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So shouldnt you save the blind for the 99% immunity shield ?


VS a carnage marauder, no. 30 second cooldown on ravage, and it is a majority of their dps.


what does it matter if they cant die for 4 seconds if they are doing piss-poor dps to you since you avoided gore+scream+ravage?

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VS a carnage marauder, no. 30 second cooldown on ravage, and it is a majority of their dps.


what does it matter if they cant die for 4 seconds if they are doing piss-poor dps to you since you avoided gore+scream+ravage?


I guess this marauder just got out of school...welcome to the party better late than never

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If you stand there long enough for a full ravage/MS to go off you've got what's coming to you. And I don't even play a Sent/Mara.


did you know the average maurauder actualy uses the snare spam and times his leap so you cant get away from them ?





you use ravage infront of the target so as he is getting away you get the full combo on your target while he is snared.



or you can leap to stunned targets and use it then :D



you have no idea how easy mauraders are to play and how stupidly strong they are right now thats goes for juggers to.

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did you know the average maurauder actualy uses the snare spam and times his leap so you cant get away from them ?





you use ravage infront of the target so as he is getting away you get the full combo on your target while he is snared.



or you can leap to stunned targets and use it then :D



you have no idea how easy mauraders are to play and how stupidly strong they are right now thats goes for juggers to.


Lol your sig says enough, just a whiny person who blames his own incompetence on other players being "OP"...lol.

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No, I'm saying that other MELEE ACs should have a fighting chance 1v1 vs a Marauder/Sent. Not get totally obliterated. We can't just get out of melee... then I can't hit you either and you just force leap. I don't expect to win 100% of the time, I just want a fair fight. If I charge into a group of enemies I expect to die. If I charge into a single Marauder now I expect to die just as fast. Ops/Smugglers have burst but nowhere near the survivability that Mara/Sents have. You can't have both, it's simply OP.


1v1 balance is the foundation of group balance. So I bring a friend. What if there's 2 Mara/Sents? We both get smacked down.


So far I've seen three responses in this thread: a) Run away b) Bring a group and c) the level headed Sent/Mara players that say we are OP.


That's a fair point, the game should be balanced on 1v1 foundation, and I think BW are working really hard to achieve this. There are juggs/guardians, assasins, sorcs/sages & smugglers/ops that have completely wrecked me 1v1, there were times when I would win but it wouldn't be this faceroll you are describing.


I would be lucky to walk away with 5-10% health in those situations. So I think BW are really close to nailing a balance everyone can agree on, but its threads like these, where data is ignored over hype and the volume of complaints like "that class is better than mine!"

- this is an MMO, it wouldn't be any decent of an MMO if there weren't a million posts of this nature every other week, but it doesnt justify the need for nerfs/buffs nor the need for further QQ which in the end, ultimately harms the game.


In these 1v1 situations a mara/sent will use every defensive cd they have, every CC they have and every slow/lock-up and accuracy debuff they have. This is part of the reason why we are so viable in a 1v1 situation, but we have to put all of our eggs in the one basket to do so. How is this any different to all the other melee classes? Or any pure DPS class for that matter?


Are you saying you run into a mara with ALL of your CD's up and you still get obliterated? I doubt it, you may get killed or you may have killed them, but I'd stake the remainder of my sub that it was a fairly even fight, and the both of you came close to defeat (obviously one closer than the other).


I've come across unkillable juggs/guardian and the most rage-inducing ops/smugglers & assasins on my server and the only conclusion I have come to is that "they were better than me". They knew what abilities to look out for, saved their stuns for/defensive cd's for. These players know the game well and shouldn't be the reason why mara/sent are copping all this new hype of being the gods of PvP.


So, No, mara/sent are not the OP god everyone in this thread is describing. You came across a better player, pure and simple, and I hate to say something as snobby as that to anyone but that is the fact of the matter.


Just the same as I have come across players that were purely BETTER than me (and this includes all classes, not just the ones I keep referring to in my examples). They wrecked me, and those players soon create a reputation for themselves as generally good PvPers on their respective servers.


What everyone in this thread has been claiming is that, this one buff to ravage has automatically bridged the gap between skill and gear, and that now mara's are just another "One button I win king" class (much like people used to say about pyrotechs and their railshot pre 1.2 - and now look what happened to them).


I was doing fine as carnage before this ravage/MS buff came into play, and I will continue to do so when it comes our turn to cop the nerf stick just like our poor pyrotech friends have. But I do not agree with you when you suggest/imply that this ONE buff to a 30 second cd, channelled melee ability has bridged the almighty gap between GEAR & SKILL and now every mara/sent out there is a facerolling death machine worthy of warlord/elite warlorld status just because they decided to spec carnage after the 1.2 refund - this I just cannot accept.


So I'm sorry for being rude like this, but it comes down to individual skill level, and while I cannot and will not lecture someone on their respective class, I will speak for mara/sent players out there - there are still hundreds of crap mara/sents in my warzones, literally hundreds.


When you come across the bad ones you will know it-they should & will crumble at your feet, when you chance upon the skilled ones you will not know what hit you and threads like these are born...

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That's a fair point, the game should be balanced on 1v1 foundation, and I think BW are working really hard to achieve this. There are juggs/guardians, assasins, sorcs/sages & smugglers/ops that have completely wrecked me 1v1, there were times when I would win but it wouldn't be this faceroll you are describing.


I would be lucky to walk away with 5-10% health in those situations. So I think BW are really close to nailing a balance everyone can agree on, but its threads like these, where data is ignored over hype and the volume of complaints like "that class is better than mine!"

- this is an MMO, it wouldn't be any decent of an MMO if there weren't a million posts of this nature every other week, but it doesnt justify the need for nerfs/buffs nor the need for further QQ which in the end, ultimately harms the game.


In these 1v1 situations a mara/sent will use every defensive cd they have, every CC they have and every slow/lock-up and accuracy debuff they have. This is part of the reason why we are so viable in a 1v1 situation, but we have to put all of our eggs in the one basket to do so. How is this any different to all the other melee classes? Or any pure DPS class for that matter?


Are you saying you run into a mara with ALL of your CD's up and you still get obliterated? I doubt it, you may get killed or you may have killed them, but I'd stake the remainder of my sub that it was a fairly even fight, and the both of you came close to defeat (obviously one closer than the other).


I've come across unkillable juggs/guardian and the most rage-inducing ops/smugglers & assasins on my server and the only conclusion I have come to is that "they were better than me". They knew what abilities to look out for, saved their stuns for/defensive cd's for. These players know the game well and shouldn't be the reason why mara/sent are copping all this new hype of being the gods of PvP.


So, No, mara/sent are not the OP god everyone in this thread is describing. You came across a better player, pure and simple, and I hate to say something as snobby as that to anyone but that is the fact of the matter.


Just the same as I have come across players that were purely BETTER than me (and this includes all classes, not just the ones I keep referring to in my examples). They wrecked me, and those players soon create a reputation for themselves as generally good PvPers on their respective servers.


What everyone in this thread has been claiming is that, this one buff to ravage has automatically bridged the gap between skill and gear, and that now mara's are just another "One button I win king" class (much like people used to say about pyrotechs and their railshot pre 1.2 - and now look what happened to them).


I was doing fine as carnage before this ravage/MS buff came into play, and I will continue to do so when it comes our turn to cop the nerf stick just like our poor pyrotech friends have. But I do not agree with you when you suggest/imply that this ONE buff to a 30 second cd, channelled melee ability has bridged the almighty gap between GEAR & SKILL and now every mara/sent out there is a facerolling death machine worthy of warlord/elite warlorld status just because they decided to spec carnage after the 1.2 refund - this I just cannot accept.


So I'm sorry for being rude like this, but it comes down to individual skill level, and while I cannot and will not lecture someone on their respective class, I will speak for mara/sent players out there - there are still hundreds of crap mara/sents in my warzones, literally hundreds.


When you come across the bad ones you will know it-they should & will crumble at your feet, when you chance upon the skilled ones you will not know what hit you and threads like these are born...


1: leran how to counter

2: learn your class and theirs to know what to counter

3: ??????

4: profit

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1: leran how to counter

2: learn your class and theirs to know what to counter

3: ??????

4: profit


Pretty much the exact point I've been trying to get across all night, though I'm just not satisfied with short answers like yours :p mainly because people will just keep coming back with "what ifs?" & other excuses until you have answered every possible scenario for them.


But yes, thank you for summing up what has taken me almost 2 hours to say lol. /salute

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To whoever it was that complained that scoundrels/ops have no defense against ravagae/master strike.


Flash grenade and our stun 'interuppt' it.



Already used them? Thats ok. Ever heard of dodge? 3s of 100% deflection. 4s if you have the set bonus. Yeah that means that they are just channeling ravage wasting their own time while you eat them.


My main/secondary are both a scoundrel and Op, and I have only found once marauder/sent that I couldn't kill in a 1v1. And that is solely because of a gear difference.

Edited by Sir_Toothless
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1: leran how to counter

2: learn your class and theirs to know what to counter

3: ??????

4: profit


While I get there are bad sents/mars. The good ones are unbeatable...sry bro. No fix for that we can do. BW will fix it though don't worry. Keep trying though^ eventually you might make yourself believe it is really how awesome you are at the game. Not the class you are playing.

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The entire other team should manage their cooldowns around what one Sentinel is doing. It's also ok to instagib people even faster than triple proc, triple crit HIB resets of old.




Sentinels / Marauders think they're raid bosses.

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The entire other team should manage their cooldowns around what one Sentinel is doing. It's also ok to instagib people even faster than triple proc, triple crit HIB resets of old.




Sentinels / Marauders think they're raid bosses.


Full of win :cool:

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With 3 sec root on charge, im sure u can avoid it mr. smartas5


First, Charge triggers a global cooldown. So you will only be immobilized for 1.5s of that duration.


Also, have you seriously never heard of a stun/knockback/blind or any of the various defensive cooldowns in the game that render ravage/master strike useless?

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Simple, use your stun or stealth out.




You forgot the "NOT" in the middle of the last too words.


Because the only person I'll have fought throughout the ENTIRE Warzone will have been this one Sent/Mar.


It's not like I'll have anything on cooldown when the Sent/Mar starts the attack.


How does that even address the issue at all?

"Yeah I have an OP attack now if I get it off.

Don't worry though, just interrupt it every time! M'kay!"


Even some of the Sent/Mar's in this thread have said it's an OP move now. :rolleyes:


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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First, Charge triggers a global cooldown. So you will only be immobilized for 1.5s of that duration.


Also, have you seriously never heard of a stun/knockback/blind or any of the various defensive cooldowns in the game that render ravage/master strike useless?


4 sec immune to all CC and knockbacks after charge as vengeance jugg.


Have fun.

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The entire other team should manage their cooldowns around what one Sentinel is doing. It's also ok to instagib people even faster than triple proc, triple crit HIB resets of old.




Sentinels / Marauders think they're raid bosses.


Yep, because master strike is intant recast, and does AoE damage. And sentinels can't be CC'd or focused, so they can always just do whatever they please.

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To whoever it was that complained that scoundrels/ops have no defense against ravagae/master strike.


Flash grenade and our stun 'interuppt' it.



Already used them? Thats ok. Ever heard of dodge? 3s of 100% deflection. 4s if you have the set bonus. Yeah that means that they are just channeling ravage wasting their own time while you eat them.


My main/secondary are both a scoundrel and Op, and I have only found once marauder/sent that I couldn't kill in a 1v1. And that is solely because of a gear difference.


Personally I'd set aside dodge purely for master strike and leave the rest for their defensive skills.


I love it even more when there's some nice cover around that I can roll into after a tendon blast and watch em crawl over to me while copping a faceful of charged.

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