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922k dmg done in a wz


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So what's that say about the other people on his team that didn't also get 1mil with the same "makeup"? Its obvious he was in a different class than everyone else in terms of damage output. I guess his class is "op" huh?


the OP was clearly one of the better players on his team, and was far more active in engaging and remaining in combat.


the point is, his targets were damage sponges. while not entirely the OP's fault, his team lacked the coordination to isolate and take out the healers. allowing healers to free cast is the easiest way to stat pad. when im in a warzone that my team is easily winning, we avoid attacking the healers so we can pad our stats for more medals and lulz.


can any player hit obscenely high damage numbers? no, there is a bit of skill involved in making sure youre always in the right place, and you need to understand your class enough to maximize damage potential. but its still dependent on the other team have a high number of very good healers.


warzones are about teamwork. if you want to be a scoreboard hero, you can. but without coordination, it is very difficult to win warzones even with overwhelming performances like the OP's

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So what's that say about the other people on his team that didn't also get 1mil with the same "makeup"? Its obvious he was in a different class than everyone else in terms of damage output. I guess his class is "op" huh?


or he was selfish enough to have a dedicated healer on him all the time and ignore objective focusing only on damage


that made the team struggle behind objective in 6vs8 while he was playing his own game


Last time i played Hutball i scored 5 of the 5-1 goal and i had medium-low damage does it mean i am bad compared to a higher damage?


or again in vodstair i opened all 6 door sneaking most of the time invisible with my shadow i ended up having a low damage even because i was defending the "other" door while invisible


I am sure a jerk could come here and show his 600K damamge in that match and i would come out with only 100K... does it means he played to win or for himself?

Edited by Pekish
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Marauders strength in killing healers is based on putting out decent sustained damage whilst being able to interrupt large heals. To be fair to the poor lad what the hell could else could he do except plug away and hope for a lucky break with one of the other healers getting a timely cc or some such.....
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or he was selfish enough to have a dedicated healer on him all the time and ignore objective focusing only on damage



There were 8 healers and 8 dps in the match so having a dedicated healer is hardly selfish....

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sorry i belive a dedicated something in a group/team thing is always selfish


people should be able to be flexible and direct the heal where is needed not having ur own slave


i hate the simple idea of queueing with my sentinel with my healer friend this is the first step to ruin a minigame for everybody


sorry if i am a teamplay and dont belive in 922K damage made ignoring the objective of the game.

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Ok looking at the score board again I believe this is how the warzone went. He and a healer or two attacked one of the outer nodes nodes who had 2 healers guarding it the entire match and the rest of his team was attacking/defending the other nodes. This would allow him to dps without interruption and have such low healing because he was only healing himself and the other healer if they were still alive. If by chance one of the defenders did die the other would be back before he could bring down the other healer alone.


If you notice he's at the east node. to the top left is the Healing bounty hunter.


There is no way you can single target dps in alderan and pull those numbers and still play objectives. Because you loose to much dps moving around. If look the score you'll notice that it was a close match so they must have had two points at some point. If he would have stopped dpsing and moved to one of the other nodes they held maybe he would have one the match for them. But instead he unendingly dpsed on a node that had a conveyer belt of health pools.


Thats how I see it.

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Since it was civil war, total dmg doesn't matter that much.

Just have both teams capture zero turrets and fight until everyone is above 1mil, then start capturing.


That being said, the dmg per second is very good at 837. On my battlemaster shadow I get about 400 dps on a good match, which results in about 350k dmg. So 800 dps would be about 700k dmg on a normal length match (I'm guessing there was a lot of 1-2 and then 2-1 turrets or even a 1-1 with one being fought over - making this match last longer than usual).


This is still very good dmg.



also i guess having zero deaths and assuming a constant fight, would mean a much higher uptime than normal - also adding to the damage total.

Edited by Internicio
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sorry i belive a dedicated something in a group/team thing is always selfish


people should be able to be flexible and direct the heal where is needed not having ur own slave


i hate the simple idea of queueing with my sentinel with my healer friend this is the first step to ruin a minigame for everybody


sorry if i am a teamplay and dont belive in 922K damage made ignoring the objective of the game.


Hold your horses dude, how do you know objectives were ignored or that he had a healer concentrating just on him when the only information you have is the scoreboard......seems to be a lot of petty jealousy about on these boards........the boy done good just take your hat off to him and move on.

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Hold your horses dude, how do you know objectives were ignored or that he had a healer concentrating just on him when the only information you have is the scoreboard......seems to be a lot of petty jealousy about on these boards........the boy done good just take your hat off to him and move on.


yeah, that kind of stuff is impossible to tell with these stats. if there was a "healing received" stat column, then yeah we could tell. but there isnt, so we cant.

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Hold your horses dude, how do you know objectives were ignored or that he had a healer concentrating just on him when the only information you have is the scoreboard......seems to be a lot of petty jealousy about on these boards........the boy done good just take your hat off to him and move on.


He lost.


Probably against his own friends.

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Juggernaut and in Alderann.


I win


I find this more impressive since you actually KILLED more than 20 people! You had 60 kills that match vs. the OP's pic with only 21 kills. That makes a LOT more sense. I broke over 600k in civil war yesterday but it was against a horde of healers massed in the center. I didn't die but I couldn't kill them either. I did non stop dps "mashing" till the game was over. I too hardly had any kills but the kicker is that we won the match!

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I can imagine the whole picture: Razorfight beating Penguin and other healer in a corner the whole fight, without CC, not being able to kill him


The force is strong with Halefthaut...


I envisioned the same thing happened.

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From my point of view, any game where there are 4 healers on both teams will end up with very few deaths, even if people only focus healers, if they move togheter, well, you're pretty much screwed. With healers healing each other out, the amount of cc on the game makes it even harder.


I disagree when people say that one good dps can't kill one good healer, especially marauders or sentinels, they are pretty much healer killers, now, kill more then one, well, the game design makes it almost impossible for one player, no matter how good he is, to kill two equally skilled players.


I also rather win then do really big numbers, but they didn't actually lose 600 to 0, they actually lost for 85 points.


And for what it is worth, in my opinion, 900k+ is pretty impressive in any cenario, most people wont achieve it.

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