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Unify color fail


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you miss understand... when you try to match your HELMET to your CHEST, it does not change color.



as in your gloves, legs, bracers, and belt will change but your helmet will not.


You are right. It was very noticable on my IA. He has a helm, which has light blue trim on it, which I hate the look of it and when I tried the Unify feature, it kept the light blue trim when my chest pc has none on it. It simply fails when it comes to the head pc.

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apparently the bug isnt getting fixed in this patch. must not be a big priority. i wish blizz wouldnt have gone all panda, but i guess i'll be trying out a monk when it comes out. i understand it takes some time for games to get going, but a lot of stuff, like this unify color bug, is just lack of foresight and/or overall concern in general.
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You basically need a helmet that doesn't have lots of different textures and markings(anything with one base color and one color for markings should work).


My IA's head pc is two colors....the light blue makes up about half of it and the feature willnot change it at all.....so there goes your theory. :cool:

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When I tried to turn it on, various parts of my warriors armor turned RED, even though there is not a single red part on my chest armor. That was confusing. I hoped to be able to get rid of the red in the helmet. Instead hands and boots got red parts. :D


"Not quite bug free" - aka - "expect more patches!"

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I don't want unify to chest, I want to make my armor the color I want... if I want every piece to be a different color, then I should be able to make every piece a different color... a lot of times, its 2 steps forward and 1 step back with mmo's... they give you a little of what you want, but then not really...


I play a female trooper vanguard... I want to be pink... bright freaking pink! like Pink Power Ranger pink! I want the Pink Panther to be envious of how PINK I am!

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Really? I sure haven't been able to individually change armor color pieces, yet; if it's possible, directions on how to do so are ambiguous at best. "Unify colors" isn't what's show in that video. The button is there, but it is never once clicked to change those armor colors. What gives?


What? The video shaws how to unify every individual piece to chestpiece. The chest is green, so can make everything else green too. "Changing" armor color was never promised.

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Unify colors does not work when trying to match a helmet


This is correct. It's currently broke. No helms at all will match the chest piece color. The button does nothing at all.


It didn't gt fixed in today's patch notes either.

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so you somehow thought the systems were something they weren't (even though everything was described in detail to us) and now are disappointed that your expectations weren't met?


watch the guild summit its was stated

1. legacy items would be unlocked thought gaining legacy lvls

2. secound options of unlocking these this things would to unlock with credits


and at the same time it was stated during the guild summit, that less the 10% of the ppl playing would actaully be able to afford this high prices anyways, so guess what he´s info was right BW just change its last min to launch of patch for some weird reason

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When I tried to turn it on, various parts of my warriors armor turned RED, even though there is not a single red part on my chest armor. That was confusing. I hoped to be able to get rid of the red in the helmet. Instead hands and boots got red parts. :D


"Not quite bug free" - aka - "expect more patches!"


Well, this comes from the fact that some complete sets also don't seem to match well.

For some armor sets, the chest might be one color, but the rest might have some other hues. Best thing to check is to look up the other armor pieces on a website.

So I guess that is not entirely a bug, but due to the fact that some sets seem to be designed by my 3 year old niece using crayons to fill in the colors (also going out of the borders).


The head thing is totally different. I matched everything to my chest (Mercenary's Foundry) and it turned shiney gold, except the helmet, which is still the same Columi red with a weird mohawk. Since I have the Foundry helmet as well, I know that is not how it should look and it must be a bug (or perhaps they hoped everyone turned off their head slot?)


The bug is probably even related to the 'hide headslot' feature as that is the only difference between the head slot and the other slots, and the headslot is the only one not willing to cooperate in the cool look offensive.

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No fix today for Helms. The patches notes were only two lines....


It's only changing the tertiary & quadiary colors to match instead of the primary & secondary we're expecting. On the back of my Rakata helm there are 5 small bits n bobs that change to match my chest if I look close enough on high detail settings, but the overall helmet retains it's original color.


Pretty sure this is on the bottom of the pile of new bugs needing to be squashed though. If it gets fixed within a month I'll be surprised.

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Yeah, the helmet unification is no dice for me, too. Yes I know what "unify" means (before the "trolls" start march'n in), and it's fairly obvious it doesn't work on my helmet slot. I'm wearing TD-17A Imperator armor (all green) with a flashy red imperial guard helmet on my bounty hunter (all red). Which by the way, why is it a bounty hunter can't wear a good helmet until about level 40? Does it take that much skill to put a helmet on?


The other thing I noticed is my sith assassin zabrak's horns won't show up while wearing the robes I use to (It's that robe you get for completing the revanite quest on dromund koss), with the helmet I wear -- traditional nylite headgear (that left the top of the head exposed). They use to, but now they don't show unless I switch to a robe with no hood up. Don't understand why that was done at all.


While I appreciate 1.2 in a lot of ways -- what I personally was really looking forward to was the customization that was advertised, and in that respect so far -- it's actually taken away from my characters rather than add more options. I hate to be "that guy," but I want to look more "star warsy," (boba fett, han solo, obi-wan, maul) and was really hoping to be able to rip the mods out of the end game gear (great stats but a little too "thou shall not pass" looking for my taste) and have a really good looking uniform that made me feel I was in the star wars universe. And, apparently I can't match my helmet, mod rips are still way too expensive (why does it cost money at all? it gets to the point where my blaster costs more than a speeder -- a vehicle), set bonuses don't transfer (though thankfully the expertise and extra stats now do), and my zabrak is no longer horn-y =P


Everything else is great -- please don't get me wrong -- but I'm a "customize" my characters kind'a person, so I was just hoping these things would no longer be an issue.

Edited by Aejax_Strider
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Just so everyone knows (I saw someone complain about this a few pages back) you can INDIVIDUALLY color coordinate things to your chest piece. You click the little chest piece icon on the right side of the character sheet the same way you find the "Unify Colors" button. After this, checkboxes appear next to your pieces of gear that can be matched to your chest. Unfortunately, the head piece is still bugged even through this method and today's patch did not fix it.


I really would like this feature to work. My BH looks amazing right now all except for that stinking head slot. Since BW DID confirm they know about it and are fixing it in an upcoming patch makes me happy, though, for all we know it could be next month when that specific patch is deployed. Oh well.


Help us BioWare, you're our only hope.

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I get this weird thing with a couple of pairs of pants, makes good looking pants look so bad.


So I put on a mostly brown & black top on my female Trooper, it's a lvl 4 shirt. Then with these couple of pair of pants I have that are colored white/tan, when I turn on the color match, red & purples color patterns show up allover my pants like clowny time. I took off the shirt trying to figure out what's going on, turned on the lights in my room & really looked at my computer screen to see that there's like faint highlights of red/purple coloring mixed into the blacks & browns of the shirt. Damn, I just went & vendored that shirt, it was silly.


It's hard to find good Trooper gear at low levels, much less a helmet to even color match the rest of my gear to. :hope_05:

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The annoying point for me is Unify working on my character, but not having the same option for my companion.


My Trooper looks awesome now, but my companion still looks like a clown.


Totally annoying.


Yes, I know. The helm slot. But, it's an identified bug, and will be fixed. No clue as to if we'll get something for the companions though.



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During the 1.2 feature movie, they showed a way different color customization.


This just makes it weird:

- get WH rated chest

- unify colors

- look like a full WH rated set


Having full customization would make it more obvious.


ok we know it's possible like above, but 7/10 times the guy will be in more WH rated items, meaning u'll end up forgetting the fact

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It seems to be hit and miss with different items, I've seen helmets that have the same model, but with different default skins, one will recolor correctly, the other will make almost no change at all when recoloring. Depends on the skin, and the system still needs alot of work as it stands now. Do /bug reports.
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