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~12,000,000 credits for Legacy?


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Just send your companions out on crew skill missions 3 times (about an hour of play). With what they bring back, sell on the AH = 1,000,000 credits a week (takes 10 min to post them up).


Man, making credits is hard. But when you are lazy and want everything handed to you, I guess anything and everything is hard.

Edited by Humankeg
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I agree with the op, alot of the items are very pricey. As BW stated before, the majority of players are sitting below the 1 mil credits marker and only a small percentage is actually considered "rich".


With that being said, why are the majority of the items so darn expensive? I, personally, have no problems with bioware wanting players to credit dump. I fail to see how the prices were reached and agreed to when your average player sits on/around 200-300k credits.


Just seems to me most of these perks are designed to have average players take forever to aquire. Just my opinion.

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You get cash irl by doing very boring work day in day out and its the same with ingame credits, if you want to get fast unlocks you will have to do some dailys every now and then.


in about 10 days I made prox 4 mil doing dailys (and not even all of them) on 2 characters so a solo character can bring up 2.5 mil in 10 days easy.


Actually I love my work, it's the main reason why I picked this career :)

But I do get your point and agree to the fact that if you do 2 boring dailies each day in a week you can get a nice sum of credits.

The do the rest that you wish ... I got to 1.8mil by PvP alone :). My main was leveled 70% in warzones and was rich by the time I got to 50. Spent 1.2 mil on level 50 gear to have at least a chance in warzones and remained with 200k. In 3 weeks I was at 1.4 mil :)

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That's only true for some things. Most of the cool stuff requires Legacy level AND credits.


Which is why I was extremely disappointed at legacy rewards... I thought the choice would have been between high legacy level OR a lot of money. Not both.

Edited by Karkais
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You get cash irl by doing very boring work day in day out and its the same with ingame credits, if you want to get fast unlocks you will have to do some dailys every now and then.


Comparing job IRL and video game is a FAIL.

Get a life. Games are supposed to be fun. Grinding the same quests over and over is not fun for many of us.


I have 3lvl 50, and play since the first day of pre release. I have about 2-3m credits if I make the sum between my character. Didn't spent too much on useless stuff. Mostly gone for repair, mount, skills... I just don't grind dailies, and my craft wasn't really interesting until 1.2 (armstech, then biochem for myself only, then armormech).

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Well i'm down to maybe 2 million...but i bought everything but the neutral ah kiosk and the race unlocks. I'm going to spend a few weeks and get back up to 5-6 million then buy chiss and roll a chiss guardian. I'm also at legacy 44 as I play a lot. That said if pvp isnt fixed which is my one beef with the patch i'm just going to go play diablo 3 which i get free for paying for a year of wow anyway on may 6th. yay for options.
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Comparing job IRL and video game is a FAIL.

Get a life. Games are supposed to be fun. Grinding the same quests over and over is not fun for many of us.


I have 3lvl 50, and play since the first day of pre release. I have about 2-3m credits if I make the sum between my character. Didn't spent too much on useless stuff. Mostly gone for repair, mount, skills... I just don't grind dailies, and my craft wasn't really interesting until 1.2 (armstech, then biochem for myself only, then armormech).


I agree. I will absolutely NOT turn this game into some kind of side profession like many hardcore MMO players do. I will NOT do the same thing for hours each day just so I can unlock something that helps me do this more efficiently, and on to the next thing, and so forth and so on. Just legacy level or credits - not both, please. And if you're going to do both, bring down the prices to something a bit more manageable.

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The problem for me is not actually the price but the utility/price ratio.


Serious, there is little to no use in having a vendor or a neutral GNT or a mail box inside your ship, this is a VERY EXPENSIVE VANITY TOY


Also, it's necessary to pay a lot of money( around 6m) to reduce the imperial fleet pass and the other teleport by 6 minutes/hours - yes it's a nice addition, but not worth the money.


The only things that I may eventually buy are the dummies for damage comparison and, after I discover how useful it is, the rocket boost.


I seriously don't recommend that ANYONE spend money on legacy unless you have a lot of it gathering mold

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I am definitely the 99%. I have a level 50, and several mid-level alts. I don't have close to a million credits among them. I don't play the game to acquire credits. I play the game to have fun...


I tried doing the dailies on Belsavis and Ilum, and got bored with them before I finished the first set. There is no way I'm grinding through enough of those to pay for most of those perks.

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Honestly, Dont look at Legacy comfort items as the perk for this... It rewards completion-ism. The more you do, the more cool little stuff you get for FREE.


Do I want to make a Chiss Republic, sure. I dont want to level one up to 50, so I can see myself paying the 1.5 million. But for the most bang for my buck, the cyborg... you get like 4 styles of cybertech appearance which makes it worthwhile. But hey. I already have a human or that would be my number one thing.


Just relax and enjoy the ride. I wouldnt worry about anything until they offer speeders at level 10 instead of 25 with legacy.

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In my opinion BW, should make an option of Legacy EXP, for each lvl of your Legacy, you get some amount of Legacy EXP, which could be used to buy Legacy things.

If you don't want to wait for your next level EXP, you could buy these Legacy things with credits.


But still 5 millions for GTN is to much, 1 million for repair droid which probably doesn't repair for free is too much, 2 million for Speed Boost is to much.

They should reduce the price by 50% to 60% of some things not all, Social things cost properly, dummies too, but GTN whohoho .



I actually bought both dummies , all Social things, and a Zebrak race.

Before patch 1.2, I bough 1 white crystal for 2,5 milion, from like 6 millions I have 20k left, just like my friends.


But I also think it's kind of stupid that you can buy some of these Legacy things only for Credits, well you can unlock some of them, but not the GTN and so on.

So they should have made an option like Legacy EXP which I mentioned before, or something of that kind.


Also who with Legacy lvl 8 would be able to buy the Power Boost, I think no one.

Legacy lvl 8 is like a new 50, which 400k Credits on his account, not 10 millions, most of people spent they cash on things like White crystal before patch 1.2, Mounts which been removed from the game, so they don't have cash like before the patch 1.2.

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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You can make over a million credits a week just by doing crew missions 1-2 hours a day. Please stop crying about being poor.


I would like to know the secret to this because I am lost at how this is possible.

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I don't think you're supposed to buy everything on the first day it releases, they are items you put some effort into getting not handouts.


Yes, they are post 50 content, the whole Legacy system is designed to be something your main, likely already a 50, can share with other characters you create.


Sometimes you gotta spell this stuff out for people :rolleyes:




you tell em :) "I don't think you're supposed to buy everything on the first day it releases".. they'll never get it.

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It's really not a big deal. At level 50 anyone can make $350k+ a day just by doing dailies and vendor trashing whites/greens/greys & selling blues/purples from dailies on the GTN. I have a level 50 with a little over 22 million and another 50 with about 7.2 million.


That´s fine but don´t you think that it´s just a little bit weird to pay the equivalent of 1 or 2 days /played (= 24-48 hours of gathering ingame money) for access to the Hutts´Trade Network?

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Corellia dailes give 50k.


If you have 8 character it is like this


50 000 times 8=400k


That means that 12 000 000 divide by 400k=30

So it will take one month by just doing corellia dailes!!!!


That is fast for a mmorpg this game is made for playing not completing

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I would like to know the secret to this because I am lost at how this is possible.


Well, I don't the dailies on Corellia and etc.

I can still make up to 1-4 millions in 1 week.

But to make so much cash, you have to at least have 2 characters and 1 of them lvl 400 Crew Skills, 2nd should have gathering skills on lvl 400 .


1st character should have all Crew Skills 400 and take Crew Skills which you need:


Crafting skill: Artifice, needs Gathering skills: Archaeology and Treasure Hunting


then on your 2nd character should have a skills that help the Gathering skills of 1st character


Slicing, you get Discovery Missions from it, you can get 3x or 4x the amount the material you normal get.


I will not tell you what's the best options to make profit, cause it's actually easy to figure it out, if you see all the Crew Skills, and the material you get from them.

I figured it out the second I saw info of every Crew Skill on internet.

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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In time I certainly will. I've spend a good 1.5m on the crystals, just to have them. I know for sure that I will do the dailies on a few characters and I will likely do them often enough for the rakata implant and earpiece plus the speeder. I'm very confident that I will have credits left over. Mind you, I'm not stressed or rushed, all in due time and with "regular" gameplay.


The GTN I have to say though will be my ultimate luxury item and the last one, if at all, that I will acquire. I usually only peruse it for some cosmetic outfits and the odd improvement, nothing that I can't do by visiting the fleet.

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It is ridiculous and THEY KNOW IT!!! Here is a link to some info from the Live Blog SWTOR Summit, in the Economy Q&A they clearly state that 80% of level 50's have less than 400k credits at all times, less than 1% have more than 10 million. Even they know how over-the-top the pricing is, but they still released it that way and the only thing I even want from Legacy (Lvl 10 Speeder) isn't available till 1.3 lmao.



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you grind the dailies for endgame gear... while you're at it you make money hand over fist if you're smart enough to send your other 5 companions on crew missions at the same time and work the gtn. there is nothing hard about making credits in this game. I made nearly 600k in a single day using this system, would have been more if not for repairs. so quit your complaining, legacy perks are not meant to be achievable right away. they were designed to be long term goals.
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imo the legacy system is not catered to the casual player...


when you think of the word legacy.. do you think "near future" ??


Legacy is built to gain items over a period of time .


1leg·a·cy noun \ˈle-gə-sē\

plural leg·a·cies


Definition of LEGACY



: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest


: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past <the legacy of the ancient philosophers>



so do you think your parents are just going to hand you their house when they currently live in it?? i doubt it..


so dont expect do easily be handed down legacy items in swtor.. just be patient people and work for something in your life for once


Great said !!!!!!!!!!!

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daily quests are the secret to cash plain and simple. Seems like a lot of cash now, but look at you're cash. Run daily quests then re-evaluate the credits you have, you will see that it is far easier to make cash in this game than most others.


I started the other day with 262 credits on a level 50, without transferring any funds i sat at 410k by the time I logged that day. That's 1 day, and while some people only have a couple of hours, it's still not that hard.


I have a guildie who plays a couple hours a night on avg, and at first he was having problems keeping up with credits. He then hit 50, commited to doing the daily credit quest and hasnt had a problem yet.

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I like the rewarding completionism, it's like accomplishments with a nice (fluff) reward instead of just a title or an entry in the achievements log.

But I'm not sure if offering an alternative or combined means of acquiring it with credits was a wise choice.

This will only cause more discontent if/once there are useful rewards (I didn't check it thoroughly yet). There will allways be folks complaining that some put a lot of effort into it through gameplay while others that are smart at playing the GTN or allready gathered a huge amount of credits can get it with no effort at all.

Edited by Holskabard
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