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10 Good
  1. I beat it last night using the proper mechanics (or what I think are proper mechanics) it didn't glitch. Today, doing the weekly, I dismissed my companion, hid behind a pillar, and LOS'd him the entire fight. I threw some occasional heals on the healer. but I did no dmg to the boss. I interrupted Dark Growth at the end.
  2. It's a good thing we had some folks who are really into GSF.
  3. After yesterday's patch I assumed that I would be putting on my 69 mod'd Black Market Gear in place of the EWH gear. But I found the 63 mod'd EWH gear still "bolstered" me with my main stat/expertise. I can't wrap my head around that. I understand that this will soon been a non-issue as I slowly gather Partisan/Conqueror. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of crazy math is the Level 55 bolster? Am I remaining with the EWH gear till replaced with Partisan the right thing--or am I missing something?
  4. I find that balance isn't a huge issue. I like classes having flavor. Another MMO I used to played was constantly tweaking for "balance too and every class ended up being mirror versions of each other.
  5. All changes seem to be fine and dandy. Personally, I kinda like stomping everyone because my gear is better, but I recognize wanting to put everyone on an even playing field in lowbies. What i didn't like in this article was the proposed changes to Civil War (Alderran). By far, my favorite PVP zone, and most of the people I play with love civil war. I would suggest not messing with stuff that works and go ahead and give us some more maps.
  6. Yeah, understand things happen but after a couple hours and basically having the boss down on a perfect run it hurt.
  7. So after 3 hours of hammering out little mistakes on TFB HM, we get the Terror down to 11% then boom. At first I thought something one shot me...than I thought we finished the fight...than I realized server crashed. The anguish in mumble from guildmates was very clear.
  8. A feature I would enjoy would be an in-game viewable leaderboard for PVP and PVE. I'm probably not a person that would frequent top of the list, but I do like think it's a nice reward for the good individual PVPers, the RWZ team pvp's, guild ops accomplishment to see there names in lights. Plus I always like to see best and see what the standard is. Maybe they could be placed arena/stadium style in the center of fleet. I think a comparable rack & stack like wowprogress but game regulated is what I'm thinking. I'm sure there are downsides to this but I think it would be relatively harmless feature.
  9. Throwing in a well placed apostrophe can help. Since Funkadelic was already taken, my toon is now Funk'adelic...it's not an abnormal character that can't be typed and it read pretty much the same.
  10. So initially in early summer (aka December), we'll get targeted transfers. Which means they'll let folks on high pop servers transfer to low pop servers for free. My question is why would anyone want to transfer off a healthy server like Fatman to a dead server like Dead Weight? I can't see this as a solution..sure they'll progress to open paid transfers, but that'll be further down the road.
  11. I think today was unexpected, but in general I love their maintenance times. As opposed to other game that was biased towards west coasters, I feel their times are more biased towards the east coasters. <--East Coaster
  12. I don't ever remember bliz giving a free day to everyone when they had unexpected maintenance. That is all, I'll keep the positive tone of this thread .
  13. There seems to be a lot of new noise in the game. I'm a headphone wearer and it's kinda driving me nuts. Is this a problem with my machine or a consequence of 1.2?
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