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Put a fork in it, it's done


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In the last month I have probably played about 3 hours total of this game. Had great promise, now with the server sizes, class imbalances, and no ranked warzones. I finally hit the button. "you have 26 days to play before your game subscription ends."


I'm pretty sure people will just say "k bye" or "**** loser" etc etc but my question to you guys is...


Do you really think in a few months with gw2, tera, pandamania, and diablo 3 all coming out that this game will really survive.


I honestly don't, and it is a shame because I did really enjoy this game for about 2 months. After those 2 months, there was literally nothing to do, and the only reason I didn't cancel was ranked warzones.


It just blows cause there are no games out right now worth a damn to play...so this is really the only option if you want to play an MMO...however, I'm just going to play nba2k12 until D3 I guess.


Blows =(

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I pre-ordered Tera since i can early start april 28th. This no Rated Warzones caused most my guild on vent to unsub and the other 2 big Republic guilds on my server 3/4 of them unsubbed as well which leaves nobody on the repub fleet come tonight im gonna screenshot the fleet pop at 8pm-12 pm.
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Pre-order GW2 you can at least play the Betas until then..... I agree with you. Today I will have to fudge with all my gear just to not have someone tell me I am good in a ranked warzone. Oh well. Someone already flushed this game down the ******* we are just spiraling now.
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If anyone does want to play ps3 who I've enjoyed my forum life with you can send me your gamer tag via message and I'll add you or vice versa.



NBA2k12 is my current game, which obbviously will shift to madden 13 once thats released in august.


I will also be playing D3 when that is released so we could coordinate something with that as well. I have 2 irl buddies who I will be playing with also so if you need homies, hit me up via message box.


I am however, interested in playing guild wars 2...debating dropping money on the preorder just to beta play though....

Edited by Cwild
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In the last month I have probably played about 3 hours total of this game. Had great promise, now with the server sizes, class imbalances, and no ranked warzones. I finally hit the button. "you have 26 days to play before your game subscription ends."


I'm pretty sure people will just say "k bye" or "**** loser" etc etc but my question to you guys is...


Do you really think in a few months with gw2, tera, pandamania, and diablo 3 all coming out that this game will really survive.


I honestly don't, and it is a shame because I did really enjoy this game for about 2 months. After those 2 months, there was literally nothing to do, and the only reason I didn't cancel was ranked warzones.


It just blows cause there are no games out right now worth a damn to play...so this is really the only option if you want to play an MMO...however, I'm just going to play nba2k12 until D3 I guess.


Blows =(




Tera looks horrible and I dont see the great appeal aside from the more action style gameplay , that game kinda reminds me of the big buzz Aion was making before release and we all know where that is now. Pandamania I assume is WOWs exp which many people REALLY really dont care about just the regular wow crowd which is not that great of a worry for SWTOR since the people that were on wow dont want to go back they are done with that game and Pandamania was the final nail on the coffin for those kind of people.Diablo 3 is as much a worry to an mmo and swtor as Batman Arkham City is to any mmo.


The only one that I can see as real competition is GW2 and still I think a lot of people just dont want to go back to magic and swords yet so they will probably stay on SWTOR and besides is free , Lots of people will just be playing both , I will try GW2 myself and if I like it I will keep playing both no real worry there but I have this weird feeling that GW2 wont be this great MMO of salvation people thing it will be , it looks pretty but thats where my hype for that game ends atm.

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I pre-ordered Tera since i can early start april 28th. This no Rated Warzones caused most my guild on vent to unsub and the other 2 big Republic guilds on my server 3/4 of them unsubbed as well which leaves nobody on the repub fleet come tonight im gonna screenshot the fleet pop at 8pm-12 pm.




Please be joking.


The good news is there are several lowbie guilds that will be gunning to replace you and with the new gear system it won't take them long to be up to par. It will suck to see some of the good guilds die though. Which are the 2 other guilds?

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My guild also died, tho part of it is plain ol MMO fatigue. 30 ppl reduced by 90% and counting.


It's defo a shame the game wasn't polished more upon release. It couldda wouldda shouldda done better. They gained Xmas sales (which is a TON) but are retaining way less subs than they otherwise might.


So sad.

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Tera looks horrible and I dont see the great appeal aside from the more action style gameplay , that game kinda reminds me of the big buzz Aion was making before release and we all know where that is now. Pandamania I assume is WOWs exp which many people REALLY really dont care about just the regular wow crowd which is not that great of a worry for SWTOR since the people that were on wow dont want to go back they are done with that game and Pandamania was the final nail on the coffin for those kind of people.Diablo 3 is as much a worry to an mmo and swtor as Batman Arkham City is to any mmo.


The only one that I can see as real competition is GW2 and still I think a lot of people just dont want to go back to magic and swords yet so they will probably stay on SWTOR and besides is free , Lots of people will just be playing both , I will try GW2 myself and if I like it I will keep playing both no real worry there but I have this weird feeling that GW2 wont be this great MMO of salvation people thing it will be , it looks pretty but thats where my hype for that game ends atm.


I hear ya man, tera does look awful imho. D3 isnt a threat to an MMO in a sense, but it can hurt the population, (that can't be argued). If people have fun with it and are enjoying a new game like when swtor came out, you will not log on swtor, you will be playing d3...so in essence it does challenge this game.


I dunno, gw2 looks kinda tight but I also agree with you that it will probably just be overhyped like swtor was as well...and well, we all saw what happened here.


No hope for mmo's these days.


sports console games only, and even then, some of them blow

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I have ABSOLUTELY no interest in those other games.


You might not, but a bunch of people seem to.


I'm just saying, with this game struggling server to server to survive as it is...what can they do to save it?

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Our guild has had about 40 toons not log in for over 60 days. Sadly, thats about 1/3-1/4 of our guild. Looks like a lot of people have moved on. I still like the game, but it kills me to see friends leaving.
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WoW just WoW ranked WZ's did not come out because BioWare wants to make them worthwhile and you leave along with so many others? I mean really if ranked WZ's was the ONLY thing keeping the majority of you it is a good thing you all are leaving now.


Oh and SWTOR will survive all those games you mentioned they are all crap games (with the exception of GW2) but if you actually think there will be no class imbalance and pvp issues with GW2 you are jaded.


I like a lot of the fixes and (as some call) nerfs as they were needed.


Enjoy yourself in other games this one is just not for you, but please stop assuming this game will fail JUST because a few people are unhappy.

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I pre-ordered Tera since i can early start april 28th. This no Rated Warzones caused most my guild on vent to unsub and the other 2 big Republic guilds on my server 3/4 of them unsubbed as well which leaves nobody on the repub fleet come tonight im gonna screenshot the fleet pop at 8pm-12 pm.


Same, i even dl the eu client for something to do this weekend. That plus GW2 + D3 will consume me

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I pre-ordered Tera since i can early start april 28th. This no Rated Warzones caused most my guild on vent to unsub and the other 2 big Republic guilds on my server 3/4 of them unsubbed as well which leaves nobody on the repub fleet come tonight im gonna screenshot the fleet pop at 8pm-12 pm.


Uh huh

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Cwild Fadizzle... cya around man, I hadn't played for a week, logged on last night, heard about the rated wz (we will call it scandal) and cancelled both my accounts.


I will keep you on my skype and hit you up for another game, you are hot **** bro, we should dock some time;)

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TERA will be a beautiful train wreck. It's a Korean MMO... they don't fair well in NA/EU. This one will be no different. The combat with the hitboxes is probably the worst decision they could have made from a PvP standpoint.


WoW expac... aside from the Monk class I don't care about it. The fact that it will be a Kung Fu Panda pack means myself and most of the people I know will not even try it.


GW2 is free to play... so you can buy it and play it any time without an additional monthly fee. I think people will get bored with it just as fast as any P2P MMO if not faster since you can do the competitive PvP that boosts you to max level with all your abilities at any level. So I think replay value will suffer.


D3... it's a hack n' slash loot hording game. There are been many games like it that have come out between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. Personally I am only getting it for the fact that it is Diablo 3, but I don't think it will have the staying power of Diablo 2 and even if it does it is also free to play online so you can play it along with SWTOR at any time.


Between BF3, D3 and SWTOR I think I will have myself covered for awhile. The only other game I am interested in is Dominus because it is going to be the closest thing to DAoC we have seen since DAoC.

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WoW just WoW ranked WZ's did not come out because BioWare wants to make them worthwhile and you leave along with so many others? I mean really if ranked WZ's was the ONLY thing keeping the majority of you it is a good thing you all are leaving now.


Oh and SWTOR will survive all those games you mentioned they are all crap games (with the exception of GW2) but if you actually think there will be no class imbalance and pvp issues with GW2 you are jaded.


I like a lot of the fixes and (as some call) nerfs as they were needed.


Enjoy yourself in other games this one is just not for you, but please stop assuming this game will fail JUST because a few people are unhappy.


I don't give a flip about Warzones (and I'm certainly not alone).


Bioware destroyed the ONLY open world PvP incentive with 1.2. THAT is what has me disgusted with Gabe and the rest of the inept PvP team.


Bioware has done NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH to improve PvP. EVERYTHING they have done has been to the detriment of it actually.


Warzones are not PvP. They are mini games and already beyond boring and exhausted. Adding one per update doesn't help...they suck and that will not change, not even with cross server queuing.


I'm sorry, but their development team for PvP needs to be removed and replaced.

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Cwild Fadizzle... cya around man, I hadn't played for a week, logged on last night, heard about the rated wz (we will call it scandal) and cancelled both my accounts.


I will keep you on my skype and hit you up for another game, you are hot **** bro, we should dock some time;)


Yeah I havn't been on cause I was waiting for us to tear this up...now however, that will never happen. Keep the skype though and you and your brothers hit me up. You guys were the best peeps i've played with during swtor and I have no doubt we can't rock any other game we play. Hit me up forrrrrrrrrrrr sure.

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WoW just WoW ranked WZ's did not come out because BioWare wants to make them worthwhile and you leave along with so many others? I mean really if ranked WZ's was the ONLY thing keeping the majority of you it is a good thing you all are leaving now.


Oh and SWTOR will survive all those games you mentioned they are all crap games (with the exception of GW2) but if you actually think there will be no class imbalance and pvp issues with GW2 you are jaded.


I like a lot of the fixes and (as some call) nerfs as they were needed.


Enjoy yourself in other games this one is just not for you, but please stop assuming this game will fail JUST because a few people are unhappy.


Why is it a good thing that the majority of people I played with are leaving? How does this help your game in anyway shape or form. And I don't know if you noticed, but it isn't just a FEW people who are unhappy, its a pretty big group. I am not a huge GW2 fanboy, or any fanboy of any of the games I mentioned, but I will surely give it a shot.


In my opinion, and subscription this game loses, is not "helping" the game, the complete opposite, but you can get grumpy with me if you want. Defending this game in its current state is like defending a broken softball bat. Yeah, you can still hit the ball with it, it just isnt going as far as it should.

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Goodbye, unique snowflake who is mad that he doesn't have ranked warzones and wants to make sure we all know it on the official forums.


Because it's official, right? You're never coming back. Ever. Not when they do drop ranked warzones after they fix them... not when 1.3 hits... not when the first expansion comes out. Nope, because Diablo 3 is gonna kill this game. Completely. By this time next year, it won't even be online. It will be little more than a memory a la SWG.


Seriously, does anyone have the good grace to walk away from this game without acting like a whiny putz?

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Goodbye, unique snowflake who is mad that he doesn't have ranked warzones and wants to make sure we all know it on the official forums.


Because it's official, right? You're never coming back. Ever. Not when they do drop ranked warzones after they fix them... not when 1.3 hits... not when the first expansion comes out. Nope, because Diablo 3 is gonna kill this game. Completely. By this time next year, it won't even be online. It will be little more than a memory a la SWG.


Seriously, does anyone have the good grace to walk away from this game without acting like a whiny putz?


Aw, im a unique snowflake? Thanks qt. I think you are too.

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