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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Announcing this 1 day before patch day is just ****ed up. People were coming back to be prepared for this PVP update, they even resubbed. Do you think they will believe you again?


I think not.


You just shot yourself in the foot Bioware, not because you delayed the ranked PVP, but with the way you did.



If you didn't notice, this patch is all about legacy, with some additional content like WZ, OPs and so on. It's a reason why it's called Patch 1.2: Legacy.

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What people are waiting for in 1.2:

- legacy, legacy races, legacy gear

- new gear progressions, old gear changes

- new ops

- ui changes

- new warzone

- new way to grow your e-peen



And no same person would delay this patch any longer for this last position. You get new gear, new warzone, commendations rework, and yet cry about one feature that got pushed back?

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I'm so glad I'm in a PvE guild.


Still, there's plenty to do 1.2 besides Ranked Warzones. Like a previous poster said, they took it down at the last minute so it was a good reason: It wasn't ready just yet.


Calm down, it's not the end of the world and quite frankly this is for the best.

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I can't imagine how you feel that you can afford to push back the main PvP feature of the patch. I hate to be extremist but this is going to have a marked impact on your already horrid server populations. Please, I am begging you to get your **** together.
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PvP was the main allure in SW:TOR, next to Operations. With ranked warzones being pulled out of the Legacy patch, and only 4 new bosses being introduced as progression content for those who do them, it's not nearly enough for me to do to pay for this game on a regular basis.


I'm not the least impressed by the large promises given, when half of them are either half-arsed or pulled back. I've patiently told myself that it's a brand new game, and there will always be hiccups with it, so I haven't fuzzed much when it comes to bugs and some shortages (such as the absolute lack of animations when you use /s, and the odd removal of visibility of /e crossfaction, not being able to sit on chairs, and the /sit looking like a dubious se xual invite from a teenager, which ruined my RP experience with the game too), but when the only thing keeping me playing is being pulled back... well, thanks for the ride and good luck.

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Ranked Warzones is pretty much the only thing my guild was looking forward to. Thank god most of our subscriptions end this month.


What a joke of a company.


Way to dangle that carrot until the last minute though. Thumbs up.

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BW that is a letDOWN


players resubbed to play these and now right before release you are removing the pvp aspects that players looked forward to ...you want to sell me a seed that grows wookies?


you also need a solo que for players that wont want to 8 man ... and also a solo ranked ladder





Edited by woahdude
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I am in utter disbelief at the level of incompetence BW has shown us since the 1.2 notes were announced.


This is absolutely ridiculous. How do you justify stringing us along this long then the day before go PSYCHE, gotcha!


**** this ****.



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and it must be clear to you that these features are worthless to the pvp community..... so you are crazy


My point was that BioWare doesn't need to make explicit announcements about every other individual feature that's in 1.2 just because they're removing ranked warzones. The post was in response to someone whining that the announcement about the removal of ranked warzones didn't include a detailed enumeration of whether all of the other changes planned for 1.2 were still in 1.2 or not.

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Bioware letting us down is becoming too consistent of a trend. No open world pvp, no ranked war zones..........but if you reroll a new character to 50, they have taken time to give candy for that chase.


The priorities of the devs seem to be different than the community.




The Vocal Minority always thinks it's a majority.

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