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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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I want to love this game, is )*!%) Star Wars man. But more dailies, more dailies, grinding out more dailies, for 6 days for 1 piece of loot, then grinding out dailies, more dailies more dailies, Clearing the raids in 1 day, is the exact reason, why 2 guilds ive been in, all the members quit playing.
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The patch is boring and unimaginative.


The only thing I like is Novare Coast and the new UI-customization.



End-Content ist boring as always, the PvP changes are awful and the amount of new bugs and the performance is NAUSEATING.




What the hag has happened with the 1.2 PTS-Patch? The performance was quite good but now... it is a shame.

Edited by LovarBoy
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I am a casual player, averaged 2 hours a day at the most when I play *heavily*.


I like this 1.2 patch a lot. A lot of quality of life improvements. PvP gear up is much better. Now I might just level a few more characters to 50 PvPing and understand more classes in the game.


Pre 1.2 PvP gear up isn't too terrible but gearing up more than one character was going to be painful. Now I can realistically play more classes to end game and enjoy it.


If BW keep this up, release a good update every 2-3 months, this game is going to be just fine or even do great down the road.

Edited by soldenal
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I do really enjoy this game... I really see a lot of potential here. I do wish that the folks making the decisions really would do a lot more thinking first before a large number of important decisions that are being implemented... On pretty much all levels.


I really like the game though.

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Wow, where to begin. If anything I lost so much faith because of this new update. Let me point out some of the things I agree/disagree with:


-Classes...Nerfed more classes including the Sorc/Sage. Really BW? Stop concentrating on making the game fair by bringing all the classes down to weak levels. You can only go so far nerfing until it comes down to the winner is the the person who got the head start on the first strike. Instead of nerfing Sorc/Sage (or other classes for that matter), how about making marauders better? I have never been a marauder personally, but I have heard little to no good about it. The only good I have heard was given no details why it was good anyway besides dueling with two lightsabers. You always here people saying how one class is best in this game. I want to hear people arguing how EVERY class is the best, not the Sorc is better than the operative because BW decided to nerf the operative's poison skills.


-Legacy...HUGE disappointment. I am happy you can have more of a background with your character's "family", but besides that, I dislike it. One main disagreement goes straight towards the legacy upgrades.


-Interface...might be the only thing I like about 1.2. The freedom to customize where everything goes is great, and grants more freedom to the players.


-PVP...No improvement here. Added some new armor, I respond to that with so what? About time BW threw some more armor into the game. Everyone is so happy with the new armor and starts hating on people who dislike the new armor. Let's face it, the only reason you like the armor is because it's something new to dress your character in along with a slight armor bonus. BW should be coming out with new armor and weapons often, not every week, but at least a month or two. Another thing about PvP that BW messed up, medals. For people who know about these medals, there isn't much more to say.


Again, all in all, I like the new interface and the "family legacy", but 1.2 highly disappointed me. I was looking for a lot more out of it than BW claimed to show. Goes to show you, if you want to get something nice there will be some detail not mentioned until the end to get that nice thing you wanted. In this case, BW told us all these neat things, we only knew the half of it. Congrats to you who still like the 1.2 update. You may be able to live with the update, but I won't be renewing my membership when it runs out until they fix what they, in my opinion, ruined.

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i agree. this patch rocks. breathes new life into the game.

i don't pvp so meh..

as son as patch hits, my guild went for explosive conflict.

oh it was a blast. so much fun. loved the minesweeper boss.

so original. very original.

keep up the good ideahats on...

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Funny, that the same posters in this thread that "LOVE" this patch are the same one that continually jump into every forum post to profess their love for this game as is, no matter what the state of the game is.


Never mind the cool-aid stains on their lips. I can only suspect that they work for Bioware. They're the kind of people that would thank me for getting to that itch for them if I stuck a 12 foot pole up their butts.

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i agree. this patch rocks. breathes new life into the game.

i don't pvp so meh..

as son as patch hits, my guild went for explosive conflict.

oh it was a blast. so much fun. loved the minesweeper boss.

so original. very original.

keep up the good ideahats on...


So you don't take part in one entire facet of the game, PVP. So what are you left with a raid with 4 bosses that is cleared in a few hours. 5-6 more dailies. What else? What else are you really left with that 1.2 brought with it................


An extremely convulted and contorted new crafting system.

A Role Playing tool in Legacy?


Is that really and truly it?

Edited by Driizz
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I was having my doubts, and 1.2 has made me a believer.


I am enjoying 1.2.


So keep things rolling with the right content, and we can have a thriving community that all can speak of good times, and forget the bad expected times for a release of a game.


In other words,


Let the good times roll.

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NO ! Nothing changed. All that happened is that my spec trees got reset. And across four character... under 50 I now have to work all that out again. So the stupidity of such matters carries into this game as well. The stuff added is no doubt for post 50s, and I don't play post 50. So hey have a blast. And I had to download a massive patch, just to have my talent tree reset. WoW.. impressive. Pointless. Not without tangible stuff that makes the game fun for everyone that plays....


I'm already playing something else.

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I woke up today to 1.2, played with it and loved it. I never needed my faith in this game renewed - I loved this game since prerelease and beta weekends. Now it's even better - 1.2 really is awesome. Got my UI exactly the way I like it (although I was hoping for the chance to change the colour of it - maybe that will come later). The higher character texture settings make the game look great. The legacy unlocks make me salivate and, despite the fact that I can't afford them yet made me really motivated to work on my toons to start opening stuff up. It felt like they gave me real direction and purpose that the game was lacking for me so far without me ever realising. And there's still so much I haven't checked out.


Then I read the news post that said that because I have lots of characters, none of whom are 50 yet rather than 1 character who is 50, I'm not one of Bioware's most valued customers and I don't get 30 days of time but someone who bought the game last week and steamrolled and spacebarred their way to 50 would. No I'm not sure I even want to log on any more.


Might try my Mists of Pandaria beta, got the invite today.

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I wish I could say yes but the game's not even playable for me right now. I'm getting like 10-15 fps in low pop areas with all the settings low, bloom and convo depth of field off. Warzones are a slideshow, like 2 fps.


TBH I have noticed at least a 20+ FPS drop pretty much all over since about Monday... logging in today after the update I am getting around 25 FPS in fleet, 15-30 FPS outside and in space battles.. But in the basic WZ's I am only getting 7-20 FPS all the time now... nothing has chanhged my end... I actually posted several times how Low Shader settings and vaqrious tweaks had helped my FPS issues.. even my old laptop was getting 70-100FPS on fleet after the low shader options came in... now I get nowhere near it and some content is just not worth even attempting... the Alderaan WZ is like a perma lagfest now for me :(

Edited by Bloodstealer
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I had no issues with the game other than some bugs. This patch doesn't wow me, but it was needed. Some decent additions, but not a whole lot more to do. The new FP Lost Island was actually kinda hard on HM :) and I'm looking forward to the new OPs. All in all, I am still playing this game for pure enjoyment. I look forward to how it (hopefully) progresses.
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I really wish they would just let people use the API. It would have cut a lot of time and energy to just allow those of us who know how to program and create add ons that would have allowed us make our own UI and make it available for others to download.


But other then that Im happy with the changes so far.

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1.2 nothing change at all in whole picture


THAT is the big problem. The game is sorely lacking in many areas and myself, along with thousands of others, were desperately hoping that 1.2 would make the difference. Sadly it has not.

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1.2 has renewed my interest in finding a better MMO :D


Seriously, it's as though the devs don't really like to play their own game. Either that or BW is tip-toeing around trying not to get sued by Blizzard for implementing what they know they should to create a successful MMO experience for all facets of gameplay.


I wish I were more easily amused by less.

Edited by xCorrosive
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Gotta say that I have not seen all of the new things in this patch yet, but so far I like what they have done to a point...


Not too sure I like what they did to the expertise rating in PVP lol. You get hit harder, but the healing gets less.... so basically they want you to die faster... Oh well... will find a way to work with that :-). And life as a healer in PVP gets a bit more difficult.. those are things I will learn to work with too I guess (not having much of a choice, since I still like this game).


But so far... the PVP thing is the only thing I have doubts about. But that probably also depends on what character you play PVP with.


Our guild is going to try out the new FP and Ops tonight, so we'll see :-).

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The entire UI is a joke, all you get to do is move stuff around and hide or make it visible.

You can sometimes Flip something, but you cant flip the Action Bar 3 and 4,





you can scale entire frames, but you cant change their height or length.


You cant hide portraits, you cant increase the font size on player names, there is no visible class indicator,




you cant change the colors of health bars depending on the class, you cant change the color of the text depending on the hostility and so on.




You cant see debuffs on you detatched from your frame, you cant scale your own debuffs, so when there are 4 afflictions on the target you have no idea which is yours.


You cant change the graphics of the UI, so its still the same thing, but now you can move it around and hide things...


There are many many other things you cant do, that any decent warcraft UI addon like AGUF or Xperl or pitbull or nurfed allowed you to do, and remember those were made by fans who got no money for them.


This is just a gimmick, not a real UI modification.




So no, just this one thing made me realise how ****** this game is.


Bye bye.

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