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I want my giggle back!


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you want more healers? We want our giggles back. I dun care if some whiney lil baby cries because he hears me giggling after I shank him. most PVPers are always complaining because something isn't to their liking.


Seriously, give us back the giggles, or I'll send my powertech down there to cook some devs till it gets back in

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Hear hear! I miss that sexy chuckle dammit!


It's funny, I didn't even realise he did it at first since I use music playlists over the game sound quite a bit and the voices only just break over it. My media library was updating one day while I played and all of a sudden *thwack!* 'Hahaha'


... 'Secret-agent-man, was that you?? Do it again!'


I miss my chuckle. It made the agent seem so confident. The new sound makes me think unpleasant thoughts...

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When i was first playing my op, I did a lot of pvp. I remember hearing the giggle and I thought to myself, why is my opponent laughing at me, I am pwnning him. It wasn't until later I learned it was me doing the laughing. I lol when I realized that.
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I'm curious, neither my scoundrel nor sniper got high enough to hear about this 'giggle'. Where did it show up? Just the upper hand/tactical advantage procs, or did they also play into some of the procs from gunsligner/sniper, where I've been hearing a similar sound effect to the current one on scoundrel?
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i'm not a fan of the grappling sound especially when out pve'ing against npcs that do the grapple and also in pvp it's insane. i want my giggle back and have it play for just ourselves and not for others. please!?!?!?!?!
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I've said this before but the thing I don't get is why Operative were the only ones that had this effect changed. There's a proc that Powertechs get and they giggle just about as often as Operatives did. Also, the Sniper grunt from Sniper Volley proccing is probably even more annoying. Especially when you've got more than one in a group. I actually do miss the TA chuckle :/
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I'm probably going to get shot at here, but. . . I think they moved the giggle to the warrior. Mine is jugg, vengeance spec, and I've noticed he chuckles whenever I do a certain ability, don't know which though.


But yes, giggles back to agents. It's not right without an agent giggling.


. . . What's that light coming from the - Oh my god! :jawa_eek:

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Indeed, why is a fellow guildie (pyro merc) allowed his giggle but I am denied mine? :( *sad panda*


when i was pvp'ing I kept hearing a pyro in my group giggling..I was a sad panda as well :jawa_frown:

Edited by Kamay
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I don't see why this was removed. From time to time I hear some other class giggling whenever they use a certain ability, I have no idea what it is, but it's driving me insane. I loved my giggle, hell, that was one of the reasons I made my op in the first place.


Give us back our giggle, please.

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