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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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link. Because the only way I could see them logging that is if they are either logging what guilds are saying they're doing or they have access to in game information it would be nigh impossible for them to have access to. Because I beat raggy heroic with two separate pugs 6 weeks ago, and they didn't have guild logs showing it.


WoW went from being an immersive environment with good player interaction and crowded environments to people who think like you sitting in major cities and thinking their DPS meters made the game better.


Good for you, except there's a new raid tier now.

Edited by Caelrie
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It's funny because bad players actually think this.


Mastering usage of macros to outplay your opponents increases the skill of the game immensely. I'm sorry if you can't grasp that. They are tools that increase you skill, not crutches. If you cannot use mods or macros effectively then that is because you are bad.


Mods that improve the UI are a quality of life thing. You can't honestly say you can pay attention to the buffs/debuffs on the current UI, you basically have to take a wild guess on how long its going for, and squint at the tiny little icons. Likewise for the health/energy bars, they are tiny.


Skill doesn't come into this sorry. Mods and macros are a staple unless BioWare is prepared to have a fully customization UI with all of those features that players enjoy.





But...but...do you even realize how badly you just contradicted yourself?


And we're all sorry that you guys cant seem to play without magic glowing buttons telling you what to do and when to do it every second that you're in the game. Must be rough not being able to do anything at all without something there to tell you how and when to do it.

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He won't understand because he doesnt have a Strawman meter and isnt geared to enjoy the Heroic Strawman Raid.


Oh I got it just fine. You criticize min-maxers as bad players who can't think for themselves, yet can't explain why they can defeat content YOU can't.

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Now it's time for your proof. Show us an armory link of your WoW character, please.


That's the percentages of guilds on that server.


Have you read that? It measures the number of guilds that have beaten the boss at the time they updated it and then it says the percentages of the guilds that are active that have beaten the boss.


Edit: But actually, lets stop discussing this route as it holds no weight to this discussion. MMO's went without DPS meters throughout their highest player number growth periods and they are a better and more community based experience if you don't allow that kind of play because it tends to engulf the mindset of the game.

Edited by Kunitsukami
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Edit: But actually, lets stop discussing this route as it holds no weight to this discussion. MMO's went without DPS meters throughout their highest player number growth periods and they are a better and more community based experience if you don't allow that kind of play because it tends to engulf the mindset of the game.


No MMO has ever gone without a DPS meter if it had a combat log. They were available as overlays and used by the top guilds as far back as Everquest. They're inevitable, even without addon support.


And I LIKE that mindset. It makes for a much harder endgame.

Edited by Caelrie
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my biggest problem with the game (second biggest problem is the lack of dynamic gameplay).


Really? I don't know whtat you're playing because I've had a lot of dynamic gameplay. Maybe it's the way your playing this game?


For the life of me, I just do not understand why there are NO chat bubbles. How could they leave something like that out? Are we just supposed to watch "Barrens Chat" in the upper left-hand window scroll by at 20 point type in the hopes that someone will mention my name in the 4 seconds it takes for a new message to scroll by? It's ridiculous


Chat bubbles? Who the hell cares about chat bubbles? If they add that kind of trash to this game it would look childish and garbage. This isn't Guild Wars, it's STAR Wars. I have had no trouble at all reading comments from my guild, other people or from parties. There is no need for Chat bubbles.

Edited by Vastalee
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Oh I got it just fine. You criticize min-maxers as bad players who can't think for themselves, yet can't explain why they can defeat content YOU can't.


Lol thats cute. Really? When did we raid together? Where did I say I couldnt defeat content?


We'll call that a miss and a verification of your lack of a Strawman damage meter.

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That's the percentages of guilds on that server.


Have you read that? It measures the number of guilds that have beaten the boss at the time they updated it and then it says the percentages of the guilds that are active that have beaten the boss.


Edit: But actually, lets stop discussing this route as it holds no weight to this discussion. MMO's went without DPS meters throughout their highest player number growth periods and they are a better and more community based experience if you don't allow that kind of play because it tends to engulf the mindset of the game.



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....I like the ui


EDIT: Makes a nice change not having to spend my game time theorycrafting just to pish 1-2 more DPS/HPS


You never have to do that if you don't want to. That's what normal mode operations and flashpoints are for. The harder modes are for those of us who want them. They're optional.

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Chat bubbles? Who the hell cares about chat bubbles? If they add that kind of trash to this game it would look childish and garbage. This isn't Guild Wars, it's STAR Wars. I have had no trouble at all reading comments from my guild, other people or from parties. There is no need for Chat bubbles.


There IS a need for chat bubbles. They draw attention to the speaker. The current solution (all things said are popping up in the General chat window) makes it impossible to notice unless we look at the chat non-stop. And I prefer the scenery.

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Look at the WoW boards. Every new raid that comes out is facerolled so quickly and then everyone hops on the boards and QQ's that they are too easy and not challenging enough.

This is because of all the addons that folks are using.


If you can not down a boss because you do not have a threat meter, then you are bad at raiding. Addons and Mods are the MMO equivalent of a cheat code. Anyone that disagrees with that is delusional at best.

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If you're not going to allow dps meters/combat logs then why the hell did they implement enrage timers to several encounters (even heroic flashpoints). I sure as hell won't spend hours wiping on a boss because I have no clue who is lacking. This is going to end up like wow at the start of Cata. The only way you could clear a heroic dungeon was to do it with your guild - yeah this is really going to improve the community.....
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Look at the WoW boards. Every new raid that comes out is facerolled so quickly and then everyone hops on the boards and QQ's that they are too easy and not challenging enough.

This is because of all the addons that folks are using.


If you can not down a boss because you do not have a threat meter, then you are bad at raiding. Addons and Mods are the MMO equivalent of a cheat code. Anyone that disagrees with that is delusional at best.


how many guilds killed heroic ragnaros? k thanks

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Please give us the capability as healers to target @mouseover and @focus, it makes healing much more reactive and fluent. It shaves precious time off of switching healing targets, and allows you to weave damage into healing rotations much easier when applicable due to maintaining an enemy target and mouseover healing on operations frames
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No..the game doesn't need mods or macros. Macros open up a can of worms this game doesn't need or require. Mods - no thanks, not necessary. If anything - additions to the game should be completely controlled by the devs - if they feel damage meters are needed, then they should add them.


Customisable UI - yes I think this would be beneficial to allow people to setup a UI they are use to [i personally have no gripes about the UI and understand the choices they made for the design].


Mods ARE controlled by the devs. They write the API that modders use to write the addons. The API includes all the things the devs want to allow mods to do which means they are fine with them. Please try and understand that before posting. It's true that someone can always find a way to use the API in a way that is beyond the desires of the devs but that just requires some minor policing.


Mods don't just appear out of thin air.

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