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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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This game is going to end up as Warhammer online did Unsubbed.

Going to play Guild Wars 2 since this games pvp is joke.


You and me both Baal. WAR kept me for 2 years till they screwed it up with the patches. I get the feeling that SWTOR is going to be a shorter game experience, Star Wars theme or not ...

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I know most are too angry to consider what I'm about to say but, you know what, I'm still going to say it.


In late feb/early march, they realized that people were leaving the game due to lack of content. They needed to start pushing 1.2 as fast as possible to keep the people they had. Problems arise, it's late march 1.2 is still "on the dock" with many things simply broken/unfinished. People are getting angry on the forums and people start to leave due to not caring anymore. They start to hype it and whoever decides these things, decides that early April NEEDS to happen. It's early April, the patch is still not done, devs are working around the clock. At Pax, it's mostly done but ranked pvp is still not ready for live. Come Tuesday, the forums are ablaze with mass people screaming "where be patchy, we are done idling in fleet with 4 others!". They say Thursday and look at the PvP team with a puzzled look, PvP team goes "ummm, a definite not likely?" They get the whips, ice cubes and flyswatters out. It's Thursday, they are holding until the very last minute until saying it won't be in. PvP team goes "Even pros like us can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a banthas ear". A long, very heavy sigh comes out from the CM offices, accompanied with some /facepalms. SR say "Murder and mayhem awaits" and releases the notice.





^worth reading

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Ranked warzones are still going to be released, I would expect more people were testing the new raid more than the ranked warzones. They had to pull something out at the last minute, man I wouldn't guess the people working at Bioware are human?! Getting mad at something that is needed and showing your ignorance on the forums is becoming a trend with a lot of impatient players now...
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I'd be surprised if a Dev actually reads and replies to any of these posts over the last 158 PAGES; but here we go.


I'm the GM of a very successful PvP guild on The Deadweight. I would like to think that we are one of the only things keeping that server alive because of our strong member base and our love for PvP. We make up about 50% of the lvl 50 population during peak hours; so I'm not being over zealous.


One of our biggest complaints since the initial launch has been the inability to que as 8man teams. We usually have 3-4 4 man groups and we are constantly fighting against ourselves (which is fun to a degree), but the whole concept of a guild is to fight TOGETHER. 1.2 was going to mark a huge step forward in how the pvp on this game was played. To assume that this is not a KEY function that ANY mmo should have, is a dire mistake and will cost SWTOR not only players, but respect in terms of future releases of games. Its no secret that EA likes to release products that are incomplete and buggy.... SO WHY START NOW!?!?!?! Give us our 8man premades or risk loosing a huge portion of your player base. Though I don't speak for everyone in my guild; I'm fairly certain that if plans are not announced to resolve this QUICKLY, I'm going to suggest a Boycott. Not just one unsub - but 130 unsubs. Thats 130X15 for 1 month.... Maybe thats nothing to you... and if thats the case, you should admit defeat now and move on to the next huge mistake you call a Great Game....


EA, you piss in my cherrios more than any other game company out there. I am not only embarrassed for you; I pity you and your inability to make things right. Not just that; but you took 2 gaming companies (Lucas Arts & Bioware), and turned them to ****.



Bioware, I still believe in you.... And maybe to a fault. But if you have any dignity left; FIX THIS ASAP. Otherwise, you'll shortly have several servers ready to be applied to your next online experience, seeing as how they won't be used for SWTOR.


hear hear! I really think EA is at fault as well here for pressuring BW - think i will spend some time with a nice pre-EA title by BW - like NVN 2 for a bit

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I think more than anything, what upsets people isn't that they aren't releasing the rated wz content, it's that they waited until like 12 hours before the patch was being implemented to tell us. I can definitely understand why people would be frustrated at dev's who don't seem to really care about what we care about.


For me, i'm a tiny bit glad, I had just recently started pvp'ing on my 50 slinger and am valor 37 at the moment.. think i was valor 17 yesterday heh, so it gives me time to catch up. But, for all the people, and ya, there were people on my server who were looking to start groups for it on general like for the last week or so. for those people it's a huge disappointment and stab in the back that the dev's decided to keep us on the fishing hook so long and then just extract it right before it was supposed to be released.


Pretty uncaring development, which makes me sad, i've always thought of bioware as gamer dev's and.. this isn't what a gamer would do.

Edited by Macabakur
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btw do u people seriously play this game only waiting for new pvp system to kick in? - f.. thats such a waist of your time!


I play it because i love it, its fun, social, and a great way to spend free time. Either find something you enjoy about this game and play it accordingly or well ... dont play at all if you are going to be *****y sober and unhappy about everything and think its not worth spending your money. Isnt that just simple? Unless you love to complain, and you just have to keep being unhappy :)

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I support BW in this decision. I wasn't keen on rateds without cross-server queues anyway. At the very least, that gets delayed while they continue to work on things.


Which begs the question - why weren't these features included in the release since they seem to be pretty standard in new releses ...

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I play game like this for PvP and actually spent money I didn't have so that i could enjoy these new PvP features. Now Im stuck with the same lame *** mechanics with a new zone to run around in. Talk about a HUGE fail from a content standpoint. LF New MMO
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btw do u people seriously play this game only waiting for new pvp system to kick in? - f.. thats such a waist of your time!


I play it because i love it, its fun, social, and a great way to spend free time. Either find something you enjoy about this game and play it accordingly or well ... dont play at all if you are going to be *****y sober and unhappy about everything and think its not worth spending your money. Isnt that just simple? Unless you love to complain, and you just have to keep being unhappy :)


You're right. If other people play for reasons other than yours, they are doing it wrong.






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You close other threads and want us to sift through the crap in this one? wow..


as i said in my other post


With all the QQ in this forum it looks like people want a PvP system that is broken... I don't get it? Why do Players want Bioware to include a system that was tested and did not work as intended?


I'm happy to hang out till they get it right the last thing we want is a borked system that we all hate.


Keep up the good work devs!


I don't think ill get to see any real replies in this thread but what the hell...


I am more upset over how BW is handling this situation. Not so much about the lack of Ranked WZs in 1.2 - aside from the killer such an announcement obviously is after looking forward to ranked WZs for so long.


They, imo, knew Ranked Wzs would not make the cut well before today.

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Hopefully this eliminates a large portion of the impatient nerd ragers. I'll take these delays anytime if it helps get rid of the vocal minority. Everyone threatening to unsub (that actually goes though with it) will only make my future gameplay experience that much better. :)


agreed. if all the complainers leave, the game will be full of us star wars fans, and i think there are plenty. lol

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I know most are too angry to consider what I'm about to say but, you know what, I'm still going to say it.


In late feb/early march, they realized that people were leaving the game due to lack of content. They needed to start pushing 1.2 as fast as possible to keep the people they had. Problems arise, it's late march 1.2 is still "on the dock" with many things simply broken/unfinished. People are getting angry on the forums and people start to leave due to not caring anymore. They start to hype it and whoever decides these things, decides that early April NEEDS to happen. It's early April, the patch is still not done, devs are working around the clock. At Pax, it's mostly done but ranked pvp is still not ready for live. Come Tuesday, the forums are ablaze with mass people screaming "where be patchy, we are done idling in fleet with 4 others!". They say Thursday and look at the PvP team with a puzzled look, PvP team goes "ummm, a definite not likely?" They get the whips, ice cubes and flyswatters out. It's Thursday, they are holding until the very last minute until saying it won't be in. PvP team goes "Even pros like us can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a banthas ear". A long, very heavy sigh comes out from the CM offices, accompanied with some /facepalms. SR say "Murder and mayhem awaits" and releases the notice.


This is what had to have happened. You have talent man.

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I just wanted to aim for some rated gear :(

The way it is now everyone has the same gear for the most part. Its just too easy to get.


You dont like PvP to be "fair" with everyone in the same gear? Thats really weird, cuz when everyone is in the same gear and pvping, thats when you find out who is good and who is bad at pvp and who the best guilds are etc...


PvP should not be about gear..at all, thats one really bad trait that WoW introduced to MMo's imo

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You're right. If other people play for reasons other than yours, they are doing it wrong.







You're doing sarcasm wrong, while trying to be sarcastic... A proper response would have been


"I'm glad that you are here, not only to tell me what is a waste of my time, but to also tell me how to properly spend my time and what to like"

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I can wait. Bioware is giving us enough new stuff tomorrow anyway. Like others have said, let them release it without bugs.


Yea, wow a family tree that does nothing, and a "heroic" ability that you can use every 20th min while soloing.


Yay, its like its xmas.....:rolleyes:

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