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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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So lets see here. The supposed number of active subs is 1.7 million currently. Thats 1.7 million people x $14.99 a month - $25.48 million monthly x 4 months = just about $102 million. So do you or anyone else in the gaming industry think that 1 new war zone, 1 new flash point, a useless family tree system and the lack of a true Q/A department that honestly took up until under 12 hours before the patch was going to the live servers to realized the crap doesnt work? I dont know about you, but this patch is totally no where CLOSE to worth what the company is making monthly. Its honestly a slap in the face, but thats why i am happy that in the final 10 days of my active subscription i will voice my displeasure with the service i received for my money.


I don't know. How many WZ's and instances does WoW add per four months and what's that work out to be in $/content?


With their numbers shouldn't they be spitting out entire continents per month? Is that a "slap in the face" to the gaming world that they are not?

Edited by Scar
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If you understand how MMORPGs laucn, grow, expand over many years, you will understand that this was a great leap so early in its life.




A great leap so early? What is it that i am missing? The UI customization is literally launch based material that BW dropped the ball on rolling out 4 months ago. Do you mean the addition of a whole 1 war zone, or the 1 flash point? I mean seriously, i WANT this game to work, there are a few things i enjoy about it. however, there are a lot more negatives that over-ride the few likes. too many of my friends drop this game all the time which makes the servers emptier by the day. i want to play, but i cant. the population is spread across what 100+ servers right now making it very difficult to play most of the game.

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Depends on how you view the game, life in general. If you were happy with the game, its great. If you were happy with the game but sought improvement, it was great. If you understand how MMORPGs laucn, grow, expand over many years, you will understand that this was a great leap so early in its life.


If you hate the game (and I still have no idea why someone that hated the game would remain playing), then you will find any way possible to hate the patch.


Hmmm. You make some pretty wild assumptions there.

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Fewer like it everyday. They're not here.


i'm not concerned about who doesn't like the game, obviously. those of us who enjoy it will continue to enjoy it. those who don't will whine about it on the forums until the next flavor of the month comes out. that's how MMO launches work.

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So lets see here. The supposed number of active subs is 1.7 million currently. Thats 1.7 million people x $14.99 a month - $25.48 million monthly x 4 months = just about $102 million. So do you or anyone else in the gaming industry think that 1 new war zone, 1 new flash point, a useless family tree system and the lack of a true Q/A department that honestly took up until under 12 hours before the patch was going to the live servers to realized the crap doesnt work? I dont know about you, but this patch is totally no where CLOSE to worth what the company is making monthly. Its honestly a slap in the face, but thats why i am happy that in the final 10 days of my active subscription i will voice my displeasure with the service i received for my money.


What they make is irrelevant. You are not entitled to that unless you make your own game. What is important is what you get for the cost of an hours worth of pizza and beer, or the cost of a half day parking in the city. LOL.


As I stated, if one hates the game they will find any reason, even go to this extreme to find something bad, even if its not there. That is, of course, your opinion and you are entitled to it, but you're going to have to drop that hook in someone else's lilly pond. I'm not biting. Game is still fun and more so now with this patch. Not sure what else I could add to that.

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i'm not concerned about who doesn't like the game, obviously. those of us who enjoy it will continue to enjoy it. those who don't will whine about it on the forums until the next flavor of the month comes out. that's how MMO launches work.


Moreover, many of them will build up the next big game in their minds to be something it's not, post kudos about it while it's still in development, then play it, get disappointed, and do precisely what they're doing here - become self-licking ice cream cones who troll instead of having fun or doing something productive.

Edited by GreySix
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i'm not concerned about who doesn't like the game, obviously. those of us who enjoy it will continue to enjoy it. those who don't will whine about it on the forums until the next flavor of the month comes out. that's how MMO launches work.


Interestingly enough, SWG was the club that many used to beat this game over the head as a "real game". According to someone over there they are already bashing the heck out of that one and it has not even launched LOL.


I'm with you. Game is fun. Don't much care about their negative comments. I still can't understand why one would play a game they hate though. ;p

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I am 47 my parent would not be much use.


Like i said its early days I am not impressed we get to grind dailies to buy legacy not my idea of progressive gaming. If the columns can be rotated i have not found how to yet and they still can mot be stretched to create new action slots so for me its a fail.


You can rotate the bars like this:


1. Open your Mod/Ui design thingy.


2. Click on the bar you wont to rotate.


3. In the box you will see 2 dotted lines that say rows/colums


4. if your bar is a Colum (Vertical bar) move colums to 1 and rows to 12. This will make this bar a Horizontal bar rather then a vertical bar.


5. If your bar is a row or horizontal, do the oposite.


Problem solved.

Edited by Darth-Malkaevian
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What they make is irrelevant. You are not entitled to that unless you make your own game. What is important is what you get for the cost of an hours worth of pizza and beer, or the cost of a half day parking in the city. LOL.


As I stated, if one hates the game they will find any reason, even go to this extreme to find something bad, even if its not there. That is, of course, your opinion and you are entitled to it, but you're going to have to drop that hook in someone else's lilly pond. I'm not biting. Game is still fun and more so now with this patch. Not sure what else I could add to that.


Same thing with folks that like the game though... Can't see one thing wrong. Everything BW does and says is just sooooo sweet and juicy. Aren't they just the bomb?


Extremes on both sides need to take a step back in order to effectively make this game what it can be.

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You can rotate the bars like this:


1. Open your Mod/Ui design thingy.


2. Click on the bar you wont to rotate.


3. In the box you will see 2 dotted lines that say rows/colums


4. if your bar is a Colum (Vertical bar) move colums to 1 and rows to 12. This will make this bar a Horizontal bar rather then a vertical bar.


5. If your bar is a row or horizontal, do the oposite.


Problem solved.


LOL, This is the third or forth post I've seen where someone raged over something that is actually in game. Works just like bartender addon from wow. ;p

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Moreover, many of them will build up the next big game in their minds to be something it's not, post kudos about it while it's still in development, then play it, get disappointed, and do precisely what they're doing here - become self-licking ice cream cones who troll instead of having fun or doing something productive.

The circle of life, young Simba. The circle of life.

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Let me see. . .


- Legacy has 0 pvp utility


- You can now make your character look better with higher res textures, just like it was in beta. the old high res was medium res in beta. So nop, no gain there, we were supposed to have high res at launch, not at 1.2


- My only character, sage healer, got huge nerfs, and I wasn't even enjoying it that much before the nerfs.


- New armor looks really bad.


- Ranked Warzones arent up yet, and WZ queues are still crap.


- Still can't bring myself to spam general chats to go check out "instances"


Now bring all that to the fact that I'm one of those guys who hated Bioware for those Mass Effect 3 Endings.


Result, finally cancelling my account on swtor. It was better than SW Galaxies, but its not better than other mmos. Sure the new story telling was great, but it not good enough to head to head vs other singleplay roleplaying games. (give more gifts to your companions so you can just talk to them some more? no quests? nothing?)


Waited to 1.2 to decide, and yeah thats it for me. Might come back later to check if they introduce some new "single player" story to the game, cause that's where it was the most fun for me.



Never had a chance with the hate running through your Sith veins...

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Effort? have you seen the fail armor graphics? Check out the epic top teir smuggler look.




This is the gag of the MMO industry.


Can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to release and show TORtanic how to do things properly.


You lol at that armor but are excited about pink butterfly combat animations (mesmer)?

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RPGs and MMORPGs have been my chosen form of entertainment for 20+ years. I know more about gaming than I should. Many people like me love this game. I love this game and where its headed as I know you cant have everything all at once and there is no messiah game.


I didnt insult you, I simply made a suggestion. Perhaps you mistook it as insult because you are one of the ones who believes GW2 is going to save your life. You however did and continue to insult those who might enjoy the game. For what purpose? Why spend your days here bashing others for enjoying something you do not?


This. Wins.

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Laying them out, rather then vertical? Sure. a nicety that can be added in time.


You do realize there is now a Slots In Row setting for each toolbar, and if it's set to 1, the bar is vertically stacked, and as you slide it over to 12, it lays the bar horizontally, right?


Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by "laying them out"?



What I would like to see in time is a setup like Entropia Universe, where the ability icons and item icons are detached from bars and the UI entirely and can be simply arranged as you see fit on the "desktop" background. Then you can slide the UI elements like the character bar and the map around where you want them, and then litter the screen in any way you see fit with as many ability icons as you wish, in any pattern or arrangement, even in a giant smiley face in the middle of the screen (if you so chose).


Not sure they're into that or not, however.

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Same thing with folks that like the game though... Can't see one thing wrong. Everything BW does and says is just sooooo sweet and juicy. Aren't they just the bomb?


Extremes on both sides need to take a step back in order to effectively make this game what it can be.


This does exist, but I have to honestly argue that it does not exist to the level of hate I see here. I've yet to see a post arguing that they are absolute in their level of perfection, but that people are very happy with the game. On the other side I've read that they are swindlers, rip-offs, lairs, stupid, even "retarded"....all over a video game. LOL


Look, I love this game, but I've never said it was perfect, just that I know how this genre functions and no game has ever released complete. Again, as a raid tank and raid leader I need target of target. I didn't rage on the entire game because this personal nicety was not in game yet. I posted about it, provided logical reasons as to why it was needed (as other's did), waited for it, and they responded.


There is still more that I want, but that does not change the fact that the game is fun and will only get better. That is what this patch proves, that they are listening, they are improving and the game, right now, demonstrates that it will have a bright future.

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Effort? have you seen the fail armor graphics? Check out the epic top teir smuggler look.




This is the gag of the MMO industry.


Can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to release and show TORtanic how to do things properly.


Yet here you are. On the TOR forums...Saying how much you hate the game.


No one cares.

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You do realize there is now a Slots In Row setting for each toolbar, and if it's set to 1, the bar is vertically stacked, and as you slide it over to 12, it lays the bar horizontally, right?


Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by "laying them out"?


Nope. you are correct. I've not played with the UI yet so I had no idea if it was or was not. I was just speaking to one that was raging about the entire game being horrible because this item was not in yet. I assumed that he at least looked at the UI before going off as he did. I was wrong LOL.

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LOL once i realised that the shiney new stuff was absolutely useless, i then checked for rated warzones which havent been introduced lol, ( at least bioware got a lot of resubscriptions over this blatent lie great work ) i then began to pvp and noticed that all of the basic warhero gear is battlemaster with no set bonus therefore is worse and completly useless, i then checked for new warhero set and discovered i need around 3500 rated comms for a main hand, which is around 10500 warzone comms, which is over 100 warzones. LOOOOOOL , this is a game saving patch, no its a joke, this game is gonna be free to play very quickly if the idiots developing it remain completely out of touch with the people who pay their wages. can someone in bioware actually log a character and play the **** they are throwing out of their offices.
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