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6501 Demolition Round


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People have wanted some proof of the big numbers. Yesterday I was personally hit by one for 5300 on a character with 1100 expertise.


Today, I saw this while look at the scoreboard at the end of a Warzone.


INB4: He used all his cooldowns and it was probably on someone under geared.


As an Operative, I laugh at your futile attempts at making people think it is balanced.



Edited by Cataphractone
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I believe someone posted a screen of a 7k+ HSM yesterday. It's a big 1 hit skill but considering the nerfs along with your TM/GR your overall actual damage is probably lower. You just have a nice 3 GCD cycle of potential 10k damage (crit DR/HSM with crit TM/GR lead up) very 15 seconds.


Much prefer that over a constant Sent/Mara damage. Their damage throughput makes you guys look positively pathetic.

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People have wanted some proof of the big numbers. Yesterday I was personally hit by one for 5300 on a character with 1100 expertise.


Today, I saw this while look at the scoreboard at the end of a Warzone.


INB4: He used all his cooldowns and it was probably on someone under geared.


As an Operative, I laugh at your feudal attempts at making people think it is balanced.


Not surprising. Although last night I was Smashed by a Sentinel for about 8K+. Im wearing almost 1100 expertise, full BM. Probably popped trinkets/adrenals etc but still I was pretty :eek: at how I got bursted. Now if I see a sent/marauder I just run. Not playing that game lol.

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op stealth hit me my health went down to 1/4 from full. Jug hits me 4-5k 3times in a row in under 6secs. What else? Op (not stealth one) made my health down to 1/4 from full just under 3 secs.

It because I was undergear or maybe they hacked. chuckle.

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Whatever. So I got the word wrong. That must mean that commando didn't get a 6500 crit.


God, what was I thinking?


So what? He got a 6,500 crit. He's also in one of the least mobile specs in the game, whose only redeeming quality is good burst at times.


And yes, he was probably buffed up and hitting a severely under geared opponent. I fail to see what the problem is. Full (updated) BM gear versus an under geared opponent means big numbers.


In other news, man has landed on the moon.

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So what? He got a 6,500 crit. He's also in one of the least mobile specs in the game, whose only redeeming quality is good burst at times.


And yes, he was probably buffed up and hitting a severely under geared opponent. I fail to see what the problem is. Full (updated) BM gear versus an under geared opponent means big numbers.


In other news, man has landed on the moon.


2 things...


this has all been brought up several times on multiple threads.. 2 attacks going off at the same time and stacking together showing as one hit


and the target of said big hit was probably one of those pre 1.2 full rakata geared pvp'ers who no longer have a chance in hell at pvp till geared... i hit one of those said people yesterday with back-stab for 4.9k with no buffs :|

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2 things...


this has all been brought up several times on multiple threads.. 2 attacks going off at the same time and stacking together showing as one hit


and the target of said big hit was probably one of those pre 1.2 full rakata geared pvp'ers who no longer have a chance in hell at pvp till geared... i hit one of those said people yesterday with back-stab for 4.9k with no buffs :|


Mine was not 2 attacks going off at the same time, stacking together as one hit. This hit was against a pvp geared target (expertise level unknown). I had a rakata power adrenal and a crit trinket popped, as well as a rakata aim stim.


I have 10 pieces of BM gear, and 4 pieces of champ gear, which means this number is only going to go up:



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Geared people hit undergeared people:


News at 11


You nailed the problem right on the head with that statement.


PvP should never be about gear, it should be about player skill. When one player can absolutely dominate another because they spent their life grinding better gear, there is an issue.


David Beckham isn't going to be a better player because he buys and wears a Nike made jersey instead of an Addidas. Manning isn't going to be better because he starts wearing a Rolex instead of a Citizen watch (He is a paid endorser of Citizen). Tiger Woods isn't going to be better because he changes his cloths....


Gear should never be the determining factor, it really shouldn't be a factor at all.

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You nailed the problem right on the head with that statement.


PvP should never be about gear, it should be about player skill. When one player can absolutely dominate another because they spent their life grinding better gear, there is an issue.


David Beckham isn't going to be a better player because he buys and wears a Nike made jersey instead of an Addidas. Manning isn't going to be better because he starts wearing a Rolex instead of a Citizen watch (He is a paid endorser of Citizen). Tiger Woods isn't going to be better because he changes his cloths....


Gear should never be the determining factor, it really shouldn't be a factor at all.


They burn people like you at the stake.




But I agree with you.... but its totally heretical for you to even suggest that the lengthy time these so called pvpers spend playing this game is not rewarded with a hefty gear advantage over those who spent less time.


And thats ALL it is.... more time. time time time time time.... not skill. Your TIME is what bought you the gear advantage. Sure, you may have shaved some time off your grind by getting in a premade of likeminded "pvpers" so you could wtfpwn earlier, but its only time.


Gawd forbid we expect level playing fields and let skills and gameplay be our goal and fun.... no lets grind for gear instead. PvE creeping into an otherwise fun PvP environment... thanks alot DAOC!!!

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