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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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You people are utterly ridiculous. I surely do hope you don't display this level of childish ignorance when you walk out your front door.


Ranked Warzone's just aren't ready and things need to be ironed out. It's just that simple.


Bioware has been working there tails off to try and bring advancement and improvement to this game. I can only imagine the stress and crap they must sort through and deal with when 75% of the player base throws a temper tantrum everytime they dont get something they want.


Bio .. Keep up the hard work. There are quite a few of us who appreciate it.


And to those that don't ... Allow me to help hold open that door as you walk on out and never look back.

Edited by Arzhanin
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you know whats funny after all this complaining, two months from now this will be a non issue and the game will be fine.


......but keep RAGING you "hardcore gamers" because your rage knows no bounds. lol


Oh, the QQ tears are absolutely EXQUISITE!


And the best thing is that if they pushed it out anyway all broken, the tears would have been just as exquisite.


BioWare definitely did the right thing, here.

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sorry, but....

The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change.

anything more to say?:rolleyes:


i guess that explains why they were testing rated warzones on the ptr for months, why the developers have been talking about rated warzones for months, the PTR notes say that 1.2 will include rated warzones and that bioware said that 1.2 would include rated warzones, and then hours before the patch they remove the main edition of the patch that a million people have been looking forward to.



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Seeing it this way would be too logical.


Darn you Bioware for pulling a feature to fine tune it a little bit more before it is released! :rolleyes:


I can understand being disappointed... but I'd be more disappointed if it got released untested and broken.


A wise man once said, there's a consumer born every minute.


I'm sure those rated WZ's will be flawless for the 300k playerbase this game will have in the next 3 months.

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On a Very short note.


I for one am glad that people feel this strongly about BW not realising content. I adore my community base on my server, its a double edged sword of course but that is what makes it fun. As much as I am disapointed with BW decition I support it and what I support even more are the people unsubing over this issue. As I have stated that their are good and bad people on every server, I would not mind the bad people leaving. I was initially going to post 3 major mmo's patch time lines and compare it to BW, I decided not to because it is not needed. If you as an indevidual living in thw 21st century are unable to do minor research through "GOOGLE" a website you use more often then you do any every day to day activity you simply need to gorw up. BW is actively ANSWERING questions about the ranked pvp issue. If you have a comment or want to QQ make a forrum post about it, or joing one of the millions out there. Please if I can assist you in any way on quiting the game let me know, This game does not need to be another WOW. There are many reasons to quit a game, quiting over 1 our of the 100+ changes occuring tomorrow is insane. THis is just my two cents


Excellent. :cool:

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you know whats funny after all this complaining, two months from now this will be a non issue and the game will be fine.


......but keep RAGING you "hardcore gamers" because your rage knows no bounds. lol


Listen dude, you're acting like we want this game to fail. Players have paid/played this game since December, we have no interest in wanting it to fail, but at some point the writing is on the wall and ignoring is just a mistake.


A 'couple of months' would be nothing if this game was tracking to have a lifespan of more than a year/two years tops.

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I feel really bad for the people defending Bioware. You can call people names all you want, you can claim PVP isn't important in this game but in the end...


You're about to start logging in finding yourself ALONE and you're going to watch this game fail and go F2P by next year. Quit fooling yourself into believing because it's EA, Bioware and Star Wars that it can't be sunk, this game IS sinkable just like the Titanic was and WILL go down.


Keep defending it but you can't stop the inevitable and some of us have seen games like this fail before and know where this is going from experience, just accept it..


Bye? :p

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Didn't they say more then half the community plays pvp? I am trying to stay neutral here but just saying.


62% of the players haven't done a single operation yet, so its safe to say a good majority of the players do some form of pvp, yes correct

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Makes me laugh when I see people say "Oh well I would rather see it fine tuned before it release." Ever here of holding someone accountable for a deadline... People cut these companies way to much slack. IT IS THERE JOB. Get it done on time and get it done right. At least that is how most of the world works.
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Oh, the QQ tears are absolutely EXQUISITE!


And the best thing is that if they pushed it out anyway all broken, the tears would have been just as exquisite.


BioWare definitely did the right thing, here.


You're right, because the idea of them putting out a quality, finished, timely product appears to be just a foolish expectation.

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Makes me laugh when I see people say "Oh well I would rather see it fine tuned before it release." Ever here of holding someone accountable for a deadline... People cut these companies way to much slack. IT IS THERE JOB. Get it done on time and get it done right. At least that is how most of the world works.


I can't see any level 50 content getting fine tuned, until they fix their beta proccess, they've got a gaping flaw in methodology right there.

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Bioware since after the 25th when the mass exodus of pvpers quit from lack of content do you think you could send my alts free war hero gear in the mail since this game will be free 2 play in 6 months anyways? Cmon hook it up.


You do realize the gear would be outdated...lol

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Big enough to put this game on life support if it vanishes.


Let me rephrase: You really think that much of the PvP population really gives a rats @ $$ if it's now or two months from now?


Hell, I'm a PvPer, been PvPing since the late 90's. I couldn't care less to wait two more months. Hell, two months is a blink of an eye...

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They probably wouldn't have this issue in the first place, if they had some way of enabling players either to:


A) Copy a pre-exhisting character to PTS


B)Insta level a char on PTS to 50 and recive gear.



Asking people to level to 50 to test things on the PTS, well it's just not going to lead to any real testing of value. About half your beta testing period will be spent with people trying to level enough to test the content you want them to test.


Especially if the PTS wipes as often as I've been told it does.


I am going to get this out of the way now. While I do understand that they could of had this organized so two portions of testing were handled, for leveling and for endgame, you do realize that they need a to have the widest range of people go through the leveling process to look for bugs or errors?


Hell, even if PTS players spacebar through the content, they can easily notice if anything gamebreaking happens through leveling of the changes. There are a lot of bugs and fixes that were done and needed to be checked on in testing.


Once again, I would have set it up differently, but I think it is obvious why they didn't copy over characters. People say all the time how easy it is to level a toon in this game. If it is, then level it and then do the content you want to test.

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You're right, because the idea of them putting out a quality, finished, timely product appears to be just a foolish expectation.


You're right, because this occurence isn't something that commonly happens when it comes to video game history whatsoever.... oh wait, it happens quite frequently. nvm

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Let me rephrase: You really think that much of the PvP population really gives a rats @ $$ if it's now or two months from now?


Hell, I'm a PvPer, been PvPing since the late 90's. I couldn't care less to wait two more months. Hell, two months is a blink of an eye...



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There's a big difference between PvErs that are PvPing, and PvPers...


Biggest servers in the game = PvP.


MOst active part of teh game = PvP.


Only 37% of people playing have done an Op.


Almost 83% PvP regularly.


Number don't lie.

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