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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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For the casual player the cross server queue is essential. We don't play at peak hours, and waiting 1 hour at midnight for a group is just too much.


1 hour? You must be on a really good server,as a healer it takes me nearly 3 hours to find a tank.

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I'm on a decently-populated server (18th most populated for NA, RP-PVE server).


At peak times, I will get about 90-100 players on the Republic Fleet (The Imperial Fleet will be lower at about 70).


I feel really bad for those people on really low population servers (People saying peak times with 10-20 on Fleet? That's ridiculous, though I believe it. I've seen the TORstatus numbers...).


Since BW has officially said no server merges will happen, only transfers, then I hope whatever system they implement helps. Because even cross-server PVP ques won't help finding a group for a FP or building a general sense of community on one's own server.


This game is supposed to be a Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. For many, and to a certain extent myself, it doesn't feel even close to Massively-Multiplayer. Barely even multi...

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My server, the restoration zone was in the top 5 pvp servers in europe during launch. We had queues of over 1000 waiting positions.


I embraced the waiting time, because I was looking forward to have a healthy population in a few years :).

I was not willing to accept 10 hiurs at tofn. But I was totally wrong.

My server only gets arround 100 people on the imperial fleet at peak times. Warzone queues are about 5 minutes waiting time. And off peak, it feels like playing a dying game.


We need a solution for this. It is no more fun to play this game

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What I don't understand is why Bioware didn't design the server system so that your toon is held within one database and you can select which server to run game content from the server farm.

I personally don't count a few dozen players on a server (or even just me on a planet) as being MMO.


I realise that server farms are expensive, but if a certain well known Icelandic, Sci-Fi, MMO can have tens of thousands of players active on the same server at anyone time then surely SWTOR could have a thousand or even a few hundred?

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What I don't understand is why Bioware didn't design the server system so that your toon is held within one database and you can select which server to run game content from the server farm.

I personally don't count a few dozen players on a server (or even just me on a planet) as being MMO.


I realise that server farms are expensive, but if a certain well known Icelandic, Sci-Fi, MMO can have tens of thousands of players active on the same server at anyone time then surely SWTOR could have a thousand or even a few hundred?


Agree a much better model. The multiple servers model is outdated.

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Visit this site its been tracking population via Light / Heavy etc etc. btw, James the Game Director seems to be living in denial thinking that the population on all servers is A OKAY, I think there is a way we can get a message to him. Stage an ingame protest where we all make chars on one server at the same time haha.


Seems like people are doing that on The Fatman just to prove a point. Of course, the people that were guild drafted to The Fatman are really the ones feeling the pain of that.

Edited by Dolcia
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http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4104318#post4104318 someone told me they are doing server mergers in the future I cant reply on my thread so I must bring it here.


couple questions then, why is it taking so long to do something about this problem that has been going on for months? if they are in fact going to merge why are so many people still complaining about it? and lastly i hear people always saying they wont merge because of bad press, so whats the real story please tell.

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... why is it taking so long to do something about this problem that has been going on for months?
They had to invent a process to move characters from one server to another without corrupting character or Legacy information. They have such a system now and are in the process of testing its functionality.


... if they are in fact going to merge why are so many people still complaining about it?
This is a big issue involving socio-cultural expectations and changing attitudes over time. It essentially boils down to the idea that people don't want to wait, don't think they should have to wait, and believe they have a right to be provided with everything they want, before they even realize they want it i the first place.


... and lastly i hear people always saying they wont merge because of bad press, so whats the real story please tell.
The real story is that Bioware has stated they have no intent to merge servers. There are various reasons the community has identified for why this has been decided, but we ultimately don't know the actual reason(s). Edited by HeavensAgent
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This is such a hot topic and I agree. Servers MUST be merged. I waited over 5 hours to join a PvP match. The queue wait times are rediculous. Obviously this is something that 1,000's of us are telling Bioware. Are you not listening?
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They had to invent a process to move characters from one server to another without corrupting character or Legacy information. They have such a system now and are in the process of testing its functionality.


This is a big issue involving socio-cultural expectations and changing attitudes over time. It essentially boils down to the idea that people don't want to wait, don't think they should have to wait, and believe they have a right to be provided with everything they want, before they even realize they want it i the first place.


The real story is that Bioware has stated they have no intent to merge servers. There are various reasons the community has identified for why this has been decided, but we ultimately don't know the actual reason(s).


These are fanboy responses, not realistic ones. Bad customer service would collapse any business, and MMORPG's should be no different. Why should people keep subscribing to a game that has very little to offer long term players?

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These are fanboy responses, not realistic ones.
Excuse me, could identify which of my statements were not based in information provided by the developers or, in the case of the direction of modern culture, by authorized sources and experts in various relevant fields? Or are you just going to make false claims to troll a response you dislike?


Bad customer service would collapse any business, and MMORPG's should be no different. Why should people keep subscribing to a game that has very little to offer long term players?
The logical answer is simple: they shouldn't keep subscribing. If you feel this is the case, you should leave. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Excuse me, could identify which of my statements were not based in information provided by the developers or, in the case of the direction of modern culture, by authorized sources and experts in various relevant fields? Or are you just going to make false claims to troll a response you dislike?


The logical answer is simple: they shouldn't keep subscribing.


You are missing my point. Bioware should be addressing these issues post-haste since droves of folks are leaving...that's my point.


And...your Niles Crane vocabulary is quite impressive -_-

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You are missing my point. Bioware should be addressing these issues post-haste since droves of folks are leaving...that's my point.
And they are. They would have to be clinically insane not to be. It is their livelihoods on the line, after all.


And as an aside, there is no evidence that "droves of folks are leaving." In fact, the information we have available to us demonstrates that player activity continues to remain fairly steady.


And...your Niles Crane vocabulary is quite impressive -_-
I type how I speak. The character was based on actual observed mannerisms, after all. Edited by HeavensAgent
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And they are. They would have to be clinically insane not to be. It is their livelihoods on the line, after all.


I am starting to think that they don't have the drive since their stocks are tanking, players are leaving, and they didn't make the profit that they predicted.

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I am starting to think that they don't have the drive since their stocks are tanking, players are leaving, and they didn't make the profit that they predicted.
If that's what you truly believe, then you should consider this game a lost cause; if the developers have no drive, no amount of suggestions or demands made by the player community will have any impact on the game's direction.


If this is what you believe, you should cancel your subscription and move on.

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This is the most recent and most complete information I have been able to find on the subject. I post this stuff for the people, like myself, who like to be as informed as possible and can handle that information. Sadly, I realize that this type of information also breeds negativity. Anyway, here it is, an interview from NowGamer.com with Daniel Erickson. The full intereview can be read here.


I encourage you to read the full article to avoid taking any of this out of context, but here are all Daniel Erickson's comments on the subject:


One of the problems we’re running into right now is kind of a classic MMO problem, which is that our overall population of players has not changed, but our peak concurrent users has changed.


As the game goes on and people relax a little bit, not playing the game 7-8 hours a day, you see a lot less crowds especially in certain places. Right now we’ve got our character transfer stuff underway on this side. It hasn’t rolled out yet - it will soon, to allow people to move to servers that will be better to their liking, get communities together. Long term we actually have to look at servers as a whole. The nice part about it is we have doubled how many people we can put on each server since launch. The down side is that at launch, because people were upset at the long queues we erred on the side of opening up more space. What that has now done is separated our player-base into a larger group.


It’s trying to figure out what’s that perfect place where you can handle a big event when everybody decides they want to come back and play, but you can also keep a population that is robust and healthy during the day. I think right now it’s safe to say we are definitely leaning more towards the idea that it’s probably okay to have a queue occasionally on a special thing if it means you’ve got a stronger day-to-day population.


It’s not possible to please all of the people all of the time anywhere on the internet, about anything. We know that. But they’re not wrong. All of the solutions they’re talking about are all solutions that are on the table here. They’re also all tech solutions, so none of them are going to show up tomorrow.


We have everything in the works so we can use it, this is not something that we are ignoring. I know there’s a lot of frustration from the fans because they think ‘hey, we’re not getting feedback’ and the reason for that really bluntly is that once we’ve answered the question, if the answer has not changed, answering it again every week doesn’t actually help, and drowns out people asking other questions.


Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that.


So, yes, they are working on it. They are aware of it. They are trying to implement changes.

Edited by Dolcia
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