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  1. Yeah, the helmet unification is no dice for me, too. Yes I know what "unify" means (before the "trolls" start march'n in), and it's fairly obvious it doesn't work on my helmet slot. I'm wearing TD-17A Imperator armor (all green) with a flashy red imperial guard helmet on my bounty hunter (all red). Which by the way, why is it a bounty hunter can't wear a good helmet until about level 40? Does it take that much skill to put a helmet on? The other thing I noticed is my sith assassin zabrak's horns won't show up while wearing the robes I use to (It's that robe you get for completing the revanite quest on dromund koss), with the helmet I wear -- traditional nylite headgear (that left the top of the head exposed). They use to, but now they don't show unless I switch to a robe with no hood up. Don't understand why that was done at all. While I appreciate 1.2 in a lot of ways -- what I personally was really looking forward to was the customization that was advertised, and in that respect so far -- it's actually taken away from my characters rather than add more options. I hate to be "that guy," but I want to look more "star warsy," (boba fett, han solo, obi-wan, maul) and was really hoping to be able to rip the mods out of the end game gear (great stats but a little too "thou shall not pass" looking for my taste) and have a really good looking uniform that made me feel I was in the star wars universe. And, apparently I can't match my helmet, mod rips are still way too expensive (why does it cost money at all? it gets to the point where my blaster costs more than a speeder -- a vehicle), set bonuses don't transfer (though thankfully the expertise and extra stats now do), and my zabrak is no longer horn-y =P Everything else is great -- please don't get me wrong -- but I'm a "customize" my characters kind'a person, so I was just hoping these things would no longer be an issue.
  2. See, I actually think gunslinger is more Han Solo than one would expect (and the class I went with); and here is why: Yes, Han didn't use two blasters, nor did he use a shotgun -- but he was an excellent shot, even at long range -- as portrayed in the books as well as movies (probe droid on hoth for a long range hard target example). Also, he was very much a gunslinger -- the scene with Greedo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, or when he saw Vader at Cloud City. He also knew a bit about demolitions like on Endor when he helped set the charges at the Imperial Shield Generator base. He constantly used cover when under fire (who wouldn't -- but a few examples include, again: hoth and the probe droid and escaping the Death Star right before the garbage shoot). In fact, I wouldn't say Han ever really hid in any of the movies, so much as take cover (the only disguise he used was on the death star -- but that was an extreme circumstance, and so did Luke) In fact, the only thing about scoundrel that seems to fit Han is the fact Leia called him one (which isn't so much a profession as it is a jab), but Lando Calrissian was also called one by Han. And, if you thought of those two together -- I would label Lando as the Scoundrel (and definitely not the gunslinger). Lando, constantly hid, never fought directly (heavily shown in Return of the Jedi), and was more likely to be aware of field medic like tactics due to his facility on Cloud City which had many medical, repair, and mine processing facilities (though this is just a supposition -- but more believable than Han using field medic tactics).
  3. Okay, to some I know this question will be stupid -- but I think most of us MMO guys have been here at one time or another: Is there a way (or does anyone know if there will be a way) to modify character appearance after you've created a character? I was in such a hurry to get my character on the server my guild was on that I didn't double-check my guy's look -- and now that I'm in game his skin and hair color are drive'n me nuts! I'm only a level five right now -- so I could restart -- but then I might lose my name and ability to be on the server I want to be =P Anyway, any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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