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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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To all the people who are saying just quit. Careful what you wish for, if an enitre faction quits or just stops queing for pvp, guess what? You can't pvp either.


Wrong. In fact its just better if everyone joins one faction. Many people around for pve content, many guilds for pvp/pve, betetr economy, etc... You'll never see voidstar or alderaan, but new same faction warzones will keep comming.

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Since my Thread was deleted and directed here... I'll reiterate my point. REPOST: Let me start off by saying 1.2 sucks. If you expect me as a casual to lose constantly to premades who are PO'd about ranked WZ's being pulled... You better give me the same amount of comms or at least 80 - 90% of what a win yields. This is ridiculous and has me ready to unsub which I have never threatened nor intended to do... But I just can't take the no lifer premades anymore. We were supposed to have a casual WZ situation come 1.2 and instead we have raging premades who had their hearts set on rated. You (BW) reward griefer premades for stomping pugs by giving them better gear faster with which to further increase the gear disparity gap. NOT COOL BIOWARE.


Not cool...


When I say I'm casual, I mean I queue solo and haven't really been bothered by losing more than winning. I'm not a "hard-core" PVP'er who's fragile ego is so injured by losing that I only roll in a premade with my healer for fear of others thinking that I'm bad. I simply enjoy PVP'ing, and most of all... a good game.


By good game, I mean a close match that could have gone either way. This is what I pay and play for... the enjoyment of a great match on a mostly balanced playing field. Pre 1.2 was really starting to get competitive and fun as the gear disparity seemed to lessen with the increased valor/comms from WZ's. Just as the game was improving, as others have stated we're now being penalized for being on the losing team when our solo performance may have been excellent.


I can accept this reward system if limited to the 8v8 Rated WZ queue. HOWEVER, this reward system gives no incentive to do anything except LEAVE a losing match.


My proposition: Give 80-90% of the commendations given for winning to the losing players. This should be enough incentive to stay in a game and perform well rather than leave in spite of the impending loss. It's just ludacris to reward players who are potentially more skilled, organized, experienced with better gear faster for beating more casual players. This only frustrates the more casual players, encouraging them to find other activities to invest their time in and in turn making PVP queue times much longer. The casuals who do stick around and solo queue will be leaving WZ's left and right, having to leave/join 5 or 6 warzones until they land in a fresh one or one that provides an opportunity for the win.

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Everyone! Come with me!


Let's all go play Eve Online, where intenet space ships are serious business (and CCP actually listens).




that community is terrible.


I'll wait for guild wars 2, IF I end up looking for a real pvp fix which I suspect I'll need to now :(

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Wrong. In fact its just better if everyone joins one faction. Many people around for pve content, many guilds for pvp/pve, betetr economy, etc... You'll never see voidstar or alderaan, but new same faction warzones will keep comming.


voidstar is same faction. at least it was on PTS

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So there's no shutdown timer any longer when warzones are imbalanced and no reward for staying and fighting. This is seriously bad design. Ended up with 3-4 on 8, did the best we could got 0 across the board for rewards at the end. Whoever made this change needs to get a different job.


There should be a reward baseline that's significantly above zero and performance should matter whether you get shut out or not. The previous design was fine, this one incentivizes bad behavior.

Edited by PhaseStar
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Winning should net about 100 comms.


Losing should give 50.


Medals should give some value, but Im not sure how much.

Lack of some sort of either objective points/medals should reduce gains in some fashion to discourage afk'ing or moving enough to be in game. However, it shouldnt destroy a terrible players rewards if they are playing but suck.


Not sure why the value of rewards has to be drasticly different though. Pvp should be more about gear equality and skill triumph. As it is, winning rewards and increases the gap, which is counter to the way it should be.

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How dare you bring logic to a forum!


But seriously. People complain about this "OMG250HOURSGRINDZTOGETMUHGEARZ", and they don't stop to realize that it's not 250 until you get gear... it's a gradual progression with (semi)consistent reward throughout that time. In a few days you'll have a piece or two. In a few more days you'll have more. And so on and so forth.


They do need to penalize leaving a WZ early, though. When you do that you're ruining the fun for everyone else, winners included.


So you want to penalize a game where you START the game 4 vs 8? Really? That's going to get a lot of people to play. You must be on the Imperial side and always have a full team. Come on over and we can show you what it's like to start a game and already know you've lost no matter what effort you put into it. Now that effort gets you NOTHING! GG

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you should be rewarded on individual performance, especially with credits!!!!! tons of credits should be given for outstanding performance. imo.


it would be cool to sort of make a career out of doing warzones if you got alot of credits for medals, etc. that would rock.

getting rich from a career fighter.


if i understand it correctly and it's now based on the team that's lame,

it's a random pug not a professional clan tournament. :rolleyes:

Edited by teambff
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Will not be nice on this issue because you "pvp devs" really need to hear the truth !!!


Just did a few wz now on a low lvl char and did my best at healing etc.'


And getting around 17 wz commendations for a match really makes you think what

complete idiots they have on the PvP team.I mean is it so hard to understand players will

stop playing when these braindead game systems goes live ?


Do you "devs" really think this will get people to play your game ?

To quote the guys in my swtor pvp guild who is still subbing:why are

these people still in charge on the PvP team ???

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Winning should net about 100 comms.


Losing should give 50.



This. I logged on to see what the fuss was about and got into 6 vs. 7 Voidstar. Lost and I still got 50 WZ Comms. Um...maybe because I got 9 medals and didn't afk and get nothing. You guys should really see if these things are true before you rant and rave.


And I personally hate every freakin one of you that quits a WZ because your down 1 point in Huttball or the other team caps mid in Civil War or they make it through the first door in Voidstar. You 12 year old whiny B***** need to grow up. You ever quit after the first quarter in a high school football game? No. And why not? Cuz the freakin game isn't over! Last night I won a Civil War match with 5 points left on our ship. Yeah, 5! The only reason we won is because A) we didn't give up and B) we 3 capped them.

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This is not a linear problem and it is a linear problem. If i commit 15-20 minutes of my life in a game i gain some benifit. Thats known as the reward for time spent situation. I'm spending 20 minutes and my opponents are spending 20 minutes. If i lose 95% of matches which is what it has been today and i face 3 different teams those teams gain 1k comms each while i gain 200. Yes I will eventually get gear if i stick with it however i would quit after a few days and unsubscribe if I'm not getting a piece or two gear a day at that rate. Thats not even including the bugs. I was just in alderaan and was the only one at a turret we control. capturing it i got a 2.5k crit and a killing blow. I was in the group that capped it and the empire didnt attack the whole time but controlled 2 turrets the whole game. I was selected to stand guard. However the turret gave me no defender points for the whole match and the match ended 240 to 0 with us losing. now even though i was standing in the circle around the turret within 2 meters of it i only got 2 medals. I was doing my part in the wz and i got nothing out of it. I put a ticket in and bioware gave me a *********** auto response saying they understand my concern with losing to a battlemaster in a pvp match i should post on the forums. first off my character is level 30 there were no battlemasters present in my match and i didnt mention that i mentioned the turrent not giving defender points as it said in the patch was fixed. so on top of pvp not giving me any rewards and thus no real reason for anyone who pvp's to continue to pay for this game but the system that was supposedly fixed isnt.
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you need 3 medals to win any kind of points. if you can't even do that you're slacking or afk



oh really? we had a premade earlier, 4 people, we got an insta-pop (bad sign? oh yes) ... we were thrown into a game of civil war that was at all 3 turrets capped by the other ops, and the points were around 600:270 (or something like that) ... guess what? we .stayed. and I ended up getting 2 medals. 2. our team stayed because we are no quitters. we got one turret and almost got a second turret (obviously way too late at that point so half the ops just went to stay at the turret we had) again.. I left with 2 medals. I got .nothing. for it. not a single thing. except the knowledge that my guild is not full of quitters.

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oh really? we had a premade earlier, 4 people, we got an insta-pop (bad sign? oh yes) ... we were thrown into a game of civil war that was at all 3 turrets capped by the other ops, and the points were around 600:270 (or something like that) ... guess what? we .stayed. and I ended up getting 2 medals. 2. our team stayed because we are no quitters. we got one turret and almost got a second turret (obviously way too late at that point so half the ops just went to stay at the turret we had) again.. I left with 2 medals. I got .nothing. for it. not a single thing. except the knowledge that my guild is not full of quitters.


Sure that sounds bad but had you quit and requeue, you'd just get back into the same game and still have nothing to show for it. In badly losing games I often see the same guy leaving and then returning later since that's the only game that has open spots.


I mean seriously, if you're in a game that's constantly in threat of shutting down, how is the quitter avoiding getting back into the same game? That game sure could use more people.

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Effort should be rewarded to some degree. It encourages PUGs to continue to play the match to finish, rather than leaving when things look like they are headed south.


I've cancelled my account over this and I encourage other customers to voice their opposition in similar fashion. The dev response to this change when it was pushed to test server was that it wasn't going to be published to live servers- the metrics would be toned down so that players contributing to a losing team would still receive some reward.


Not enough.


BW has eight days to implement a change to this poor decision until my sub expires. After that, I will not renew.



Edited by Gonewild
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The fact that their pvp team still hasn't implemented a system to punish players for intentionally quitting a warzone makes me wonder who they screwed to get a job over there.


You'd think the economy being as bad as it is, with the amount of unemployed people out there, Bioware could have afforded to be a bit pickier in who it had hired to implement pvp in this game.


The fact that they haven't figured out what a disadvantage it is to start Voidstar on defense is also just /facepalm. Remove the *********** speeder ride already so that the defense doesn't start off with 1-4 players still riding the damn thing (then stuck behind the 'wall' for an additional 30 seconds) was a nobrainer when Voidstar was first introduced in beta, and the fact that they still haven't changed it tells me all I need to know about the competence and awareness of the pvp team.


That is so *********** annoying. Who every thought of that idea should be fired, along with the people that let that idea stay in the game.

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Even on a server where IMP groups dominate WZs, there is still times at least once or twice a week where I, a REP, have queued solo and rattled off about 5 or 6 wins in a row because the premades simply CANNOT be on all the time. And guess what, 5 or 6 wins worth of comms is enough to buy a piece of BM gear now.


So while I agree that getting nothing for losing sucks and they should give a small amount of comms to the losers, there's no way they could afford to give 60-70 comms to losing groups, because EVERYONE on the server that put in a solid week of pvp would be in full BM. Does that sound awesome? No...no it doesn't.


With how much the BM stuff costs now in terms of WZ comms, I don't see how they could afford to give more than 40 comms to someone in a losing party.


I understand both POV, but it seems like ppl completely losing their **** over this is unjustified.

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the crazy thing is when people leave they are gone but the warzones continues. Nomore ending early if there are not enough players. I was in a 3 on 8 match today. Talk about getting spanked for 15 mins and then rewarded nothing. Edited by kirorx
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The problem is that if you face a good team and you have too many bad players to carry and it is obvious you can not win, then the rewards for losing (trying to win with a bad team) are now bad enough that you might as well leave and not waste 15mins.
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