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Everything posted by TheBigDRC

  1. I'm probably going to get shot at here, but. . . I think they moved the giggle to the warrior. Mine is jugg, vengeance spec, and I've noticed he chuckles whenever I do a certain ability, don't know which though. But yes, giggles back to agents. It's not right without an agent giggling. . . . What's that light coming from the - Oh my god!
  2. Love that this is still going strong, awesome. Was doing some low level heroics on Coruscant, had to get some astrogation charts. Now, I'm playing on a female trooper at this time. I turn in the quest and my toon says to the person I'm turning it in to "I have something you want." Ok, nothing worthwhile. Then the NPC responds with "If I had a credit for every time a woman told me that. . ." Wait. What?! Couldn't help but laugh after that.
  3. Here is how I see it: The MMO market is like ancient Rome, currently in it's monarchy stage with WoW being the ruler. Since release, WoW popularized the genre. It didn't invent it, it just brought it to the front lines. Now everyone wants to be a part of the genre. They want a piece of the pie. Some are going about it recklessly, others are more cautious about it. A transition has started with MMO Rome. WoW is losing it's legitimacy as ruler while holding on to it's power through concessions as well as pandering to subjects. During which time, the ever growing MMO base will want something different. Something that suits them individually. Some take advantage of it and start to wrestle power away from WoW. Some take what they can and are satisfied with it. Others try to overthrow WoW entirely and fail to do so, either falling into the abyss of history or remaining strong and still gather a popularity base. Soon WoW will lose it's throne and MMO Rome will go from an absolute monarchy to a senate controlled form. With many ruling rather than just the one. WoW wont disappear, rather it will become a member of the senate. Ruling along side others. After all, nothing lasts forever. So yes, I think SWTOR is on pace with new MMOs. It's all a matter of will it remain that way or will it slump, time will tell.
  4. The Fatman server, where it is always very heavy. It's fun to see the server status list say that.
  5. Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach, definitely a Sith Juggernaut.
  6. Just got my ship on my smuggler. Loved the part where you start the whole naming process before your first space mission. "I want to be called crackerjack. Eh, that sounded better in my head."
  7. Oh they talk, just about things we've all dealt with and heard in high school. The very moment someone says LFG for dungeon, one of three things happen: 1) General chat becomes as silent as a grave (loved saying LFG for that reason alone:D) 2) Everyone jumps down the poor fellow's throat, calling them names or other expressions that are exceptionally vulgar and end it with "Use the *********** tool! That's what it's there for!" 3) Someone goes on about how they soloed said dungeon regardless of the fact that said person asking is at level of dungeon or undergeared compared to the pompous dimwit. Ah, the days of WoW. But yeah, it seems today's MMO community for the most part, wants nothing to do with. . . well, community. Granted the way things are handled doesn't help matters much, but I still have hope.
  8. Don't think they need to worry about. It's just Blizzard being a bit silly, can't say if it was a jab or Blizzard being routinely uncreative though. The latter wouldn't surprise me at all, given their history. Meh, either way Bioware doesn't have to worry about it.
  9. Not what I did, but funny either way. Was PvPing in Hutt Ball on one of the ramps close to the center, fighting another player. Said player was using the laugh emote at me while I beat on her/him while slowing her/him down with. . . I don't remember what it was but it was on my Jedi Sentinel. Long story short, he/she laughs at me because a healer keeps her/him up, barely. And out of the arrogance he/she backs up into a fire pit and becomes a crispy critter in a hurry. That will teach ye to not pay attention.
  10. Funny isn't it? People don't know what they have until they lose it. Now on-topic, personally I wouldn't mind the grind. I've always viewed MMOs as a type of investment. An entertaining investment, but an investment nonetheless. What I don't want happening is a grind where it burns me out to the point of not wanting to play anymore. I still want it to be fun. I've hit that peak recently with raiding. And daily quests to a lesser extant. Seven years of doing just that has the effect. Go into raid and fight, die, kill the same 6, 8, 12 bosses with the same strategy. Rinse, repeat, do over on a weekly basis. A grind, a fun grind, would be nice. But not a ballbuster grind. Something that's not the same thing time and time again but rather a random, more chaotic one. We all know as gamers, chaos is awesome.
  11. Give me the slave boy suit so I can dance at the GTM while singing, "I'm too sexy for my shirt." Oh the absurdity.
  12. I think it's about time for the mods to close this thread. It's the same back and forth rhetoric like any other clicker vs. keybinder thread. Please, for the jawas, close this thread. . . Somebody. . . Please?
  13. Hop into a roller coaster and shout out, "I'm flying!!" Sorry, saw the title and I just had to do it.
  14. "Roar! Me Hate! ROAR!" That's pretty much all I'm seeing in that "serious talk" article. Granted, some points are there, but they're just drowned out by the "Roar Hate!"
  15. Got about, 27 points from an underworld gift. And yeah, very much thinking it's a bug. Either way, caught me off-guard.
  16. Gave a gift to Kira on my Jedi Knight. Rather than a "Thanks" I get instead "Eat Lightsaber, Jerk!" The best part is, aside from that happening three times, is the gift gave me affection. Pfft, last time I give her something nice. >.<
  17. Got another one, Duke Nukem Forever. Oh yes, I went there.
  18. I'm going to cast my vote for, Bob.
  19. Good god almighty, is this still going on? O.o
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