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Please make sure to leave all losing WZ's


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I`ll vote for a new feature - a one hour ban to enter the WZ to all who quits the WZ.


Might as well make it a lifetime ban, because I can guarantee I unsub if they put in any type of deserter buff at all.


ESPECIALLY if they insist on dumping me into losing WZs or uneven ones. At least half my games are huge losses already in progress.

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Might as well make it a lifetime ban, because I can guarantee I unsub if they put in any type of deserter buff at all.


ESPECIALLY if they insist on dumping me into losing WZs or uneven ones. At least half my games are huge losses already in progress.



haha, yeah.


lets see:


1) Dump people into games already losing badly

2) make sure they can't end early when you don't have full teams

3) give people no rewards for staying and losing badly

and then

4) stop them from queuing again if they don't stay.


yeah, byebye any warzones popping.

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No kidding... The rewards for losing a warzone are *********** laughable. Why stay around and waste your time when you're not even getting a DECENT fair share of credits/coms at least?


Stupid as hell, you're better of quitting instead of wasting your time in a bad warzone only to get 14 medals 0 credits and like 50 coms.



Edited by bamsmacked
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I joined a match of Huttball at 3-0 down with some time to go, just as I spawned it went to 4-0.


I carried out, managed to squeeze in a couple of medals b4 they made it 6-0. And I didnt get a single bean. No Valour, Coms, Money, nothing, nada.


All that loading in, playing(for a short time) and coming back out for zero. So as of now, its pointless joining a losing warzone 3/4 way through or even at 3-0 in huttball

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Ragequitting because you "gain nothing" is extremely selfish and foolish.


On a loss where everyone stays and fights to the end, I'm pulling 50-70 comms and >1500 credits.


On a loss where 5-6 people RQ over the course of the match and I'm part of a team that struggles to break 5 members for most of the fight, I'll pull 20-30 comms and <1000 credits.


The only reason losses look so bad now, is because people are gimping their team, and crippling the ability of the remaining members to earn commendations.

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I joined a match of Huttball at 3-0 down with some time to go, just as I spawned it went to 4-0.


I carried out, managed to squeeze in a couple of medals b4 they made it 6-0. And I didnt get a single bean. No Valour, Coms, Money, nothing, nada.


All that loading in, playing(for a short time) and coming back out for zero. So as of now, its pointless joining a losing warzone 3/4 way through or even at 3-0 in huttball


x5 for me today.. not cool!

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You can't make people more calm by just saying "be calm". They will rage quit if they find themselves in a hilarious /by BW design!/ situation. They will be less likely to queue again, so in a while few will play with a totally unfair system. No one wants to support UNFAIR system.

Overall, as many said, there will be less queues for wzs, and you know what this means and where it goes.

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if you feel the need to stay in a losing warzone when you get nothing in return then thats all on you. Not everyone wants to waste 15 minutes for nothing. There is no need to put a deserter debuff in the game, especially with the new changes to warzones. If they added a debuff then pvp would for sure be dead.


If you consider that 15 minutes a waste, then why do you PvP? To get PvP gear, so you can PvP? Are you only capable of enjoying the content when your character has absolutely everything?

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If you consider that 15 minutes a waste, then why do you PvP? To get PvP gear, so you can PvP? Are you only capable of enjoying the content when your character has absolutely everything?


C'mon man we have been over this : it is not fun to get stomped upon by better geared ppl (who have now a bigger expertise advantage btw). And not even getting some kind of reward for taking the beating.


Don't get me wrong, I've never left a WZ and never will. But after 1.2 I just can't blame people who do anymore.


Can't we get past some points and not read the same things for 20 pages ?

(Yeah i know, actually expecting users to read before posting is a longshot)

Edited by toomywoomy
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I joined a match of Huttball at 3-0 down with some time to go, just as I spawned it went to 4-0.


I carried out, managed to squeeze in a couple of medals b4 they made it 6-0. And I didnt get a single bean. No Valour, Coms, Money, nothing, nada.


All that loading in, playing(for a short time) and coming back out for zero. So as of now, its pointless joining a losing warzone 3/4 way through or even at 3-0 in huttball


The zero rewards for losing bit seems to only be occurring in Huttball matches where teams don't score. This sounds like a bug to me. I would Bug Report this immediately when it happens.

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entered a match with only 7 republic last night, immediately some

guy quits... the rest of the 6 decide to stay and fight as we usually do

on my server.


There were only 6 imperial also...


we won!


moral of the story,

it's not over, till

it's over.


fight every match as hard as you can till

it ends, it makes you a stronger player to

learn to overcome adversity. Quitting just

makes people hate you.

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Yep, I agree. Though I'll say it should be 30-minutes so if you do really crash/etc. you're not totally screwed ;). People need to stop entering to just get easy wins + rewards, and actually fight for their loots & fun. It seems the whole entitlement attitude is strong in this community, Luke.... I mean... yeah.


How will this solve the problem. All this will do is make the wait times longer. They should return the rewards to what they were and then re-implement the current 1.2 rewards after they get the RWZs up and running. This is just horribad right now. There is no point in staying in a loosing WZ to be farmed by a pre-made.

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BW just made the problem exponentially worse by only implementing a part of the PVP update. Without ranked WZ's they've really screwed up.


Ranking would have been off to a bad start right now, where dps zerging instead of teamwork is the new style to win.

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entered a match with only 7 republic last night, immediately some

guy quits... the rest of the 6 decide to stay and fight as we usually do

on my server.


There were only 6 imperial also...


we won!


moral of the story,

it's not over, till

it's over.


fight every match as hard as you can till

it ends, it makes you a stronger player to

learn to overcome adversity. Quitting just

makes people hate you.


I am all about sticking it out if there is "some" reward for doing so, but when I run a WZs and we enter with 6-7 ppl, which seemed to be the norm last night, and we get crushed. Where is the incentive for the players to stay in the zone? Or when you enter a zone that is already a loss. By inacting 1 hour debuff all that will happen is longer Q times which means, YOU will also have to wait that long. They need to put the rewards back and then if they wanted to add a debuff i could support it. But with no rewards or limited rewards i cannot bash people for leaving.

Edited by Kalaek
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My point is, it is fairly easy for them to please both you and me:


To please you, they reward winning.


To please me, they used to reward participation. There is no downside for you in that, is there? You get better rewards if you win. I get some rewards if I lose, so I can still gear up, albeit at a slower pace. What is the downside to you? You will fight better geared opponents and have a better time.


Or we quit and the servers will be even more dead... but hey, you have your super gear, with no one to show it off for.


Answer is pretty simple, people that play to win got fedup of carrying people that play to farm.

The rewards for a loss are fine, they just need to put a leavers buff or something, because that is what is causing the unfairness.

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C'mon man we have been over this : it is not fun to get stomped upon by better geared ppl (who have now a bigger expertise advantage btw). And not even getting some kind of reward for taking the beating.


Don't get me wrong, I've never left a WZ and never will. But after 1.2 I just can't blame people who do anymore.


Can't we get past some points and not read the same things for 20 pages ?

(Yeah i know, actually expecting users to read before posting is a longshot)


And again, gear is now easier to get than ever before - in any mmo, for that matter.

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