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What is wrong with the new Warzone rewards? What can be done to fix the problem?


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I completely agree with OP.


If you also consider the low population in the servers, you might just end up where i currently am.

I loved doing PvP pre-1.2, but now it's just leeching comms while getting annihilated by the other faction, simply because there is a good PvP guild constantly farming matches and they are

  • 4 to 8 people in the same guild, in each warzone that pops up
  • in full BattleMaster gear
  • most likely on some VoIP software such as TS or Vent

These guys don't even have to do anything, they can just sit on the control points, and focus fire on anything that comes at them. It's not even a game anymore.


I swear i never purposedly quit a warzone pre 1.2 and now i sadly have to admit that i did. Multiple times, just because i couldn't take it anymore.

With the current state of things, i will need at least a MONTH to get full battlemaster and i certainly do not like coming home from work to get my *** handed to me, constantly, every day. I have no incentives. As much as i'd like to change the current situation, even if i end up with full BM gear, most of the pugs with me will not be, so things will not change.


Thank you BioWare, you are now effectively grabbing my money out of my pocket and giving me the finger!

Well done, this is the way to do business!

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Great job!


Healing stand point... We are healers, it's not our job to turn turrets, click doors, run or carry the ball & DPS. I don't mind the changes to healing (with good game play from the team, healers can survive). Healers should not have to stop doing their job (healing the team) in an effort to get more medals. When the team is clicking on objects, the healer is still healing up the group preparing for the next engagement. 300k + healing and a win does not get you your 8 medals...so healers have to do other things...allowing team members to die so they can get thier medals.

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Great post.

Lots of games tend to only hear the majority. It sounds like a good thing, but in most MMO's the DPS classes hold a large majority of your players and always siding with "more damage" mentality is chasing your tail. You made all these other classes for a reason....use them. It's easy to make new loot, rewards, gifts, etc have something to give more damage or to change the game with sides of more damage capabilities and less healing, but it's fairly obvious that while it may help your initial needs that the longevity of your game just became shorter.


I personally mostly logged on and qued. I have a few toons that are almost exclusively leveled through PVP. After the update I hardly felt like queing...and it wasn't because there were so many new great additions to the game that I was distracted.


I rolled a Sage Seer in Beta with Bio. Both things now have been whacked pretty hard. I do have other toons, but even most of them struggled without the highest level of gear. If anything you should have made the other healing classes better.


Of course I am biased into thinking that the healer class when fully spec'd and geared should be able to heal through the largest damage class...no one seems to like that thinking, but to me we take on our own risks. If we are equally geared it should be a stalmate taking out all other variables. I could just about do that with players in my Battlemaster gear before 1.2, but now I rarely get off a heal that matters when taking damage at all. Should teams take more time protecting healers? Possibly, but the trend I see instead is more teams just soley running high DPS and zerging like crazy. With the wzs as they are and the changes to the game its really the way to go.


Before the months out all we will see in WZs is Jump and Smash professions..the only time I didn't see this as a majority in wz's was on off hours or not prime time hours.

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Very nice overall. The trick is getting people to understand that the PvP here is objective base. I have seen many comments about "Lookit my kills!.' or "lookit my damage done!" and if these player dont get it and they are on your team watch out. Its nice to see the peope doing what they are supposed to getting rewards. Many a match i have sat by a turret guarding and maybe got one medal while idiots running around getting their HKs cuz they think its wow and costing our tea the match yet they get more rewards than I. If it was up to me the only damage or kills counted towards PvP reward would be done within your attack range from the objective and while the objective was in your field of view. On the other hand these players are great when they are on someone elses team. I couldnt help but chcukle at the 2 Mauraders and the assassin hell beny on killing me when behind them a teammate was walking by with the Hutball for a score..LOL.
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the rewards are fine. if you lose, you get 50% of what you would get. how this bothers you is beyond me.


and christ, if you can't get the 8 medals for the full reward, then you are just bad. there is nothing that can be done for you. bioware added all kinds of easy way to farm medals, from defender points, to attacker points, and everything in between. just stop being bad, please.

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great well thought out post regarding the current state of pvp..


yes I have noticed the longer que times again, the patch worked wonders for the first few days and now people are realizing there is no point to pvp'ing anymore with the current system...


I thought today's patch was going to have a pvp fix in it, but i guess not.

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great well thought out post regarding the current state of pvp..


yes I have noticed the longer que times again, the patch worked wonders for the first few days and now people are realizing there is no point to pvp'ing anymore with the current system...


I thought today's patch was going to have a pvp fix in it, but i guess not.


They had a good chance to boost PvP and blew it and sent it the wrong way. :(

Edited by hypershadowcat
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I would be happy if they just went back to the way it was as far as credits. That is for wins or loses.


As a pvper i dont want to grind pve dailies for credits, I realize people say "pvpers dont need credits" that is lame, we do. There are alot of credit sinks in this game and rewards ranging from 0 to 2000 is weak, wheter you win or lose.


I can deal with lower comms and the lower valor but not the lower credits, having NO money affects all aspects of gameplay.

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This is a well thought out post. I tend to agree with the majority of it. The medal minimum is going to perpetuate people leaving a match when they jump into a match after it has already started or i at a significant advantage. Before, if you knew you would get something/anything, you would go in and try and help out or maybe turn the tide in your teams favor. There have been several times low levels would exit after a bad start only to have a mid 30 or a 40 replace him. Given a reasonable amount of time you could mount a comeback. I'm sure we have been apart of one weather it be on the winning or losing side. With the changes, players entering an ongoing match will simply exit because they don't want to risk the time played to receive nothing for their efforts.
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