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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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The new system is a joke, speak out against it. WTB revert to 1.1.5


This has caused every game to become a TDM zerg and has made WZ leaving 50 times more frequent.


You lose if you don't have BM gear, yet losing will give you between nothing and almost nothing, yet you need something to buy BM gear, worst catch-22 ever.


Agreed, this system is FINE for rated WZs, I'm for it there. That's a competitive area where wins and losses should be massive. But this is for casuals to GET GEAR and learn.

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Love all the "lol, u suck l2p." Take your condescension and shove it.



I don't care about losing, but if you're on a server where you only come up against the same pre-made over, and over, and over and over again, and you get facerolled with nothing to show for it, why should I bother? Could I go join a major PvP guild and probably have better results? Yeah, but that isn't why I joined the game. I have a handful of RL friends who I play with and I'm not going to leave them behind. I just finished a huttball, where we lost 6-0 and the only person who cracked 3 medals was me. And since it seems like only 1 group of pubs PvPs on our server, we just keep getting destroyed by them, with absolutely 0 chance of even making it competitive. Had ranked WZs been put in, maybe they would've gone off and played those, I don't know. But its bad enough having to sit in a 30 minute queue, without then spending 20 minutes getting hit by the same 2 tank-specced, dps geared shadows, and their 3 healers, with their perfectly balanced group over and over again with nothing to show for it at all.

Edited by KPGadzooks
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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one pissed off about this. I kept track yesterday and out of the 12 wz I played, I had ONE that I played in that started with a full team, normally it was 5 v 8 and we got killed. I know how to play my class just fine so those of you who say l2p, piss off. Things are so much more expensive and if I am getting my *** kicked and know I am not going to get anything out of, why stay? BW took the crap on this and totally screwed up. I will continue to play since I enjoy the PvE aspect as much but as for PvPing, I am done until this is fixed.
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I had high hopes of really enjoying SWTOR for a long time and then wham, 1.2 comes and smacks me upside the head.


Most players are here hopefully enjoying this as a form of entertainment. If they aren't having fun they stop doing it - there is little lack for another MMO or something else to do in real life.


This is not to say make it the same reward for losing as winning. There is always a learning curve but couple that with gearing and then add on "oh, your side looses again, bad player no reward for you (or so little it feels like that)". Great way to keep people trying and "entertained".


I've played enough matches since 1.2 to see the trends. Although I seen about a 50/50 ratio of wins, only 1 match in 10 was even challenging or enjoyable to be in (and some of the enjoyable ones were close losses so I am not interested in easy wins in any way). Steamrolling the other team is only a factional bit better than being steamrollered, neither are a way I like spending my free time.


Where's the fun in being steamrollered because you're facing 1:2 odds in players due to low start-up or bailouts? Many refuse to stick around when half the match is already over and I don't blame them. I've been in matches were I got no medals...non for healing even thought I was clearly healing others and being a valuable contributor, non for damage even though I'd been hitting enemies, non for defending objectives even after standing next a gun battery for over 2 mins - oh fun no reward whether my team wins or losses from a programming bug. This has happened more than once. Once again, it appears things were rushed.


On the matter of the gear grind for PvP gear, I saw something similar with Lord / Rings about a year ago, the grind of marks for top end PvE gear was increased to where it took months to get a new set - many players just stopped playing - including lifetimers that didn't have to pay monthly fees anymore.


So to sum it up (I know a long time to get there) :)

Longer Q times (10-15 mins on a Sat afternoon was what I experienced today), likely the battle is not going to be a challenge either because of terrible imbalance or desertions, and after a long wait I have a chance to be brought into a WZ that is more than 1/2 over and a lot less of a chance of earning any reward at all. Not a way to have an enjoyable afternoon or evening in my book.


With Bioware's PvP teams current track record: strike #1 Ilum's initial release, strike #2 the 1.2 changes, I don't hold out much hope they won't strike out completely.


Bioware is going to need to figure out what is best for the bottom line and I doubt the current PvP situation is the correct way to go. If things do not change - I will be part of the unsubscribing crowd - I'll go back to PvE only, finish the story lines on all the classes I have going still and when the last fee I paid and the free 30 days is up I'll be removing my financial contribution until the next expansion or until I hear that things have taken a much better turn.

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Getting into a half done warzone, *** are you supposed to do? 99% chance you won't get medals, do I quit and be a douche or do I stay, own some people but still get zero because I got unlucky? Worst ****en system bioware, hire some people who know something about MMO's.
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Getting into a half done warzone, *** are you supposed to do? 99% chance you won't get medals, do I quit and be a douche or do I stay, own some people but still get zero because I got unlucky? Worst ****en system bioware, hire some people who know something about MMO's.


Agreed. And also since 1.2 ive seen ALOT more ppl quit out of warzones! Which in turn means ALOT more ppl have been placed as "fillers" in losing matches. They really did a number on pvp with this update tbh...

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What gets me is I've read several blogs that indicated play-testers on PTR commented on this issue and it stayed the same. I don't know the specifics on how many people said what and to whom so maybe they were the minority. If these indicators were not a minuscule minority then either channels of communications are borked or a decision maker or two really dropped the ball.
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The new PVP Medals system is completely broken.


I had 9 medals last match, and we lost, so i got 40 commendations...


If we had won, that would have been 100..


They punish the losing team too much, to an extent that there is NO point in hanging around if you know you're not going to win...


The winners get to gear up, leaving the losers behind, rinse, repeat.. Soon on ever server you're going to get one faction completely dominant in terms of gear..


The system is entirely broken.



You think it was bad with people leaving OPS < 1.2. It's going to be a lot worse now.




Lose get 40-60 comms quit get zero.. So the problem I's what? Tired of losing I'n pugs? Join a guild or group with players you see constantly I'n pugs. I really don't see why people are complaining so much.

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What gets me is I've read several blogs that indicated play-testers on PTR commented on this issue and it stayed the same. I don't know the specifics on how many people said what and to whom so maybe they were the minority. If these indicators were not a minuscule minority then either channels of communications are borked or a decision maker or two really dropped the ball.


Most players that got to xfer existing chars over to the PTS were pve players. The amount of pvp testing that actually occurred was nothing in comparison to other parts of the game, so even if majority of PTS pvp players complained it would only result in a small amount of posts/blogs/threads.

Edited by shadowAI
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I want to drink whatever Bioware PvP developer team drinks


Seriously what are these guys doin?


So in order to get 1 (one) war her set item, u need about 3000 war hero commendation, which u can trade your 30 warzone commendation to get 10, makes you need around 9 00 warzone commendation. OK ! for a win, you get about 80 wz commendation, for a LOST ( which is often ) you get 15... With a simple calculation you need to play 60 warzone games for getting ONE WAR HER SET ITEM! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Have fun man, I am cancelling my subscription and if they send me what ever they drink over there, I would really appreciate it.



Oh also this sounded a negative comment to the Forum GM, but I feel like it is pretty realistic, so when a GM does not like the reality, and wants to erase my thread, doesnt that mean there is something wrong with the current pvp game system? Is that what they do, every time you complain they just say " OHh this is not positive or helpful, we delete it"

good to know

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Lose get 40-60 comms quit get zero.. So the problem I's what? Tired of losing I'n pugs? Join a guild or group with players you see constantly I'n pugs. I really don't see why people are complaining so much.


Because you don't get 40 to 60 every time? you think everyone in team is scoring medals like no tomorrow? what about players who just joined pvp at lvl 50 and are getting destroyed left and right? the average is more like 15 to 20 comms for loss and in some cases where you face premades you get zero. Even more than comms what hurt the most is nerf to experience and credits.


How can you get 40 to 60 for loss when most you get is 80 to 90 for winning?

Edited by Gorrdan
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If you take issue with the need to get rewards from WZ in order to contribute:


By the time I had a full set of Cent+ gear, I was more than capable of contributing to matches. The Recruit set is there for a reason. You'll be at a disadvantage for a week or two while you grind your BM gear, same thing many of us did while working on Champ gear.


If you take issue with the need to get a fair reward for PvP'ing:


I can see that. I've never been bothered by other people having gear either. I saw no problem with putting a floor on WZ rewards back in the last patch. I have, however, played enough games since this patch dropped to realize that contributing to the match will reward you in a similar fashion to that old floor. Except maybe Huttball, because walking into the final seconds of a 5-0 match is just a waste of time.


I would rather have more people available in the queue at nights, and something like this seems to be pushing more people away. So give them the gear faster, it won't effect my swag, bro.

Edited by Numerii
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Lose get 40-60 comms quit get zero.. So the problem I's what? Tired of losing I'n pugs? Join a guild or group with players you see constantly I'n pugs. I really don't see why people are complaining so much.


The problem would not be as bad if it were truly 40-60 on most losses. I've seen zero a number of times due to coming in late (no way around that besides dropping and waiting through the Q again), a bug (no medals earned regardless of activities), or getting steamrollered so bad only the defensive types got enough medals.


Besides, is having to join a guild or build groups really a good solution? It will discourage new PvPers from staying long, the casuals will drop off more. This advice might help a few individuals enjoy things more, but the general PvP situation will continue to worsen.

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Because you don't get 40 to 60 every time? you think everyone in team is scoring medals like no tomorrow? what about players who just joined pvp at lvl 50 and are getting destroyed left and right? the average is more like 15 to 20 comms for loss and in some cases where you face premades you get zero. Even more than comms what hurt the most is nerf to experience and credits.


How can you get 40 to 60 for loss when most you get is 80 to 90 for winning?


His probably in a premade and when they lose its only because they decided to farm medals. 8 medals = 40 comm. Not sure how he got 60?

Edited by shadowAI
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For those that say that all you need to do is try to win and you will be compensated, how do you explain the following?


Yesterday was a very bad day for me. We kept getting paired against what many consider to be the best PvP guild's premades on our server last night. Out of 15ish or so game, 10 were against this premade, and of those, only 2 games were somewhat close. (I went 3-2 in the other games, and 3-0 this morning. I am used to winning 60-70% of the PuG games I am in, even against lesser premades.)


As a healer, I was getting focused a fair amount, and had to focus only on healing. I rarely ended a match with a killing blow or 10 or more kills. I was consistently getting the 2.5k healing and 75K healing medals, as well as the occasional 5k healing medal. This was with me playing the objective, and working my tail of to keep others up as long as possible.


At one point in CW, I had re-spawned and was about to head to the middle near the end of the match. I had only 2 medals at that point. I was very tempted to say screw the objective, and go camp at our one turret for the defender medals, or possibly taking some damage and running and hiding so I could try and heal OOC and get the 5k healing medal. (In combat it was very hard to get off a casted heal as I was constantly getting interrupted or stunned, as a good team should do to an opposing healer)


I didn't go for the easy medals. I threw myself back into the fray knowing that playing for the objective just screwed me out of any reward at all.


This system only rewards you for playing to win if you have a chance of winning. It also will reward you for playing for 3+ medals. If you are severely out matched, your best option is to leave and reque, hoping for a better match up. (Not that I condone leaving, but I understand those that choose to leave)


If we had ranked WZs like we were supposed to, this should not be an issue. In theory you would not have such mismatches of skill/gear/premades as can happen in the regular ques. Both sides would have a fair chance.


I really think this is an oversight by BW. I can live w/ it, but I have decided if I have more nights like last night, I will log onto an Imp alt and work on him after 3-4 games of seeing the same premades. I may as well accomplish something with my playtime.

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Lose get 40-60 comms quit get zero.. So the problem I's what? Tired of losing I'n pugs? Join a guild or group with players you see constantly I'n pugs. I really don't see why people are complaining so much.


60 comms for losing? I don't think so buddy. And if the other team dominated you, you will probly get 0 - 25 comms for losing, and there goes 10-15 mins of ur life for little to no reward

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As was mentioned earlier, on my server at least, Repubs start off in games 5v8 or 6v8, if we're lucky the 8th joins sometime mid-match.


By that time, it's a loss.


Now you have people leaving. Other people get a queue to come into a half-done-loss and they probably will not get 3 medals in the process.


This system is shyte.


After playing MMO's for 13 years, this is easily the worst system I've seen implemented.


Either fix it or do not let games start until you have 8 members on each side. Even then, the difference between winning and losing is far to great.

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Yesterday , 08:35 PM


Hello Everyone,


The discussion on the changes to the reward system in Warzones is popular on the forums. To help us consolidate discussion on this topic, please use the following thread:


The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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Notannos | Community Representative

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I was redirected to this thread form the closed thread above. After scanning through this thread I noticed that there are no responses and or comments from the Devs in this thread. Why redirect and go silent? Are you just closing other threads and redirecting subscribers here so it doesn't like such a big problem. I think anyone trolling this thread should start there own thread and flood the forums till we at least get a reponse. I really want this game to succeed, but it seems it is broken at this time and only the subscribers are talking about it. Please Devs feel free to pipe in. Do you really think everything is ok, are there plans to change anything short term. Or do we just suffer with this patch till ranked WZs are worked out?

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His probably in a premade and when they lose its only because they decided to farm medals. 8 medals = 40 comm. Not sure how he got 60?


I am pretty sure he is pulling stuff out of his behind. No way he can get 60 comms for losing unless it is a very close match and he is in top dps / healing and is able to get 8+ comms every single time.


So i call bull on it.

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Yesterday , 08:35 PM


Hello Everyone,


The discussion on the changes to the reward system in Warzones is popular on the forums. To help us consolidate discussion on this topic, please use the following thread:


The penalties for losing are TOO severe


We appreciate your feedback on these changes. Please join the thread to offer any additional comments or thoughts.



Notannos | Community Representative

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I was redirected to this thread form the closed thread above. After scanning through this thread I noticed that there are no responses and or comments from the Devs in this thread. Why redirect and go silent? Are you just closing other threads and redirecting subscribers here so it doesn't like such a big problem. I think anyone trolling this thread should start there own thread and flood the forums till we at least get a reponse. I really want this game to succeed, but it seems it is broken at this time and only the subscribers are talking about it. Please Devs feel free to pipe in. Do you really think everything is ok, are there plans to change anything short term. Or do we just suffer with this patch till ranked WZs are worked out?


thats what happened to me man, they r probably trying to show it like it is no big deal, but IT IS BIG DEAL for those who have 1-2 hours per day to play for pvp!

Well they are losing now, u can tell by offering 30 day game for free, if they dont make things right, they will keep losing, also we have been saying this since January, but clearly they will not able to make people happy in short term

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If you take issue with the need to get rewards from WZ in order to contribute:


By the time I had a full set of Cent+ gear, I was more than capable of contributing to matches. The Recruit set is there for a reason. You'll be at a disadvantage for a week or two while you grind your BM gear, same thing many of us did while working on Champ gear.


If you take issue with the need to get a fair reward for PvP'ing:


I can see that. I've never been bothered by other people having gear either. I saw no problem with putting a floor on WZ rewards back in the last patch. I have, however, played enough games since this patch dropped to realize that contributing to the match will reward you in a similar fashion to that old floor. Except maybe Huttball, because walking into the final seconds of a 5-0 match is just a waste of time.


I would rather have more people available in the queue at nights, and something like this seems to be pushing more people away. So give them the gear faster, it won't effect my swag, bro.


The problem I's when does bioware stop giving I'n to the complainers. What happens when gear I's equal and the complainers still get rolled? What next?


Can you imagine the whine when rated comes out and little Timmy can't crack 2k. What happens then?


I say make all classes exactly the same replace sabers with wiffle bats and guns with air soft.. Everyone does 1 damage , and if you are about to lose a 1v1 you can call a time out.



Maybe this will make people happy. Because as it stands no matter what people will complain.

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Yesterday , 08:35 PM


Hello Everyone,


The discussion on the changes to the reward system in Warzones is popular on the forums. To help us consolidate discussion on this topic, please use the following thread:


The penalties for losing are TOO severe


We appreciate your feedback on these changes. Please join the thread to offer any additional comments or thoughts.



Notannos | Community Representative

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I was redirected to this thread form the closed thread above. After scanning through this thread I noticed that there are no responses and or comments from the Devs in this thread. Why redirect and go silent? Are you just closing other threads and redirecting subscribers here so it doesn't like such a big problem. I think anyone trolling this thread should start there own thread and flood the forums till we at least get a reponse. I really want this game to succeed, but it seems it is broken at this time and only the subscribers are talking about it. Please Devs feel free to pipe in. Do you really think everything is ok, are there plans to change anything short term. Or do we just suffer with this patch till ranked WZs are worked out?


See my sig. That is all BW will react to. It needs to be soon too as the exit survey is full of PvE only fail too.

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By the time I had a full set of Cent+ gear, I was more than capable of contributing to matches. The Recruit set is there for a reason. You'll be at a disadvantage for a week or two while you grind your BM gear, same thing many of us did while working on Champ gear.


Fair enough mostly. A week or two - that's where I wonder. It's about 17k or more to get fully BH geared now (quick scan of costs so I may be off a bit). For the sake of arguments, assume a 60 token avg per battle and that falling on the positive side, that means nearly 283 matches at about 15 mins per match for just over 70 hours of play and that does not account for queue waits. That means nearly 2 weeks of the equivalent of full time work (take off 8 hours if someone has stored out 2k like they hopefully have) - doubt many will get it in a week or two now. True, you'll be more effective part of the way gearing up though.

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The losing rewards aren't too severe, what's wrong is that there is even less reason for people to stick around in a losing WZ. There needs to be punishments for bailing.


I'm tired of people bailing as soon as the other team gets 2 nodes in Alderaan or scores fast in Huttball. It puts me at a disadvantage of having less people on my team even though I'm the one trying to play.


Leaving a WZ needs to be fixed. Prevents me from joining some losing effort after a 20 minute rate and keeps people held accountable for queuing.


I don't get why people think they should win everything and still get something for a terrible effort or being a baddie. Worst case scenario you get owned by a better team even though you're good. It happens. Sometimes life is hard. Keep at it and you'll still make progress.

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i canceled my sub

because of this

playing an entire pvp match and got no reward

gettin my *** kicked is bad enough, then gettin NO rewards at all is a slap in the face


f-u 1.2

i canceled my subscripion


you have 30 days to fix this or i'm gonr for good


p.s. 1.2 destroyed my merc healer

i am constantly over heated and comlpetely useless

f-u 1.2

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