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why so many button skills on jugger??


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why do i have to have so many damn buttons to keep track on...


do BW even play themselves ??



Iam at lvl 20+.. and i have 13 !! buttons alrdy to track and use.

some say i get even more... ***!!!...




and my wife could slap BW staff for more dmg..than my jugger wielding a frigging lightsaber.


my buttons: for pve.. so far...

Jump in.. smash.. scream..sundering.. assault(weak **** attack)..vicious..retaliation.. ravage..


and if i pvp: i have more.

Taunt.. guard..Slowing shout spamming.. + the Survival CD buttons.


And i will get atleast: Saber throw + Force choke that i know off...




Learn to integrate skills with other skills to reduce buttons needed.


my sorc and merc need 4 -5 buttons... so *** do my jugger need to have 13+ minimum...... makes no fecking sense at all.


and dont give me the crap.

"L2P".. "juggers melee are hard to master"..

its still to many damn buttons and you know it.

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why do i have to have so many damn buttons to keep track on...


do BW even play themselves ??



Iam at lvl 20+.. and i have 13 !! buttons alrdy to track and use.

some say i get even more... ***!!!...




and my wife could slap BW staff for more dmg..than my jugger wielding a frigging lightsaber.


my buttons: for pve.. so far...

Jump in.. smash.. scream..sundering.. assault(weak **** attack)..vicious..retaliation.. ravage..


and if i pvp: i have more.

Taunt.. guard..Slowing shout spamming.. + the Survival CD buttons.


And i will get atleast: Saber throw + Force choke that i know off...




Learn to integrate skills with other skills to reduce buttons needed.


my sorc and merc need 4 -5 buttons... so *** do my jugger need to have 13+ minimum...... makes no fecking sense at all.


and dont give me the crap.

"L2P".. "juggers melee are hard to master"..

its still to many damn buttons and you know it.


It has many buttons i agree

Its hard to bind all in fast clicking buttons i agree too


But look at the other side of it

Mercs....1 button tracer missile and it does everything

insane dmg ,+ armor, + boost dmg on his other spell , - enemy armor

The only thing it doesnt make when u click it, is coffee


Also, if they had macros in game, you could have fixed this problem :)

Example : Sundering assault on same button with Attack (When sundering assault on cd, if u click button it will do attack)

Or even add enrage on same button too (if rage spec)

2 keybinds gone this way....etc

Edited by unicornfive
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Actually, it is the amount of abilities at my disposal that make me like these classes.


Btw: you'll end up with about 3 action bars full of buttons you'll need frequently. ;)


The other way to look at it:


I love the huge arsenal of skills that the marauder and jugg have!

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why do i have to have so many damn buttons to keep track on...


do BW even play themselves ??



Iam at lvl 20+.. and i have 13 !! buttons alrdy to track and use.

some say i get even more... ***!!!...




and my wife could slap BW staff for more dmg..than my jugger wielding a frigging lightsaber.


my buttons: for pve.. so far...

Jump in.. smash.. scream..sundering.. assault(weak **** attack)..vicious..retaliation.. ravage..


and if i pvp: i have more.

Taunt.. guard..Slowing shout spamming.. + the Survival CD buttons.


And i will get atleast: Saber throw + Force choke that i know off...




Learn to integrate skills with other skills to reduce buttons needed.


my sorc and merc need 4 -5 buttons... so *** do my jugger need to have 13+ minimum...... makes no fecking sense at all.


and dont give me the crap.

"L2P".. "juggers melee are hard to master"..

its still to many damn buttons and you know it.



You are what ruin games. You can't keep up so you cry cry cry, next thing you know, the devs dumb down the game to cater to people who should have stayed with consoles. ****. thanks.

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This class has lots of buttons, and the good players make good use of most of them. It is, in fact, part of what seperates a good SW/JK from an...average...one.


That said, I'll tell you something else - there are only two times where you need more than ~8 of the buttons;


When tanking, if you want to do it well.

When in PvP, if you want to do it well.


That's it.


If you just PvE, class/planet stories, maybe some dailies - you don't really need more than 8ish buttons.


The bottom line is that if you want to do more than what I just mentioned, then you will have to expand your view. Otherwise, there are 6 other classes for you to try.



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Do find it funny that OP comes in raging when clearly has no clue and its the amount of moves that make the class enjoyable. The best part about being a jugg is the wide range of moves that are avaliable to use in many different situations.


Im an immortal speced jugg and just thought id give you a quick insight on how many keys i use.

I never move my left hand from the keyboard as to increase reaction time and smoothness of my rotations with minimul down time, so that involves having 1-5 bound then shift+1-4, shift+q,e. as well as "`" I also have a g15 keyboard with the macro keys bound for companion use and a razor naga epic mouse with so far 15 key bindings and im only at level 42, so there will be more to come by 50 with the only bind that isnt a move being a medpack.


For me this is what I find the most fun about the class, knowing what moves to use in what situation while tanking or just simply questing. For you to come in raging just simply shows its not the class for you.

Edited by darksyf
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If you want to spam a few buttons, go play a simpler class.

I hear tracer missle spam is all the rage...


Seriously though, I enjoy more options and more complex control. There are still a LOT less abilities than some other MMOs.

Edited by Subparhero
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If you want to spam a few buttons, go play a simpler class.

I here tracer missle spam is all the rage...


Seriously though, I enjoy more options and more complex control. There are still a LOT less abilities than some other MMOs.


^This is what BW intended - different strokes for different folks. JK/SWs have a lot more buttons but for players who can handle it it offers a lot more options. My main is a level 50 commando and while it has a much smaller number of main abilities and is relatively simple to play, if someone locks down one of my primary abilities I'm headed back to the respawn point. Given equal equipment and skill level, a JK/SW will beat me down 1v1 nine times out of ten due to the range of skills they have at their disposal.

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You are what ruin games. You can't keep up so you cry cry cry, next thing you know, the devs dumb down the game to cater to people who should have stayed with consoles. ****. thanks.
I would say that it is people like you that ruin games. Since when does more difficult = better or more fun to play?
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why do i have to have so many damn buttons to keep track on...


do BW even play themselves ??



Iam at lvl 20+.. and i have 13 !! buttons alrdy to track and use.

some say i get even more... ***!!!...




and my wife could slap BW staff for more dmg..than my jugger wielding a frigging lightsaber.


my buttons: for pve.. so far...

Jump in.. smash.. scream..sundering.. assault(weak **** attack)..vicious..retaliation.. ravage..


and if i pvp: i have more.

Taunt.. guard..Slowing shout spamming.. + the Survival CD buttons.


And i will get atleast: Saber throw + Force choke that i know off...




Learn to integrate skills with other skills to reduce buttons needed.


my sorc and merc need 4 -5 buttons... so *** do my jugger need to have 13+ minimum...... makes no fecking sense at all.


and dont give me the crap.

"L2P".. "juggers melee are hard to master"..

its still to many damn buttons and you know it.


You can look forward to keybinding 30+ abilities if you plan on tanking. And they all make perfect sense in what you are trying to achieve.


Don't like it? Play something else, there's 9 other advanced classes to have fun with. I suggest you stick to mercenary if 13 buttons is too much.

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why do i have to have so many damn buttons to keep track on...


its still to many damn buttons and you know it.


More buttons equals more abilities, equals a much broader range of options. The Knight/Warrior classes - more so Sentinel/Marauder than Guardian/Juggernaut - are the classes to play at the moment. They are hard to master, but with mastery comes the alpha class of the game.


Want fewer buttons? Stick to another class.

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Completely disagree.


I dont want 4-5 button boring facerolling classes like they have in WoW.


Juggernaut is not hard to play, you need to get better. With the power to customise your UI now, you got nothing to complain about. Adapt.

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Why so many buttons when a Jugger is a ONE trick pony ??


Jump in.. Force choke.. and then smash with 100 % crit chanse...

And build a power + surge gear to max the dmg crit... is that it ??


All vids ive seen.. is ONLY about that smash... and make sure choke is made before to increase dmg by 45- 50 % ?.

OH.. and pushing ppl away since they have got that pretty recently.



Situational buttons... i guess thats the vicious slash + dmg shout.. Dumping.. if you cant do the Smash to risk setting CC targets free...



still dont see why i need so many buttons if its all about the smash..

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Actually, it is the amount of abilities at my disposal that make me like these classes.


Btw: you'll end up with about 3 action bars full of buttons you'll need frequently. ;)


The other way to look at it:


I love the huge arsenal of skills that the marauder and jugg have!


^^^^ THIS. If u dont like it reroll a arcane mage in wow. :) I dont wanna play a f'ing 2 button class that bores the **** outta me. I love jugg rotations and survivabilty/utility skills.

Edited by DamenX
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