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New gen of gamers


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First off, I truly feel gaming has gone downhill. These new breed of gamers nolonger enjoy the game. They feel compelled to run thru it to end game as fast as possible then complain and ask for dlc/new content. I remember a time back when you played a game to escape reality to get into the world. Back when no one knew what a "dlc" was. When you could play a single game for months/years.


2nd I never understood why people who constantly state they are bored just don't simply do something else instead of sit idle and moan how they feel. Or the ones that aren't truly into a series like Star Wars. Given the time it took for this game to be released and all the times it got pushed back. To truly say you covered everything the star wars universe has to offer takes time. Gamers are nolonger patient.


3rd there is no need to compare games as diff as SWOTR vs WoW. To me it would be like comparing zombies at emy neighbors to resident evil. Is it not ok to like multiple games without feeling the need to outright say this one is superior. Everyone has an opinion. But this new gen of gamers scares me full of trolls and firstfaqs.


Bring back the original gamers, the ones that lived to explore, to play, to live diff worlds diff experiences!!!

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For better or for worse, it is not happening. Time will continue and the world will change. If gamers and (by extension) society are in decay, then little else can be done unless it turns around and tries to be for the better.
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i read a article once about how nearly all gamers these days are never happy no matter what they get simply because it isnt what they imagend, and its killed a lot of potentally good games.



as i said on anouther topic these gamers are all take take take and have no idea the work that is put into making games.

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Sorry but you're pretty much full of crap. EQ, UO, DAOC, they all had the same responses to problems. DAOC had no itemization past level 30 at release and the forum trolls let Mythic have it day after day. There was no generalized 'patience' by everyone in the community, the flame wars against the devs of those games in forums were just as livid back then as they are now. You're wearing rose colored glasses if you remember otherwise.
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Why back in my day we had to hand crank our computers just to get them to start and 'online' was what we said the birds were doing sitting out on the telephone wires. *curses young people under breath*


Back in my day we had to play computer games by candle light because they hadn't even invented the lightbulb, because of this, our eyes went bad which is why old people wear glasses ...

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I agree to a certain extent.


Unfortunately gaming seems to have lost its sense of adventure recently.


Not a lot of developers are prepared to try something new and interesting any more. I dont know if its a result of customer demand for carrot on a stick games, or a genuine lack of creativity in the industry ?


or maybe we've explored all the options and now we're just regurgitating the same old rubbish because its easy

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Video games in general are better now than ever before. MMO's however have taken a major turn for the worse. The days of Ever Quest and Dark Age of Camelot are forever lost. Those games rocked (especially DAOC).


But SWOTOR has been the only the MMO in past few years that I truly enjoy. The others lasted about 1-2 weeks....for me SWOTOR is here to stay.

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First off, I truly feel gaming has gone downhill. These new breed of gamers nolonger enjoy the game. They feel compelled to run thru it to end game as fast as possible then complain and ask for dlc/new content. I remember a time back when you played a game to escape reality to get into the world. Back when no one knew what a "dlc" was. When you could play a single game for months/years.


2nd I never understood why people who constantly state they are bored just don't simply do something else instead of sit idle and moan how they feel. Or the ones that aren't truly into a series like Star Wars. Given the time it took for this game to be released and all the times it got pushed back. To truly say you covered everything the star wars universe has to offer takes time. Gamers are nolonger patient.


3rd there is no need to compare games as diff as SWOTR vs WoW. To me it would be like comparing zombies at emy neighbors to resident evil. Is it not ok to like multiple games without feeling the need to outright say this one is superior. Everyone has an opinion. But this new gen of gamers scares me full of trolls and firstfaqs.


Bring back the original gamers, the ones that lived to explore, to play, to live diff worlds diff experiences!!!



It's the epic struggle between PvE'ers and PvP'ers. PvE'ers want content and story, PvP'ers want to rush past the story and get to max level as quick as possible in order to start farming the best PvP gear.


It's not necessarily a generational thing (unless PvE'ers tend to be older and PvP'ers tend to be younger)

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Bring back the games worth spending hours, days..WEEKS exploring, and those players will return. I've been gaming for ages. I could lose myself in SWG, can and do still go wander EQ2, loved to search the nooks and crannies in CoH/CoV. Butit's not the gamers, it's the games. They're cranked out rapidly, designed to appeal to the broadest possible market (and can you blame them? They need to make money), and rake in as much cash, as quickly as possible, before something new and more interesting comes along. This isn't only the evolution of the MMO (and I'm not saying that's a good thing), this is the evolution of life. It's a new consumer mindset where things like phones, TVs, Computers, consoles and so forth, get replaced yearly. MMOs are no longer designed to last 6years. Some games will endeavour to cater to the adventurers among us (Rift had many cool things and places to find, puzzles to solve, etc.), but just as many will not. And they will have shlf-lives of 2-3yrs tops before going completely f2p, and being forgotten.


I hope SWTOR isn't one, but I only see it headed in that direction.

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Rose tinted glasses.

Well, the OP kinda has a point.


We, as players, were far more accepting of server maintenance, bugs, flaws, downtime, difficulty (corpse runs and experience loss), spawn/corpse camping, lack of content and lack of gear during the Meridian 59 to Dark Age of Camelot era... because mmos were new and amazing gaming innovations.


We didn't have free trials, battlegrounds, gifts from the developers, timesinks, side-games, expanded crafting or decent graphics... but we also didn't have literally hundreds of thousands or even millions of other people playing the same game that we were. There were hundreds or even thousands of others, but we were all computer gamers... who had limited expectations because this was all new to us.


I do agree that the new breed of players are more entitled, but that is also the fault of the mmo creators, operators and marketers, who no longer give us the straight dope - because they have so much competition with other mmos, 1P games and other platforms.


We get a sales pitch now instead of direct talk and open dialogue. The days of Psychochild are gone. Everyone is to blame for the over-commercialization of the genre, but it was bound to happen eventually.


My glasses may be rose colored, but the prescription is bang on.

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First off, I truly feel gaming has gone downhill. These new breed of gamers nolonger enjoy the game. They feel compelled to run thru it to end game as fast as possible then complain and ask for dlc/new content. I remember a time back when you played a game to escape reality to get into the world. Back when no one knew what a "dlc" was. When you could play a single game for months/years.


2nd I never understood why people who constantly state they are bored just don't simply do something else instead of sit idle and moan how they feel. Or the ones that aren't truly into a series like Star Wars. Given the time it took for this game to be released and all the times it got pushed back. To truly say you covered everything the star wars universe has to offer takes time. Gamers are nolonger patient.


3rd there is no need to compare games as diff as SWOTR vs WoW. To me it would be like comparing zombies at emy neighbors to resident evil. Is it not ok to like multiple games without feeling the need to outright say this one is superior. Everyone has an opinion. But this new gen of gamers scares me full of trolls and firstfaqs.


Bring back the original gamers, the ones that lived to explore, to play, to live diff worlds diff experiences!!!


Because in those days the gaming industry didn't feel compelled to release new content(not unless it was for money anyhow), and now has become a standard trend because it keeps people interested and paying. I don't think any MMO has been like that in years, and I have no idea why you would want those days back.

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First off, I truly feel gaming has gone downhill. These new breed of gamers nolonger enjoy the game. They feel compelled to run thru it to end game as fast as possible then complain and ask for dlc/new content. I remember a time back when you played a game to escape reality to get into the world. Back when no one knew what a "dlc" was. When you could play a single game for months/years.


2nd I never understood why people who constantly state they are bored just don't simply do something else instead of sit idle and moan how they feel. Or the ones that aren't truly into a series like Star Wars. Given the time it took for this game to be released and all the times it got pushed back. To truly say you covered everything the star wars universe has to offer takes time. Gamers are nolonger patient.


3rd there is no need to compare games as diff as SWOTR vs WoW. To me it would be like comparing zombies at emy neighbors to resident evil. Is it not ok to like multiple games without feeling the need to outright say this one is superior. Everyone has an opinion. But this new gen of gamers scares me full of trolls and firstfaqs.


Bring back the original gamers, the ones that lived to explore, to play, to live diff worlds diff experiences!!!


the old days were great, great indeed.

dunno what happened to people.


even in the 90s i remember it being a different time completely, looking back it's almost like another world, not just different in it's style but just something more. something was lost along the way. now, it's almost like there's no soul left within humanity. it's a scary time to live in. :o


gaming is at an all time low. i've gamed since the late 80s and this is the worst i've seen and it doesn't look like it's going to get better any time soon.

Edited by teambff
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Bring back the games worth spending hours, days..WEEKS exploring, and those players will return. I've been gaming for ages. I could lose myself in SWG, can and do still go wander EQ2, loved to search the nooks and crannies in CoH/CoV. Butit's not the gamers, it's the games. They're cranked out rapidly, designed to appeal to the broadest possible market (and can you blame them? They need to make money), and rake in as much cash, as quickly as possible, before something new and more interesting comes along. This isn't only the evolution of the MMO (and I'm not saying that's a good thing), this is the evolution of life. It's a new consumer mindset where things like phones, TVs, Computers, consoles and so forth, get replaced yearly. MMOs are no longer designed to last 6years. Some games will endeavour to cater to the adventurers among us (Rift had many cool things and places to find, puzzles to solve, etc.), but just as many will not. And they will have shlf-lives of 2-3yrs tops before going completely f2p, and being forgotten.


I hope SWTOR isn't one, but I only see it headed in that direction.


You are pretty much right. I turn 42 this Summer and when I drive through Purdue's campus on my way to do whatever work, I notice that today's youth are all about gadgets. You see them all (especially the girls) talking on the phone at 9 am constantly or have iPods on and listening to music or they sit at the bus tops just texting away. Stuff is fast paced now as people are slowly expecting everything to be that was all around as well.

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