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Cancellation of Ranked Warzones for 1.2 and subscription renewals


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Let me give you an example, say you go to a restaurant and you order a steak and baked potato. Your server tells you that your dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. After an hour your server brings the baked potato to your table and tells you at that time your steak is not ready because they don't have an oven to broil it. They then tell you that you will get your stake some time in the future, maybe tomorrow maybe next week. Do you as a paying customer eat your potato with a smile and sit there and wait indefinitely for your steak ( and don't forget you have already paid for that steak). Or do you get upset, complain to the management, and never return to that business because they failed to deliver the service that they advertised?




Which restaurant do you sit down and pay for your meal before you have it? >.<


But OP I agree the night before they launch the patch is terrible tact. I was really looking forward to the RWZs too :mad:


first off, who is stupid enough to pay for a meal ahead of time.. most meals are paid for at teh end.. especially if they serve steak....


if you wait an hour for a steak... you are stupid... you should of asked the waitress a long time ago is it coming... if not ask for manager.. if they cant produce it.. no problem.. get up walk out...


but NOBODY pays for a meal before hand? what restaurants do you go to? you get the goods first then pay.. not the other way around...


these guys paid first... then expected something.. that is their fault... nobody elses.


they wanted to pay for the meal ahead of time....

Edited by Safgril
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It was pulled because without x-server play it was going to end up being an epic fail, and probably leading to even more QQ from this community every time an 8m ran train on you or you were stuck sitting on the fleet for hours waiting for a que to pop. Don't expect to see RWZs rolled out anytime before some sort of x-server play and/or server merges are implemented.


What he said.


The only reason for pulling rated warzones. Either you wait for hours like with wow rated bgs (and they have cross server!) or you let premades steamroll randoms.

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They're going to be using ELO rating which isn't going to be easy, I know there's plenty of familiar faces in all the WZ I play in.. it's not massive like League to the point where there's enough players, every 20 seconds of every single day to have countless matches going at one time.


If you've played in ranked pvp you really shouldn't have expected anything much out of it for this game except group vs group and solo vs solo queue

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the consumerist.com?




ok... i mean yeah its consumerist.com.. not forbes....


yeah they are such a well established business website... LOL


Funny how you're quick to say that they're such a crummy website.



World Rank: 5,195

US Rank: 1,338


That's pretty good, but let's compare that to say.. swtor.com



World Rank: 2,060

US Rank: 1,106


I guess that swtor is about the same quality as consumerist (in US), there-for by your own admission, a bad website.

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being able to mod the ui, a new WZ and Ops, new questing zone, new gear, new sets, bug fixes class changes, guild banks etc. I don't envy the work load they must have right now.


tbh I don't get the impression they were stringing us along, more like they have to much to do.


Hey everybody,


It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2




After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for your patience as we work to make sure the Ranked Warzone Preseason launch is polished and fun.


Idk why but his post came across as sincere rather than anything else.


it takes time to take out a feature from a patch. the fact that they announced cancellation just hours before the patch, they must have known the ranked warzone wasn't coming out already.

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it takes time to take out a feature from a patch. the fact that they announced cancellation just hours before the patch, they must have known the ranked warzone wasn't coming out already.


You have no idea how much time it takes, not unless you work at bioware. Maybe it was as complicated as removing the 'queue for rated' button from the user interface. 30 seconds of work.


All these silly conspiracy theories :rolleyes:

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Good riddance


now, why on earth would you say something like that?


i wanted truly competetive pvp. i wanted ratings, i wanted to either know i was the best, or know who was so i could beat them.


that's all i've EVER wanted out of this game. and it's not been delivered, so i've left. it's not a case of "good riddence". far from it... if you count up all of the promises they've failed to deliver... time and again, since launch.


this game is going EXACTLY the same development route as Warhammer Online did. and i'm not going to stick around for a slowly sinking ship again.

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now, why on earth would you say something like that?


i wanted truly competetive pvp. i wanted ratings, i wanted to either know i was the best, or know who was so i could beat them.


that's all i've EVER wanted out of this game. and it's not been delivered, so i've left. .


Really? All you ever wanted from the game was one silly number on the character sheet?


Oh the drama :rolleyes:

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IT DOESNT TAKE LONG ? Are you trying to lie to yourself... they take the bloody servers down for 6 - 8 hrs on a saturday to fix an issue with Bowdaar not being awarded to noobies after 4 months of game time and now your trying to tell us, taking out a MAJOR feature does not take long... all of you wake up honestly and take of your "everthing is okay" glasses. See whats right and wrong and what is happening here...
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IT DOESNT TAKE LONG ? Are you trying to lie to yourself... they take the bloody servers down for 6 - 8 hrs on a saturday to fix an issue with Bowdaar not being awarded to noobies after 4 months of game time and now your trying to tell us, taking out a MAJOR feature does not take long... all of you wake up honestly and take of your "everthing is okay" glasses. See whats right and wrong and what is happening here...


The point is, no one but bioware knows how long it takes to fix bowdaar, because only bioware knows what's involved in the change.


Basing conspiracy theories on 'it HAS to take long to disable rated WZ's' is silly for the same reason. It may be a horrible job of untangling intertwined code. Or it may be a simple matter of flipping a switch that has been built into the design from the very beginning for precisely the purpose of making it easy to switch the feature on or off on demand.

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IT DOESNT TAKE LONG ? Are you trying to lie to yourself... they take the bloody servers down for 6 - 8 hrs on a saturday to fix an issue with Bowdaar not being awarded to noobies after 4 months of game time and now your trying to tell us, taking out a MAJOR feature does not take long... all of you wake up honestly and take of your "everthing is okay" glasses. See whats right and wrong and what is happening here...


Quit your whinging if you dont like it Wheres the door again?

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I'm going to unsub if rateds aren't implemented within 1-3 days.


To all the people screaming 'give bioware a break' : They have had a 'break' since beta. They have had time to release the legacy system, or to implement a more balanced PvP system.


They have had time to polish rated warzones, it's not like they came up with the idea of that only a few weeks ago.


They have had breaks to add cross server pvp and what not.


They are releasing useless legacy features with patch 1.2, and they cancelled the thing EVERYONE has been waiting for. SWTOR is mainly a PvP game, though there are many PvE'ers. It is time bioware stops releasing worthless patches. Time they implement some of the good stuff. I couldn't give less of a damn about solo PvE only legacy skills, or a moddable UI.


The addon kids from WoW can do that kind of coding. No, we want the real stuff, rated warzones, legacy skills useable in group PvP or group PvE.


Sure, the new gear is fun, but that's all there is in terms of 'Will be using this all day'

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Bruglir you make me very sad.


A person of your experience and knowledge knows full well what would have happened if BW had launched the feature with even minor bugs.


You want to know whos the best? As a gift I,ll tell you it isnt you, its not me either based on my experiences in WAR.


I,ve always respected you as an opponent and a theoretical number criuncher and 90% of the time find myself in agreement with you.

If you dont wish to subscribe thats your choice and fine with me, but please accept that sometimes things go wrong prior to a release and things have to be held back for a few weeks, it happens with all mmo's from time to time. You gave 3 years to WAR but cant even give a new starter mmo 6 months?

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To all the people screaming 'give bioware a break' : They have had a 'break' since beta. They have had time to release the legacy system, or to implement a more balanced PvP system.


Bioware is not our friend. Bioware is a business. If a business does not give you a proper service in exchange for your money, you should communicate clearly your displeasure and/or move away.

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