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Everything posted by Nikwendale

  1. Should I stay or should I go? Should I just quit this game and wait for 1.3 to come out? Or just quit entirely? Everytime I log on im just disapointed and I quit and play something else. I feel like im throwing them $14 every month for nothing, I might as well flush it down my toilet. P.S. 2 ppl on the fleet and 21 people on whole server *kick in the balls*
  2. Should I stay or should I go? Should I just quit this game and wait for 1.3 to come out? Or just quit entirely? Everytime I log on im just disapointed and I quit and play something else. I feel like im throwing them $14 every month for nothing, I might as well flush it down my toilet.
  3. I agree with Malevous They saw what works and what doesnt from past MMOs all that "luxary" content so called should have already been released right when the game came out. For the people that keep saying it takes time and all that crap, should have been already deveoloped boys especially character transfers. I can not believe the people not seeing this MMO crash and burn, please wake up and look at the numbers. 400k subscribers gone because of pretty much what I already just said not to mention the end game content doesnt take very much skill to beat. I really liked this game, great cut scenes, involved story line, good graphics, and awesome gameplay. With people leaving everyday its harder and harder to do anything, pvp or pve and its frustrating. I am still signed up just waiting and hopeing free transfers or mergers come very VERY VERY soon. This isnt the only game out there so they better act quickly or everyone will be going to D3 or WOW might make a come back with its next expansion.
  4. He says it in 1.3 patch character transfers are in the patch. Anyways Im sorry to say without a release date for all this stuff I am done. canceling my subscription. Diablo 3 came out and im way more into that even know u can only have 4 in a group but what am i saying there is usally only 4 ppl on star wars anyways in the whole galaxy so ya i am done,
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4104318#post4104318 someone told me they are doing server mergers in the future I cant reply on my thread so I must bring it here. couple questions then, why is it taking so long to do something about this problem that has been going on for months? if they are in fact going to merge why are so many people still complaining about it? and lastly i hear people always saying they wont merge because of bad press, so whats the real story please tell.
  6. First off I must say, I love this game. I have a lvl 50 sage, and a 5 other characters that range in lvls spread on a few servers. I think SWTOR is well put together, great story lines, decent graphics and very fun to play. Played it since a week after release date and enjoying the 1.2 patch. The only problem I have with the game is the lack of people on each server. First started playing with a server that was standard sometimes heavy now its always light. There was 113 servers that were light today and its like that everyday around 100 servers light. I realize some people have quit or just are not on as much but doesn't that tell SWTOR something? Merge some servers to get the numbers back where they should be in each, instead of having 116 servers bring it down to like 75. Then maybe 75 servers will b always standard. Its ridiculous to see 5 people on the fleet or being in que for a warzone for 4 hours and never get into one. Its very hard to see end game content with very little people on, if there is only 16 lvl 50s on I will never see any end game content because not everyone of those lvl 50s want to do an op. I am willing to wait for a couple more months and see where the game goes but if no server mergers or character transfers occur then I am sad to say I will be quitting SWTOR. Please post and say if you will be quitting SWTOR as a result in no server mergers or charcter transfers. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4104318#post4104318
  7. First off I must say, I love this game. I have a lvl 50 sage, and a 5 other characters that range in lvls spread on a few servers. I think SWTOR is well put together, great story lines, decent graphics and very fun to play. Played it since a week after release date and enjoying the 1.2 patch. The only problem I have with the game is the lack of people on each server. First started playing with a server that was standard sometimes heavy now its always light. There was 113 servers that were light today and its like that everyday around 100 servers light. I realize some people have quit or just are not on as much but doesn't that tell SWTOR something? Merge some servers to get the numbers back where they should be in each, instead of having 116 servers bring it down to like 75. Then maybe 75 servers will b always standard. Its ridiculous to see 5 people on the fleet or being in que for a warzone for 4 hours and never get into one. Its very hard to see end game content with very little people on, if there is only 16 lvl 50s on I will never see any end game content because not everyone of those lvl 50s want to do an op. I am willing to wait for a couple more months and see where the game goes but if no server mergers or character transfers occur then I am sad to say I will be quitting SWTOR. Please post and say if you will be quitting SWTOR as a result in no server mergers or charcter transfers.
  8. I am and was a healer all the way through the game. (Sage Level 50 geared all pvp gear). I agree with Darkammo. The nerf to healers and a buff to everyone else does not do justice and just makes all healers under dps not balancing them. If we stayed the same and everyone else got a buff that would have balanced it out. In a warzone I still get top heals or second but its way less than before. I was getting on average 300k heals in a warzone now Im lucky to get 250000 because im always dead. The instant someone targets me if its an assassin, maruder, ops well pretty much any dps I can not keep myself alive, and I can defiantly not heal someone else. Another thing with the pvp is the medals as a healer it seems like most ive seen people get is 9 maybe 10 medals if your lucky but on average like 5 medals. Dps gets 12+ medals just because they are dps I think if your a dps the wz just gives you 2 medals just to start the wz. One more thing about the war hero gear MY GOD sages look like sad disgusting creatures with that crap on. If anyone needed a nerf it was shadow and assassins yet they did nothing to them. So Reroll shadow? or change my sage in to dps?
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