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10pm downtime? Really?


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Why can't they just push the maintenance into the early morn. Definitely were less peeps playing early morning than the 40 peep average in Fleet at Midnight.


The further you push it forward the more it affects Europe and beyond.


You're not the centre of the Universe my friend, as much as you wish you were.

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The further you push it forward the more it affects Europe and beyond.


You're not the centre of the Universe my friend, as much as you wish you were.


Right. But it's okay to just eff the same peeps over and over, West Coast/Oceanic, so the rest of the universe doesn't experience a hiccup. Let Europe take their maintenance lumps and you have an argument. Otherwise, I don't give a squat about their universe. East coasters can take a leap too.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I brought the game yesterday, can't play tonight cause I have a poker game, was looking really forward to playing tomorrow. The freakn NZ downtime is from 5pm..... I don't even care about the update im level 10......

Still, its only one day. Plenty of other games to be played!

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Yeah the west coast are getting screwed a bit, and I personally think the 12 till 8am is best. I'm sorry but you can't push it further or it'll cut into EUs primetime. It's as simple as that, they either do maintenance seperate for regions, or they do as they are now.


Let's just not complain for once, these forums need a breath of fresh.air

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Right. But it's okay to just eff the same peeps over and over, West Coast/Oceanic, so the rest of the universe doesn't experience a hiccup. Let Europe take their maintenance lumps and you have an argument. Otherwise, I don't give a squat about their universe. East coasters can take a leap too.


Us Europeans do take our lumps each damn week.


Not only do we have downtime until mid afternoon most weeks if it's delayed then it hits our prime time too. Further east you go into Europe it gets worse too.


You get your downtime when most, and by most I mean probably 90% of players, will be going to bed or quit playing for the evening.


I could ***** and say that as I work nights any day time patching eats into my gaming time in a massive way but I wouldn't want to feel more put out than you now would I?



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I could ***** and say that as I work nights any day time patching eats into my gaming time in a massive way but I wouldn't want to feel more put out than you now would I?


Rotating the maintenance schedule would be welcome. Every week West Coast/Oceanic gets hit...not every now and then, but every week. Your post is lobbied just like someone that hasn't had to deal with any Weekly maintenance whatsoever. lawl@mid-afternoon-gameplay

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HMMMM wonder if OP is married or planning to be... just hope the **lucky bride isn't fashionably late for the big day... can just hear the argument now...


This is not the what was contractually agreed...luv

You said Saturday at 11am... It's now 11:10am... you lied!!!


But, but.... its ...


NO buts... you realise that by being 10minutes late I dont get to MY reception on time, I probably wont get to log into SWTOR until 12:10am now.... that means primetime for me is 10mins less ... You just dont realise the effect this will have on my relationship with you, my Guild, the Forums...


But, but.....


NO! You just never considered my feelings did you... ITS OVER!!


But, But.... Oh thank my lucky stars... you sad excuse for a West Coaster :p

And btw... I've been having an affair with ya best man, and guild officer .. deal with it!! :D


I lol'd. :D

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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




Is there some kind of automated response system to beeyatch about unexpected downtime to deploy major patches? There seems to be.


Or is it genuine and some just can't fathom what their lives would be like without one of the games they play being available 3 times a year at an unusual time?

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How about Bioware keep their word for once and live up to their promise of "keeping downtime consistent"?


The last time this issue came up, that's what we were told.


Looks like they lied.


Please point me to the thread you created complaining about no down time last week? Since you are all about consistency.

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so, 1.1 came on a thursday aswell and the patch to fix it came on saturday. for 8 hours. from 10-18 in europe (10 am to 6 pm) ... yeah... let's see if that happens again.



to people whining about the maintenance starting at 10 pm for them... geez. how many people seriously start playing that late? that is no longer prime-time no matter how much you want to cater to the sterotype of the gamer who doesn't sleep but plays all night long... :rolleyes:

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I like their method of downtime. WoW always annoyed me during major patches as they always target 2pm EST then miss their deadline and finish about 5pm instead. The servers then get crushed with everyone trying to log in all at once which slows everything down. A few hours later there's usually a small patch to fix issues which causes a reboot of the servers meaning east coast US players usually don't get to play until after 8pm. European players might as well not even sign in on patch day.


Bioware has done a lot of things wrong but they've been pretty good on patches. They are usually implemented quicker than their estimate and they work all day to make sure the game is playable when everyone gets home that night (including Europe). It's a much better system and one thing that they've done better than Blizzard.

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A a player who plays once a week on Thursdays this downtime does bug me a little. I just wish they would keep maintenance on a fixed night instead of chopping and changing (this not first time it has been switched to a Thursday). I know it is an important patch, but seeing missed this Tuesday and we have waited this long for it, we could wait just a little longer until next Tuesday.



Bioware, not really fussed about your maintenance times, but please can you keep expected maintenance on a fixed night. It is not all that much to ask for.

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Sigh, you wanted the release date now you have it now you QQ about downtime


when does it stop


yap, in game there are more QQ kids ask other's mon or despise other people's countries,

they are all American.

ex: yesterday in infinite empire server, id: senxxx just did this in warzone.

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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




hey Staavis, when Bioware puts you in charge of everything they do... don't forget about all us little people. I mean, what were they thinking? the alienation! the lack of math-ma-matics! the nerd rage over prime time! You need to do something about this Staavis! We're counting on you. :p

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Wow, this post is incredible! And here I was wondering what I was going to do with all my time now that the "Where is 1.2?!" thread has been closed. I should have guessed there would be more toddlers to wrangle around here.


Do you remember when there were all those people whining about how all they wanted was a date. Give us a date, Bioware. We just want a date. That is all we want! C'mon Bioware! Is it really so hard?




Yes, it is really that hard. Because as soon as they even give an estimate THIS happens. Stephen Reid never said you were getting three days notice. He answered someone's question about how much notice would be given and he said "generally" they like to give "three days" notice. He did not say we are definitely giving you three days notice. Do a little research, OP.


And yes, for the record, this is why they never give us dates. Because people behave like this when they do.

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Wow, this post is incredible! And here I was wondering what I was going to do with all my time now that the "Where is 1.2?!" thread has been closed. I should have guessed there would be more toddlers to wrangle around here.


Do you remember when there were all those people whining about how all they wanted was a date. Give us a date, Bioware. We just want a date. That is all we want! C'mon Bioware! Is it really so hard?




Yes, it is really that hard. Because as soon as they even give an estimate THIS happens. Stephen Reid never said you were getting three days notice. He answered someone's question about how much notice would be given and he said "generally" they like to give "three days" notice. He did not say we are definitely giving you three days notice. Do a little research, OP.


And yes, for the record, this is why they never give us dates. Because people behave like this when they do.


I think there was a bunch of people waiting to pounce on Bioware when they would announce the delay to 1.2.....



...but when that didn't happen, they had to quickly grasp at something else to gripe about. So they unwisely chose something like lack of notice....for something that we were told in early March that was coming "in early April".

Edited by Skoobie
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I think there was a bunch of people waiting to pounce on Bioware when they would announce the delay to 1.2.....



...but when that didn't happen, they had to quickly grasp at something else to gripe about. So they unwisely chose something like lack of notice....for something that we were told in early March that was coming "in early April".


That is the part that slays me! They said it was coming in early April and NOW people are up in arms that they don't have time to get speeders and gear situated. Seriously?! They have been talking about this patch for weeks now! Weeks! As far as I'm concerned, any days past April 1st were bonus days to get your stuff done. If it was that important to you, you should have been working on it the moment you heard it was coming.


And really ... what were you going to do with that extra day that would have had such a monumental impact?

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Rotating the maintenance schedule would be welcome. Every week West Coast/Oceanic gets hit...not every now and then, but every week. Your post is lobbied just like someone that hasn't had to deal with any Weekly maintenance whatsoever. lawl@mid-afternoon-gameplay


In case it hadn't escaped your spoilt bratlike attention.. there was no maintenace for ya this week... this is a game update not maintenace... if ya dont want it.. unsub and go do summing more worthy of your primetime... 99% mof the community seem to accept that they would prefer 1.2 sooner rather than later.


If you had your way then it would all happen from early morning for 8 hrs... you volunteering to work thro the day and the night and help man there support teams, dev bug fixers etc etc when people like you then start whinning about.. its broken, ooh that sky looks red, 1.2 is the SWTOR Apocalypse... ..still dont understand why they choose 10pm... well me thinks you need a life first then maybe your eyes would be opened and your mindset more appreciative... pfft

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It's about more than that.


If this was a F2P MMO, no big deal. I'm not paying for the service, so they can bring down the servers anytime as far as I care.


But, here, I am paying for a service. The service is, access to their servers.


They set an established downtime window, they should live by it.


I'm an engineer. I deal, in precision. Precision measurements, precision estimates, precision in schedules and delivery dates.


I expect those that I do business with, to do the same.


Consider for example: Season tickets to the <INSERT NBA TEAM HERE>


You buy those tickets, with the expectation to gain entrance to the game, upon turning the ticket over at the gate.


If the team decides to suddenly change it's starting times to 3 in the morning, when you can't show up, you'd be a little peeved, wouldn't you? In fact, if suddenly, you had no use for those tickets because of the time change, you'd likely demand a refund from the front office, would you not?




You're so precise, yet your precision somehow missed the Licence Agreement you accepted. They can bring down the servers whenever they want without any notice. And you agreed to it.

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A a player who plays once a week on Thursdays this downtime does bug me a little. I just wish they would keep maintenance on a fixed night instead of chopping and changing (this not first time it has been switched to a Thursday). I know it is an important patch, but seeing missed this Tuesday and we have waited this long for it, we could wait just a little longer until next Tuesday.



Bioware, not really fussed about your maintenance times, but please can you keep expected maintenance on a fixed night. It is not all that much to ask for.


Its not maintenace... thats Tuesdays.. and this week you were unaffected by it cos it was web only... this is a major UPDATE... you know the one we have all been patiently waiting for and many like the OP, moaning cos of the wait.....


last update was on a Thursday.. this is no different

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You're so precise, yet your precision somehow missed the Licence Agreement you accepted. They can bring down the servers whenever they want without any notice. And you agreed to it.


And apparently it missed the definition of the word "generally."

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