'awesomely' geared or the bolster system would show it.


You're doing it wrong then.


Mara/sents are now where Operatives were at launch - godmode. Just wish I had one at 50 without having to level another toon, hehe.


Oh, now I see. The same people who were crying up a river at release about Ops are the same one's crying up a river now, go figure. Just keep crying about one class to another. :rolleyes:

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That is what I said, son.


You do realize that everyone is getting this bonus, not just Sents/Maras. Healing in PvP didn't get nerfed, also it didn't get buffed.


What math is there to do? Other than math isn't the subject that you should start studying, reading comp would help you more.


I think marauders get more out of it because their burst was already insane..So now its more insane

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Its a bit of a pain being a sentinel with all the recent attention (i have been sent since the start.. since people claimed we where UNDERPOWERED before we learned to play).. as soon as the healers down the guys with the 2 sabers are the first to be focused and we're squishy as hell if we dont have guarded or saber ward or have camo to escape.. Though stuns seem to be harder to escape from to pop these since 1.2..


I do think the buff to master strike was not needed really. Rest of the stuff is a direct result of the gear changes. We where pretty powerful before but only in the hands of good players the whole buff and fotm thing has got us too much attentino.. The other buffs where quality of life changes that dont affect our dps all that much.


Before you could just dps people down and kick *** without getting anywhere near as much attention but because i'm on a low-mid pop server where everyone knows everyone because i was a pretty decent sent before they know the buff makes me pretty dangerous since i can more or less kill a sorc with 2 abilitys (ms and dispatch) give or take with the ms buff if i get them off guard casting lightning ..

Edited by AngusFTW
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Don't see how this shows anything. Just shows that bad players have a tendency to reroll the perceived FoTM so they can get a possible taste of what it's like to be competent.


Also, Sorcs/Sages were never OP, so just because there's a lot of them, it doesn't mean anything.


Lol you just contradict yourself. You said ppl have a tendency to reroll FoTM. Then, you said there are alot of sorc, it does not mean they OP.

So i can say the same thing about marauder/sent. "There are alot fo Marauder/Sent, it does not mean they OP." :)

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Lol you just contradict yourself. You said ppl have a tendency to reroll FoTM. Then, you said there are alot of sorc, it does not mean they OP.

So i can say the same thing about marauder/sent. "There are alot fo Marauder/Sent, it does not mean they OP." :)


He said the "perceived FOTM" there's a difference there.

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their main advantage is the combo of their gap closers, roots, and interrupts against hard casting classes


i think this is a case of rock beats scisors


as for paper


scoundrel/op can take them down relatively quickly from stealth - because they won't have their defensive cd's on yet - it can be difficult to come back from - especially if they have their restealth ans use it appropriately


also tank classes can do fairly well against them - correctly used defensive cd's to counter our burst


if they are really a problem try to ff them before the burst phase of their rotation


the main advantage to their class is the ability to fight at 20% health for a longer amount of time... people see them and just stand there trying to finish them off - to succeed continue to root/kite them as much as you can - and save the cc for finishing them off


agreed their damage burst damage can be high in pvp, but it has a long ramp up time - if you are going to reduce it, you need to reduce the ramp up time



^^^^ finally someone who understands the GAME, not just HIS GAMING^^^^^^

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Going by the limited experience we actually have of 1.2 being live, it just feels like they've over-balanced carnage slightly, in terms of ravage. I had a mate openly admit that he'd just 2 shotted a full BM geared sage, with ravage. That plus the apparent alteration to expertise and perceived decrease in survability across the board is just making them particularly scary atm, but it's nothing that can't be easily remedied.
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