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10 Good
  1. 1- Combat log/add-ons 2 - Macros 3 - Fix ability delay 4 - Textures/AA not working 5 - LFG (doesn't have to be cross server, spamming general chat is not an option and /who is terrible) 6 - Target's target 7 - Chat bubbles Really don't care about content at the moment, these features should've came standard. Way too much money spent on VO and not enough on game mechanics.
  2. I don't mind waiting, but others probably won't. What people don't seem to realize is that the first months of any MMO are probably the most important. If you wait too much before fixing an issue, people will just go back to WoW or stop playing.
  3. This isn't an issue you can just hotfix or even fix in a patch. I'm more concerned about the fact that they ignored the issue during beta and it seems unlikely that they are going to even fix it. I really want this game to succeed, tired of WoWs supremacy but if you want a competitive game you just can't have these type of issues.
  4. Maybe BW doesn't want us to know. The game already has major gameplay issues, they probably didn't want to release a combat log and have even more complaints.
  5. Bro, there's even enrage timers on heroic flashpoints (i.e dps races). Just wait until people start doing them and beg for damage meters.
  6. Good luck with your enrage timer boss wiping goals in 2012!
  7. Already cancelled sub, the story is great don't get me wrong, but gameplay is crippling the game. I'm playing a BH atm and even leveling is frustrating because there is so many bugs with many abilities (i.e unload). I played WoW for 4 years (hardcore raiding, 2.5k+ arenas) and I have extremely high expectations when it comes to gameplay. I realize the game just came out but that's no excuse, no game should be released with such issues. Lack of UI customization is also a game breaker for me. Will wait for first patch, if the ability delay issue and some other minor issues are fixed which I doubt then I'll subscribe again otherwise I'm just going to wait for the next MMO.
  8. Sigh... this has nothing to do with WoW. It has to do with the fact that no one wants to wipe repeatedly to a boss and have no way of fixing it. You either allow dps meters and have enrage meters or you don't, but then raids will just stack healers and make the encounters trivial
  9. Did I ever mention WoW? sorry I guess WoW was the first game to introduce dungeons...
  10. Not sure if cereal to be honest. Seems like there is going to be enrage timers on several heroic flashpoints fights so I'm guessing operations too. Going to be great wiping on a boss and not knowing who is lacking because there is no dps meter. Will end up having to avoid pugs. Anyways, good luck with you boss wiping goals in 2012!
  11. how many guilds killed heroic ragnaros? k thanks
  12. If you're not going to allow dps meters/combat logs then why the hell did they implement enrage timers to several encounters (even heroic flashpoints). I sure as hell won't spend hours wiping on a boss because I have no clue who is lacking. This is going to end up like wow at the start of Cata. The only way you could clear a heroic dungeon was to do it with your guild - yeah this is really going to improve the community.....
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