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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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I would love to see MMO players RAGE against their government. A bunch of fat, nerdy, video game players rioting, flipping car, and burning ****...


Would be rather amusing.


However me being military they'd probably have us have to clean up, o rbeat the ragers with riot gear and what not, when in fact its the BW clowns who need the beating!


Meh, it wouldn't get that far. Think how many people would run away crying, literally, when they got hit with tear gas. Calling in the military would be overkill, beat cops can handle it.

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aside from the MC fact that I've mentioned, it's the same :)


pre-MC one would grind instances for their class set, or mats for crafting.

remember that MC required 40 ppl online, in semi-decent gear (said class gear).

I remember the game came out in Feb. and our guild started MC in june, and was still one of the earlier guilds of one of the busiest EU servers.


WZs came out like 6months after release (1 WZ) and that was an even duller grind for gear than the previous pvp grind in swtor (centurion-champ-bm)


You don't seem to be giving them a fair chance to start their first MMO. But I agree, that PvE endgame needs a step-up


EVERYTHING BW is doing is for pvp... from nerfing classes, to new wz's... with ZERO work in fixing known bugs to class quests, etc.


That tells you right there that they already see that the story player will quit and they are working desperately to keep the pvp crowd.


That also tells you there is very little future for the game as 90% of the game at the moment IS pve.

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That's a pretty complicated plan, when it'd be much simpler to just delete the item ID off the database, thus removing the item.


You seem to be of the impression that items in your inventory are actually "in your inventory" as physical items.


I realize they are simply "placeholders" in a database. The problem is that the overwhelming plethora of entries in the database can slow things down.


btw... I posted the original comment as a joke.

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aside from the MC fact that I've mentioned, it's the same :)


pre-MC one would grind instances for their class set, or mats for crafting.

remember that MC required 40 ppl online, in semi-decent gear (said class gear).

I remember the game came out in Feb. and our guild started MC in june, and was still one of the earlier guilds of one of the busiest EU servers.


WZs came out like 6months after release (1 WZ) and that was an even duller grind for gear than the previous pvp grind in swtor (centurion-champ-bm)


You don't seem to be giving them a fair chance to start their first MMO. But I agree, that PvE endgame needs a step-up


People were far less skilled in those days at playing MMO's. Years of the raid treadmill have changed the face of the mmo population. And it is the same population hopping from game to game for the most part.


There is a big disparity. You literally can not create a game challenging enough to hold back the experienced raiders for 4 months while still making it accessible to regular players. At least I simply don't believe it's possible.

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Unlike most people here, I'm quite patient. If they need a few hours to fix something they can have it. I'd rather wait a few hours and have a smooth game than play a broken mess.


You obviously know what it takes to patch an MMO and test to make sure it works. You should apply for a job at BioWare! Pretty sure they're hiring.


OK youre patient, I get it, a lot aren't or have limited time in which to play. Wouldn't you rather have a smooth game to play than no game for extended periods of time? I like yourself pay for up time and more importantly, down time, which there seems to be a lot of in this game. I accept maintainance and patch downtime without complaint, that's fine by me, but screw up downtime is a little harder to accept, not so much because it happens, but because it appears to happen quite often.


As for the patch remark, no I don't know what it takes to patch an MMO, that's the reason I asked why it takes eight hours or more to do so.

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EVERYTHING BW is doing is for pvp... from nerfing classes, to new wz's... with ZERO work in fixing known bugs to class quests, etc.


That tells you right there that they already see that the story player will quit and they are working desperately to keep the pvp crowd.


That also tells you there is very little future for the game as 90% of the game at the moment IS pve.


This PvE'r plans on staying.

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great thread.. and great updates on the Dev Tracker. Unfortunately there's so many posts since i last read 'em.. i had to skip some of the info.. all i read was:


"... able to enter... make your way... remember to use.. bottom... patience... reverted.. quick prosess... may extend.. downtime.. US: 4:00PM PDT, 7:00PM EDT. Europe: April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST. AU: 9:00AM AEST. NZ: 11:00AM NZST, 9:30am CDT, 3:30PM BST, 4:30PM CEST, 12:30AM (April 14th) AEST, 6AM CDT (4PM PDT/7AM EDT/12PM BST/1PM CEST/9PM AEST) until 10AM CDT (8AM PDT/11AM EDT/4PM BST/5PM CEST/1AM AEST (4AM PDT/7AM EDT/12PM BST/1PM CEST/5PM AEST) extended (10AM CDT (8AM PDT/11AM EDT/4PM BST/5PM CEST/1AM AEST)), 7:00PM EDT. Europe: April 14th), 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST. AU: 9:00AM AEST , US: 4:00PM PDT (8AM PDT/11AM EDT/4PM BST/5PM CEST/1AM AEST),three days, closed, downtime, sorry, up, Darth Malgus"


did i miss anything vital ?

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Whoever is in charge of patching over there at bioware needs to lose their damn job. Every patch this happens. EVERY PATCH. Little patch, big patch, hotfix, it doesn't matter. You can set your watch by it. Every patch, someone at bioware doesn't do something properly, and we lose out on a day of game time. We are losing money, because some idiot can't do their job properly. Edited by MadProfStein
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People were far less skilled in those days at playing MMO's. Years of the raid treadmill have changed the face of the mmo population. And it is the same population hopping from game to game for the most part.


There is a big disparity. You literally can not create a game challenging enough to hold back the experienced raiders for 4 months while still making it accessible to regular players. At least I simply don't believe it's possible.


This might hold true to some extent, but it's definitively do-able. For example, TOR have 3 level of difficulty and it's great how top-end gear only drops from Hard-mode instead of Night-mare hold. They did this part right.


But to cater to the more "hardcore" raiders, they need to implement more mechanic to the fights. Not just raise boss HP and lower the Enrage timer. Where's the fun in that? Add more stuff involved. Make it a challenge on the mechanic of the fight instead of a dps race.


Food for thought.

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Meh, it wouldn't get that far. Think how many people would run away crying, literally, when they got hit with tear gas. Calling in the military would be overkill, beat cops can handle it.


Dont ruin this for me. My imagination is all I have left after these BW *** hats have screwed up AGAIN.


The thought of nerds rioting like eastern european soccer hooligans actually brough a smile to my face

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According to UK law UK citizens have the right to demand their money back under the Sale of Goods Act 1979:


Under the Sale of Goods Act of 1979, traders are legally responsible to sell goods and services which are


‘as described’, meaning the the actual product must match any description(s) given to the customer before purchase

of satisfactory quality, that is they are of a standard that would reasonably be expected taking into consideration the price paid and description. The law considers goods of satisfactory quality to be free from minor defects, durable, safe, and of satisfactory appearance and finish.

fit for all purposes made known to the seller at the time of purchase as described

The act states that if goods turn out to not fulfill any of these criteria you have the right to demand a refund from the seller as long it is within a reasonable time of the purchase.


and im pretty sure this is not fit for purpose, people that rant give them time and all that you forget you are PAYING for this.

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Cry babies changed the face of MMO's it's funny to read all the first world problems.


Games down had to go into the sunlight it burns!! :D


Sunlight and RL causes cancer. Possibly AIDS. Pretty sure it eats kittens and puppies too.

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According to UK law UK citizens have the right to demand their money back under the Sale of Goods Act 1979:


Under the Sale of Goods Act of 1979, traders are legally responsible to sell goods and services which are


‘as described’, meaning the the actual product must match any description(s) given to the customer before purchase

of satisfactory quality, that is they are of a standard that would reasonably be expected taking into consideration the price paid and description. The law considers goods of satisfactory quality to be free from minor defects, durable, safe, and of satisfactory appearance and finish.

fit for all purposes made known to the seller at the time of purchase as described

The act states that if goods turn out to not fulfill any of these criteria you have the right to demand a refund from the seller as long it is within a reasonable time of the purchase.


and im pretty sure this is not fit for purpose, people that rant give them time and all that you forget you are PAYING for this.


Got a free day dramatic much? :)

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It's really funny that bioware done this.. I don't even see how it's possible :(


I was on when everything came back to pre1.2 I was so bussy crafting that I couldn't care less about that half game turned back to pre1.2, but now I have to wait till tomorrow or midnight to be able to play, just ***! :mad:

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Relax. Its not that Important :)



Windows has detected you do not have a keyboard. Press 'F9" to continue.


I just found out that the brain is like a computer. If that's true, then there really aren't any stupid people. Just people running DOS.


"The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents."


Programming is like sex, one mistake and you are supporting it for the rest of your life.


"1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d"


"My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."


"Geek's favorite pickup line: Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform? "


Last but not least!


SWTOR isn't a virus, viruses do something."


Smile, go enjoy your day.


Now that's funny, right there!

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