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This is accurate. 5-6k over the whole duration.


Is that what tooltip says? That is completely in accurate from what I have encountered. Maybe a 3 hit non crit for each hit...We haven't even touched on any other op skills they have right now lol...

Edited by mikedee
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Is that what tooltip says? That is completely in accurate from what I have encountered. Maybe a 3 hit non crit for each hit...We haven't even touched on any other skill they have right now lol...


You are smoking something bro. Post you combat log files, k? thx!

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You are smoking something bro. Post you combat log files, k? thx!


Its very obvious who is mar/sents. They have more single target dps than any class. Even more dam than aoe classes. They have some of the best defensive cd's in the game. Wait they have stealth too. I guess none of this exists either?

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6k over 3 sec while you are rooted followed Massacre+Force Scream.


If the Mara is Carnage they will Gore then Ravage as to have 100% armor penetration for 6 sec which would most likely put you near execution range or 30% HP or less.


Since Ravage has a 30 sec CD -3 sec less with talents- the Warrior will most likely get you down a little bit -and also gets you to blow your stun and knock back- then Gore+Ravage and kill you wit a Deadly Throw.


The AC is over buffed right now as to compensate of the large number of bad players who can not play melee!

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Its very obvious who is mar/sents. They have more single target dps than any class. Even more dam than aoe classes. They have some of the best defensive cd's in the game. Wait they have stealth too. I guess none of this exists either?


Powertechs are the best single target DPS in the game by far.

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Mara isnt high on my list of threatening classes. The problem comes from all the people who didnt get the expertise boost to there gear with1.2. Anyone who min/max there gear by switching mods got totally ***** in stats. So now if you encounter a mara who didnt touch there gear he will be significantly more threatening becuase they got buffed through gear and you probably did not. Once gear evens out again you will be fine. I personally never remodded my tank set so i have no problems with anything in warzones atm.
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Its very obvious who is mar/sents. They have more single target dps than any class. Even more dam than aoe classes. They have some of the best defensive cd's in the game. Wait they have stealth too. I guess none of this exists either?


Post you combat logs. Words are cheap bro.

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Im a Sentinel and I agree it is OP and stupid i don't like how they made my class faceroll. They should revert Master strike back to the old way so it took some skill instead of easy mode. Pre Patch i would have to snare you and hope you dont interrupt the last tick of it...Now it roots you in place and is uninterruptable taking all the skill out of Sentinel v Sentinel 1 v 1's....Bioware revert please.




You don't play a Sentinel.


There are a few things wrong with your statement:


1. It doesn't root you in place.


Master Strike has never rooted you in place unless you were using the Combat tree. If you were using the Combat tree then Master Strike could be specced to root you, it has been like this since beta. Namely this is not a new development.


2.It is not able to be interrupted now...


This is true, you can't interrupt it now. Meaning you can't use specific "interrupt" abilities against it. You still can stun them (in Sentinel 1v1 this is known as using Force Stasis) and you can still mez them (in Sentinel 1v1 this is known as using Awe) you can still CC break (with either the normal CC break or the one from Combat's Force Camo) and move out of the root (providing they are Combat spec, otherwise no CC break is required) and range of this attack. You can also Pacify them (which reduces the chances of any of those three hits to land...) as well.




How did that remove all skill?

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i've gone toe to toe with the best mara's on my server with my vanguard. the fights are always random with who wins since we both have always (since 1.2 hit anyway) finished with less then 10% hp each. they do hit harder, but so does everyone, give it a couple of days so you can get used to the new pace of action and you'll all stop complaining.


fighting mara/sent is the same as it was before imo.

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6k over 3 sec while you are rooted followed Massacre+Force Scream.


If the Mara is Carnage they will Gore then Ravage as to have 100% armor penetration for 6 sec which would most likely put you near execution range or 30% HP or less.


Since Ravage has a 30 sec CD -3 sec less with talents- the Warrior will most likely get you down a little bit -and also gets you to blow your stun and knock back- then Gore+Ravage and kill you wit a Deadly Throw.


The AC is over buffed right now as to compensate of the large number of bad players who can not play melee!


Well said.

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The only people defending the class are the people that couldn't play it worth a **** pre 1.2. Now they think it's their skill that is allowing them to melt people.


Same thing happened with ops/scounds pre the first 2 nerfs, the ones that said the class wasn't op were the ones that couldn't play it worth a ****.

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Post you combat logs. Words are cheap bro.


Sorry you missed that conference call. You're right, we're all full of it... we all decided to come here after the patch and claim that kind of damage. People from different classes and servers... just to nerf you.


You should have heard the laughing on the conference call, most of it was maniacal with a hit of psychosis.

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I play a BM sorc and before the patch we were getting 4 shotted by mara's and some juggs lol. With all the cc and sprint you would think we could get away from them but yea nope if a mara or jugg wants to stay on you he can. None of this has changed and honestly if they kill me even faster now it doesnt make much of a difference as the sorc survivability to dps ratio is the issue.


Squishiest class needs to have the highest burst and atm its one of the least squishy classes with tons of def cd's that has the highest burst.


But hey the forums on here all complained that omg sorcs are op sorcs are op. They were sooo far from op its stupid and if you actually played end game pvp you would know that we have been getting 3 to 4 shotted for months now. Posting large dps numbers in a voidstar just means you have good aoe as a sorc your not actually killing anyone as healers easily heal through sorc damage and dots.


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Honestly they are right you can see this ability coming a mile away and you really do just need to use your break cc ability and run away. If your break cc ability is on cc well thems the breaks kids. It's like that for smuggs and ops too if your break cc ability is down you are dead and hell even if its not your likely dead or at 20% health after they open on you soo as much as it sucks its actually fine. The issue is too much cc and too little survivability for some classes especially the sorc.

Edited by Centry
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I play a BM sorc and before the patch we were getting 4 shotted by mara's and some juggs lol. With all the cc and sprint you would think we could get away from them but yea nope if a mara or jugg wants to stay on you he can. None of this has changed and honestly if they kill me even faster now it doesnt make much of a difference as the sorc survivability to dps ratio is the issue.


Squishiest class needs to have the highest burst and atm its one of the least squishy classes with tons of def cd's that has the highest burst.


But hey the forums on here all complained that omg sorcs are op sorcs are op. They were sooo far from op its stupid and if you actually played end game pvp you would know that we have been getting 3 to 4 shotted for months now. Posting large dps numbers in a voidstar just means you have good aoe as a sorc your not actually killing anyone as healers easily heal through sorc damage and dots.


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Honestly they are right you can see this ability coming a mile away and you really do just need to use your break cc ability and run away. If your break cc ability is on cc well thems the breaks kids. It's like that for smuggs and ops too if your break cc ability is down you are dead and hell even if its not your likely dead or at 20% health after they open on you soo as much as it sucks its actually fine. The issue is too much cc and too little survivability for some classes especially the sorc.


Yea I feel bad for sorcs. You guys dont have nearly enough instant cast stuff. There should be a skill like if you have your bubble up you can't be charged or something like that. Cause as it is now if I see a sorc I know it's an easy target regardless of the skill behind the class.

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As an op healer (which means I have to sit around and take and heal through all the damage), I'm having a tough time against good teams this patch. Not sure what else got buffed but some of their instant abilities take crit for over 5k. When I'm the target of more than one warrior type I really can't do anything because the endless amount of CC's they have. It's actually sort of ridiculous.
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Wait thought you were going to say something I cared about^


Exactly. You know you're lying and I just proved it. 10k is delusional. 5-6 is accurate. Stop crying. BioWare will nerf them based on metrics.

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Sorry you missed that conference call. You're right, we're all full of it... we all decided to come here after the patch and claim that kind of damage. People from different classes and servers... just to nerf you.


You should have heard the laughing on the conference call, most of it was maniacal with a hit of psychosis.


Considering how many Sorcerer players blatantly started attacking all things Sentinel or Marauder the second that 1.2 was announced then yes, we have every reason to believe that you are making this up. Also we, Sentinels that is, know that normally all 3 hits combined from Master Strike only hit for around 6,000 - 6,500 damage. Each individual hit landing for around 2,150 damage give or take. On a crit these hits individually land for around 3,150 damage.


So, while it is possible that three consecutive crits in a row can deal around 9,450 damage, you are also talking about 3 critical hits, over the course of 3 seconds, from a channeled ability.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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rofl you guys crack me up


you rage on marauders and sents cause they can finaly do some damage?

well raincheck its a dps class we got nothing else


pre patch 1.2 i had lots of times where i started a warzone and couldn't kill anyone before dying


so now marauder changed from suicide class to an actual dps class like it is supposed to be woow...


a sorc in bm vs a marauder in bm pre patch 1.2 could just heal through his damage and burn him even if you interuped him and reduced his healing....


melee should own any ranged if you stand in their face thats why ranged kite , stun knockback, freeze and lift you up in the air while they mess you up from distance





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I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities.


Don't exaggerate! It's more like 3 shot.


Good marauders killed anything before the patch. Now good marauders are godly and crappy ones are good.

Edited by Edryk
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Mara isnt high on my list of threatening classes. The problem comes from all the people who didnt get the expertise boost to there gear with1.2. Anyone who min/max there gear by switching mods got totally ***** in stats. So now if you encounter a mara who didnt touch there gear he will be significantly more threatening becuase they got buffed through gear and you probably did not. Once gear evens out again you will be fine. I personally never remodded my tank set so i have no problems with anything in warzones atm.


I got totally owned on this. I switched out my mods, and couldn't log in to put my gear back to bad itemization so it could be buffed.


I'm now missing 200+ expertise over the guy who just purchased fresh BM gear. :rolleyes:

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