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Everything posted by Thunndar

  1. At least let me move and resize my windows. let me add more than 2 hotbars. Let me move the target window. Give me target of target window so I can easily assist. Where are the macros?
  2. I don't like targeting a mob then looking down to see whether it is Strong, Elite, Boss, etc. It would be nice if their names had some sort of graphic to indicate their strength.
  3. I sat in a queue for 30 minutes. Had to go afk for a few. I come back and the server had booted me so I get to sit through another queue for 30 minutes. This is really pissing me off
  4. Latest Queue is over 600 for me. No I can not roll another server because I already have a level 12. This really is getting ridiculous so how about locking a few of these to new players and spread them out.
  5. This is what I get for picking a server name i can pronounce
  6. Entered my pre order code the 1st day it was available and no email here.
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