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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Them screaming for macros add ons and things is simple. Its to help them get set up to feel like the elites of the game. I say keep it as it is its level on the board and people actualy have to work at knowing there class.



Rather than looking like cartmans fat azz setting there saying fireball fireball kyle healing wave. lol

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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


Posting in a i don't really know how to play MMO's thread!


The UI is not great but i have adapted to it and i am sure most will, and is starting to feel natural now(Btw Rolled a Warrior,BH, Inq, and mando and figured out how to use them. Its better than most WoW clones UI.

You learned how to play WoW and other games im sure, so shut up and learn this one!


No Macro's and No addons please! Im sick of people who either cant think or figure stuff out without tools, and micro management fools who insist in sucking everyone into their pathetic world of .000000009%.


Stop pretending you know how to play and actually L2P!

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Every MMO wants to be as big as WoW, but they also all avoid addons like the plague.


You cannot make sophisticated end game content that forces people to rethink how they play their character and therefore extend longevity and playability without giving them tools to do it. Also the community expands and builds around the addon community. This extends the longevity, word of mouth, and grows your playerbase.


Yes, it allows end game raiders to spot out people who can't play or don't bother to learn how to play. Yes, those people run rampant on the forums of every new MMO screaming loudly and obnoxiously about how they don't want addons or macros. If they're allowed to direct the developers, then the MMO is destined to barely tread water until it changes to free to play.


Most of us have seen this argument play out OVER AND OVER again for each MMO release. Usually the devs decide they don't want to be "like wow" and never release anything even approaching the level of WoWs modability. Soon after that, they try to excite everyone with their grand new plan to make everything micro-transaction/free-to-play.


The mistake is thinking that the casuals who whine about addons represent all casuals. WoW is generally considered for better or for worse to be the biggest game to bring the casual player into the gaming market. Yet...yet... they *gasp* have the most powerful capabilities for addons and macros... hmmmm... developers... rethink your flawed paradigms. Release addon support.


You need the casual gamer in the game, but you also need the elite gamer. Providing high level content and challenge with compelling strategy and time spent "crunching numbers" allows the entire community to see something that's actually worthy of praise (or jealous insulting) for their achievement. It spurs casuals who may or may not ever reach that level of play to at least try a little harder play a little longer to get a little further. It's what provides the diversity and chaos that makes the community thrive and continue for long after the day 1 release. Without threat and damage meters, your instance design has to be dumbed down. Your creativity with bosses has to be dumbed down. Your threat and damage play style has to be made uninteresting and simplistic. When you give your community tools to track how well they do, you allow yourselves to design more varied and difficult content.


Yes, bad players will suffer under this paradigm... but those bad players hurt the experience for the rest of the players anyways. They are also entitled people who demand everything for nothing and aren't worth designing your entire game around.

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Or, how about mouse-over healing? I mean selecting someone and then clicking on a healing skill is such an unnecessary step, and it takes time! What were these developers thinking? /facepalm



If you don't know what you're talking about you should really not post because it makes you look dumb. How about we get rid of Hot Key targeting as well and just make everyone click Unit Frames???


Mouseover is a targeting option just like mouse clicking or using F keys. Its a QoL issue for healers because it makes the game more fluid and allows healers to keep separate Targets and Focus Targets. If you choose to heal (I doubt that you are based on your ignorant post) then heal the way you like. Click away Pro. Let people play the way they like.

Edited by zootzoot
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Here's a good example of an ability that screams out for macros.


Acid Blade at the top of the Operative Tree.


It's off the GCD and will always be used with Hidden Strike or Backstab. Basically as a QoL thing it should be macro'd with those two skills. Yes I can save a Hot Bar space by using a Modifier key like ALT with the Keybind I use for those abilities but why should I?


I don't feel more leet hitting ALT 1 then 1 to do an Acid Blade Backstab combo I just feel annoyed TBH. As an Operative I already have almost 30 key binds. I'd say that's plenty.


Spot on. Im a level 22 smuggler and am well on my way to carpal tunnel. The shear amount of tools I have at my disposal to lock down a target and do dps is uncanny and fun. However having the ability to string up some buffs in a macro to alleviate some pressure on my fingers would be nice.


Edit: Because i said 22 rogue lol

Edited by Nyokai
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I don't want damage meters, but I agree there needs to be a way to practice rotations. There could be a practice range (dummies) that allows you to see accumulated damage. This would allow rotation practice without feeding the DPS elitist attitudes in flashpoints.


I hope they keep addons out of the game. Better UI customization would be fine, but keep DBM and the like out of there. I was an extensive user of healing addons, DBM, etc in WOW and frankly I think they took away from the game. Pretty much all of the encounters ended up being built for the addons.

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Not gonna read this huge thread, so maybe this has been said:


WHY can't I bind my mouse keys to the buttons on my bar?? Please add this in!


Also, customizable unit frames would be nice. And an alert system for proc-based abilities like Retaliation - I want to be able to watch the fight, not stare at my bar for a button to light up :(

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Yeah, games should be brutal, primitive and unforgiving! How dare I want convenience and fun at my fingertips. I keep acting like this is some kind of game, but you're right. It's serious business people!


This game is not brutal, unforgiving, or primitive. You're just having a temper tantrum because you can't have a hello kitty styled UI. Seriously, there is absolutely nothing missing from this UI that is required for game play. You can't rate someone based on what armor they have at level 10? Cry me a *********** river. As I said before, grow a pair and learn to play like a grown up. This isn't dance dance revolution. Adults don't need to be told what keys to push in what sequence so you don't have to think.

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Let's have HUGE neon signs that scream "MOVE!" when I'm standing on the proverbial fire shall we?

Automated crowd control for as soon as one breaks - cuz paying attention to that is too easy, this way it just saves trouble.


Or, how about mouse-over healing? I mean selecting someone and then clicking on a healing skill is such an unnecessary step, and it takes time! What were these developers thinking? /facepalm


Damage meters are also very important, because noone can ever figure out how to better deal damage without them - I mean with weeks of researching, and hard training, you can learn that 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 can deal 1337 DPS which is so much better than the 1336 DPS all the other noobs with their retarded pseudo rotations and skill trees who play this game can do - I wont even ever invite any of those into my groups!


Don't forget aggro meters - obviously being careful and having a feel for what you are doing, and how the tank is performing is just an unecessary concern - making sure my aggro bar is slightly below the tanks aggro bar is so much more challenging and fun!


Can't live without Gearscore either, cuz how else am I going to judge another players skill? Actually watching them play? lol! silly people




Lol! My feelings precisely. This forum is filled with crybabies. Most of those that enjoy the game the way it is (like me) are in-game playing, not moaning on the forums. I hope Bioware listens to in-game chat and metrics and NEVER to the forums.


I play a Juggernaut tank, am lvl 32 and I'm having a blast. No problem with anything stated by the minority on these boards. I do fine damage, good aggro and have done every single flashpoint and heroic so far. Of course I've wiped a few times, but I always pull through. Tanking is fun and awesome as it is, and needs nothing else. "Tab tanking is hard", no it's not you whiny little girl, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING.



Sigh, and btw. This is my very first MMO and I love it.


Maybe that's because I haven't been spoiled by the "gimme, gimme, gimme" mentality rampant around here. Seriously people, grow up.

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It is amazing to me how many people say they do not want this game to end up like World of Warcraft, but are willing to beg for the tools to do it.


I promise you if you play SWtOR as a new MMO and not as WOW2.0, you may gain a new perspective. The "tools/crutches" you are used to are not in this game in it's current form, and a ton of them simply are not needed. Play the game to enjoy it and you may find that gameplay though it may seem somewhat familiar is somewhat different and therefore requires a different viewpoint... one that is outside of the cookie cutter perception that all MMOs require and are required to provide certian "tools/crutches".

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Yep, keep at it. I am 100% sure I'll have my addons sooner rather than later.


Bioware isn't stupid and addons will come.


Bioware has already stated addons will not be coming. They will allow minor customization to UIs, yes. They've already stated as much. Honestly, if add-ons came to this game I'd sell my account. Add-ons are one of the major reasons that WoW is the crapfest it is today.

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WoW was diminished by the "efficiency" of macros, add-ons, and access to extensive "combat log" information that should stay on the back-end (gleaned by add-ons). WoW was good enough that it was still fun, but less so because of the numbers game it became.


I hope the UI becomes more customizable (even with add-ons), but the exposed API's should be limited so that back-end information remains so. I hope we can do some basic macro's, but the SWTOR devs should be very careful about where the line is drawn.

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Lol! My feelings precisely. This forum is filled with crybabies. Most of those that enjoy the game the way it is (like me) are in-game playing, not moaning on the forums. I hope Bioware listens to in-game chat and metrics and NEVER to the forums.


I play a Juggernaut tank, am lvl 32 and I'm having a blast. No problem with anything stated by the minority on these boards. I do fine damage, good aggro and have done every single flashpoint and heroic so far. Of course I've wiped a few times, but I always pull through. Tanking is fun and awesome as it is, and needs nothing else. "Tab tanking is hard", no it's not you whiny little girl, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING.



Sigh, and btw. This is my very first MMO and I love it.


Maybe that's because I haven't been spoiled by the "gimme, gimme, gimme" mentality rampant around here. Seriously people, grow up.




lol you havn't even maxxed a toon in any MMo and you're talking to those that have like that? plz name and server so i know to avoid your pompuos attitude

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My wife was complaining about the UI for over 6 months in beta. The UI is garbage, nobody in my family will touch this game. My son already spent the prepaid credit card that preordered this game on some other game, Origin will have fun collecting.


This ^^^ is funny. The UI is beyond unmovable... there are definitely some things I would like to have that just aren't there. (Target of target? Maybe that one is there, but I missed it?)


If you need mods to figure out a rotation, however, you really do need help. :D If you can't tell how well you're doing by how fast the mobs are dying or your health at the end of fights... I dunno what to tell you. And don't say you have to change up in FPs, so you need a meter in there... yes, you have to change your rotation up a bit, but you still should have a good idea of what is giving you the best bang for your "buck", and if your group isn't wiping, what's the problem?


Don't turn this into an elitist min/maxxing game, Bioware, please.


And Gigabytes, if your wife complained about it for 6 months, why did you let her play in the Beta? My wife complains about something for more than 5 or 6 minutes and I remove the irritation.


And why are you still in the forums? Troll much? :rolleyes:

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Right now we can't even objectively log combat.


I prefer to play with information instead of in a haze designed to appease people that failed Algebra I.

And the other side of the argument is it's a game, as long as you're having fun everything else is irrelevant.


I'm not stating my actual opinion, just giving the other side of the argument. I'm going to remain like the Swiss and keep out of it, because no one wins these things. Does make for entertaining reading though.

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