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Everything posted by zeoutsider

  1. Is this actually being updated? If so, Reyés, 2052.73 DPS, Sage, The Progenitor http://abload.de/img/screenshot_2013-05-03suugq.jpg Got another screen showing my 2018 expertise #nopvegear and my HP #nobolsterexploit if needed.
  2. http://abload.de/img/screenshot_2013-04-25oyk00.jpg Reyés, Sage DPS, 1770.52, The Progenitor
  3. Der springende Punkt für viele Leute im Moment ist dieser: Ja, wir werden unfair behandelt. Ja, uns ist klar dass wir zu 90% keinen kostenfreien Servertransfer zu einem Server bekommen, der das eigentliche Ziel der Transfer-Phase hätte sein sollen. Ja, viele von uns werden zahlen. Ja, viele von uns wollen zahlen. Das Problem ist, wir wollen es JETZT. WIr wollen nocht noch eine weitere (höchstwarscheinlich bei weitem mehr, Bioware-time) Woche auf die Server-transfers warten. Ich spreche für mich an vorderster Front und einige Leute die dasselbe denken: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. Ich will meinen main spielen. Ich kann meinen main nicht spielen. Ich will keinen alt rerollen, tue es aber trotzdem. Weil ich keine andere chance habe, DEN Server zu erleben, den ich eigentlich erleben will. Ich wedle mit Geld, und andere ebenfalls. Aber ich werd nicht mehr lange mit dem Geld wedeln, irgendwann ist's auch mal genug. Mir scheint Bioware will meine Kohle einfach nicht. Und wenns so weiter geht (diese unerträglichen Wartezeiten auf CM-Antworten und Bioware-Aktion), wird Bioware sie auch nicht bekommen. Traurig. -Reyes von Lord Calypho, Englischer RP-PvP Server der die gleiche Situation durchmacht.
  4. It only takes Bioware like a week or possibly more to respond to something that should have been fixed already. Let's have this thread reach hundred pages again, before they delete 90% of it down and still do NOTHING. /clap
  5. You're right. I'm sure most of the people on ToFN aren't actually that mentally impaired, they just act/RP they are. Generic 13year old name+legacy name combination:"lol u fkn noob suck my **** I pwnd ur azz in that warzone rofl" And there definitely is more RP on ToFN than on Progenitor. I mean, you just log onto there and see 20 people talking at the Jedi Temple and Sith Academy, and those aren't even the main hubs. Meanwhile on ToFN you have 120 people practicing their spacebar skills/training their thumb or future jumping around the Fleet. Weeeee.
  6. Weekend Experiences of a Lord Calypho Refugee on Tomb of Freedon Nadd: The most fun in PvP for me was fighting people I know, recognized and respected. Beating good players is a challenge. 50reps vs 50 imps on peak times Fleet-wise was perfectly fine for me and gave the warzones a "sweet home" feeling. Now I am playing against hundreds of "random" people in 10s que pops (down from maybe 3-5 minutes on LC), not enjoying anything. There is no fun in farming bad people, if I wanted that, I'd have stayed with WoW. "But rated warzones will fix that" - they won't. Bioware's design is vastly inferior to Blizzards. And if Blizzard wasn't able to make rated warzones work properly (properly as in being fun and quality), then Bioware won't - EVER. Two instances with 250 people on both Fleets, the game just straightout lags, especially everytime you reload from coming back from a warzone. Yes, very "MMO"-esque if I have to escape on my ship all day when doing warzones. The general chats and say chats were the first thing I had to disable immediatly. So much foreign language spam - I don't mind people going on in their native language, but when your whole chat system mixes because everyone needs to spam their native tongue.. well, no thank you. PvE dailies take forever - not only do they lag BADLY (because the small daily instance of say Black Hole has 100+ people in it when it can handle 20 at most), the respawn timers of some of the objectives are just flatout stupid. You spend more time hunting for crates in Black Hole than you do for anything else combined. Mobs and objectives will get snatched from you permanently, and even the Heroic 4 suffers from hard lags. Lets get on the worst part now - the names. They usually commit a lot to the atmosphere of the game you're playing. Pussyeaterz, Sexyasses, Nightmareshadows, Niightmarekillerz, a billion Anakin-variations and xyz-destroyerz everywhere - the first two days we spent laughing at those idiotic titiles+names+legacy names, but its only funny for a bit. At least one of our own LC guys went ahead and and immediatly got on the level of the names of this server, calling himself Optimuz Voldemort! Fitting indeed. Long story short, this server makes me want to puke. It has killed any definition of fun I had, I rolled on a RP-PvP Server for a reason. I can't deal with hypercompetitive (mostly) children, I can't deal with people who write "u" instead of "you", I can't deal with the atmosphere on this server. Open up for Progenitor, or just shut up and take my money for payed character transfer, but DO IT FAST. Because my endurance is running out and I'm afraid I can't stay with this game any longer, no matter how much I like it. I won't reroll, I won't forsake my valor 90 legacy, my bonuses, my money, everything I "worked" for. I just want to move to a different server. I'll pay. /rant of a ex RP-PvP Player -Reyes of LC -now Rey'es on this awful new server.
  7. Tomb of Freedon Nadd -> The Progenitor would be the fairest choice for us now.
  8. In case your eyes do not work correctly, or your common sense its just that lacking: if you only take half of what people ask for in this thread, its not "pretty much what most people want". Go reread every second post in this thread. They clearly demand ToFN AND The Progenitor. (made it super obvious for you now )
  9. Its as if you are not thinking at all, Bioware. With this move, you are still going to lose subs. Namely the RP community who won't easily transfer to a server with average IQ of 50 - which is TOFN. Really, really counterproductive. But since its only a few RP'ers on that server anyways, why would you care? You're good at losing subs anyways, a few more won't hurt. Reyes
  10. We're both RP and PvP. Give is the chance to transfer off, and other people from both server types the chance to transfer on. Only logical. Yes, we are proud of having a mature community, and our Darth Pussydestroyers and similar names have been long gone, but we have to take a risk to keep the server alive. -Reyes
  11. I mean it both ways, as in Valor Rank: I have been fully BM geared before 1.2 as Infiltration Valor Rank: Enables me to wear the full crafted Augmented War Hero Set (requires valor 70), basically the same stats as Battlemaster (since you just take the Mods) PLUS the 12Willpower 14 Endurance Augment on each of the other possible pieces. It may be just the expertise change and the additional stamina, but I don't die AS quickly anymore (except I face Marauders)
  12. War Hero Infiltration Shadow here, before 1.2 I died to everything in seconds. Now, I only die to Marauders and Sentinels in said time.
  13. Deception and false advertisement at its finest Unsubbing.
  14. Let me get this straight. So a lot of us grinded up to 75 valor ranks to get a full set of the best pvp gear possible (thanks to the horrible random chance of token in Battlemaster bags). We had to trade Enhancements in our Battlemaster sets for gear optimization because Bioware has no clue how to properly itemize (even more grinding) And we get NOTHING out of it with 1.2 but anger that our gear does not get updated because we changed the Mods (and destroyed the other, ueseless ones in the process. Really, who needs Accuracy/Crit?) and Bioware customer support will not restore any of those. Not to mention a slightly different looking version of ranked War Hero gear. It could be so easy. Put in a vendor with Armoring/Mod/Enhancements for Valor 60/70+ that are one level higher than what is currently in War Hero gear. So it actually has value to be a War Hero besides a dumb title and slightly different style. Talk about a kick in the nuts. War Heroes, Conquerors and above, I feel for you my brothers. What a joke.
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