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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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why you follow a trolling thread ?


I dont see it that way mate..


I like to see different opinions.. even if those are complains or even if are the way you are calling them... i just want some ppl to show some understanding to those complains.


I follow this thread because it something that matters to me.. because they way things are atm it made me reroll for 3 times and i got only frustration more than satisfaction in-game.

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The whiners whined at launch when lots of servers had queues. Bioware responded by raising server caps and adding servers. But, as always, the whining doesn't stop, it just finds a new direction.


Now, whiners whine about NOT having a server queue.


The silent majority on your *ALERT: sarcasm* "ghost server" */sarcasm* doesn't want a server merge, they're too busy NOT sitting around on the fleet twiddling their thumbs and spamming.


I have 3 Republic 50s on a decidedly Imp-heavy server that hovers between Light/Standard, and I have a Sith on The Fatman I've toyed with off and on for 3 months (he's on Voss). I've seen both "sides" of the coin.


Why isn't the Sith 50 after 3 months?

Because I'm not sitting in an "effing" queue, for one thing.

The fleet lags there.

General chat there is an abomination, and I'm not talking about just the fleet.

He's Sith, after all, they're the bad guys.

I'm too busy playing on my "ghost server" Republic characters.


Server merge? NO. Not needed. Quit crying.


Paid server transfers? I don't have a problem with this at all! I'll not begrudge someone from joining the "winning team" if they so desire, plus it generates a little extra revenue for Bioware. However, until they're available, a wise man in another thread offered these two options:

1) Reroll

2) Unsub


I, along with most of the "silent majority", don't give a rat's rectum which option you choose; as long as it means one less whiner whining about one less thing on the forums, we win.

And many of us dont give a rat's *** for fanboys who are unable to read or comprehend the valid concerns that are raised by hundreds of other players. WoW have done a good job of reacting to concerns of the fan base. Games that ignore them lose players and limp along, with a few remaining fan boys telling themselves that "[Vanguard/AoC/WAR etc] is great" and they are glad all the "whiners" left.

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And many of us dont give a rat's *** for fanboys who are unable to read or comprehend the valid concerns that are raised by hundreds of other players.


If your concerns are "valid", why aren't you able to voice them without insults, name calling, and wild accusations?

Edited by Kthx
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And many of us dont give a rat's *** for fanboys who are unable to read or comprehend the valid concerns that are raised by hundreds of other players. WoW have done a good job of reacting to concerns of the fan base. Games that ignore them lose players and limp along, with a few remaining fan boys telling themselves that "[Vanguard/AoC/WAR etc] is great" and they are glad all the "whiners" left.


LOL yeah Blizz is so great at listening to players they lost what? 50% of their USA/Europe player base? All of which just after an expansion ...

You might want to have a look at WoW forums, they are almost a mirror of these.... Especially the "MY SERVER IS TEH EMPTY GIEF TRANSFER" and the "BLIZZARD YOU RUINED MY LIFE" threads

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If your concerns are "valid", why aren't you able to voice them without insults, name calling, and wild accusations?


The guy he quoted did the did the exact same thing, for starters.


Secondly, you never responded to me when you asked for some sort of numbers. I'd like to think you just didn't see it but my gut says you had nothing to say to it.

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I can tell you from first hand experience in SWG that if they offer free open transfers to anywhere the player wants to go, that you will end up with a couple packed servers and nearly all others will become ghost towns.


Given that there is no player housing or player cities, server merges are the way to go. Just move entire server populations in whole to a different server. Guilds stay intact, communities stay intact. Most players wouldn't even know they had been moved until they saw an abundance of other players.

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I can tell you from first hand experience in SWG that if they offer free open transfers to anywhere the player wants to go, that you will end up with a couple packed servers and nearly all others will become ghost towns.


Given that there is no player housing or player cities, server merges are the way to go. Just move entire server populations in whole to a different server. Guilds stay intact, communities stay intact. Most players wouldn't even know they had been moved until they saw an abundance of other players.



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given that there is no player housing or player cities, server merges are the way to go. Just move entire server populations in whole to a different server. Guilds stay intact, communities stay intact. Most players wouldn't even know they had been moved until they saw an abundance of other players.



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Here's my prediction.


This will not get an official response until they are 'just' about to open up the Aussie transfers and are comfortable with the transfer system in general.


The response will most likely be that "transfers" are coming, they won't specific paid or unpaid because they want to see if you'll pay them to make this problem go away.


When the community freaks out about paid transfers they'll say something like "We never said we were going to charge you, we just didn't say explicitely that they would be free"


They'll offer transfers and the above SWG reference will come to pass. 2-5 servers will become instantly packed and 'full' and the rest will essentially remain ghost towns. They will eventually close those servers.


After reading the nearly 2000 pages of posts on this with no official response I finally determined that the chances of us getting a merge are slim to 0. Mostly for political reasons. They don't want the bad PR from the merge, they don't want to deal with "forcing" people to change their names. if you select to transfer then you've made the choice and they can't get yelled at. This is not the optimal fix but unfortunately for them (and me to a certain extent) it's too little too late. My current subscription will most likely end before they offer up a way for me to 'fix' my play experience and I'm probably not going to resub until they launch their first major expansion or some other 'killer feature' appears. Perhaps 1.3 when the rest of the legacy (the stuff I mainly care about) comes out.


best of luck to you guys, this is me, signing off.

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The whiners whined at launch when lots of servers had queues. Bioware responded by raising server caps and adding servers. But, as always, the whining doesn't stop, it just finds a new direction.


Now, whiners whine about NOT having a server queue.


The silent majority on your *ALERT: sarcasm* "ghost server" */sarcasm* doesn't want a server merge, they're too busy NOT sitting around on the fleet twiddling their thumbs and spamming.


I have 3 Republic 50s on a decidedly Imp-heavy server that hovers between Light/Standard, and I have a Sith on The Fatman I've toyed with off and on for 3 months (he's on Voss). I've seen both "sides" of the coin.


Why isn't the Sith 50 after 3 months?

Because I'm not sitting in an "effing" queue, for one thing.

The fleet lags there.

General chat there is an abomination, and I'm not talking about just the fleet.

He's Sith, after all, they're the bad guys.

I'm too busy playing on my "ghost server" Republic characters.


Server merge? NO. Not needed. Quit crying.


Paid server transfers? I don't have a problem with this at all! I'll not begrudge someone from joining the "winning team" if they so desire, plus it generates a little extra revenue for Bioware. However, until they're available, a wise man in another thread offered these two options:

1) Reroll

2) Unsub


I, along with most of the "silent majority", don't give a rat's rectum which option you choose; as long as it means one less whiner whining about one less thing on the forums, we win.


Don't worry. When transfers come and servers start getting queues again, the very same people crying for mergers and transfers now will then be crying because of queue times.


The never-ending circle of whining. It is self-sustaining.


The best part about the quote a few posts up is the no server merger. I've been reinforcing this for a long time, but no one ever listens. Mergers are signs of dying games. This game isn't dying. So no mergers. Common sense, really.

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I have faith that BW isn't going to let happen what happened in Rift... Surely we won't see full open transfers available.


Transfers from/to certain servers, or better yet maybe they'll merge servers by population to try to even things out.


Even when they said "no mergers" people still think there will be mergers? Really?

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Why dont you read the post to which I responded? I paraphrased his words.


Yes, so how was that a mature response? If you have a valid concern, make your case in a civil way and back it up with facts.

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You have no clue how it will be rolled out.. You have no clue how the populations will be controlled. You have no clue how the transfer system will be structured. You have no clue if they will even charge for the service. Trion didn't, Bioware could very well make it a free service as well.


You are complaining just to complain. Transfers allow the player to make the choice. Forced mergers take control away. But my guess is that you'd find a way to complain if your ice cream was to cold.


Even if you are not allowed to transfer to the few heavy servers, the servers that are really bad at the moment will only get worse - no one is going to transfer to a dead server. So what you'll see is some more servers get heavier, and a load more get emptier.


It doesn't really solve the problem.

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I rarely log onto my original server anymore. Usually just to sell things I have already gathered or crafted. Occasionally I will queue up some Artifact quality Earpieces. Seems just myself and 2 others sell them anymore. It's a shame how empty that servers GTN is.



103 members in my guild. 13 are retired and 24 are alts so it's really 66 members, but I have not seen anyone else logged on any of the times I've popped in.



Only 34 Imperial players currently logged in. That's pathetic, no matter what time or day.

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The guy he quoted did the did the exact same thing, for starters.


That's a new low in maturity, if that is the rationale (and against forum rules).


Secondly, you never responded to me when you asked for some sort of numbers. I'd like to think you just didn't see it but my gut says you had nothing to say to it.


I didn't see it, so I have no clue what you are talking about. Don't presume anything about my thoughts and opinions unless I said something. You are having an argument with yourself: Not a very challenging debate.

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That's a new low in maturity, if that is the rationale (and against forum rules).




I didn't see it, so I have no clue what you are talking about. Don't presume anything about my thoughts and opinions unless I said something. You are having an argument with yourself: Not a very challenging debate.


Way ahead of you, I PM'd it to you. Enjoy.



One of the things I love about these forums.

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That's a new low in maturity, if that is the rationale (and against forum rules).




I didn't see it, so I have no clue what you are talking about. Don't presume anything about my thoughts and opinions unless I said something. You are having an argument with yourself: Not a very challenging debate.


No offense but people should really toughen up and roll with the punches, stop being so worried and hung up about how you were "verbally wronged". They are just words.

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Even if you are not allowed to transfer to the few heavy servers, the servers that are really bad at the moment will only get worse - no one is going to transfer to a dead server. So what you'll see is some more servers get heavier, and a load more get emptier.


It doesn't really solve the problem.


They will have to add server closings along with forced merging for players who do not wish to transfer out in order to clean the dead servers out.


Will they do that? No idea.

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I didn't see it, so I have no clue what you are talking about. Don't presume anything about my thoughts and opinions unless I said something. You are having an argument with yourself: Not a very challenging debate.


Thanks for the PM with the wall of text. Your points would come across better if you made them clear and succinct.


Some relevant responses:


Originally Posted by Kthx

You still don't explain how 1.7 million would not feel dead but 1.5 million would.


I never said 1.7 wouldn't either, I just don't think they have those numbers.


You are accusing Bioware of lying in its earnings call.


I also don't understand your distinction between "feel dead" and "be dead".


"Feels dead" - 50 people on fleet

"be dead" - 0 people on fleet


Thank you for the explanation. Can we now expect those of you in the "servers are dying" camp to be clear that what you really mean is that your perception is that the servers feel dead? The hyperboles only undermine your case.


I'm sorry you had trouble understanding it. Ignore the link then. I'll break it down.


I'm not going to sink to your level of personal insults. When you are ready to be civil, I will respond.


[Long explanation of assumptions on relationship between subscriptions and server population deleted.]


I will just note that when you say things like "there are only really 4 servers that I know of between US and EU that have heavy or above designations", you either are either misreading the data or are deliberately not being truthful. This is actually one area where there is no ambiguity: Torstatus reports 21 servers as heavy or above:






Aren't green and amber heavy and very heavy, respectively, yellow standard, and white light? Or am I mistaken?


tl;dr - Cut the walls of text, state your facts in a civil way, and quit the insults on my intellect.

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No offense but people should really toughen up and roll with the punches, stop being so worried and hung up about how you were "verbally wronged". They are just words.


I'm not hung up and it doesn't affect me personally. It's just immature and weakens your case. Who makes a stronger case: Someone who writes clearly, succinctly, and backs up arguments with data or someone who rambles, relies on anecdotal evidence, throws around insults, and mocks others?

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[quote name='Kthx']Thanks for the PM with the wall of text. Your points would come across better if you made them clear and succinct.[/quote] I tried to keep it short, you claimed you didn't understand it. I wasn't trying to insult you, I just wanted to be as specific as possible because when I'm not, you accuse me of being vague, and when I'm specific you accuse me of putting down walls of text. [QUOTE]Some relevant responses: You are accusing Bioware of lying in its earnings call.[/QUOTE] Not even in the slightest. Bioware made that call how long ago? 2 months? A month? I don't think that at this current time, they have 1.7 million subs. They might have then, I don't think they do now. Even if you want to distribute another 200,000 subs that only comes out to be 1000 per server, or 500 per side - and that's assuming everyone logs in. We already pointed out that MMOs rarely have more then 10% of their playerbase on and active. You're looking at another 50 people per night at most on some fleets, assuming equal distribution which clearly this game doesn't have. My point? 1.7 or 1.5, or 1.3, whatever. Too many servers. [QUOTE]Thank you for the explanation. Can we now expect those of you in the "servers are dying" camp to be clear that what you really mean is that your perception is that the servers feel dead? The hyperboles only undermine your case.[/QUOTE] Really? "My server is dead" is not to be taken literally. Its a point of reference. if the GTN has very few items on it, PvP ques don't pop, and its impossible to get a group together then for all intents and purposes, it is dead - because if the server actually only had 1 person on it, the gaming expeirence wouldn't be that much different. [QUOTE]I'm not going to sink to your level of personal insults. When you are ready to be civil, I will respond. [/QUOTE] Personal insults? You claim you didn't understand it. I went into detail. You then claim its too long. Like, which is it? [quote][Long explanation of assumptions on relationship between subscriptions and server population deleted. I will just note that when you say things like "there are only really 4 servers that I know of between US and EU that have heavy or above designations", you either are either misreading the data or are deliberately not being truthful. This is actually one area where there is no ambiguity: Torstatus reports 21 servers as heavy or above: [url]http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats[/url] [url]http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu[/url] [url]http://www.torstatus.net/shards/apac/stats[/url] Aren't green and amber heavy and very heavy, respectively, yellow standard, and white light? Or am I mistaken? tl;dr - Cut the walls of text, state your facts in a civil way, and quit the insults on my intellect.[/QUOTE] Do you realize that saying that there are more heavy servers only weakens your argument? By saying there are 10 or even 20 heavy servers instead of 4 (which I mostly accounted for) it just means that a larger portion of the population then I originally anticipated is on the relatively same small amount of servers, and thus the other 190 or 180 or so have a worse population then I originally anticipated? Whatever, I'm done with you. Not only do you take everything entirely too personal, you refuse to believe that a statistically significant portion of the population has population problems on their server. I'm willing to admit that this game is perfectly fine on some peoples servers, but you seem to refuse to believe many more have issues on theirs.
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