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Oh how the definition of small has changed


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Today's "small patch" is 200 megs!


Let me pull out my walking cane and corn cob pipe for moment...


I remember the good old days when your entire hard disk was 75 megs and 4 megs of memory was considered "good."


Who else thinks 200 megs is not a "small" patch?

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Oh that did make me laugh lool, way to make us all feel old haha. I agree 200MB is without a fact not small, it's OK for users like me who have fibre optic but I know people with much slower net speed and to have to download that just for a few fixes that failed! It's really a hassle.


I remember the time when roughly 700MB was the standard game size (talking about the early 2000s) then they slowly crept up to over 1GB and then 4.7 then something like over 7 which is still common, but now we're getting games that are 10BG and beyond!.


Sorry got sidetracked there, I'm wondering if there are other fixes as such not mentioned in he patch notes, 200MB is too big a size for those minuscule features.

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I remember the good old days when your entire hard disk was 75 megs and 4 megs of memory was considered "good."


If that's the "old days"......


..... You just made me feel... older than old?


Hell, I still have a computer with 1mb ram and a 20mb hd.

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Today's "small patch" is 200 megs!


Let me pull out my walking cane and corn cob pipe for moment...


I remember the good old days when your entire hard disk was 75 megs and 4 megs of memory was considered "good."


Who else thinks 200 megs is not a "small" patch?


you probably think a 100 dollars is a lot of money too :p

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Today's "small patch" is 200 megs!


Let me pull out my walking cane and corn cob pipe for moment...


I remember the good old days when your entire hard disk was 75 megs and 4 megs of memory was considered "good."


Who else thinks 200 megs is not a "small" patch?


copycat! i already said that in another thread.

but uhhh yeah, i agree. :)

200mb is hardly small.

small is an 8mb mp3 file.

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200mb is about 30 minutes of an average movie file. I agree about when computers had 200mb hard drive, but considering this game is about 18Gig, 200mb seems less significant




there are actual small patches/updates that take like 1min or even less than a minute.

that would technically be "small".


a 200mb patch would be more along the lines of medium imo.

Edited by teambff
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why, in my day, sonny, our patches came on floppy disks! and that was a lot!


sigh... as an art guy, I've seen my file sizes increase from 10mb to over a gig now... so 200mb for anything seems like a drop in a bucket. >)


all about perspective I guess.

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No, 640 k was considered good--no harddrives, just DOS and big ole floppys: two or more drives and constntly switching.... Of course I learned on tube omputers we had to program by pushing buttons for 1's and 0's in 32 bit words. Monochrome green and yellow screens. But the games were fun. (No, no...they...weren't). :eek:
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i used to have a compac scsi server with brick sized 1gig hd's. the chain was filled with 6 drives 4mg video card i got it to run NT. i filled it with mp3's that i had to download from websites. you can imagine how much time that took with a 56k modem.


if u used to zip mp3's to 3.5 floppy's in college ur might be an old fuddy duddy!! lulz

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My C64 didn't even HAVE a hard disk; the biggest storage we got was on tape!


Nor did my Timex Sinclair ZX-81. Tape machine to back things up as well, and boy was I excited when my family bought the 16K (not Meg) RAM cube to plug into the back of it.

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Today's "small patch" is 200 megs!


Let me pull out my walking cane and corn cob pipe for moment...


I remember the good old days when your entire hard disk was 75 megs and 4 megs of memory was considered "good."


Who else thinks 200 megs is not a "small" patch?


200 MB is insignificant these days. Might as well complain that a 1k text file takes up too much space on a 1.3 MB floppy disk.

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200 MB....lol !!! First hard disk I ever used was attached to my Apple ][ development machine at work. It was an Apple Profile, it was external, about the size of two loaves of bread placed side-by-side and squashed down (it had 4 lil rubber feet!!). It held 5 - read it...FIVE - megabytes and cost $2000. We bought all we could get our hands on and were glad to get em.


We started developing software for the IBM PC when it came out. The first ones had full-height single-density floppy drives that held 140 Kb each iirc. We continued to develop on the Apple ][s and cross-compiled for the PC platform. Boy, were we amazed a bit later when IBM released the [i]PC XT[/i]...a hard disk that held a whole TEN MEGABYTES, and it's inside the system case....OMG!!! :eek: We tossed all our Apple ][s...the old Profiles became door stops, and the rest is history...:D

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why, in my day, sonny, our patches came on floppy disks! and that was a lot!


sigh... as an art guy, I've seen my file sizes increase from 10mb to over a gig now... so 200mb for anything seems like a drop in a bucket. >)


all about perspective I guess.


yup, commodore 64. floppy disks, and part of one the first infrawebs, even though it wasn't called that. can't remeber what term they used. hell, i remember my first "real" computer, using aol and dial up. state of the art. only took 3 min to download a pic.:)


good times, good times

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