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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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The fact that you aren't aware of the dozens of sucessful false advertising lawsuits against software developers tells me you have NO idea what you are talking about. If Apple can be sued for false advertising the features of Siri, I think Bioware and EA are fair game. But go ahead, show your ignorance, it's quite entertaining.


Even if I were to accept your completely unsupported argument than "dozens" of lawsuits were won, how many were actually filed? The success rate would be something I'm more concerned with. What do you estimate your chances are? Especially with archived documentation stating that everything is subject to change?

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The fact that you aren't aware of the dozens of sucessful false advertising lawsuits against software developers tells me you have NO idea what you are talking about. If Apple can be sued for false advertising the features of Siri, I think Bioware and EA are fair game. But go ahead, show your ignorance, it's quite entertaining.



sorry, but....

The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change.

anything more to say?:rolleyes:

Edited by Ortagos
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Also, to anyone who suggests that this is "a good thing" because they caught something in testing is just straight an apologist like I have been for several months.


Something that puts a major feature of "the biggest patch ever" at risk should be addressed months before release. They have been quoted as saying that they have been preparing the KUS flashpoints for over a year, tell me how this could have happened if they had devoted a similar amount of time to Rateds?

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True, but the 'ranked warzone test' a couple of weeks ago was a total disaster. They KNEW they couldn't release rated warzones. And they lied. Prolly not the ones doing the hard work, but BW lied to it's customers.


I would argue that it takes time to inform the right people of what's going on and in a company the size of bioware I don't find it unusual at all that it took several days for information to get to the people that make the decisions and then make the decision.


Think of any giant company, if you work for target, do you know the instant someone spilled something in isle 12, 3 states over?


It's not 5 guys sitting around working on this, they literally have hundreds and hundreds of employees and devs.


Bioware is not an entity like the smoke monster on lost :).

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shouldn't have even announced 1.2 would be tomorrow to begin with. Did somebody on the dev team just now log into their own game and notice the monumental **** up 1.2 is going to be?


If this were any other game, I'd think you were joking... but with this team, it's possible... since they've all probably been playing their own little localized builds off on their individual team servers...

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Seeing it this way would be too logical.


Darn you Bioware for pulling a feature to fine tune it a little bit more before it is released! :rolleyes:


I can understand being disappointed... but I'd be more disappointed if it got released untested and broken.




They probably wouldn't have this issue in the first place, if they had some way of enabling players either to:


A) Copy a pre-exhisting character to PTS


B)Insta level a char on PTS to 50 and recive gear.



Asking people to level to 50 to test things on the PTS, well it's just not going to lead to any real testing of value. About half your beta testing period will be spent with people trying to level enough to test the content you want them to test.


Especially if the PTS wipes as often as I've been told it does.

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are we? can I get a direct quote please because from what the devs have said they want to release it out in phases prior to 1.3 so im guessing we will see the first phase in a couple weeks.


or are you just being a negative nancy?


"While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3)."


This indicates more then a few weeks. But perhaps its just me.

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Seeing it this way would be too logical.


Darn you Bioware for pulling a feature to fine tune it a little bit more before it is released! :rolleyes:


I can understand being disappointed... but I'd be more disappointed if it got released untested and broken.


It was up for testing. No pre made characters were made available for this testing. People had to power level a toon to be able to test this. BW saw that no one was testing rated WZ's weeks ago.... their server event failed......it continued to go untested, which, again, was known weeks ago........


This patch was rushed.....

Edited by Rasticles
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You know you're right about that, but things have changed so much in the online gaming scene since then (perhaps WoW or SWG being the first to be a trendsetter). That trend being making as much as possible off the initial sale of boxes and not caring so much about the longer term health of the game.


Look at all the hype that comes with releases, with so many promises and glimpses that the game would provide. Matrix Online/CoH-V/Tabula Rasa/WH/AoC/Aion/etc etc etc the list goes on and on and they were all guilty of it. Releasing unfinished, buggy games, but with enough suckers buying to make the initial investment worth it.


You do realize that when SONY changed SWG, almost over night everyone jumped to WOW.. Now with that said,, Most Companies have a 5 yr plan for development anda Gant chart for delivering improvements thru it's 5 yr plan... Since this a computer base system technologies raise/die fast and most players want good product relatively fast or they leave.. 15 bucks a month adds up pretty fast and so does other sells on game products, that what drives the gaming Market.. bioware miss handle their opening for launch.. failed in delivery... If you can keep Timmy on the couch playing long enough he will eventually pay more for that plus +1 sword.. Bioware has achieved that by making this a grindfest of no end to nothingness..Then lost its direction...

"deathstar approaching"

And suddenly a milloin people cried out and there was nothing..The Emperor says I guess we had the wrong planet move on...lol"

Edited by Hardsteel
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are we? can I get a direct quote please because from what the devs have said they want to release it out in phases prior to 1.3 so im guessing we will see the first phase in a couple weeks.


or are you just being a negative nancy?


James Wire ‏ @JamesWire1 · Open

@Rockjaw Are Ranked WZs going to be within the next month or are we talking about 1.3 here?

Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw Close

@JamesWire1 I can't give an accurate ETA right now, but we're hoping pre-1.3.

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My basis is they had 6 year development and 4 month live service to put something on the table as Endgame PVP.


**** ups are happening no question about it, but you should not announce it 7 hours before the patch day. It should have been done weeks ago. This is a QA/testing issue which seems to be the major problem of the MMOs. Its just too expensive. ;)


Sure, if its aint working then do not release it, but announcing it 7 hour before patchtime when half of your playerbase is already asleep is just wrong.


My other basis is how much time the players are willing to give bioware to provide that quality they are talking about, when so far nothing like that was released? I am fine with bugs, they are part of the deal, but pulling out features saying we do not release bugged content when they clearly do is a bit wierd. ;)


Some issues don't show until you get more numbers on it, QA would have only been looking for actual bugs in the way the code works, but balance issues can only be found by larger scale play (hence the PTS server which is closer to "real" player numbers on a server).


Considering the number of class changes they made, there was always going to be issues with something like this, and putting it off until those are sorted is a sensible move for them.

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Bioware since after the 25th when the mass exodus of pvpers quit from lack of content do you think you could send my alts free war hero gear in the mail since this game will be free 2 play in 6 months anyways? Cmon hook it up.
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Also, to anyone who suggests that this is "a good thing" because they caught something in testing is just straight an apologist like I have been for several months.


Something that puts a major feature of "the biggest patch ever" at risk should be addressed months before release. They have been quoted as saying that they have been preparing the KUS flashpoints for over a year, tell me how this could have happened if they had devoted a similar amount of time to Rateds?


Not that I don't agree with part of your post...I believe they have some serious flaws in testing...but how could you possibly expect a game whose ENTIRE marketing campaign was centered on STORY and PVE gameplay to suddenly reallocate resources for PVP when their PVE vision wasn't even complete? And to accomplish this in 4 months? I'm just as disappointed, but I'm also somewhat cognizant of business economics. Which seems to be in gravely short supply in this community.

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yes i understand it was a last minute decision. But you do realize its pretty lame to go from we release it tomorrow to "hopefully before next major patch" (ie. A few months...)


Besides, the fact you say that your poor pts integration has nothing to do with it just goes to show how little you understand how to prevent this from happening again.


Ps. Your focus should have been cross server before thinking about competitive pvp...

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Bioware since after the 25th when the mass exodus of pvpers quit from lack of content do you think you could send my alts free war hero gear in the mail since this game will be free 2 play in 6 months anyways? Cmon hook it up.


You really think that the PvPing population is that big? LMFAO!!!

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On a Very short note.


I for one am glad that people feel this strongly about BW not realising content. I adore my community base on my server, its a double edged sword of course but that is what makes it fun. As much as I am disapointed with BW decition I support it and what I support even more are the people unsubing over this issue. As I have stated that their are good and bad people on every server, I would not mind the bad people leaving. I was initially going to post 3 major mmo's patch time lines and compare it to BW, I decided not to because it is not needed. If you as an indevidual living in thw 21st century are unable to do minor research through "GOOGLE" a website you use more often then you do any every day to day activity you simply need to gorw up. BW is actively ANSWERING questions about the ranked pvp issue. If you have a comment or want to QQ make a forrum post about it, or joing one of the millions out there. Please if I can assist you in any way on quiting the game let me know, This game does not need to be another WOW. There are many reasons to quit a game, quiting over 1 our of the 100+ changes occuring tomorrow is insane. THis is just my two cents

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You guys are nuts, so much complaining. Do you have any inkling of how complex this game is? How many systems they deal with, the scope and sheer magnitude of the amount of coding involved and then the level at which it has to be navigated to avoid game breaking bugs.


Developers are not perfect, they are human beings and the dev's I know (not from SWTOR as I live and work in Redmond area, I.E. friends from ArenaNet / Valve / Zombie etc) work their asses off.


A lot of you seem to miss the fact that they genuinely want you to be happy, they want you to like their game and they want it to function properly.


So when something is discovered last minute, as a lot of bugs generally are a decision has to be made. A lot of times that decision is easy because many bugs = game doesn't load or crashes to desktop or freezes or slows down or any number of things that would have you cursing at your screen or button mashing your keyboard in frustration.


Instead it was omitted to make it right, the first time, because they want to spare their players and devoted fans those frustrations.


But instead you see a flood of adults acting like petulant children.


Have you ever worked on a project you pour your heart into, have it break and then have to listen to thousands of fans belittle, insult and disrespect hundreds of hours of your work because something inherently went wrong and didn't work perfectly the first go around? Seriously put it in perspective it's so easy to blindly cast blame on the faceless or accuse them of not working enough but Developers are some of the most passionate hard working people you'll ever meet. You have to be to survive in an industry riddled with a fickle following who gather torches and pitchforks at the first sight of any minor blemish.


So think about that, maybe try exercising an old forgotten virtue of patience and give them a freaking break.


And no I'm no fanboi, I enjoy the game and have plenty of things I'd like to see changed / improved but this is rediculous. I don't expect a single post will make any difference so I probably shouldn't waste my time.


Anyway, I'll leave ya all to the salted bickering, heh.


Do you know how complex this stuff is? You're just eating the company line man. Each person who says they're an "adult" and posts in this thread loses credibility.

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Another money-grub by EA/BW. They overhype their patch, get people to resubscribe before the big attractive patch, and then a few hours before the patch decide that it won't be a part of it.


I'm willing to bet that they are holding it off to coincide the ranked warzone release with the release of Diablo 3.


Deception, false advertising, and shady business tactics at its best here, folks.


Someone oughta file a lawsuit.

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