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~12,000,000 credits for Legacy?


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Is anyone actually stupid enough to fork over 1,000,000 for some of these Legacy items?


I really don't see the point in a 1,000,000 credit ship vendor, or even 5,000,000 for a neutral GTN. The number of people who actually have enough credits for the GTN is probably less than 25% of the player base...


More than 4 months into the game, and can ANYONE actually afford all of the perks? How long is it supposed to take to get these for casual players? Years?


The prices for some of these perks just seem... silly. I don't plan on buying most of these things... for a long, long time - if ever.


2,000,000 for "Rocket Boost" @ Legacy 8 is ANYONE who is Legacy 8 EVER going to be able to afford that? No. It just seems silly/pointless that prices are so ridiculously inflated compared to the Legacy level requirements - what's the purpose of Legacy levels if you won't even be able to afford the items when you reach that level?


That just turns Legacy into another post-50 money dump, in which case, just get rid of the damned levels since the prices are so utterly stupefying.

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I'm gonna go ahead and agree with the OP. The most credits I've ever had was 2.5M which was then spent on repair bills and funding alts. I don't do dailies (yes I know you get a lot of money for doing them) but they are INCREDIBLY boring...there's nothing fun about doing the same thing over and over every day. Not really sure if anyone from BW has looked at a Galactic Market kiosk, the prices are not high for a reason, no one has the money. Hell I can buy 2 rakata implants on my market for 500k.
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I don't think you're supposed to buy everything on the first day it releases, they are items you put some effort into getting not handouts.


Yes, they are post 50 content, the whole Legacy system is designed to be something your main, likely already a 50, can share with other characters you create.


Sometimes you gotta spell this stuff out for people :rolleyes:

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These are gold sinks to scam all those 50 3eeTs out of their credits. A non faction GTN on your ship is pointless. The real perk would be if it was hooked up to all three trading networks. Then it would be worth it. Edited by Owsley
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Legacy is meant for alts, not fresh low level mains.


Legacy is also relatively cheap. Anyone that doesn't splurge their money like crazy can affort a perk or two every few months; what is wrong with this?


Legacy is also purchasable with no credits, as long as your legacy level is high enough. Players that don't play that much are probably around level 12-20 right now, and that is enough, or close to enough, to purchase several of the perks.


I see nothing wrong with this design. I just see people whining because they want everything handed to them without putting forth any effort what so ever.

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You get cash irl by doing very boring work day in day out and its the same with ingame credits, if you want to get fast unlocks you will have to do some dailys every now and then.


in about 10 days I made prox 4 mil doing dailys (and not even all of them) on 2 characters so a solo character can bring up 2.5 mil in 10 days easy.

Edited by Jonvuu
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I don't think you're supposed to buy everything on the first day it releases, they are items you put some effort into getting not handouts.


Yes, they are post 50 content, the whole Legacy system is designed to be something your main, likely already a 50, can share with other characters you create.


Sometimes you gotta spell this stuff out for people :rolleyes:


I have 3 level 50s. I've never had more than 2,000,000 credits, and even if I did, I would have never spent it on these perks - they aren't worth it. TBH, I don't think any sane person, unless they're literally rolling in about 50,000,000 credits, would waste money on these things. It just seems so stupid to have Legacy levels when the determining factor of what you can and cannot purchase is going to be strictly limited to CREDITS.


Let me put it this way, I'm Legacy level 23 and I have not, nor do I currently intend to, purchase any Legacy items.


Time will tell. I'm willing to bet when 1.3 rolls out they will reduce the prices due to so very few people actually purchasing these things.

Edited by evgar
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Legacy is also purchasable with no credits, as long as your legacy level is high enough.


That's only true for some things. Most of the cool stuff requires Legacy level AND credits.

Edited by Owsley
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It's really not a big deal. At level 50 anyone can make $350k+ a day just by doing dailies and vendor trashing whites/greens/greys & selling blues/purples from dailies on the GTN. I have a level 50 with a little over 22 million and another 50 with about 7.2 million.
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I sent the Dev's an email to let them know not to go ahead with the patch as I was working and want to be in at the start.


What do you know they just went ahead and did it anyway.


That's it I'm leaving and going to sign up on................er...........I might just stay an see how it goes






Get on with it

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It's really not a big deal. At level 50 anyone can make $350k+ a day just by doing dailies and vendor trashing whites/greens/greys & selling blues/purples from dailies on the GTN. I have a level 50 with a little over 22 million and another 50 with about 7.2 million.


First: Many of us who've been playing since the game was released are below Level 50 or have only recently reached it - because we work, have families, and/or are just new to MMOs.


Second: Your advice for those with characters that have reached Level 50 looks good, so would recommend writing a piece on how to make insane amounts of credits, linking it to your signature.

Edited by GreySix
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First: Many of us who've been playing since the game was released are below Level 50 or have only recently reached it - because we work, have families, and/or are just new to MMOs.


Second: Your advice for those with characters that have reached Level 50 looks good, so would recommend writing a piece on how to make insane amounts of credits, linking it to your signature.


So what you are saying is, you do something only a fraction of the time as someone else, yet want all the perks, benefits, and items that person has?


i see. Casual train of thought right there folks.

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They know most people don't have enough money to buy the legacy perks. At the economy guild summit they said 84% of 50s have fewer than 1 million credits.


In other words, it was designed to take you months of repeating the same dailies every day.

Edited by nakomaru
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First: Many of us who've been playing since the game was released are below Level 50 or have only recently reached it - because we work, have families, and/or are just new to MMOs.


Second: Your advice for those with characters that have reached Level 50 looks good, so would recommend writing a piece on how to make insane amounts of credits, linking it to your signature.


yeah ... I'd kinda like to know how these folks come up with that sort of cash too ! Don't get me wrong .. If you know where to look there are some chests out there to grab... BUT unless you do some stuff that I personally would not (camping etc) .. I'd be currious to know WHERE to grab some good cash. You certainly wont get it off the space missions (another sore subject).


BTW... IMHO there is a lot of good stuff to do ... but once you get to 50 it seems like the whole thing just sort of fizzles out. I had hope for a more epic ending (I wont discuss it here ... could be a spoiler).


At any rate: Having more places to frequent and places to farm after level 50 for gear, better mounts, etc, might be something to consider. Maybe its there ... just have not seen it yet.

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The entire legacy system is junk. Nothing remotely worthwhile. I would have rather had the devs spending time fixing content that has been broke since launch than putting more useless garbage such as the legacy system in game.
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So the legacy "crap" costs alot of creds for really nothing. What I don't understand is in a community Q&A with Georg Zoeller he stated the following:


"The system allows you to unlock things EITHER via achieving the unlock condition (e.g. reaching chapter 2 in a specific class, reaching a specific PvP rank, etc) OR by paying credits. It is not both."


But yet it is not one or the other but BOTH....Thanks for 1.2 being pretty much worthless!

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imo the legacy system is not catered to the casual player...


when you think of the word legacy.. do you think "near future" ??


Legacy is built to gain items over a period of time .


1leg·a·cy noun \ˈle-gə-sē\

plural leg·a·cies


Definition of LEGACY



: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest


: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past <the legacy of the ancient philosophers>



so do you think your parents are just going to hand you their house when they currently live in it?? i doubt it..


so dont expect do easily be handed down legacy items in swtor.. just be patient people and work for something in your life for once

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Is anyone actually stupid enough to fork over 1,000,000 for some of these Legacy items?


I really don't see the point in a 1,000,000 credit ship vendor, or even 5,000,000 for a neutral GTN. The number of people who actually have enough credits for the GTN is probably less than 25% of the player base...


More than 4 months into the game, and can ANYONE actually afford all of the perks? How long is it supposed to take to get these for casual players? Years?


The prices for some of these perks just seem... silly. I don't plan on buying most of these things... for a long, long time - if ever.


2,000,000 for "Rocket Boost" @ Legacy 8 is ANYONE who is Legacy 8 EVER going to be able to afford that? No. It just seems silly/pointless that prices are so ridiculously inflated compared to the Legacy level requirements - what's the purpose of Legacy levels if you won't even be able to afford the items when you reach that level?


That just turns Legacy into another post-50 money dump, in which case, just get rid of the damned levels since the prices are so utterly stupefying.


With cross faction mail you can chip in with all ur chars, legacy unlocks for all. Ifnwhat u say is true and u have 3 50's it would be easy, just manage ur money

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They know most people don't have enough money to buy the legacy perks. At the economy guild summit they said 84% of 50s have fewer than 1 million credits.


In other words, it was designed to take you months of repeating the same dailies every day.


^this. What would the point of implementing a LEGACY (future) system where you can just unlock everything day-1?


Casuals are driving the future of this game into the ground. It takes a couple of hours a day to finish some dailies and get money easy. I had roughly 500k when they added the crystal vendor pre-1.2. When I heard they were taking out the white crystal, I did everything I could to SAVE MONEY and buy the crystal before 1.2. I made that 2m in 3 weeks of casual daily playing and another 500k since then. They practically hand you money!

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12,000,000 credits might seem like a lot in the short term, its really not in the long term, there are level 50's that already had that many credits. Just by doing the level 30 and 40 Alderaan heroics I can make 50,000 to 300,000 credits is just a few hours. It take ~3 hours to do all of the Alderaan Heroics at level 50.
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sorry but it's easy as hell to make money in this game. some of the guys in my server have close to 30 million. bioware needs to purge credits out of the economy, and these legacy items are designed to do that.


tldr: nerfherders gonna nerfherder, and they are poor. who would have thought.

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