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A Growing Concern: Where Do We Go From Here?


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Where do we go from here ?


I'm thinking lunch , quality time with the wife, maybe a little shopping, and definately hitting the coffee shop for a few hours.


And back in time for the 7pm est server relaunch. Of course.


Thats' where I'm going from here. What about you ?


You may want to make it a little later than they are promising, just to be safe.

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What really worries me is that they released the patch with so many problems in the 1st place.

-Either they didn't evaluate how important this patch is for the players

-Or they knew about the problems and decided to release anyway

-Or they don't have a testing system adequate of finding problems prior to release.

In any of these cases something is really wrong.


Well a sfar i know in Public test server the pacth was runing fine, and then after goes live new bugs and issues pop up, tahts the way of things in MMO.

i remember in the old days of Ultima online, that pacthes usualy would bring tons of errors more, once they hit everyserver. errors that werent tracked in testing.

Im not technician, but from what i read, it has something to do with Massive online virtual worlds, being so vast and have plenty of system interacting with others, is allmost impossible to track every error in testing due to the allmost if not infinite variables.

Being a miliom players doing diferent things in diferent circusntances, in diferent places etc.

MMOs are always tricky then other games. The word massive is there for a reason :D

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Due to the unexpected extended maintenance today, we are going to be offering every player a full day of game time as compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Thank you for your patience.


People need to understand that this was all unexpected for them as well.


Our server and deployment teams are now working to rebuild assets for the live servers, but this is unfortunately not a quick process. We currently estimate that our downtime could be up to eight hours, but that time may be extended.


It's a problem yes but nothing they will not get fixed. People need to calm down and chill out. Go enjoy the sun some.

Edited by Hellrazer
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Thank you for your response.


The "lie" I refer to is clear as day, really. They had to of known well in advance ranked warzones would not go live in 1.2. You can't just yank something that major out of a patch hours before it goes live. This has been discussed at great length in other threads as well.


Clear as day? More like clear as mud. The whole point of a test server is to try things out, if they knew in advance they would have provided more notice. I mean, the simple fact that they only announced the roll-out 2 days before it came means it was probably a late decision.


Personally I think they probably released it earlier than intended because of James Ohlen's statements at PAX. But then again no one here really knows.

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We got the day reimbursed, no more qqing about the downtime.

Everyone is dissapointed about the ranking system, but there's no need to be a drama queen and start an uprising thread.

Op seriously comes off like the nubnut that keeps typing QQs in warzones. I bet he has alot of defense medals for sitting at left all game that he'd like to see in the rankings.

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on a serious note this is becoming quite tedious, I lost 2 months of game time which I paid a subscription for and was never refunded all because they rolled out a bug that broke the game for a lot of players and I had to manually find the cause and fix myself, then we lose a lot of time for updates and patches for content that should of come out with the initial game; I do however like that they are giving us a free month and a day back for our efforts, however the annoying part for me is all my RL friends gave up on the game because they could not take all of BW's bs which is quite disapointing.


However ignoring ME3 we have not been let down thus far by bioware so I believe they will solidly work on improving the game even if they have the worse CS I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with.



so for me I shall go to the cosoles rather than wait for the release of some random fail mmo or D3 which will probably be as disapointing as all 3rd installments normally are.

Edited by LordKyrone
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Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to be heading out to fertilize the lawn, then I'll possibly come back in afterwards to enjoy a nice ham and roast beef sandwich with swiss cheese, italian dressing and a little apple cider vinegar. After that, I may call the girlfriend, spend some time with her, and then later tonight I'll be back and playing SWTOR.


As for this company, they have not lied to me, they have not withheld information. They have brought out this information at the time they felt it was necessary. They do not have a total lack of customer service, as my tickets have always been resolved in a reasonable amount of time, but most were always dealt with that day, even on the weekends. I too also had a problem with one of my characters being unable to progress through my class quest. However, I was patient and they fixed the problem.


I have not actually had any problems with this company. Yes, they have a lot to learn still about how to make this MMO much better. But for it being their first, they are doing a pretty good job. My experience is not yours, so I will not say they do not have things to work on. However, everyone seems to forget that their experience is not the same as everyone else. I am rather happy with the way I have been treated by BW, so they have not lost my trust because they have not mistreated me.

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I think what happened with the 1.2a was just an unfortunate accident, but it was an accident they could not afford to make.


Add to it all the things 1.2 broke(especially PvP), Im not even happy about the free month I got(which was another mistake on their part).

Edited by Achromatis
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The thing is, they DID proper testing and feedback. What do you think the past month of the PTR was for? There was a reason they decided to removed ranked warzones from the this patch. They probably thought that they could fix it before the patch with live. They didn't, and so to avoid another Ilum debacle (because Ilum WAS poorly implemented, which they ARE fixing now), they decided not to implement it.


I still trust that Bioware will be able to come back from this situation. Heck, I played Maplestory for three years before I came to TOR, and the amount of stuff that they had problems with was many magnitudes greater than the problems that Bioware has now.

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Honestly, this is just growing pains.


I've never seen an MMO roll out an expansion or pack the size of 1.2, and I've never seen an expansion go live without issues in any game I've ever played, irregardless of the company maintaining it. Test only goes so far in finding bugs and problems, you really don't find the glitches until it goes live and the players get into all the nooks and crannies.


Patience young padawan.. that's all ya need :)




And the point is that get annoyed isn't going to change that.


This is the REALITY of MMORPGs.


The free month is a generous offer.


There is no significant "race" being affected here because most of the firsts have been done and those coming in this patch are still coming in this patch.

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Before I go off on my rant here I would like to state that this is not a troll or QQ thread, and the trolls are expected to be kept at bay!


What a disaster these past couple days have been! SWTOR's 1.2 update has not rolled out very well. That is clear to see. First, and as we are all very well aware of, ranked warzones never hit live and most likely won't for another month or two. On top of that, I get home today to play and TRY to appreciate this latest patch, only to discover that the servers are down for some 8 hours while they, quite literally, rolled 1.2 back to fix major issues with the patch.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind downtime or scheduled maintenance, etc. What I do mind is this: I mind BW lying to the community and withholding information just to get a few extra bucks in their pockets. I mind a management company that shoves patches through without proper testing and feedback from the community. I mind a total lack of customer service (though I was thankfully, and finally, helped with a glaring issue that was being ignored for weeks preventing me from progressing through my class missions). I mind NOT being able to trust the company running SWTOR. Trust is what builds a solid foundation for any MMO, not just the Star Wars name or theme.


At this point I really don't feel like I can trust BW, and you shouldn't either. That is something they are going to have to earn back (though it's debatable if it was there in the first place). Some of you may say: "omg exaggerate more" or "*** stop crying" or maybe even "L2P". But, I say to you; If I'm going to be paying a monthly fee for something I expect things to be in working order. I need to trust that the management team isn't going to accidentally blow the servers up or something as equally stupid.


I'm not sure where I go from here...I'll let this sub get close to the end and then decide. What about you guys? What do you think? Are these just growing pains or signs of something much more severe?


If this is your first MMO I can understand the rant. If you only ever played wow and did not play from the start I can understand your rant and even have some sympathy. If you have played ANY MMO ever from the start then you know this is normal and these things happen. People make mistakes and I am sure someone loaded the wrong flash drive they used the blue instead of the green. They are fixing it and it will be back.


As for the Ranked WZ at least they did QA on it and found it needed more work so they do pretty good testing.


If you quit them good bye hope you find your perfect company that delivers everything you ever wanted and its perfect every time.


Does this game need more tweeks your freaking right it does. Is this game still fun and pretty well balanced your freaking right it is.

Edited by Nitchin
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People for some odd reason got spoiled on WoW and its so called stability... people also forget the growing pains WoW went through during its first year with the constant server crashes and and extended maintenance and just all around buggy game play and releasing patches and then having to suffer through them for a week or two until blizzard decided to get off their *** and fix them... SW:Tor is going through growing pains now im not condoning the massive failure this patch was but to completely write off a game that has the potential to be epic is kinda silly its a day... that they are in fact giving you back on your account so... everyone just simmah down and spend some time with your families or whatever. Also Crying for someone to lose their job is dickish id like to see the roles reversed and you make a mistake and have people crying for you to get fired im sure you would feel it kinda ****** and if you say otherwise you are a liar
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Holy sh... just holy. I had nearly lost faith in humanity reading these threads this morning. Not really, exaggerating obviously, but they were at least funny in their own twisted way. Then here comes this honest attempt at dialogue. You sir are a gentleman among animals (myself included).


Just to clarify, BW did not intentionally roll the servers back. That was an accidental byproduct of what was intended to be a rather minor patch. This patch happened to occur on Friday the 13th, which even if you're not the superstitious sort, has got to be worth at least a chuckle. I know I belly laughed for solid minutes when I saw what happened.


As far as ranked WZs being pulled out, yea, that stung. But I think them giving a free month to anybody that would have been affected (lvl 50's) was a generous step in the direction of making amends on that front. To me anyway, can't claim anyone else's feelings on the matter.


And trust, that's a hard one for me. I don't personally trust corporations, under any circumstances. Conflicting interests being what they are and all, makes "trust" hard. Do I believe EA/BW can deliver on a product that's worth $15/month to me? Honestly, yes, they have so far. It's $15/m, I used to pay more than that for cigarettes in a week, and those are actually killing you...

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I don't know a single MMO i've played where patches didn't cause problems. It's just a matter of how big the problems are.


you'll never get an MMO 100% cuz to the players it will never be 100% working because the players will never 100% agree on any action they take.


Your thead title has a question Where do WE go from here? Ya can't answer that cuz everyone will have their own reasons for staying or leaving, liking what they did or hating it.


Everyone ultimately makes the choice for themselves hang in there and go with the flow or quit.

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Okay you want an intelligent response, how about no MMO in history has ever been released nor has any patch/update/new content been added without problems. This has been going on since the days of EQ (I would say Meridian 59 but don't recall them giving anything for "free", nor was I around for new content).


Every Major MMO that has had a sub rate or even F2P has had their problems with things like this, so really about your "trust", is a moot point as is your whole post.


Also the problem with testing is the quality of people that are testing it and not the quantity. As they needed level 50's in game to test the new OP's/HM FP they imported some guilds, now these people mostly spent their time testing just that and not much else. So the amount of data coming in was not consistent with a proper patch to test the broad spectrum of changes. No one to blame outright there.


You state this is not a QQ, or troll thread but any thread that is intended to illicit a negative response from the community falls under "troll" description. Also I love the elaborate disguise in the thread when all it boils down to is if it isn't fixed to my specifics then I am un-subbing.


I don't think so, if you pay for a product you are certainly entitled to complain about the quality you get. While I understand what you are saying perfection will not be achieved all the time and there ARE A LOT of moving pieces with respect to execution of something this large. Nevertheless they are ultimately selling a product and people will eventually vote with their money if they are unhappy. So I appreciate posts such as this because I want to know what people in the community are thinking. I don't think the argument that this happens on every game is really a valid one, wouldn't we expect that at some point the bar is raised? We should not be so conditioned to accept mediocre because that's just how it is. The criticisms on execution are completely valid and if these things continue to happen it will have a negative impact on subscriptions eventually. This criticism is important and we should never stop demanding the most for our money.


Ultimately though, I think in this instance very few people will go to the extreme of leaving the game, because the game is a lot of fun and these problems, while very very annoying, are forgivable.

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Holy sh... just holy. I had nearly lost faith in humanity reading these threads this morning. Not really, exaggerating obviously, but they were at least funny in their own twisted way. Then here comes this honest attempt at dialogue. You sir are a gentleman among animals (myself included).


Just to clarify, BW did not intentionally roll the servers back. That was an accidental byproduct of what was intended to be a rather minor patch. This patch happened to occur on Friday the 13th, which even if you're not the superstitious sort, has got to be worth at least a chuckle. I know I belly laughed for solid minutes when I saw what happened.


As far as ranked WZs being pulled out, yea, that stung. But I think them giving a free month to anybody that would have been affected (lvl 50's) was a generous step in the direction of making amends on that front. To me anyway, can't claim anyone else's feelings on the matter.


And trust, that's a hard one for me. I don't personally trust corporations, under any circumstances. Conflicting interests being what they are and all, makes "trust" hard. Do I believe EA/BW can deliver on a product that's worth $15/month to me? Honestly, yes, they have so far. It's $15/m, I used to pay more than that for cigarettes in a week, and those are actually killing you...


Very well put! You, sir, are far removed from being an animal!

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Now now, lets try not to get off track here. I want some intelligent responses from the community about these recent events.


Please keep sing-alongs and Neil Patrick Harris out of my thread!


You're expecting an intelligent response to an unintelligible topic...


I'd ride on a unicorn to White Castle with Neil Patrick Harris any day. Unicorns are gangsta.

Edited by portichae
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Do I believe EA/BW can deliver on a product that's worth $15/month to me? Honestly, yes, they have so far. It's $15/m, I used to pay more than that for cigarettes in a week, and those are actually killing you...


I would smoke SWTOR...filtered....

Edited by Vermagnussen
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