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Light sided Sith


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Not sure how this thread got off topic. Originally it was about how empire players treat a light sided Sith - whom they all believe SHOULD be dark. "Go play republic if you want to be light" kind of thing. Also on the fact that the hate and abuse you get from the players themselves, fits right into a light sided Sith's story.
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Not sure how this thread got off topic. Originally it was about how empire players treat a light sided Sith - whom they all believe SHOULD be dark. "Go play republic if you want to be light" kind of thing. Also on the fact that the hate and abuse you get from the players themselves, fits right into a light sided Sith's story.


During my SW playthrough, most of my LS choices were seen as good tactics by other Sith Lords and Imperial military commanders. They saw the benefits of interrogating prisoners instead of killing them, or trading them for Imperial POWs. Even Baras praised my resourcefulness and saw the logic in my decisions. Of course, he just thought I was being extremely devious, since that's how his mind works. :p

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i love the light side SW story. if you go dark you just feel like a tool where as the light sided one makes his own choices. but yes, other players hate me when i win the roll. i got spam mail for not killing the captain in black talon


I don't get that... it's like people think you are giving THEM light or dark points. I once had a guy say "OH let's all do dark ok? I don't want any light side points" and I was like What?? and I explained it and he was like "REALLY> Oh that's good then ok make whatever decision you want then!"

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Originally it was about how empire players treat a light sided Sith - whom they all believe SHOULD be dark. "Go play republic if you want to be light" kind of thing. Also on the fact that the hate and abuse you get from the players themselves, fits right into a light sided Sith's story.

Sorry, what?

I played LS all through out the story on both of my Sith. No one gives a damn about your alignment as long as you can press buttons properly.

In fact, the majority of my guild is LS. How about that?

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What kind of weird server are you on? I have a friend who is an obsessively LS Operative, and no one has ever given him grief (beyond saying 'booooooo' once when he won the roll in some instance). Sending you mail about it? Like, wut?


I play the majority of my characters as LS, and I'm Imperial. Some of them are less patient than others, but most of the DS options just make you seem like a sadistic twerp (I have one character that is pretty evil though, as that is what I'm shooting for), not some kind of evil genius ******, which is what I might be more attracted to playing. Hey, let me kill or torture everyone who ever associates with me for mostly no reason. That sounds like a fantastic way of building a power base and winning future allies. Flock to me, my children. Ignore the enormous body pile outside the door.

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What kind of weird server are you on? I have a friend who is an obsessively LS Operative, and no one has ever given him grief (beyond saying 'booooooo' once when he won the roll in some instance). Sending you mail about it? Like, wut?


I play the majority of my characters as LS, and I'm Imperial. Some of them are less patient than others, but most of the DS options just make you seem like a sadistic twerp (I have one character that is pretty evil though, as that is what I'm shooting for), not some kind of evil genius ******, which is what I might be more attracted to playing. Hey, let me kill or torture everyone who ever associates with me for mostly no reason. That sounds like a fantastic way of building a power base and winning future allies. Flock to me, my children. Ignore the enormous body pile outside the door.


It isnt as obvious that your light side, until you choose light sided options in multiplayer dialogue. You have the ability to turn off sith corruption, which a lot of players do because they want to be evil and ''look good'' at the same time. They want the character they created from level 1, through to 50 and beyond and not have dark side corruption alter their looks.


If you never group with anyone, or group with ''space bar users'' you arent likely to see the hatred for light sided sith. If you never announce in general, post items only usable by light siders or hint to others what you do/are then nobody will know you are.

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im playing a lightsided sith assassin. i find it FAR more interesting than darkside actually.


you get your own unique perspectives on how sith society should be, your own interpretation of the sith code. motivations and goals that make sense and dont seem like its out of a goofy tv show villians notebook.


darkside just sorta comes off as a goofy over the top violent sociopath. how completely and utterly boring....


lightside is more of an anti-hero type. genuinely trying to improve the severely flawed traditionalist society around him thats led by insane cartoon villains.


not to mention more than half the time the darkside choices are goofy and unnecessary. "oh ive been tasked with finding this guy and bringing him back alive so we can find out some critical information....but im EVIL MWHAHAHA IMA KILL HIM FOR NO APPARENT REASON OTHER THAN IM EVIL MWHAHAHA"


i dont understand how people can be so into it. being darkside is like being a 5 year olds idea of what a villian should be. just kills dudes and kicks puppies, its silly and i can't stand playing a character so one dimensional.

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Well honestly, I still hold that The Imperials are the good guys in this game, so a light-sided Sith isn't really a problem for me.

They are a bit good guy when playing them, and Rep is bad guy. Republic appear as the good guy when playing republic. The story is biased toward the side you play. The same you are always on the winning side, whatever faction you choose, and the others side is taking desperate measures.



I play an IA LS (more than DS anyway). She is not a saint, but she have ideals, and she follow them. She is not a psychotic, she do not kill just for fun.

And most of the time, especially during sidequests, the LS choices are "save the guy to turn him for the empire/make him prisoner for more infos", while the DS choices are more "kill this guy because it's fun". The LS choices seems more clever, and adds power to the empire, while the DS choice are just evil, and doesn't help the empire.


Anyway, there is a lot of LS people on my server (non rp). No problems so far being LS, even a good laugh when we were 3 LS people for 1DS during black talon.

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They are a bit good guy when playing them, and Rep is bad guy. Republic appear as the good guy when playing republic. The story is biased toward the side you play. The same you are always on the winning side, whatever faction you choose, and the others side is taking desperate measures.


That's probably true, but all I know for sure is that from The Imperial stories, The Empire are the good guys and The Republic are just pretending to be good.

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Awww don't think that way.



People love Light Sith.


For me personally there is no such thing as LightSide sith, and I see the whole alignment concept as a huuuuge fail as it is only truly worthwhile in a single player game and should not be part of this as it is NON-consequential as to what you choose on a gameplay level. People pick whatever answer to get the gear they want. Epic decisions that have impact? Have not laughed harder in a while. It's actually exactly that what makes me call BioWare devs liars. I had high hopes for this feature but ultimately is just another complete blunder.


As for how people see you......well......can't say it matters to me at all what alignment anyone has, but THAT is exactly the problem.

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Generally I've found that most people don't really care what choices you end up picking, sometimes they ask in chat why and you're free to tell them or not. I have a couple of characters where the alignment indicators are turned off and the majority of them turn out to be more or less neutral. My max level SW has amassed 10k light and 9400+ dark, I've rerun instances to balance out the light/dark options primarily so that only the class story quests and planetary quests would affect the indicator.


That being said being LS Sith means that you're placing the needs of the Empire ahead of your own wants, or atleast that's what I got out of the majority of the choices. Is it selfless: yes, does it advance the overall bad-assery of the Empire: sure... is the light side choice still essentially evil compared to something the Republic side has? More than likely. However, I can see why Sith warriors and inquistors are less likely to play as LS or should play less LS, because most of us are backstabby and power hungry and that may not dovetail in with the goal of serving the Empire.

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On my SW i still follow the lesson my overseer gave me on korriban: Never give up an potential asset, If you fail you will be executed. and always press for more information. this naturally brings me to a darkside majority. Its fun to play it like that but i also know the charm of a lightside empire character. Where you try to change the empire for the better, and often hilarious debates have commenced when i've given my reasons for sparing a particular captain in an early flashpoint.
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i giggled when jaesa told me she was off to kill some light sith. Proudest moment of my gaming experience.


But, jokes aside, light sith are fundamentally weaker than sith who have completely opened themselves to the force. Its like doing something half-*****ed. By picking the middle ground you arent as powerful as pure jedi or pure sith. Thats why, as a dark sith, i hate light sith. Youre a stain on the empire,

Dark jedi are even more powerful than light sith.


To the people that say dark sith are one dimensional... seriously ***? Was Darth Vader one dimensional? An even better example, was Darth Bane one dimensional? **** the lore forums if youre going to say something as asinine as that.


My only gripe concerning dark side choices is the terrible sith corruption. It turned my red sith pureblood into, no joke, a pink vampire with heavy goth eye shadow.

Edited by DarthPunitor
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I find Light Side Sith interesting. Like Dark Side, there are many shades of how light-sided you are. In some cases such a Sith may simply be a slightly sentimental pragmatist or simply have a code of honor that they do not break. Or one could go beyond that and be an all around decent person, posing as a pragmatist to avoid being targeted for being too soft.


And even then, I love the surprise that Sith and Jedi show when you choose light-sided option even when it's not pragmatic or has potential for further cruelty. At one point in the Sith Warrior storyline, it resulted in several Sith attacking me because I showed mercy to someone who betrayed me and whom I had no further use for.

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I'm currently levelling up a light sided Sith Inquisitor, and am finding it more fun than playing a light sided Jedi, simply because while I'm choosing the good options I also don't have to be pious about it, like the Jedi are. That, and my character is quite sarcastic at times.



I was quite amused by the overseer's reaction when I chose the option 'You've taught me so much' (Paraphrasing) at the end of the Korriban storyline. The way he sputtered at first then realised he could spin that as what he was trying to do all along was funny.


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I'm currently levelling up a light sided Sith Inquisitor, and am finding it more fun than playing a light sided Jedi, simply because while I'm choosing the good options I also don't have to be pious about it, like the Jedi are. That, and my character is quite sarcastic at times.



I was quite amused by the overseer's reaction when I chose the option 'You've taught me so much' (Paraphrasing) at the end of the Korriban storyline. The way he sputtered at first then realised he could spin that as what he was trying to do all along was funny.


The SI in general gets some of the best lines in the game, imo. The LS version is even funnier than the DS. I love the line when someone accuses you of being insane... "You should see my OTHER personality." had me rolling. :D

Edited by Captain_Zone
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By picking the middle ground you arent as powerful as pure jedi or pure sith.


Fine by me, kill all your assets just to be "evil". I'll stick with keeping them alive, extracting the information out of them, converting them to my side, and manipulating my way to the top of the food chain.


A true Sith never gives up an asset or anything that leads to more power. When you're killing people right and left just for the sake of killing them even if it's tactically unsound, that's not Sith-like. You're just a psychopath with no brains.


For example, Darth Sidious would have made nearly all "light side" choices to get into his position of power. He barely killed anyone until he took over. He got there by quiet manipulation, being calculated and preserving people when they were useful to him. And he was the culmination of the Rule of Two, one of the most powerful Sith ever to live.

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i giggled when jaesa told me she was off to kill some light sith. Proudest moment of my gaming experience.


But, jokes aside, light sith are fundamentally weaker than sith who have completely opened themselves to the force. Its like doing something half-*****ed. By picking the middle ground you arent as powerful as pure jedi or pure sith. Thats why, as a dark sith, i hate light sith. Youre a stain on the empire,

Dark jedi are even more powerful than light sith.


To the people that say dark sith are one dimensional... seriously ***? Was Darth Vader one dimensional? An even better example, was Darth Bane one dimensional? **** the lore forums if youre going to say something as asinine as that.


My only gripe concerning dark side choices is the terrible sith corruption. It turned my red sith pureblood into, no joke, a pink vampire with heavy goth eye shadow.


light sith are way less of a strain on the empire than a full dark sith. sure individually you're alittle weaker, but not by much.


benefits of the lightsith

-won't execute troopers over petty things.

- won't murder dudes who are way more useful as prisoners.

- won't betray other sith and waste valuable resources with in-fighting, the greatest weakness of the empire.

- troops would have much higher moral following someone who actually cared if they lived or died.


they are a massive asset to the empire, the empire would be much stronger if all the sith were lightsided. the empire would be more united and focused instead of spending half the time killing each other.


hell the greatest weakness of the empire is the sith (darksided). without the sith the empire would be MUCH more effective. calling lightsided sith a strain is absolutely wrong in every possible way.

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- won't betray other sith and waste valuable resources with in-fighting, the greatest weakness of the empire.


But what if you are killing Sith that are of the mindset of killing one another and causing in-fighting, are you adding to the problem or cutting the cancer from the Empire one death at a time? :p


Besides, I'm a Sith. When another Sith disrespects me, especially for being an alien, they need to learn a little humility.


I teach them..the hard way that usually ends in their death.


(I play a DS-Inq and LS-Warrior, and find some LS choices for Warrior to be silly and some DS choices for Inquisitors to be silly)


So in short, I hope most are saying they support LS or DS in the terms of choosing a net gain of DS or LS but not purely LS or DS.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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