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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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I played 6 or 7 wzs today, got the daily but got rolled a few times and received 0, yes 0 comms etc, even after getting 7 medals.


Even in 95% BM gear I did not even get a 2.5k hit with grav round, that's not a nerf? Yes demo has been buffed but useless without grav stacks, try getting 5 stacks on a pyro merc!


At this point i am giving up on PVP, it needs to be fixed.

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Yeah this new system is utter garbage. Losing, you get maybe 30-40 comms even with 10-15 medals. Even winning sometimes.. is the same. We just had a voidstar, won it, 15 medals for it.. 52 comms...like are they trying to completely kill this game in 1.2. Is that the entire thought behind the patch.


We made our money back with sales, now we gotta kill the game. Well, you guys are definately on the right track.

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Yes it does sound awesome!


Means more matches will be based on teamplay, communication and not someone 3 shotting players who have just hit 50! As the fresh 50 will know they will soon be geared to compete.


I have a BM gunslinger. I made a sage and hit 50, was getting ROFLstomped in most direct combat in WZs, few days later, had some champ and rest cent. Became able to hold my own, and it became a lot more fun, a few days of getting rolled is easy to bear with if you know that you can compete very soon gear wise.


By extending the time required to gear up to an acceptable to level to compete is more discouraging than promoting of a healthy turnover in PvP active players.


Very very few players will stand to be stamped for months before they can compete.


IMO to keep it as it is now post 1,2 they should reduce the expertise on BM and WH gear to be slightly, not double, the value of entry level pvp gear.


Something like per piece

50 expertise on recruit

60 on BM

70 on WH


If you only PvP for gear, then your not a PvPer.


I agree, that is why I like biowares take on pvp. They don't make it a gear>skill situation where only the people who have alot of time to play can get the Bis gear and own everyone. The only people that complain about noobs having access to the same quality gear as them are the people who are afraid of a challenge, and if they really are noobs then why would they be worried?

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I am kind of surprised people are complaining about medals. I am getting 10+ every round without even trying. I was thinking today wow these are way too easy to get...even in losing rounds.



when yo uare a 1) healer, 2) in the "lesser faction", 3) pug, 4) therefore getting stomped all the time...then it can be quite difficult, actually.


try getting many medals when you are stunned and killed as soon as you are in the enemy's range and 3/4 of your teammates are always dead or your side is only half-filled.



if you always get a lot more medals, than you are in a different situation than the people that are having trouble getting a lot of medals.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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They need to adjust the losing rewards up a bit to keep people from dropping, to be sure.


Not only do you get poor rewards...but there's no daily/weekly where you have to just play 10/50 warzones anymore either (where losing was fine for getting credit towards those).


It's flat out more efficient right now to drop early if things are ugly. By a fairly significant amount as well. That needs to be changed.

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when yo uare a 1) healer, 2) in the "lesser faction", 3) pug, 4) therefore getting stomped all the time...then it can be quite difficult, actually.


try getting many medals when you are stunned and killed as soon as you are in the enemy's range and 3/4 of your teammates are always dead or your side is only half-filled.



if you always get a lot more medals, than you are in a different situation than the people that are having trouble getting a lot of medals.


My server is a bit more balanced, and I've been on both sides of this equation.


While I think the some one who loses shouldn't get as much as the winning side, they should still get a reward ample enough to keep them in. What that is, I don't know... I'd guess that putting the Illum daily and weekly back would help, as well as buffing the com/valor gain slightly. Maybe register people fighting around the ball/node/door even if they can't accomplish anything.

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I like beating people up that hate losing, fills my black heart up with laughter.


I hope all the nerd rage people quit and go back to Warcraft.


I really do.


If the PvP community ends being made of relatively few hardcore players, BioWare will pull the plug on PvP development in favour of PvE development.


It's that easy.


This game needs two separate, and possibly three, streams for PvP -- one for the hardcore gamer, one for the casual, and somewhere both camps can hang out. Right now, we have one for the hardcore.


And the funny thing? For all the talk of sending casual PvPers "back to WoW", PvPers are among the most fickle gamers I've ever seen. They aren't into character development, they don't develop much, if any, attachment to their characters or the game's story -- they're into performance and new experiences. And it's easier to get the latter by switching games (just look at all the posts that reference GW2).


It's amazing to me how few hardcore PvPers actually get that PvP has to appeal the general population in order to be sustainable. If it gets cordoned off from the rest of the game by build, guild, and gear restrictions, it becomes easy for the devs to ignore.

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Not sure how the grouping works but it should be scaled based on gear. For a wz that is in progress a player that quit should be replaced with someone that is better geared. This way the losing group has a fighting chance when fighting an uphill battle
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So, your team lost a match 6-0 in about 2 minutes, and you received nearly no reward?


I agree that the problem is you received nearly no reward. You should have received absolutely no reward.


Players need to stop being bad. Is it your fault they quit? No. But you lost 6-0. Period. You should get nothing for doing nothing against the opposing team.


Consequences are good.


@ the poster. You have ZERO concept of gaming theory and design, ZERO.


Glad you have no influence at BW.


If you take away the incentive to play, via measureable rewards and relatively quickly achieveable goals, people will not play an MMO or any pvp.


Getting 5 medals and 20 wz comms and 100 valor will not keep anyone playing the game for long. Only the elite fanbois will keep playing.


Point is BW did not take basis 101 gaming theory into account on this one and they again gave IMPS, at least on my server, tons of extra get-ahead help like they did with Ilum.


Bottom line: you get a set # of everything for winning and a set # of everything for losing and you can vote for an MVP and get a bonus.

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People who say they are getting 0 comms for playing a warzone are either lying or experienceing a bug.


PVPed last night first time since the patch and lost 6 of 8 matches, and in those matches I received anywhere between 35-55, never less or more, which seems totally fair given the new BM for WZ comms system. I don't see the problem anywhere.

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The fact you can work really hard for your team for 15mins and lose and then get 40-50 comms even if you had the most medals and objective points is rather dumb and because you can not bring in 8 people into a regular WZ you are at the mercy of hoping the other 4 (if you roll 4man premade) are not completely useless or brand new or just bad at the particular WZ you get.


I would never leave a WZ, because you put up a strong fight till the end, but if you get people who simply can not do anything and with DPS being what it is now in WZs you can't even try to carry a team with good tactics then why waste 15mins for 40 comms.


Winning SHOULD give more rewards, but dropping the rewards for losing and based on the cost of the gear means you are far better time effective to drop and hope the next WZ gives you a good group and then get more comms from a win. The ratio imo should be 60/40.

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If you quit you get nothing at all, zip, zero, nada, simples :)


You also get nothing, if you stay! So you r at the mercy of the random WZ group generator which really isn't random at all it is compilied by a list of people and what order they que. I see no reason if they are going to have 8 man ranked WZ's why can't they have 8 man que WZ on your own server at least your not at the mercy of getting 4 ****** people to play with.

Edited by LeonoPortman
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The ratio imo should be 60/40.


80/40 maybe Wins really r hard to come by I WZ like crazy, really thats all I do. And the stuff that gets you metels isn't always the stuff you have to do to win. I bet 90% of the time I win I have 2 metals or less(b4 1.2). and I really only win maybe 1 out of every 3 WZ. I play for an hr and 2 loses, u get 20 comms a peice if you are lucky enough to score any points, if not u get zero and 1 win for 100 comms so u can average 140 comms per hr.

so it cost an average of 8875 comms to get one peice of War Hero Equipment that 63.5 hrs to get 1 peice of gear give or take a few hrs for Dailies & weeklys. Heavy Gamers average 20 hrs a week so that 3 weeks to get one peice of gear, you need 13 peices so 39 weeks of continuious WZ grinding. Man they better give out like 1000 Ranked WZ comms for every Ranked WZ win. Or they r gunna lose there PVP Base.

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If someone cant get 3 medals in a bad loss, well, let's just say the issue isn't the losing TEAM.


This is not true at all. But even if it was remotely close to true, getting 3 in a losing battle will still only give you a tiny amount of reward. I am not going to play a game, with limited time compared to some elite PVP mom's basement dwelling hard core snob, that tells me to suck it up and play on, when the game has little or no reward.


Basic principle of MMO's - You need to hook the player with measurable incentives to play with rewards within reach. That is why low levels level quickly, to get you thinking the game is moving on and you are doing well and are gaining rewards. You take away the reward, then the mass amount of players will stop playing.


PVP will be limited to only the elite playing the elite, gratz it is all yours. But then, for many elite players that is all they want anyway.

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yesterday i sage heal bm join huttball @ 3:0 until 6:1 i tried all and did my best

to get at the end for a W i N 0 0 0 0 best of it i got mvp votes and nothink for em it stays all @ 0

i quit my abo today thats all too much fo a sage healer who just want to heal grp and try to do all to win.



for the topic like sage healer you dont need to join wz anymoore...

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I 100% agree with the original poster here. :mad:

I have been playing WZ since before the game released and always stayed till wz ends if I didn't get booted!

Winning or losing, I stuck around for my team.

If there's no healer, I'm usually dying too much to get more than 1 or 2 medals (squishy gunslinger).


Now I receive no reward for enduring it and sticking around anymore. A wasted 10 minutes and straight 0's for valor, exp & creds...

And you can bet I have something pretty you can kiss if you think implementing a penalty for quitting a warzone is going to make me change my "quitter" ways! You start that on top of this nonsense and you can take your WZ and shove it!


PVE is ahh...so boring!

Guess who's about to unsub :(

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Stop with the unsub threats.


Give them a week to fix it first, THEN leave if they still suck.


Its been 1 day - and seeing an almost 30page thread where 98% of the comments say the same thing, BW had better make a change fast or they will produce an epic fail.


I guarantee they will fix this soon and apologize for this huge botch.

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I 100% agree with the original poster here. :mad:

I have been playing WZ since before the game released and always stayed till wz ends if I didn't get booted!

Winning or losing, I stuck around for my team.

If there's no healer, I'm usually dying too much to get more than 1 or 2 medals (squishy gunslinger).


Now I receive no reward for enduring it and sticking around anymore. A wasted 10 minutes and straight 0's for valor, exp & creds...

And you can bet I have something pretty you can kiss if you think implementing a penalty for quitting a warzone is going to make me change my "quitter" ways! You start that on top of this nonsense and you can take your WZ and shove it!


PVE is ahh...so boring!

Guess who's about to unsub :(


Not sure how to make that fancy up arrow...so what he said!

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