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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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I hope this figures give some idea how bad things are for my EU server.


I think it's my 5867th post about this issue. Around ~25 people on fleet and ~10 people on planets any time.







I know how you feel mate. Guess we will have to hang in there :/

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I choose to reroll to another server a month ago. Hit 50 2 weeks back and damn i have fun again in this game. Also starting on an alt and there are people levelling, looking for instances and heroics.


For the people that love this game, take that step and reroll. I abandoned 2 50's and legacy 30. The fun is back and love the game.


Rerolled from Niman empire to The red eclipse republic (all in the EU)

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I am from the Veela server just made a character in the Fatman server and there are more people in Tython online thn in my entire server. Bioware needs to do something about this. I give the game until summber break for me to keep giving them money when they dont care about our comments.
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I am in Uthar Wynn (EU) which is utterly unplayable due to the lack of players (WZs).


I want fiercely this game to have success.


I am unsubscribing.





NB: You have 3 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.

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I am in Uthar Wynn (EU) which is utterly unplayable due to the lack of players (WZs).


I want fiercely this game to have success.


I am unsubscribing.





NB: You have 3 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


sadly this is inevitable, this game for many people ois really fantastic and i enjoy it a lot, but the nearest i cam to unsubbing was when i noticed just how dead my server was and I decide reroll or unsub.


Bioware are mad imo, all the 1.2 is meaningless to a lot of ppl particuarly those who cannot even get a 4 man group together for a siple fp lol

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Bioware is really in a tough position with this. At launch, there weren't enough servers, and everything had a queue. So they opened a few more, but pointed out that this problem would go away on its own. It did.

Now there are servers with very low population, and people want server merges or transfers, but doing so only a few months in would make for very bad PR.


But they did just give everyone 31-34 days, so it could be coming....

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Most of the post here from Europe I'm guessing? Cause US servers on weekends and especially after 1.2 been rocking. Hope they merge the light servers for our friends over seas, they count too!


I dunno, buddy. I'm playing in a European 'light' population server and there are always people to play with. Even not during prime time - not significantly harder to find people to play with more than it was in say a WoW 'standard' pop server...

I'm not saying that all the people who made a poor choices with their server and got into an almost dead one should go f*ck themselves but it sure would help if they stop b*tching here about how the game is 'lame' and 'dead' and making everyone interested flee. I almost ended up not buying this game just because of those idiots - imagine what if maybe thousands like me decided not to buy it just because of threads like that.

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Not everyone here is on EU servers.

I logged into the server where my 2 50s in end game gear are last night during prime time.


There was a total of 16 people on fleet. At least half of them were under lvl 50.


Yes I have re rolled somewhere else. The problem is giving up end game play/gear and legacy.


I really really hope this issue is addressed soon. I know for a fact that lots are just playing until the free 30 days runs out, myself included unless things change.


I love this game but starting over is really frustrating.


If this isn't fixed soon a lot of people will leave in search of other games coming out soon, such as Diablo 3 or Guild wars 2.


I've posted on here my dissatisfaction over mergers/transfers and so have many others.

Lets hope Bioware takes action before the Standard servers also become light servers.

Fatman will be the only server left to play on.:mad:

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Not everyone here is on EU servers.

I logged into the server where my 2 50s in end game gear are last night during prime time.


There was a total of 16 people on fleet. At least half of them were under lvl 50.


Yes I have re rolled somewhere else. The problem is giving up end game play/gear and legacy.


I really really hope this issue is addressed soon. I know for a fact that lots are just playing until the free 30 days runs out, myself included unless things change.


I love this game but starting over is really frustrating.


If this isn't fixed soon a lot of people will leave in search of other games coming out soon, such as Diablo 3 or Guild wars 2.


I've posted on here my dissatisfaction over mergers/transfers and so have many others.

Lets hope Bioware takes action before the Standard servers also become light servers.

Fatman will be the only server left to play on.:mad:


You forget also "Tomb of Freedon Nadd")))


Imagine after 2-3 months of doing nothing how BW supports these to servers and perforem every whim of last 20k subscribers))))

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I'm not one to moan or complain, but this is one thing I'm a little upset about. The server I run on gets around 6-12 people on the fleets at a given moment. I seriously can over look just about anything else in this game, but it's ridiculously hard to find decent groups for warzones and flashpoints. I'm fine with being able to move my characters to another server if it's easier, but I just need something to do on the side.


I'm on Keetael, by the way.

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They are working on server transfers. But if they dont allow all toons to be transfered for free, the whole legacy system is pointless. Posting my rant below.


Ill try not to QQ but itll be hard to sound level headed. This game desperately needs a server merge, or unlimited free transfers. My server is empty, I cant consider TOR an MMO at this population, and at the current state of end game, this is crippling (about 5 people on the repub fleet during off hours). The entire legacy system is built upon multiple characters on one server, as such if they don't allow for you to move ALL of your characters for free, server transfers will not solve the problem. Rerolling on a new server invalidates all of the work I've put in so far, and is not an option. It is frustrating that server merges are off limits, because it would be an incredibly easy solution. I will wait out my pay period and the extra free 30 days, but if nothing is done to remedy this, I will most likely be joining my friends who still play WoW (though I havent played for upwards of 4 years). Server merge or unlimited free transfers by the end of the free 30 days please please please, or I will be another casuality that actually enjoys the game, and I'm sure there will be many more.

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Server Merge Seems like a viable solution until you think on;


1.where will you go? will you pick or the devs?


2. if you are leaving a communty attitude on a server, how do you ensure your leaving it,

and it isnt coming with you?


3.The server imbalance was partly due to that pre-guild plan where guild numbers got inflated, threw a few things off...what criteria will make servers open to go to, or what servers will be "Transfer from only"?


There is so many other things I can mention, so then you say, well given a free transfer, everyone would go to a few servers that are full and cause the same problem of wait times etc. Yes I belive this could very well happen with free transfers as well.


Lets consider... Anyone here who has rerolled on a new server, had to look at it for a few days, make up their mind to it, roll a tune and see what the chat and groups are like. And is the server already too full.


Paid to transfer system would almost certainly make you do this before you dropped down the cash...yes?


Would this not make for stronger need to get with guildies and freinds to figure out where the best place to land is ? And not just jump onto Fatman, or Swiftsure because of numbers alone?


Lastly, would you not call the topics of paid transfers, and sever merges, to be 2 different things?( personal peeve for mods )

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I love this game so much. I planned (and would still love to) play this game until it's death. I was just expecting that death to come years from now, not weeks. Bioware, I'm begging you to please save your own game! I don't care how you solve the problem, but the populations NEED to be addressed or even players like me who love your game and your company will be forced to quit because the game is unplayable at current population levels. This is priority 1 now, so stuff your pride and whatever other plans you have and focus on this. I can't justify renewing my sub until I at least hear about a plan to address this. If you wait months, it will be too late... :(
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No merges for a long long time. :)


Stephen Reid posted some things on Twitter regarding this on 4/14. Nothing definitive, sure, but info nonetheless.


Here it is:



@Rockjaw We all appreciate the hard work that went into 1.2, thanks. Is there any word on character transfers?


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

@pgdeaner Being worked on.



@Rockjaw Is merging something you might do? I love my community, but I hate that in the prime time theres like 40 on the fleet..


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

@Meheecan We are getting character transfer ready, which will help.

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been reading these forums and all i see is people wanting free transfers. well not to burst your bubbles that is not going to help the fact there is TOO MANY SERVERS.


simply put there are not enough players for the amount of servers active. so transfers are just going to hurt the population on most of the servers. witch as we know are already hurting as the system is now.


the only way to truely fix the issue at hand is to merge servers. basically cut the amount of servers active in half. this will bring all the dead servers to atleast heavy.


once the servers have been merged then alowing transfers would be much more reasonable. for now transfers are not and will not help the issue of population.


merging would also be a simple way of dealing with the legacy system and a added bonus to those people who are on a server witch gets merged get the option to rename your legacy.


so again transfers are not going to help untill the servers get merged. otherwise all we are going to have is a bunch of people transfering to random servers like chickens with the head cut off.


MERGING would also be way easier for Bioware to deal with rather than 750k server transfer request. merge first and you will lower the amount of people wanting to transfer witch would be the smartest thing to do.

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The whiners whined at launch when lots of servers had queues. Bioware responded by raising server caps and adding servers. But, as always, the whining doesn't stop, it just finds a new direction.


Now, whiners whine about NOT having a server queue.


The silent majority on your *ALERT: sarcasm* "ghost server" */sarcasm* doesn't want a server merge, they're too busy NOT sitting around on the fleet twiddling their thumbs and spamming.


I have 3 Republic 50s on a decidedly Imp-heavy server that hovers between Light/Standard, and I have a Sith on The Fatman I've toyed with off and on for 3 months (he's on Voss). I've seen both "sides" of the coin.


Why isn't the Sith 50 after 3 months?

Because I'm not sitting in an "effing" queue, for one thing.

The fleet lags there.

General chat there is an abomination, and I'm not talking about just the fleet.

He's Sith, after all, they're the bad guys.

I'm too busy playing on my "ghost server" Republic characters.


Server merge? NO. Not needed. Quit crying.


Paid server transfers? I don't have a problem with this at all! I'll not begrudge someone from joining the "winning team" if they so desire, plus it generates a little extra revenue for Bioware. However, until they're available, a wise man in another thread offered these two options:

1) Reroll

2) Unsub


I, along with most of the "silent majority", don't give a rat's rectum which option you choose; as long as it means one less whiner whining about one less thing on the forums, we win.


Wow this guy just wow, i mean seriously, people complained about server queues when game came out because guess what, there was over 3 times the amount of playerbase that we have today, it makes logical sense to introduce server merges now that things have calmed down, the playerbase is more steady now and they can control the population across the server's alot better, as for people whining all the time, you make me laugh, the game came out with probobly the worst limit server cap ive ever seen in any mmo, do you even have a clue how many people 1 single wow server holds? whats that 1000 max? wrong, try 20,000, now consider every damn planet in swtor has on average 20-60 peak times and fleet with its average 150, do maths come back then understand valid complaints, thanks.

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Stephen Reid posted some things on Twitter regarding this on 4/14. Nothing definitive, sure, but info nonetheless.


Here it is:



@Rockjaw We all appreciate the hard work that went into 1.2, thanks. Is there any word on character transfers?


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

@pgdeaner Being worked on.



@Rockjaw Is merging something you might do? I love my community, but I hate that in the prime time theres like 40 on the fleet..


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

@Meheecan We are getting character transfer ready, which will help.



And how does a transfer help? If I pay to transfer to a more populated server, how does that help the people left behind? They get even less people to play with. If you think for some odd reason you'll get to transfer for free, then what do you think BioWare would do with all the completely dead servers once most have transferred off?


Yea, they'll merge or close servers eventually. But only after they milk a paid transfer system for all they can get.

Edited by Kourage
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And how does a transfer help? If I pay to transfer to a more populated server, how does that help the people left behind? They get even less people to play with. If you think for some odd reason you'll get to transfer for free, then what do you think BioWare would do with all the completely dead servers once most have transferred off?


Yea, they'll merge or close servers eventually. But only after they milk a paid transfer system for all they can get.


dead probably will always have free transfer to other servers. They will just eat the cost of runnoing empty servers because no mmo wants to admit they need to close servers. WoW has been doing this for years.

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